1,633 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Mercosur politics: The case of academic degree and its implementation in Argentina

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    El artículo analiza los resultados del Mecanismo Experimental de Acreditación (MEXA) de carreras de grado en el MERCOSUR. El objetivo es realizar una “evaluación” que supere la “medición de sus resultados” a nivel regional e “impactos” a nivel nacional en el caso argentino. Esta política pública del MERCOSUR ha logrado perdurar y transformarse, debido a que independientemente de los impactos directos que ha tenido, ha logrado generar diferentes efectos indirectos positivos en el marco del proceso. De aquí se desprende la necesidad de contemplar el proceso de evaluación de políticas públicas desde una perspectiva integral, que logre englobar, no sólo los efectos directos (medidos a través de indicadores cuantitativos) y las características contextuales de la construcción de la política, sino también los efectos indirectos desde distintas perspectivas. Para ello nos apoyamos en diferentes herramientas del análisis de políticas públicas y en distintas fuentes documentales y en un conjunto de entrevistas realizadas con informantes clave.O artigo analisa os resultados do Mecanismo Experimental de Acreditación (MEXA) de carreiras de graduação no MERCOSUL. O objetivo é realizar uma avaliação que supere a “medição de resultados” no nível regional e os “impactos” no nível nacional, no caso argentino. Esta política pública do MERCOSUL conseguiu subsistir e transformar-se, devido a que, independentemente dos impactos diretos que obteve, conseguiu gerar diferentes efeitos indiretos positivos no marco do processo. Daí, a necessidade de observar o processo de avaliação de políticas públicas numa perspectiva integral, que logre englobar não somente os efeitos diretos (medidos por meio de indicadores quantitativos) e as características contextuais da construção da política, mas também os efeitos indiretos, vistos de perspectivas diferentes. Para isso, apoiamo-nos em diferentes ferramentas de análise de políticas públicas e em diferentes fontes documentais bem como num conjunto de entrevistas realizadas com informantes-chave.The article analyzes the outputs of Experimental Accreditation Mechanism (MEXA) of undergraduate education in MERCOSUR. The aim is to carry out an “evaluation” that goes beyond the regional “outputs measurement” and the national “outcomes” in the case of Argentine. This public policy of MERCOSUR has managed to last and to transform itself. Despite the fact of the direct impacts that it has had, it has managed to generate different indirect positive effects in the frame of the process. Therefore, the need to consider the evaluation of public policies from an integral perspective arises, including not only the direct effects (measured by quantitative indicators) and the contextual characteristics of the construction of the policy, but also the indirect effects from different perspectives. For this we rely on different policy analyze tools and we consider some different documentary sources, as well as a set of interviews with key informants.Fil: Solanas, Facundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones ; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades; Argentin

    Rehabilitation and sustainability in D Major

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    Parting from the premise that in view of the current situation a series of new limits must be established in the construction sector and that inspiration to define these limits is to be found in nature, duly covering - in Euclidian fashion - the many "REs" (reduce, reuse, refuse) that correspond to the attitude with which sustainability is to be confronted in the building sector. As of this point we can undertake a historic review of the past, present and foreseeable future of rehabilitation, in which we explain the milestones that have been reached benchmarks to be taken into account and new strategies and levels of action needed in order to face the future

    Rehabilitació i sostenibilitat en Re major

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    A partir de la premissa que davant la situació actual cal establir nous límits al sector de la construcció i que la inspiració per definir-los l'hem de buscar a la natura, repassem -en clau euclidiana- les múltiples erres (reduir, reutilitzar, reciclar) corresponents a l'actitud amb què cal afrontar la sostenibilitat als sector de l'edificació. A partir d'aquí fem un repàs històric del pasat, present i futur previsible de la rehabilitació, en què expliquem fites assolides, referències per tenir en compte i noves estratègies i escales d'actuació per afronar el futur

    Cooperative exchange vs. competitive commodification: policies of academic mobility in MERCOSUR and the European Union

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    La génesis de los procesos de internacionalización de la educación superior se vinculaba estrechamente a la cooperación académica y científica entre las universidades, aunque el auge de la globalización y los procesos de mercantilización del sector transformaron en buena medida a ese intercambio en competitividad y competencia. Tanto el proceso de Bolonia como buena parte de las acciones de la Unión Europea (UE) pensadas para otros continentes, se enmarcan dentro de la estrategia para el mercado interior de servicios del Consejo Europeo de Lisboa de 2000, buscando una Europa más competitiva, donde el principal interés apuntaba a ampliar su "oferta" universitaria hacia los estudiantes de estos países. En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar cómo ha repercutido el cambio de paradigma sobre las políticas de movilidad académica en el MERCOSUR y la UE, apoyándonos en fuentes documentales y en la literatura existente en la materia.A gênese dos processos de internacionalização da educação superior ligava-se de maneira estreita com a cooperação acadêmica e científica dentre as universidades, embora o auge da globalização e os processos de mercantilização do setor tornaram, em grande medida, esse intercâmbio em competitividade e concorrência. Tanto o processo de Bolonha quanto grande parte das ações da União Europeia (UE) pensadas para outros continentes enquadram na estratégia para o mercado interior de serviços do Conselho Europeu de Lisboa de 2000, visando a uma Europa mais competitiva, onde o principal interesse apontava a aumentar a "oferta" universitária para estudantes desses países. Este trabalho visa analisar como é que a mudança de paradigma tem repercutido nas políticas de mobilidade acadêmica no MERCOSUL e na UE, com base em fontes documentais e na literatura existente na matéria.Originally, processes of internationalization for higher education were closely tied to academic and scientific cooperation between universities, although to a large degree the globalization boom and the sector's commodification processes transformed this exchange into competitiveness and competition. Both the Bologna process and a good part of the European Union's actions conceived for other continents are framed within the strategy for the internal services market of the European Council of Lisbon in 2000, seeking a more competitive Europe, where the main interest was geared towards broadening their university "supply" for students in those countries. In this work we analyze the repercussions of the shift in paradigms of academic mobility policies in MERCOSUR and the EU, based on documentary sources and existing literature on the subject.Fil: Solanas, Facundo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    A União Europeia e a gênese do espaço de cooperação em educação superior e o reconhecimento acadêmico da comunidade

