7 research outputs found
Kent Gay Liberation Front constitution
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 12/07/1975
- Field of study
This is the constitution for the Kent Gay Liberation Front. The Kent Gay Liberation Front began in 1971 when several individual groups joined to form one organization. Bill Hoover and Gail Pertz becaome co-chairs and Dr. Dolores Noll became the faculty advisor. The constitution established the organization’s structure. There were two equal co-chairs, one female and the other male. They were required to make their full names known whenever dealing with the university, the press and public. The same was true for the advisor. Others were not under this requirement, but the basic tenet of the group was to encourage members to come out as much as possible, particularly to their parent
Kent Gay Liberation Front men's raps
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
This is a flyer for the Kent Gay Liberation Front's Men's Raps meetings and the topics to be discussed. The meetings are held on Fridays in the student center at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio
Kent Gay Liberation Front meetings
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
This is a flyer for the Kent Gay Liberation Front's general meetings held on Tuesdays in the student center at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio
Kent Gay Liberation Front flyer
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
This flyer lists the meetings for the Kent Gay Liberation Front and the topics of discussion
The Lesbian and Gay Family
- Author
- Adam
- Ali
- Allan
- Allan
- Altman
- Beck-Gernsheim
- Benkov
- Blasius
- Blumstein
- Bronski
- Butler
- Carrington
- Chauncey
- Connolly
- Donovan
- Drucker
- Dunne
- Dunne
- Epstein
- Finch
- Foucault
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Goss
- Hanscombe
- Harry
- Harry
- Heaphy
- Kehoe
- Levine
- Lewin
- Lewin
- Lewin
- London Gay Liberation Front
- Mansfield
- Mirza
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Nardi
- Oerton
- Pahl
- Peplau
- Peplau
- Plummer
- Rapp
- Rich
- Rights of Women Custody Group
- Rofes
- Rubin
- Sedgwick
- Sedgwick
- Stacey
- Stack
- Strasser
- Stuart
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Tanner
- Trumbach
- Trumbach
- Velu
- Watney
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weston
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Case of Internalized Homophobia
- Author
- Allport G.
- Anderson H.
- Bakhtin M.M.
- Berger P.L.
- Beutler L.S.
- Bohan J.S.
- Bohan J.S.
- Bohan J.S.
- Brown L.M.
- Cabaj R.P.
- Coyle A.
- Cushman P.
- Freedman J.
- Fruggeri L.
- Garnets L.D.
- Garnets L.D.
- Gay Liberation Front
- Gergen K.J.
- Gergen K.J.
- Gergen K.J.
- Gergen K.J.
- Glenda M. Russell
- Goffman E.
- Gonçalves O.F.
- Greene B.
- Harré R.
- Herek G.M.
- Herek G.M.
- Herek G.M.
- Hoffman L.
- Janis S. Bohan
- Johnson E.
- Kvale S.
- Lambert M.J.
- Lyddon W.J.
- Malyon A.
- Margolies L.
- Martín-Baró I.
- McNamee S.
- McNamee S.
- Michael M.
- Mishler E.G.
- Parker I.
- Potter J.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Russell G.M.
- Sampson E.E.
- Shotter J.
- Shotter J.
- Shotter J.
- Stein T.S.
- White M.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Aarkas
- Aas
- Abma
- Achilles
- Ackerman
- Acock
- Adam
- Adam
- Adams
- Adelman
- Agnew
- Ahlburg
- Ahmad
- Ahmed
- Aitken
- Akerlof
- Alan Guttmacher Institute
- Alan Guttmacher Institute
- Ali
- Alicea
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allan
- Allatt
- Altman
- Alvirez
- Alwin
- Alwin
- Alwin
- Alwin
- Alwin
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Amato
- Ambert
- Ambert
- Ambrose
- Amin
- Ammerman
- and
- and
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andrews
- Ang
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Angel
- Anspach
- Anyan
- Applegate
- Aquilino
- Arber
- Arber
- Arditti
- Arie's
- Arkoun
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- Atkinson
- Attias-Donfut
- Bachman
- Bachu
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- Ballard
- Ballard
- Ballard
- Baran
- Barbagli
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- Barringer
- Bartholomew
- Batalova
- Baulch
- Bauman
- Baumann
- Baumgartner
- Baumrind
- Baumrind
- Baumrind
- Beauvoir
- Becerra
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck-Gernsheim
- Beck-Gernsheim
- Beck-Gernsheim
- Becker
- Becker
- Beecher
- Beishon
- Bell
- Bell
- Bellah
- Bellamy
- Bellamy
- Bellweg
- Bengston
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Bengtson
- Benkov
- Bennett
- Benson
- Benson
- Benson
- Beresford
- Berger
- Bernard
- Bernstein
- Berrick
- Berrington
- Berrington
- Berthoud
- Bertoia
- Best
- Bhachu
- Bharadwaj
- Bhrolcháin
- Biale
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- Bianchi
- Bianchi
- Bianchi
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- Bird
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- Blyth
- Boaz
- Bonacich
- Bond
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Booth
- Bosanquet
- Boss
- Bossard
- Botman
- Bott
- Bott
- Bott
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- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu
- Bowlby
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Boyd
- Bozon
- Bradbury
- Bradford
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- Bradshaw
- Bradshaw
- Bradshaw
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- Brannen
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- Brown
- Brown
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- Bulmer
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- Bumpass
- Bumpass
- Bumpass
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- Burgess
