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    This research aims to examine the comparison between interactive computer assisted-learning and textbook-based learning on the ICT learning results upon computer software of the grade VII students at SMP N 4 Wates Kulon Progo. The research methods employed was quasi-experimental. The research design selected was non-equivalent control group design. The research was conducted towards the grade VII students, they were class VIIA (by using interactive computer assisted-learning) as the experimental class and class VIIB (by using textbook-based learning) as the control class in which each class consisted of 32 students, at SMP N 4 Wates Kulon Progo in the semester 2. The sample collection technique of the research employed purposive sampling. The data collection of the research used documentations which comprised of the ICT subject syllabus and the result of the initial condition by using pre-test and the final condition by using post-test. The trials of the instruments utilized the test of item validity according to the expert judgement and the reliability test using Cronbach's Alpha. The data analysis technique to examine the research findings employed tests for normality and homogeneity as well as T-test using SPSS 17.0 program to analyze the data obtained. The research finding suggested that interactive computer-assisted learning was the better media to deliver the learning materials of the ICT subject than textbooks-based learning in term of students’ learning results. This was confirmed by the post-hypothesis test. Using T-test, the significance value of the posthypothesis test result was less than the value of α = 0,05, therefore Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that the textbooks based-learning was different from interactive computer-assisted learning as the media to deliver the learning materials of ICT subject in term of students’ learning results. Based on the descriptive analysis upon the post-test data, it could be concluded that the interactive computer-assisted learning was the better media to deliver the learning materials of the ICT subject than textbooks-based learning in term of students’ learning results on computer software. Key Words: Comparison, learning media, interactive computer-assisted learning, textbooks, learning results


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    Javanese was the language with the greatest number of first language speakers in Indonesia, but the percentage of the population who spoke it as their first language was declining. Before 1990, regional languages were used as the medium of instruction in the first three grades of primary school in many places, and this was common in Javanesespeaking areas. Since 1990, it is government policy that Indonesian should be used as the language of education from kindergarten through to university. However, another government policy was promulgated in various forms between 1989 and 1993 which requires the teaching of one compulsory local content subject and up to three optional subjects in the primary education curriculum alongside the national curriculum. This policy has allowed Javanese to reappear in schools, but as a taught subject rather than as the medium of instruction. In the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Javanese has been a compulsory subject in schools from year 1 to year 9 since 1995, allotted two teaching hours per week, and in Central Java it has even become a compulsory subject for students in years 10 – 12 of high school since 2006. The problem is what this way is effective to maintain the javanese language in java. As the compulsory subject, the javanese is provided in two hour in one week. It is not enough for the students to learn the javanese and its’ culture.So it can not guarantee if the students able to use javanese in communication So this article will try to find The Effectiveness of Javanese As A Compulsory Local Content Subject In The Primary Education Curriculum To Mainain The Javanese Language In Java. The writer will use the quantitative method to find the Effectiveness of Javanese As A Compulsory Local Content Subject In The Primary Education Curriculum. The sample will be taken from some students which obtain javanese as compulsory subject at the class. Some suggestion are needed to the students, the teacher, and the goverment. The students have to learn javanese outside of the class because it is not enough to master javanese language and then it will be used in daily activities for communication. Beside that the teachers must be aware if javanese as a compulsory subject is not enough to make the students using javanese in communication so they can be motivator and a model in using javanese for communication. The goverment have to provide the javanese language subject not only two hour in one week but more than it


