977 research outputs found

    Sindicatos y Marco Vasco de relaciones laborales

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    La consecuencia lógica, en democracia, de la existencia de un sindicalismo autóctono en Euskalerria es la constitución de organizaciones empresariales también autónomas y el planteamiento de unas relaciones laborales propias. En parte por vocación y en parte por necesidad, al reservar la Constitución en exclusiva al Estado la capacidad de legislar en materia laboral, los actores sociales vascos han confiado en la negociación colectiva a la hora de regular autónomamente el empleo. El artículo estudia las actitudes y la acción de los actores en el empeño, las dificultades provenientes del contexto estatal y los logros obtenidos, a pesar de todo.Euskal Herrian sindikalismo autoktonoa izatearen beraren ondorio logikoak dira demokrazian, bai erakunde enpresarial autonomoak sortzea eta bai lan-harreman propioen planteamendua ere. Demokrazian aldez bokazioagatik eta aldez premiagatik, lan gaietan legeak egiteko ahalmena Estatuaren esku bakarrik utzi zuenez konstituzioak, euskalgizarteko aktoreek negoziazio kolektiboaren aldetik jo dute, enplegua era autonomoan arautzerakoan. Helburu hau lortzearen bidear, aktoreen jarrerak eta ekintzak, estatuaren testuingurutik datozen zailtasunak eta, hala ta guztiz, iritzitako lorpenak arakatzen dira artikulu honetan.La conséquence logique, en démocratie, de l'existence d'un syndicalisme autochtone en Euskalerria est la constitution d'organisations patronales également autonomes et la mise en place de relations de travail propres. En partie par vocation et en partie par nécessité, la Constitution, en réservant en exclusivité à l'Etat la capacité de légiférer en matière de travail, les acteurs sociaux basques ont fait confiance à la négociation collective au moment de réglementer l'emploi de façon autochtone. L'article étudie les attitudes et la participation des acteurs dans cet effort, les difficultés provenant du contexte étatique et les réussites malgré tout.The logical consequence, in democracy, of the existence of an autochthonous trade unionism in the Basque Country is the constitution of employers' organisations, which are also autonomous, and the elaboration of our own labour relations. Partly because of vocation and partly because of need, when the Constitution reserved the exclusive right to the State of legislating in labour matters, the Basque social parties have trusted collective bargaining when autonomously regulating employment. This article studies the action and attitudes of the social parties, the difficulties emanating from the State context and the achievements attained in spite of all

    Over-modeling Reduction in Vector Fitting Identification for Stability Analysis of Microwave and RF Amplifiers

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    [ENG] Over-modeling can be a critical problem for microwave circuit designers when doing a pole-zero stability analysis. Hence, in this project we will aim to develop a new technique and strategy to overcome this troublesome issue, or, to the extent possible, minimize its effects. To that end, we will create an automatic algorithm based on the state-of-the-art automatic Vector Fitting 1 algorithm for stability analysis [10] and a paper authored by S. Grivet-Talocia and M. Bandinu [11]. Moreover, we will implement it in Matlab, where —once the transfer function identified— the corresponding pole-zero diagram will be displayed in order to facilitate the interpretation of the results regarding the stability of the device under test. As an attempt to improve the state-of-the-art method, we will compare thoroughly the identifications carried out by both automatic algorithms. Thus, we will be able to determine the possible advantages of our contribution regarding over-modeling. Furthermore, bearing in mind the general scenario of this project, we will specifically assess the validity of these benefits for the stability analysis of microwave and RF amplifiers. Lastly, we will conclude by evaluating the limitations of the developed technique and by proposing ideas for a further work
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