- Burghes
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- Butler
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- Caspi
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- Chai
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- Chamberlain
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- Charrad
- Chase-Lansdale
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- Chavez
- Chen
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- Cherlin
- Cherlin
- Cherlin
- Cherlin
- Children's Rights Development Unit
- Chodorow
- Choi
- Chow
- Christiansen
- Cicirelli
- Citro
- Clark
- Clarkberg
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clasen
- Clawson
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- Coenen-Huther
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
- Coleman
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- Coltrane
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- Cook
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- Crompton
- Crouter
- Crow
- Crow
- Crow
- Crow
- Crystal
- Cummings
- Cunningham
- Cunningham
- Cunningham-Burley
- Cunningham-Burley
- D'Augelli
- Daly
- Daly
- Darling
- Davidoff
- Davis
- Davis
- Dawson
- de Jong Gierveld
- Deacon
- Deitz
- Delaney
- DeMaris
- Demo
- Demo
- Demo
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- Dempsey
- Dench
- Department of Education and Employment
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
- Derevensky
- Desjarlais
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dex
- Dhanjal
- Dickens
- Dicks
- DiLalla
- Dillaway
- Dobash
- Dobson
- Domhoff
- Donati
- Donnelley
- Donor Conception Support Group of Australia
- Donovan
- Donzelot
- Douglas
- Douglas
- Dowd
- Downey
- Drucker
- Duby
- Duleep
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncan
- Duncombe
- Dunn
- Dunn
- Dunn
- Dunne
- Dunne
- Dunne
- Dunne
- Dunscombe
- Durkheim
- Durkheim
- Durkheim
- Durkheim
- Eade
- Edgar
- Edgar
- Edgar
- Edgar
- Edgar
- Edgar
- Edgar
- Edin
- Edin
- Edin
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Eekalaar
- Eekelaar
- Eggebeen
- Ehrenreich
- Einhorne
- El-Or
- Elder
- Elder
- Elder
- Elder
- Elder
- Elder
- Eliade
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- Elias
- Elliott
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- Ellman
- Elshtain
- Emery
- Engels
- England
- England
- England
- Epstein
- Erera
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- Ermisch
- Ermisch
- Ermisch
- Esping-Andersen
- Esping-Andersen
- Espino
- Espiritu
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission
- European Commission
- Eurostat
- Eurostat
- Eurostat
- Eurostat
- Eurostat
- Eurostat
- Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics
- Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
- Fehr
- Feld
- Felmlee
- Fennell
- Fergusson
- Fergusson
- Fernández-Kelly
- Ferri
- Ferri
- Ferri
- Field
- Fields
- Finch
- Finch
- Finch
- Fine
- Finkler
- Finnegan
- Firestone
- Firth
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fix
- Flaks
- Folbre
- Folbre
- Foner
- Foner
- Foner
- Foner
- Ford
- Forehand
- Fortin
- Foster
- Foucault
- Frank
- Franklin
- Franks
- Frazer
- Freedman
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freeman
- French
- Frenk
- Friedan
- Friedman
- Frydenberg
- Fuligni
- Funder
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Furstenberg
- Galton
- Ganong
- Gans
- Gans
- Gans
- Gans
- Gans
- Gardner
- Garrett
- Gasparini
- Gates
- Gauthier
- Gelis
- General Household Survey
- Gershuny
- Gershuny
- Gershuny
- Giarrusso
- Giarrusso
- Giarrusso
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Giele
- Gilby
- Gilleard
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- Gillis
- Gillis
- Gilmore
- Ginn
- Glass
- Glass
- Glass
- Glass
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- Glenn
- Glennon
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- Goetting
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- Goldscheider
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- Goldstein
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- Golombok
- Golombok
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- Goode
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- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gorrell Barnes
- Gosling
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- Gove
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- Gregory
- Gregson
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- Greven
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- Griffiths
- Grokevart
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- Guo
- Gupta
- Gutmann
- Guyer
- Gwatkin
- Hagenaars
- Haggerty
- Haimes
- Haimes
- Hakim
- Hakim
- Hall
- Hanmer
- Hanscombe
- Hantrais
- Harding
- Hareven
- Hareven
- Hareven
- Hareven
- Harkness
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harry
- Harry
- Hartmann
- Hartmann
- Haskey
- Haskey
- Haskey
- Haskey
- Hatem
- Hauser
- Havas
- Haveman
- Hayes
- Hayner
- Haynes
- Hayward
- Health Care Financing Administration
- Heaphy
- Hearn
- Heider
- Heller
- Hemstrom
- Henry
- Hess
- Hetherington
- Hetherington
- Hetherington
- Hewitt
- Hewlitt
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- Hill
- Hill
- Hills
- Hilton
- Himes
- His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury's Communication
- Hobart
- Hobbs
- Hobfoll
- Hobson
- Hochschild
- Hochschild
- Hochschild
- Hochschild
- Hochschild
- Hoem
- Hofferth
- Hofferth
- Hoffman
- Hoffman
- Hoffman
- Hogarth
- Holahan
- Hollingshead
- Holman
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- Holt
- Holtermann
- Holtzer
- Home Office
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hondagneu-Sotelo
