23 research outputs found


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    Nach langen Jahren der Kontinuität stand nun zwangsläufig ein Generationswechsel an, der auch Anlass war, verschiedensten neuen Rahmenbedingungen Rechnung zu tragen. Dabei galt es nicht nur, Vogelwarte und Beringungszentrale Hiddensee in den Kreis der Herausgeber aufzunehmen und ein zeitgemäßes, dem Inhalt angepasstes, neues Layout zu gestalten, sondern nach der Umstrukturierung des Journals für Ornithologie auch wieder ein Vereinsorgan zu schaffen, mit dem sich möglichst alle Mitglieder identifizieren können und das ausreichend Platz bietet für Nachrichten und Mitteilungen aus dem Vereinsleben. Entstanden ist eine neue „Vogelwarte“, in deren Schriftleitung neben den drei Vogelwarten (Wolfgang Fiedler, Radolfzell; Ommo Hüppop, Helgoland und Ulrich Koppen, Hiddensee) auch die DO-G (Christiane Quaisser) vertreten ist. Sie wird sich - durchgängig in deutscher Sprache - weiterhin allen überregional relevanten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten aus der Ornithologie widmen, aber auch genügend Raum besitzen für Neuigkeiten und Persönliches aus den Beringungszentralen und der DOG, für Dissertationen, Rezensionen, Ankündigungen und vieles mehr. Wie zu Zeiten des „Vogelzug“ wird die „Vogelwarte“ nun wieder viermal im Jahr erscheinen und so den regelmäßigen Austausch von Informationen ermöglichen

    Cholinergic receptor pathways involved in apoptosis, cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation

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    Acetylcholine (ACh) has been shown to modulate neuronal differentiation during early development. Both muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) regulate a wide variety of physiological responses, including apoptosis, cellular proliferation and neuronal differentiation. However, the intracellular mechanisms underlying these effects of AChR signaling are not fully understood. It is known that activation of AChRs increase cellular proliferation and neurogenesis and that regulation of intracellular calcium through AChRs may underlie the many functions of ACh. Intriguingly, activation of diverse signaling molecules such as Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt, protein kinase C and c-Src is modulated by AChRs. Here we discuss the roles of ACh in neuronal differentiation, cell proliferation and apoptosis. We also discuss the pathways involved in these processes, as well as the effects of novel endogenous AChRs agonists and strategies to enhance neuronal-differentiation of stem and neural progenitor cells. Further understanding of the intracellular mechanisms underlying AChR signaling may provide insights for novel therapeutic strategies, as abnormal AChR activity is present in many diseases

    Human matrix metalloproteinases: An ubiquitarian class of enzymes involved in several pathological processes

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    Human matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) belong to the M10 family of the MA clan of endopeptidases. They are ubiquitarian enzymes, structurally characterized by an active site where a Zn(2+) atom, coordinated by three histidines, plays the catalytic role, assisted by a glutamic acid as a general base. Various MMPs display different domain composition, which is very important for macromolecular substrates recognition. Substrate specificity is very different among MMPs, being often associated to their cellular compartmentalization and/or cellular type where they are expressed. An extensive review of the different MMPs structural and functional features is integrated with their pathological role in several types of diseases, spanning from cancer to cardiovascular diseases and to neurodegeneration. It emerges a very complex and crucial role played by these enzymes in many physiological and pathological processes

    Pursuing genius loci: interaction design and natural places

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    Human computer interaction (HCI) has little explored everyday life and enriching experiences in rural, wilderness and other predominantly “natural” places despite their socioeconomic importance. Beyond simply addressing the challenge arising from applying an urban perspective to designing technologies for use in natural places, we wish to provoke integration of the natural and computational worlds. To stimulate design that both draws upon and affords such integration, we propose seven themes we have distilled from the literature and supplement these with our own research observations. Bodies Imagine and Remember recognizes the inseparability of meanings and corporeal experience of natural places for design. Indexicality and Habitus refers to the need for design to be sensitive to the processes by which natural features become intelligible in our actions and communication. Values and Story-spaces observes the way representations and infrastructures, infused with particular values, become dominant. Identity and Belonging, suggests the need to reconcile designs with couplings between physical settings, processes of community and personal identity. Rhythm and Dynamism considers links between people’s daily routines, nature’s events and patterns and spatial and social issues pertinent to design and in Revealing and Receding we suggest that design must simultaneously fade into the background and provoke seeing natural places differently. Fragility, Liability and Spirituality refers to technological opportunities to support positive relations within ecosystems and recognizing the limits of technological control