100 research outputs found

    Chromosome 10 in the tomato plant carries clusters of genes responsible for field resistance/defence to Phytophthora infestans

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    AbstractThe main objective of the present study was to reanalyse tomato expression data that was previously submitted to the Tomato Expression Database to dissect the resistance/defence genomic and metabolic responses of tomato to Phytophthora infestans under field conditions. Overrepresented gene sets belonging to chromosome 10 were identified using the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, and we found that these genes tend to be located towards the end of the chromosome 10. An analysis of syntenic regions between Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes and the tomato chromosome 10 allowed us to identify conserved regions in the two genomes. In addition to allowing for the identification of tomato candidate genes participating in resistance/defence in the field, this approach allowed us to investigate the relationships of the candidate genes with chromosomal position and participation in metabolic functions, thus offering more insight into the phenomena occurring during the infection process

    Diseño hidråulico de la primera fase de la red de alcantarillado del casco urbano del municipio de Chipaque

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    Trabajo de investigaciĂłnLas redes sanitarias y pluviales son consideradas como unos de los servicios bĂĄsicos indispensables en una comunidad. Cuando se hace un diseño adecuado de las redes y se realiza el tratamiento correcto de las aguas, se pueden minimizar riesgos de salubridad y mortalidad ocasionadas por el manejo inadecuado de las mismas. El municipio de Chipaque cuenta con 188 tramos de alcantarillado existentes, de los cuales cuatro tramos deben ser rediseñados por presentar fallas en sus diseños, 24 deben ser remplazados por no cumplir con la capacidad hidrĂĄulica del municipio y 52 deben ser revisados por el municipio. Este documento tiene como finalidad presentar una alternativa de modelaciĂłn y diseño de las redes sanitarias y pluviales en el casco urbano del municipio de Chipaque, Cundinamarca. La lĂ­nea de investigaciĂłn de este proyecto es hidrĂĄulica, la cual permite la comprensiĂłn de mĂșltiples problemĂĄticas y la capacidad para emplear mĂ©todos contrastados y conocido, ademĂĄs de la efectividad para realizar estudios y diseños de sus redes de alcantarillado de aguas servidas y pluviales.RESUMEN 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. GENERALIDADES DEL TRABAJO DE GRADO 3. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 4. METODOLOGÍA 5. CÁLCULOS 6. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 7. REGISTRO FOTOGRÁFICO 8. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 9. WEB GRAFÍA 10. ANEXOSEspecializaciĂłnEspecialista en Recursos HĂ­drico

    Joint transcriptomic analysis of lung cancer and other lung diseases

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    Q2Q1Completo1-18Background: Epidemiological and clinical evidence points cancer comorbidity with pulmonary chronic disease. The acquisition of some hallmarks of cancer by cells affected with lung pathologies as a cell adaptive mechanism to a shear stress, suggests that could be associated with the establishment of tumoral processes. Objective: To propose a bioinformatic pipeline for the identification of all deregulated genes and the transcriptional regulators (TFs) that are coexpressed during lung cancer establishment, and therefore could be important for the acquisition of the hallmarks of cancer. Methods: Ten microarray datasets (six of lung cancer, four of lung diseases) comparing normal and diseases-related lung tissue were selected to identify hub differentiated expressed genes (DEGs) in common between lung pathologies and lung cancer, along with transcriptional regulators through the utilization of specialized libraries from R language. DAVID bioinformatics tool for gene enrichment analyses was used to identify genes with experimental evidence associated to tumoral processes and signaling pathways. Coexpression networks of DEGs and TFs in lung cancer establishment were created with Coexnet library, and a survival analysis of the main hub genes was made. Results: Two hundred ten DEGs were identified in common between lung cancer and other lung diseases related to the acquisition of tumoral characteristics, which are coexpressed in a lung cancer network with TFs, suggesting that could be related to the establishment of the tumoral pathology in lung. The comparison of the coexpression networks of lung cancer and other lung diseases allowed the identification of common connectivity patterns (CCPs) with DEGs and TFs correlated to important tumoral processes and signaling pathways, that havenÂŽt been studied to experimentally validate their role in the early stages of lung cancer. Some of the TFs identified showed a correlation between its expression levels and the survival of lung cancer patients. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that lung diseases share genes with lung cancer which are coexpressed in lung cancer, and might be able to explain the epidemiological observations that point to direct and inverse comorbid associations between some chronic lung diseases and lung cancer and represent a complex transcriptomic scenario

