87 research outputs found

    Rudy Kelly’s Eyes: Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco’s Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt

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    At first sight Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco’s Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt belongs solidly in the same tradition as books such as James Agee and Walker Evans’s classic Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (1941), which grew out of an assignment in 1936 to produce a magazine article on the conditions sharecropper families in the South lived under during the “Dust Bowl,” as well as William T. Vollmann’s 2007 book Poor People.Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt describes the predicament of the rapidly growing underclass in the States, victims of corporate capitalism in what Hedges refers to as “sacrifice zones,” areas that have been offered up for exploitation in the name of profit. The reader is introduced to despaired people living on the Pine Ridge Lakota reservation in South Dakota; the homeless of Camden, N.J.; migrant workers assigned to pick tomatoes in worker camps in Florida; and individuals suffering from and resisting mountain-top removal by coal companies in West Virginia. However, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt departs from this tradition of social reportage in several significant ways, and my article will address how—with a particular focus on the book’s use of drawingsand comics reportage in the place of photography. What are the implications of this particular verbal-visual strategy? Interrogating the ethics of the drawn documentary image inevitably implies addressing its peculiar, somewhat paradoxical authenticity, and to think of how drawings differ from photographs in how they depict the world. In my discussion of this I’ll draw on both documentary and comics theory (Paul Ward, Hillary Chute, Charles Hatfield). I will argue that the use of drawn images in Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt results in a new form of what W.J.T. Mitchell calls “imagetext,” one that raises its fundamental social and political questions with energy, passion, and ethical integrity

    Familien Pankhurst og deres fortellinger

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg fortellinger om og av familien Pankhurst. Teksten analyserer og drĂžfter forholdet mellom sĂžstrene, Christabel og Sylvia, og moren, Emmeline, gjennom tekster skrevet om familien og av dem. Det diskuteres hvilket bilde sĂžstrene skaper av seg selv i tekstene de selv har skrevet om sin historie, og det sammenlignes med andre tekster skrevet fra et utenfor perspektiv om familien.This bachelor thesis deals with stories about and by the Pankhurst family. The text analyzes and discusses the relationship between the sisters, Christabel and Sylvia, and their mother, Emmeline, through texts written about the family and by them. It is discussed which image the sisters create of themselves in the texts they themselves have written about their history, and it is compared with other texts written from an outside perspective about the family

    Nespresso - eksklusiv merkevare uten hĂžy pris?

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    I denne bacheloroppgaven vil markedsfĂžring, merkevarebygging og forbrukeratferd vĂŠre sentrale fagomrĂ„der, da vi har fĂ„tt stor interesse for dette i lĂžpet av vĂ„r utdanning. Med problemstillingen; “Hvordan oppfatter forbrukere Nespresso og hva er avgjĂžrende for at merkevaren kan anses som eksklusiv til tross for at de operer med overkommelige priser?” har vi sett pĂ„ ulike faktorer som vi mener er sentrale for merkevaren Nespresso. I den teoretiske gjennomgangen startet vi med Kellers ”brand equity model”. Videre har vi tatt for oss begrepene luksus og eksklusivitet for Ă„ fĂ„ en forstĂ„else av begrepene knyttet opp mot merkevarer. Vi har ogsĂ„ trukket inn litt psykologi da det er interessant Ă„ fĂ„ greie pĂ„ hvordan forbrukere blir pĂ„virket. Her benyttet vi oss av knapphetsprinsippet til Cialdini, som vi ble introdusert for i kurset pĂ„virkning og forhandlinger. Prinsippet omhandler hvordan folk oppfatter et objekt som mer verdifullt dersom det er mindre tilgjengelig, som vi diskuterte i sammenheng med eksklusiv distribusjon, en strategi Nespresso benytter seg av. Problemstillingen legger fĂžring for hvilken metode man tar i bruk. I denne oppgaven benyttet vi oss av kvalitativ metode med en fenomenologisk tilnĂŠrming, da det ga oss en dypere forstĂ„else av forbrukernes oppfattelser og holdninger kontra bruk av kvantitativ metode. For Ă„ samle inn data, gjennomfĂžrte vi dybdeintervjuer med strukturerte intervjuer. Vi valgte ut 6 informanter som vi ansĂ„ som kvalifiserte da vi satte krav om at de skulle vĂŠre kunder av Nespresso og bo i Oslo vest. Etter analysen sĂ„ vi at alle informantene assosierte merkevaren enten direkte med begrepene luksus og eksklusivitet eller faktorer som beskriver begrepene, og vi ser en tydelig sammenheng mellom deres beskrivelse av begrepene knyttet opp med hvordan de ser pĂ„ Nespresso og andre luksuriĂžse merkevarer. Vi konkluderte videre med at deres unike gjennomtenkte strategi som klarer Ă„ koble sammen ulike elementer pĂ„ en sterk mĂ„te med tydelig preg av eksklusivitet, var grunnen til at de kan anses for Ă„ vĂŠre en luksuriĂžs og eksklusiv merkevare, til tross for lave priser