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    Con sus distintos contrapuntos, el proceso de convergencia de los sistemas de educación superior de los países de la Unión Europea y otros veinte países aledaños, no puede entenderse sin evocar la experiencia obtenida a partir del desarrollo de un conjunto de programas implementados por la Comisión Europea a partir de los años 80. Independientemente de los cuestionamientos que se le pueden realizar al “Proceso de Bolonia”, impulsado por los principales Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, éste se asienta sobre las primeras acciones en materia de movilidad territorial de los estudiantes y el reconocimiento académico de esos períodos de estudio. Partiendo de algunas herramientas de análisis provenientes de marcos teóricos afines a algunas subdisciplinas de la ciencia política, como la sociología de la acción pública y las dinámicas de europeanización, el artículo propone analizar la génesis e importancia de las políticas de cooperación europea en el ámbito de los sistemas de educación superior para su convergencia.Besides its several nuances, the convergence process of higher education systems in the European Union countries and other twenty neighboring countries cannot be understood without evoking the experience gained by developing a set of programs implemented by the European Commission in the 80s. Regardless of the questions that can be raised about the “Bologna Process,” it was promoted by the main Member States of the European Union, setting up the first actions on students’ territorial mobility and academic recognition of study periods abroad. Based on some analysis tools originally coming from theoretical frameworks related to other political science sub-disciplines, such as sociology of public action and the europeanisation dynamics, this paper analyzes the genesis and importance of European cooperation policies on the higher education systems and looks for areas of convergence.Com seus contrapontos diferentes, o processo de convergência dos sistemas de ensino superior dos países da União Europeia e vinte outros países vizinhos não pode ser entendida sem evocar a experiência adquirida com o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de programas implementados pela Comissão Europeia desde os anos 80. Independentemente de questões que podem ser feitas para o “processo de Bolonha”, conduzido pelos principais Estados membros da União Europeia, este se senta sobre as primeiras ações no campo da mobilidade territorial dos estudantes e o reconhecimento académico dos períodos de estudo. Com base em alguns instrumentos de análise teórica relacionada com certas subdisciplinas da ciência política, tais como a sociologia da ação pública e da dinâmica da europeização, o artigo tem como objetivo analisar a gênese e a importância das políticas de cooperação europeia no domínio dos sistemas de ensino superior para a sua convergência.Fil: Solanas, Facundo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Urban Growth and Long-Term Transformations in Spanish Cities Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Methodology to Determine Changes in Urban Density.

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    The current work models urban growth in the continuous built-up areas of 47 Spanish cities from the mid-nineteenth century through to the present day. We did this by compiling a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) dataset, based on a series of historic maps and aerial images, and then used this to study urban growth and to make spatial comparisons. Our chosen indicator of expansion: population density, was calculated by dividing the total population of each city (based on its municipal area) by its built-up area during each period. Our results revealed four different stages of growth, each of which was characterised by a certain political and economic reality. They showed the clogging up of the walled city, the shaping of the urban ensanches, the maturity of the compact city and the process of metropolisation

    Lithic economy in South Western France during the Neolithic: A case study from a coastal site - La Lède du Gurp (Aquitaine)

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    The prehistory of South-western France is known worldwide for its rich record of Palaeolithic sites, especially from the Dordogne region. However, while research on the Palaeolithic is extremely prolific, the Neolithic was at the same time relegated to the background. Since the beginning of the discipline, few researchers worked on the Neolithic from SW France. Besides, they focused on ceramic typological analyses to describe cultural groups, rarely considered lithic tools and armatures, and never performed any techno-economical study of lithic productions. For over thirty years, rescue archaeology excavations revealed a large presence of Neolithic sites for this period; nonetheless Neolithic research remains little developed in relation to its potential. As part of my PhD thesis, the aim will be to fill this gap by characterizing lithic productions through techno-economical analyses, in order to describe the cultural groups existing in Northern Aquitania during the 4th and the 3rd millennia. With the example of La Lède du Gurp, a littoral occupation site dated to the middle and recent Neolithic, I will try to highlight in this paper what the study of lithic industries can say about a cultural group at a local scale. The reconstitution of the operating chains and the statistical analysis of small assemblages of non-standardised lithic reduction, allowed us to highlight a similar low investment in lithic production between the Middle and the Recent Neolithic of La Lède du Gurp. Our approach has enabled us to observe that a low investment in lithic production may reflect the complexity of the Neolithic groups and the complementarity of lithic industry with other technical subsystems directly related with the group's natural environment, as may it be the case for salt production during Recent Neolithic at La Lède du Gurp