    RUNX family : oncogenes or tumor suppressors (Review)

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    Q2Q13-19Runt‑related transcription factor (RUNX) proteins belong to a transcription factors family known as master regulators of important embryonic developmental programs. In the last decade, the whole family has been implicated in the regulation of different oncogenic processes and signaling pathways associated with cancer. Furthermore, a suppressor tumor function has been also reported, suggesting the RUNX family serves key role in all different types of cancer. In this review, the known biological characteristics, specific regulatory abilities and experimental evidence of RUNX proteins will be analyzed to demonstrate their oncogenic potential and tumor suppressor abilities during oncogenic processes, suggesting their importance as biomarkers of cancer. Additionally, the importance of continuing with the molecular studies of RUNX proteins' and its dual functions in cancer will be underlined in order to apply it in the future development of specific diagnostic methods and therapies against different types of cancer

    Effective interaction dependence of the liquid-gas phase transition in symmetric nuclear matter

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    The liquid-gas phase transition for homogeneous symmetric nuclear matter is studied in the mean-field approximation. Critical properties are computed using a comprehensive group of Skyrme and Gogny forces in an effort to elucidate the effective interaction dependence of the results. Analytical models for the thermodynamical and critical properties are discussed and compared to an extensive set of mean-field data. In agreement with these models, a tight correlation is found between the flashing and the critical points. Accurate predictions for the critical temperature, based on saturation properties, can only be obtained after the density dependence of the effective mass is properly taken into account. While the thermodynamical properties coming from different mean-fields do not follow a law of corresponding states, the critical exponents for all the mean-fields have been found to be the same. Their values coincide with those predicted by the Landau mean-field theory of critical phenomena.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; added figure and references; revised manuscript for publicatio

    Bark beetles and pinhole borers (Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Platypodinae) alien to Europe

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    Invasive bark beetles are posing a major threat to forest resources around the world. DAISIE’s web-based and printed databases of invasive species in Europe provide an incomplete and misleading picture of the alien scolytines and platypodines. We present a review of the alien bark beetle fauna of Europe based on primary literature through 2009. We find that there are 18 Scolytinae and one Platypodinae species apparently established in Europe, from 14 different genera. Seventeen species are naturalized. We argue that Trypodendron laeve, commonly considered alien in Europe, is a native species; conversely, we hypothesize that Xyleborus pfeilii, which has always been treated as indigenous, is an alien species from Asia. We also point out the possibility that the Asian larch bark beetle Ips subelongatus is established in European Russia. We show that there has been a marked acceleration in the rate of new introductions to Europe, as is also happening in North America: seven alien species were first recorded in the last decade

    Resolving the homology-function relationship through comparative genomics of membrane-trafficking machinery and parasite cell biology

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    With advances in DNA sequencing technology, it is increasingly common and tractable to informatically look for genes of interest in the genomic databases of parasitic organisms and infer cellular states. Assignment of a putative gene function based on homology to functionally characterized genes in other organisms, though powerful, relies on the implicit assumption of functional homology, i.e. that orthology indicates conserved function. Eukaryotes reveal a dazzling array of cellular features and structural organization, suggesting a concomitant diversity in their underlying molecular machinery. Significantly, examples of novel functions for pre-existing or new paralogues are not uncommon. Do these examples undermine the basic assumption of functional homology, especially in parasitic protists, which are often highly derived? Here we examine the extent to which functional homology exists between organisms spanning the eukaryotic lineage. By comparing membrane trafficking proteins between parasitic protists and traditional model organisms, where direct functional evidence is available, we find that function is indeed largely conserved between orthologues, albeit with significant adaptation arising from the unique biological features within each lineage

    Nuclear multifragmentation and phase transition for hot nuclei

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    This review article is focused on the tremendous progress realized during the last fifteen years in the understanding of multifragmentation and its relationship to the liquid-gas phase diagram of nuclei and nuclear matter. The explosion of the whole nucleus, early predicted by Bohr [N. Bohr, Nature 137 (1936) 351], is a very complex and rich subject which continues to fascinate nuclear physicists as well as theoreticians who extend the thermodynamics of phase transitions to finite systems
