38,275 research outputs found

    Contextualizing Indian Gaming for the National Gambling Impact Study Commission

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    This paper discusses the Indian Gaming Subcommittee of the National Gambling Impact Study Commission (NGISC). It illustrates the efforts tribes made to educate members of the NGISC about the positive impacts of Indian casino gaming, and it also highlights the resistance tribes faced from the NGISC

    Area Bombing by Day: Bomber Command and the Daylight Offensive, 1944–1945

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    This article will examine an important but neglected phase of the Allied strategic bomber offensive in the Second World War. Given the very rich literature on the bombing war it is surprising to discover that litle attention has been paid to the daylight attacks undertaken by Royal Air Force (RAF) Bomber Command in the fall and winter of 1944–1945. Nowhere in the existing literature is there a systematic analysis of this period of operations when the RAF and Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) carried out 153 daylight raids between 27 August 1944 and 24 April 1945. Two primary issues will be addressed. The first concerns the accuracy achieved by Bomber Command in its daylight missions. The second is to determine if the reintroduction of daylight attacks resulted in Bomber Command carrying out a different and more selective targeting policy. Both of these issues are related to the more general question of the role played by Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris in shaping the policy of Bomber Command. Harris’s name is usually associated with doctrinaire commitment to area bombing in general and the destruction of German civilian housing in particular. The evidence presented in this essay will allow the reader to form a more complete picture of Harris’s repsonse to the changing circumstances of the war

    Miles to Go

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    Long commutes. Pedestrian safety. Traffic accidents. Seatbelt use. Pollution. The Southern Nevada roadways are filled with transportation research issues just waiting for the attention of Shashi Nambisan. But the director of UNLV’s Transportation Research Center is ready to take on the challenges as he helps the community develop a strong ground transportation system

    Gladiolus and Dahlias

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    [Review of] Diane Glancy. Claiming Breath

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    In her seventh book of poetry, Diane Glancy presents a moving account of the portrait of the artist as Native, woman, and poet. Of German, English, and Cherokee descent, Glancy\u27s prose poetry, as she states in her Preface, is often about being in the middle ground between two cultures, not fully a part of either. I write with a split voice, often experimenting with language until the parts equal some sort of a whole. The Sixty-three poems in this volume (with the last composed of eight parts) are a non-linear journey, a physical and psychological traveling through the senses and intellect. The details of the poet\u27s life accumulate initially through journal-like entries that set forth the parameters of her life: a failed marriage, two children, her many teaching trips across the Midwest as artist-in-residence, her home twice vandalized by thieves, and her mother\u27s losing battle against cancer. Ultimately, the book is about writing, or wrioting, as the title of one piece suggests, and the search to explore my memories & their relational aspects to the present. I was born between 2 heritages & I want to explore the empty space, that place-between-2-places, that walk-in-2-worlds. I want to do it in a new way

    A Conspiracy of Silence? The Popular Press and the Strategic Bombing Campaign in Europe

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    The controversy surrounding the decision by Bomber Command to target German cities populated mainly with non-combatants rages even today. It has been said that these were decisions made in secret, so secret that not even the airmen who flew the missions knew what they were really striking. In his book Weapons and Hope, physicist Freeman Dyson states, “I was one of the very few people who knew what were the objectives of the campaign, how miserably we were failing to meet these objectives, and how expensive this was for us in money and lives,” and, “I felt deeply my responsibility, being in possession of all this information which was so carefully concealed.” His assertions formed the basis for material presented in the CBC production of The Valour and the Horror episode entitled “Death by Moonlight: Bomber Command,” which claimed: British High Command knew how few bomber crews would survive and deliberately hid the truth. That’s not all that was concealed. The crews and the public were told that the bombing targets were German factories and military installations. In fact in 1942 a secret plan was adopted. Germany would be crushed through the deliberate annihilation of its civilians. An examination of the popular press available in Canada during the height of the bombing campaign against German cities, July 1943–April 1944, strongly contradicts these assertions. Reports appeared in the daily newspapers and weekly newsmagazines which outlined both the physical destruction and the civilian losses of the designated cities. The press provided their own analysis of the significance of objectives, results achieved against both production plants and morale, and RAF/RCAF losses which were being incurred. Technological advances which improved Bomber Command’s ability to batter the enemy were explained to the lay reader. Newspapers graphically detailed the hardships suffered by the inhabitants of the stricken cities, and offered justification to the Canadian people explaining why war was being waged against non-combatants. The information on the bombing campaign was available to any who chose to read about it

    Book Review: Beyond Orientalism

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    A review of Beyond Orientalism by Fred Dallmayr

    In Print

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    - The Coming of the Frontier Press: How the West Was Really Won, by Barbara Cloud - We Were All Like Migrant Workers Here: Work, Community, and Memory on California’s Round Valley Reservation, by William J. Bauer, Jr. - Europe as a Political Project in the CDU: Precedents and Programs, by Daniel Villanuev
