803 research outputs found

    Application of multisection recursive convolution in 3D FETD-FABC simulations

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    The multisection recursive convolution (MS-RC) methodology is successfully applied to the finite element time domain floquet absorbing boundary condition modeling of doubly periodic structures. It is shown that late time instability, can be delayed by improving the accuracy of RC and it can be effectively avoided by employing extrapolation

    Aproximació a la història de la medicina legal a Lleida (1149-1716)

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    Applying patient‑reported outcome measures (PROMs) in physiotherapy: an evaluation based on the QUALITOUCH Activity Index

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    Background: Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are tools to screen a population, to monitor the subjective progress of a therapy, to enable patient-centred care and to evaluate the quality of care. The QUALITOUCH Activity Index (AI) is such a tool, used in physiotherapy. This study aimed to provide reference values for expected AI outcomes. Methods: A large data set uniting clinical routine data and AI outcomes was generated; it consisted of data of 11,948 patients. For four defined diagnoses, i.e. chronic lower back pain, tibia posterior syndrome, knee joint osteoarthritis and shoulder impingement, the AI responses related to the dimensions “maximum pain level” and “household activity” were analyzed. Reference corridors for expected AI outcomes were derived as linear trend lines representing the mean, 1st and 3rd quartile. Results: Reference corridors for expected AI outcomes are provided. For chronic lower back pain, for example, the corridor indicates that the initial average AI value related to maximum pain of 49.3 ± 23.8 points on a visual analogue scale (VAS multiplied by factor 10) should be improved by a therapeutic intervention to 36.9 ± 23.8 points on a first follow-up after four weeks. Conclusions: For four exemplary diagnoses and two dimensions of the AI, one related to pain and one related to limitations in daily activities, reference corridors of expected therapeutic progress were established. These reference corridors can be used to compare an individual performance of a patient with the expected progress derived from a large data sample. Data-based monitoring of therapeutic success can assist in different aspects of planning and managing a therapy

    Développement de l'implication professionnelle : le cas des enseignants accompagnant la scolarisation des élèves en situation de handicap

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    Atelier 5 : personnel encadrant des enfants handicapésCet article présente une tentative de description et de compréhension des prises de position d'enseignants confrontés, dans le cadre d'une mission d'inclusion, à la scolarisation grandissante des élèves en situation de handicap. Cette étude se réalise en trois temps : une première étape (2010) a cherché à mettre en évidence différents aspects de l'implication professionnelle (Mias, 1998, 2005) d'une population d'enseignants spécialisés ; une deuxième étape (2011) s'est attachée à repérer et à comprendre dans leurs discours la nature des liens établis entre Sentiment de Contrôle (Mias, 1998, 2005), sentiment de latitude (Echène, 2011) et émotions (Rime, 2005 ; Dumont, 2011) ; la troisième étape (2012-2015) se centre sur le repérage des différences significatives de l'implication professionnelle de divers acteurs de la scolarisation des élèves en situation de handicap

    Entire-domain basis function MoM formulation for a substrate backed periodically loaded array of narrow strips

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    J.R. Wait's entire-domain basis function method of moments matrix formulation for modeling scattering from periodically loaded wires in free space is modified using the current edge approximation and extended to include a multilayer substrate. From this matrix formulation, novel analytical formulations for the current and the effective transfer impedance are obtained. The convergence of the matrix and analytical formulations is improved with the aid of an expression by A.L VanKoughnett. Furthermore, for the case of an electrically dense array, the analytical expression of the effective transfer impedance leads to a simple impedance model which is more general than previously published expressions

    Wait-Hill MoM for a lumped element loaded mesh screen on a stratified substrate

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    The generalized thin-wire Wait-Hill method of moments formulation in free space is extended to model plane wave scattering from a lumped element periodically loaded mesh screen backed by a multi-layer substrate. It is numerically demonstrated that the sawtooth function methodology proposed by Hill and Wait for reducing the computation time is applicable. Furthermore, for the case of an electrically dense mesh, a simple analytical expression for the transmission coefficient is obtained

    Entire-Domain Basis Function MoM Formulation for a Substrate Backed Periodically Loaded Array of Narrow Strips

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    Absence of Domain Wall Roughening in a Transverse Field Ising Model with Long-Range Interactions

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    We investigate roughening transitions in the context of transverse-field Ising models. As a modification of the transverse Ising model with short range interactions, which has been shown to exhibit domain wall roughening, we have looked into the possibility of a roughening transition for the case of long-range interactions, since such a system is physically realized in the insulator LiHoF4. The combination of strong Ising anisotropy and long-range forces lead naturally to the formation of domain walls but we find that the long-range forces destroy the roughening transition.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Simultaneous comparisons of treatments at multiple time points: combined marginal models versus joint modeling

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    We discuss several aspects of multiple inference in longitudinal settings, focusing on many-to-one and all-pairwise comparisons of (a) treatment groups simultaneously at several points in time, or (b) time points simultaneously for several treatments. We assume a continuous endpoint that is measured repeatedly over time and contrast two basic modeling strategies: fitting a joint model across all occasions (with random effects and/or some residual covariance structure to account for heteroscedasticity and serial dependence), and a novel approach combining a set of simple marginal, i.e. occasion-specific models. Upon parameter and covariance estimation with either modeling approach, we employ a variant of multiple contrast tests that acknowledges correlation between time points and test statistics. This method provides simultaneous confidence intervals and adjusted p-values for elementary hypotheses as well as a global test decision. We compare via simulation the powers of multiple contrast tests based on a joint model and multiple marginal models, respectively, and quantify the benefit of incorporating longitudinal correlation, i.e. the advantage over Bonferroni. Practical application is illustrated with data from a clinical trial on bradykinin receptor antagonism


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta semester khusus 2016 yang berlokasi di SMK N 1Pundong telah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa pada tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai 15 September 2016. Kelompok PPL di lokasi ini terdiri dari 10 mahasiswa dari berbagai prodi yang berbeda di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Selama kegiatan PPL, praktikan melakukan praktik mengajar mandiri dan terbimbing di satu kelas, yaitu kelas X TP B dan X TAV B untuk mata pelajaran Seni Budaya. Dari keseluruhan praktik mengajar praktikan melakukan praktik mengajar sebanyak 12 kali tatap muka 6 kali pertemuan. Selama PPL, praktikan juga menyusun program- program agar pelaksanaan PPL berjalan dengan lancar. Secara umum, program- program yang telah direncanakan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Praktikan telah berusaha untuk menekan semua hambatan yang terjadi selama melaksanakan program kerja, sehingga program tersebut akhirnya berhasil dilaksanakan. Munculnya hambatan selama pelaksanaan kegiatan merupakan hal yang wajar. Praktikan berharap, semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang terkait