- Hood
- Hope
- Hoppe
- Horwitz
- House
- House
- Houseknecht
- Howe
- Hoyt
- Hsu
- Huber
- Hughes
- Hulsether
- Hunt
- Hurlbert
- Iacopino
- Iacovou
- Illouz
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- Ishii-Kuntz
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- James
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- Jaspers
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- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
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- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
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- Jr
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- Kamerman
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- Kempson
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- Kibria
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- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
- Kiernan
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- Kim
- Kim
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- Kimmel
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- Kurdek
- Kurdek
- Kurdek
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- Lash
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- Laslett
- Laslett
- Laslett
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- Laumann
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- LaValle
- Law Commission of Canada
- Lawson
- Lawton
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- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
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- Lesthaeghe
- Lesthaeghe
- Lesthaeghe
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- Lewin
- Lewin
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- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
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- Lillard
- Lim
- Lin
- Lingsom
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- Locke
- Loehlin
- Logan
- Loizos
- Lollock
- London Gay Liberation Front
- Lord Chancellor's Department
- Loury
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- Luhmann
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- Lynd
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- Maccoby
- Maccoby
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- Manning
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- Mansfield
- Manting
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- Markides
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- Marks
- Marks
- Marmor
- Marriage and Divorce Statistics
- Marsh
- Marsiglio
- Marsiglio
- Marsiglio
- Marsiglio
- Martin
- Martin
- Mason
- Mason
- Mason
- Masson
- Maticka-Tundale
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- Mayer
- Mays
- Mazur
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- McLanahan
- McLanahan
- McLanahan
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- McRae
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- Milardo
- Milardo
- Milardo
- Milardo
- Milardo
- Milardo
- Milardo
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- Mill
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- Milward
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- Modood
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- Mooney
- Moore
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- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
- Morgan
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- Mott
- Mui
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- Muller
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- Murphy
- Murphy
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- Murray
- Mutchler
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- National Center for Health Statistics
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- National Statistics
- Nault
- ndez
- Neathey
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- Newman
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- Nukago
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- O'Connor
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- O'Neill
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- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oerton
- Office for National Statistics
- Office for National Statistics
- Office for National Statistics
- Office for National Statistics/Equal Opportunities Commission
- Office of National Statistics
- Ogburn
- Oliver
- Olson
- Olwig
- Ong
- Orbuch
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Orleck
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- Oxley
- Paci
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- Pahl
- Pahl
- Pahl
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- Pampel
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- Pappas
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- Parcel
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- Parker
- Parkman
- Parks
- Parks
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- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
- Parsons
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- Patterson
- Patterson
- Patterson
- Paul
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- Peplau
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- Petersen
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- Pfau-Effinger
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- Phillipson
- Phillipson
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- Plomin
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- Popenoe
- Popenoe
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- Portes
- Portes
- Portes
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- Pryor