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    Gas rumah kaca adalah gas-gas di atmosfer yang dapat menyebabkan efek rumah kaca. Meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan berdampak pada peningkatan beban emisi gas rumah kaca (CO2, CH4,dan N2O). Salah satu aktivitas manusia yang berpengaruh besar terhadap konsentrasi gas rumah kaca di udara adalah kegiatan transportasi. Berdasarkan dokumen kaji ulang Peraturan Presiden Nomor 61 Tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca melalui Documen Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang telah berkomitmen untuk menurunkan emisi gas rumah kaca pada tahun 2030 sebesar 29%. Kegiatan shifting dilakukan dengan menggeser pola penggunaan kendaraan pribadi (sarana transportasi dengan konsumsi energi tinggi) ke pola transportasi rendah karbon seperti sarana kendaraan tidak bermotor, transportasi publik, transportasi air untuk mengurangi jumlah kendaraan bermotor yang beroperasi sehingga dapat mengurangi konsentrasi emisi gas rumah kaca di udara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca (CO2, CH4,dan N2O) dari adanya kegiatan shifting penggunaan moda kendaraan bermotor ke transportasi masal kereta api serta mengetahui proyeksi penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan pada tahun. Skenario perjalanan kereta api juga dibuat untuk mengetahui besar keluaran emisi gas rumah kaca dari perjalanan kereta api lokal. Penelitian dilakukan di Daerah Operasi VIII Surabaya, tepatnya di Stasiun Gubeng dengan menyebar kuesioner kepada calon penumpang kereta api lokal.Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan rumus Laporan Pendahuluan Penyusunan Metode Measurement, Reporting & Verification / Perpres 71 tahun 2011 di Sektor Transportasi. Kota Surabaya adalah Kota Metropolitan sekaligus kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia yang sangat strategis sebagai pusat pemerintahan, perdagangan, industri, bisnis, pendidikan dan pariwisata. Berdasarkan data dari BPS, jumlah sepeda motor pada tahun 2015 meningkat sebesar 5,7%, untuk mobil penumpang sebesar 5,69 %. Sedangkan untuk jumlah bus dan kendaraan sejenisnya pada tahun 2015 meningkat sebesar 5,72% dibandingkan dengan jumlah pada tahun sebelumnya. Nilai pengurangan emisi yang didapat dari hasil perhitungan sebesar 17.427,908 ton, dengan jumlah terbesar dihasilkan oleh aktivitas shifting penumpang Kereta Api Dhoho yaitu CO2e sebesar 13.547,76 ton/tahun, sedangkan yang paling kecil dihasilkan oleh aktivitas shifting penumpang yang terjadi pada Kereta Api Penataran yaitu CO2e 18,71 ton/tahun. Untuk hasil perhitungan proyeksi tahun 2030 didapatkan nilai CO2e sebesar 19.633,418 ton/tahun, jumlah tersebut hanya meningkat 12,65% dari tahun awal. Permodelan emisi GRK dilakukan dengan pengolahan data secara manual menggunakan rumus dasar Tier-1. Dari skenario permodelan emisi GRK pada 4 sampel kereta api lokal Daop VIII Surabaya dengan rute perjalanan yang berbeda menghasilkan besar emisi GRK dengan jumlah CO2e dalam satu kali perjalanan untuk Kereta Komuter sebesar 297,183 kg, Kereta Api Penataran sebesar 852,15 kg, KRD sebesar 936,964 kg, dan yang terakhir Kereta Api Dhoho sebesar 827,561 kg. Untuk memenuhi target pengurangan emisi GRK sebesar 29% pada tahun 2030, pemerintah daerah serta instansi terkait (PT KAI dan Dinas Perhubungan) harus melakukan perbaikan dan pembenahan terhadap fasilitas kereta api serta penyederhanaan prosedur pembelian tiket guna menarik banyak masyarakat untuk melakukan shifting kendaraan bermotor ke transportasi kereta api. Kata Kunci: Gas Rumah Kaca, CO2, CH4, N2O, aktivitas kendaraan, transportasi massal. Abstract [Analysis Of Shifting Use Of Motor Vehicle Mode To Train To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CO2, CH4, and N2O)Case Study: Regional Operational VIII Surabaya]. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that can cause the greenhouse effect. The increasing number of vehicles resulted in an increase in the burden of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, and N2O). One of human’s activity that will greatly affect the concentration of greenhouse gases in the air is transport activities. Based on the document review of Presidential Regulation Number 61 Year 2011 on the National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction through Document Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) Indonesia as a developing country has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by 29%. Activity shifting is done by shifting the pattern of use of private vehicles (means of transport with high energy consumption) to the transportation pattern of low-carbon as a means of non-motorized transport, public transport, water transport to reduce the number of vehicles that operate so as to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gas emissions in the air , this study aimed to analyze the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, and N2O) from their activities shifting modes of use of motor vehicles to mass transit railway as well as determine the projected reduction in greenhouse gas emissions produced in the year. Scenario train trip was also made to determine the major output of greenhouse gas emissions from the local train journey. The study was conducted at the Regional Operations VIII Surabaya, precisely in Gubeng station with spreading questionnaires to potential local train passengers. Cultivation data is done using the formula Preliminary Report Preparation Methods of Measurement, Reporting and Verification / Presidential Decree 71 of 2011 in the Transport Sector. Surabaya City is the Metropolitan once the second largest city in Indonesia is very strategic as the center of government, commerce, industry, business, education and tourism. Based on data from BPS, the number of motorcycles in 2015 increased by 5.7%, for passenger cars amounted to 5.69%. As for the number of buses and vehicles like the 2015 increase of 5.72% compared with the number in the previous year. Emissions reduction Values obtained from the calculation of 17.427.908 tons/year, with the largest number of passengers generated by shifting activity Dhoho Trains which amounted to 13.547.76 tons CO2e / year, while the smallest activity produced by shifting passengers who happened to Penataran Trains 18.71 tons CO2e / year. For the calculation of the projected 2030 value obtained by 19.633.418 tons CO2e, that number increased by only 12.65% of the initial year. GHG emissions modeling is done by manual processing using the basic formula of Tier-1. Scenario modeling of GHG emissions on 4 local train samples Daop VIII Surabaya with different route trips generate major greenhouse gas emissions by the amount of CO2e in one trip to Commuter Trains of 297.183 kg, Penataran Trains of 852.15 kg, KRD amounted to 936.964 kg , and the latter Dhoho Trains of 827.561 kg. To meet the target of reducing GHG emissions by 29% by 2030, local governments and related institutions (PT KAI and the Department of Transportation) have to make repairs and improvements to the railway facilities and simplification of procedures for the purchase of tickets to attract a lot of people to do the shifting of motor vehicles to trains transportation. Keywords: Greenhouse Gases, CO2, CH4, N2O, vehicle activity, mass transportatio


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    Teaching and learning linguistics in higher education is very important especially for English students because of learning language aspects. Linguistics is a course learnt by English students in Department of English Education. In the process of teaching and learning linguistics, the lecturers should focus on the outcome of the learning. They do not only demonstrate how to understand the branches of linguistics such as morphology, semantics, discourse but they also should be able to make a successful teaching and learning. One of the ways is by applying Outcome Based Learning (OBL) which is rarely applied. This approach covers three basic elements: designing the course intended learning outcomes, designing teaching and learning activities, and designing assessment. That is why the literature study is used to know whether OBL can be a potential approach in teaching and learning a linguistics course in Department of English Education. This article focuses on how OBL contributes in the teaching and learning a linguistics course


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    Abstrak Peningkatan penduduk di Semarang berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat. Hal tersebut menyebabkan makin banyaknya timbulan sampah yang ada di TPA Jatibarang Semarang. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, perlu adanya upaya untuk mereduksi timbulan sampah di TPA Jatibarang khususnya zona aktif 1. Salah satu upayanya adalah dengan memanfaatkan sampah menjadi energi. Oleh karena itu, produksi refuse derived fuel (RDF) dapat menjadi salah satu solusi positif dalam penyelesaian masalah ini. Pemanfaatan limbah menjadi energi sangat berhubungan dengan nilai kalor. Nilai kalor yang dihitung adalah high heating value (HHV) dan low heating value (LHV). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kedalaman dan material sampah dengan karakteristik material sampah combustible, serta menentukan nilai kalor HHV dan LHV berdasarkan kedalaman sampah dan material combustible zona aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang untuk melihat potensinya sebagai bahan baku RDF. Kedalaman sampel diambil pada kedalaman 0-1 m, 1-2m, dan 2-3m di bawah permukaan timbulan sampah. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara random sampling. Metode yang dilakukan adalah proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, dan termokimia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampah zona aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang memiliki nilai kalor yang berbeda pada setiap metode analisa yang dipengaruhi oleh variasi kedalaman, jenis sampah dan ukuran partikel sampah. Pada uji proximate, nilai kalor berada di kisaran angka 1000 kkal/Kg. Pada uji ultimate nilai kalor berada pada kisaran 1.994,68 - 9.266,99 kkal/kg. Pada bom kalorimeter nilai kalor berada pada kisaran 5.000 kkal/kg. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi sampah zona aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang untuk diolah menjadi RDF sangat besar. Kata kunci : sampah combustible, landfill, RDF Abstract The growth of population in Semarang increased the amount of waste generation. This causes more waste dump in Jatibarang Landfill. In order to reduce the waste dump, there need a solution in TPA Jatibarang especially in active zone 1. One of the solution is to convert the waste into energy. Therefore, the production of refuse derived fuel (RDF) can be one of positive solution to solve these problem. The concept of waste to energy is very related to the heating value of waste. The calculated heating value is High Heating Value (HHV) and Low Heating Value (LHV). This study aimed to analyze the relationship between depth and material of waste with the characteristic of combustible waste, also to determine the HHV and LHV calor value according to the depth of waste and combustible material in Jatibarang landfill active zone 1 to see the potential as RDF raw material. The waste is taken based on the depth and waste material. The depth of sample is taken at depths of 0-1 m, 1-2m, and 2-3m below the surface of waste dump. The sample is taken by random sampling. The methods were proximate analysis, ultimate analysis, and thermochemistry. The results showed that the waste of active zone 1 Jatibarang Landfill had different calorific values on each analysis which is influenced by the depth variation, the type of waste and the size of the particles. In the proximate analysis, the calorific value is in the range of 1000 kcal / kg. In the ultimate analysis the heating value is in the range of 1,994.68 - 9,266.99 kcal / kg. In the calorimeter bomb, the heating value is in the range of 5,000 kcal / kg. This shows that active zone 1 Jatibarang Landfill has a great potential to be processed into RDF. Keywords : combustible waste, landfill, RD