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- Putnam
- Putnam
- Putnam
- Putnam
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- Pyke
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- Qvortrup
- Raley
- Raley
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- Randall
- Randeria
- Rank
- Rapp
- Rapp
- Rappoport
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- Rayside
- Rees
- Regan
- Reimers
- Rein
- Reiss
- Repack
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- Resnick
- Reuther
- Rhode
- Ribbens
- Rich
- Rich
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Richards
- Ricketts
- Ridgeway
- Riessman
- Riggs
- Rights of Women Custody Group
- Riley
- Ringen
- Roberto
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Rodgers
- Rodgers
- Rodgers
- Rofes
- Rook
- Roschelle
- Rose
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenmayer
- Rosier
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
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- Rossi
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- Rowe
- Rowe
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- Ruivo
- Rumbaut
- Rumbaut
- Rumbaut
- Rumbaut
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- Rutter
- Ryder
- Rytina
- Röthel
- Sam
- Sandefur
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- Santelli
- Santos
- Sarre
- Sarsby
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- Scarr
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- Schneider
- Schneider
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- Schulze
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- Schwartz
- Schwarz
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- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
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- Sedgwick
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- Seltzer
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- Sennett
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- Shanahan
- Shanas
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- Shaw
- Shaw
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- Shelton
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- Short
- Shorter
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- Silverstein
- Silverstein
- Silverstein
- Silverstein
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- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
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- Solberg
- Solberg
- Solien
- Sommestad
- Sonenstein
- Song
- Sorrentino
- South
- South
- Spallone
- Spanier
- Speak
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spillman
- Sporakowski
- Sprecher
- Stacey
- Stacey
- Stacey
- Stack
- Stack
- Stanworth
- Statistisches Bundesamt
- Steedman
- Stein
- Steinberg
- Steinberg
- Steinbock
- Stephens
- Steptoe
- Stone
- Stone
- Strasser
- Stratford
- Strathern
- Strathern
- Straus
- Stuart
- Sucoff
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Sun
- Sung
- Sung
- Surra
- Surra
- Sutherland
- Suárez-Orozco
- Szinovacz
- Taitz
- Tam
- Tanner
- Tasker
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Teachman
- Teachman
- Teachman
- Teachman
- Teitler
- Thane
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorne
- Thorne
- Tocqueville
- Tolson
- Tong
- Toole
- Toro-Morn
- Toulemon
- Touraine
- Townsend
- Townsend
- Treas
- Treas
- Treas
- Treas
- Treas
- Treas
- Treas
- Triest
- Trinder
- Troll
- Trost
- Trovato
- Trumbach
- Trumbach
- Tsushima
- Tu
- Tucker
- Turcotte
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Turner
- Tönnies
- Udry
- Udry
- Udry
- Udry
- Uhlenberg
- Uhlenberg
- Uhlenberg
- UK Office of National Statistics
- Umberson
- Umberson
- Umberson
- Umberson
- Umberson
- UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
- UN Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly for the Follow-up to the World Summit for Children in 2001
- UN Preparatory Committee for the Special Session of the General Assembly on Children
- UN Special Session of the General Assembly
- United Nations
- United Nations
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1996-2001
- United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- Upchurch
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Bureau of the Census
- US Census Bureau
- US Census Bureau
- US Census Bureau.
- US Committee on Ways and Means
- US General Accounting Office
- US Population Reference Bureau
- Valenzuela
- VanLaningham
- Vatuk
- Vaughn
- Veevers
- Velu
- Vertovec
- Vidich
- Vinovskis
- Wadsworth
- Wagner
- Wainwright
- Waite
- Waite
- Waite
- Waksler
- Walczak
- Waldfogel
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Wall
- Wallerstein
- Wallerstein
- Wallerstein
- Wallman
- Walzer
- Wang
- Ward
- Wardle
- Warin
- Warner
- Warner
- Warnes
- Warnicke
- Warr
- Warr
- Warwick
- Waters
- Waters
- Watney
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Waugh
- Weber
- Weber
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weeks
- Weir
- Wellings
- Wellman
- Wellman
- Wellman
- Wellman
- Wenger
- Werbner
- Werner
- Westoff
- Weston
- Wexler
- Wheelock
- White
- Wickrama
- Widmer
- Widmer
- Widmer
- Wiener
- Wight
- Wilhelm
- Williams
- Williams
- Wilmoth
- Wilmoth
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winnicott
- Winter
- Winter
- Wish
- Wolf
- Wolf
- Wolf
- Wolf
- Wollstonecraft
- Wollstonecraft
- Woodhouse
- Worobey
- Worobey
- Wrigley
- Wrigley
- Wrong
- Wu
- Wu
- Wu
- Wu
- Wyke
- Yang
- Yeandle
- Yoon
- Young
- Young
- Young
- Zabina
- Zarit
- Zelizer
- Zerubavel
- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zick
- Zigler
- Zill
- Zinn
- Zinn
- Zinn
- Árnason
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study