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    Hotel has an important role in supporting the development of the tourism industry. Many ways are done to attract the guest to use service and facilities in a hotel. One of the efforts is maintaining Food and Beverage well to attract the guests. Food and Beverage Department has important responsibility to maintain food and beverage service and product. Food and Beverage Department has many section that responsible to maintain each section duties. One of the sections is Kitchen Section, working under Food and Beverage Product Division. Kitchen Section has responsibilities for producing and cooking food and beverage for the guest in hotel Kitchen Section has daily job to prepare, produce, and cook foods and beverages for guest. The shift in Kitchen Section has been divided into three time of shift. They are morning shift, evening shift, and night shift, with different duties on every shift.. Kitchen Section has many responsibilities to other sections such as restaurant and banquet. Kitchen Section is the supplier of foods and beverages for banquet event. Kitchen Section also produces foods and beverages that are ordered by the guests. This final project has purposes to find out the responsibilities of Kitchen Section and to describe the job description, responsibilities, strengths, and weaknesses of Kitchen Section at Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo

    Success of Implementation of Computer Crime Act (UU Ite No.11 2008) (a Case Study in the Higher Education Institution in Indonesia)

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    Computer crime rate grow rapidly along with the development of the digital world that has touched almost all aspects of human life. Institutions of higher education cannot be separated from the problem of computer crime activities. The paper analyses the implementation of Indonesia Computer Crime Act (UU ITE NO.11 2008) in the Higher Education Institution in Indonesia. It aims to investigate the level of computer crimes that occurred in the higher education institution environment and the act (UU ITE 11, 2008) successfully applied to prevent the crime that would arise. In this research, the analysis using Descriptive Statistics, Binary logistic regression. This paper also describes the success implementation of the Information System Security Policy (ISSP) as a computer crime prevention policy in higher education institution in Indonesia. In factor of act, clarity of objectives and purpose of the UU ITE 11, 2008 was low, the communication and socialization activities are still low to the society especially to the higher education institution, moreover the control process has been running on UU ITE 11, 2008, but at a low level

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Strategi Belajar Peta Konsep Pada Siswa Keas IV SDN 3 Siwalempu

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN 3 Siwalempu. Rumusan masalah yang diajukan yaitu apakah dengan menggunakan penerapan strategi belajar peta konsep dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SDN 3 Siwalempu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA melalui penerapan strategi peta konsep pada siswa kelas IV SDN 3 Siwalempu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus dengan menggunakan desain penelitian model Kemis dan Mc Taggart. Adapun tahapan dalam penelitian ini meliputi tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi,dan refleksi dan dilaksanakan dalam 1 kali pertemuan proses pembelajaran dan 1 kali pertemuan untuk pelaksanaan evaluasi. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini meliputi hasil observasi aktivitas guru, dan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN 3 Siwalempu yang berjumlah 25 orang. Tes hasil tindakan siklus I diperoleh persentase kentuntasan klasikal dalam kategori kurang. Persentase daya serap klasikal dalam kategori cukup. Pada siklus II hasil tes tindakan meningkat. Siklus II diperoleh persentase ketuntasan klasikal dengan kategori sangat baik, dan persentase daya serap klasikal dengan kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil tes pada siklus II dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan penerapan strategi belajar peta konsep dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di kelas IV SDN 3 Siwalempu

    Pengaruh Customer Sociability dan Customer Service Experience terhadap Word Of Mouth Positif di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Trisakti

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    Purpose – Since positive word-of-mouth (WOM) is an expression of customer-actualizedvalue, the paper postulate that WOM is not only related to a holistic set of assessments ofthe service experience but also to the idiosyncratic nature of the individual customer. Inparticular, do socially oriented individuals have a greater propensity to engage in positiveWOM? The purpose of this paper is to test hypotheses that customer sociability as well as aset of dimensions of the total service experience, are antecedents of positive WOM. Thecontext studied is a dental treatment involving considerable personal meaning and implicationin the whole service process.Design/methodology/approach – A cohort of 120 patients arestudied post-treatment. Independent variables include the agreeableness and extraversion,other-oriented values, as well as dimensions of the service experience assessed by informationadequacy, pain and discomfort, patient-to-patient interaction, patient-to-personnelinteraction, and recovery outcomes. The dependent variable is the strength of positive WOMintentions.Findings – The sociability of patients as measured by their agreeableness,extraversion and other-oriented values is significantly related to the strength of positiveWOM intentions. Also, to varying degrees, all dimensions of the service experience areassociated with positive WOM intentions
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