    Surface composition and structure of Co\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3eO\u3csub\u3e4\u3c/sub\u3e(110) and the effect of impurity segregation

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    The Co3O4 (110) single crystal surface has been characterized by low energy electron diffraction (LEED), Auger electron spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). LEED analysis of the clean Co3O4 (110) spinel surface shows a well-ordered pattern with sharp diffraction features. The XPS spectra are consistent with stoichiometric Co3O4 as determined by the concentration ratio of oxygen to cobalt (CO /CCo) and spectral peak shape. In particular, the cobalt 2p XPS spectra are characteristic of the spinel structure with Co3+ occupying octahedral sites and Co2+ in tetrahedral sites within the lattice. During prolonged heating at 630 K, bulk impurities of K, Ca, Na, and Cu segregated to the surface. Sodium desorbed from the surface as NaOH at 825 K, potassium and calcium were only removed by sputtering since no desorption from the surface was detected for temperatures up to 1000 K. Copper also disappeared upon heating above 700 K, most likely by desorbing although the possibility of diffusion back into the bulk could not be eliminated. The appearance of copper impurities correlated with Co3O4 (110) surface reduction to CoO, and the surface could not be fully reoxidized even upon extended oxygen annealing as long as the copper impurity remained on the surface. Upon removal of the Cu from the near-surface region, the surface was easily reoxidized to Co3O4 by O2

    Stakeholders' perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept : Results from 27 case studies

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    The ecosystem service (ES) concept is becoming mainstream in policy and planning, but operational influence on practice is seldom reported. Here, we report the practitioners' perspectives on the practical implementation of the ES concept in 27 case studies. A standardised anonymous survey (n = 246), was used, focusing on the science-practice interaction process, perceived impact and expected use of the case study assessments. Operationalisation of the concept was shown to achieve a gradual change in practices: 13% of the case studies reported a change in action (e.g. management or policy change), and a further 40% anticipated that a change would result from the work. To a large extent the impact was attributed to a well conducted science-practice interaction process (>70%). The main reported advantages of the concept included: increased concept awareness and communication; enhanced participation and collaboration; production of comprehensive science-based knowledge; and production of spatially referenced knowledge for input to planning (91% indicated they had acquired new knowledge). The limitations were mostly case-specific and centred on methodology, data, and challenges with result implementation. The survey highlighted the crucial role of communication, participation and collaboration across different stakeholders, to implement the ES concept and enhance the democratisation of nature and landscape planning. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    The Influence of Manga on the Graphic Novel

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    This material has been published in The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel edited by Jan Baetens, Hugo Frey, Stephen E. Tabachnick. This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University PressProviding a range of cogent examples, this chapter describes the influences of the Manga genre of comics strip on the Graphic Novel genre, over the last 35 years, considering the functions of domestication, foreignisation and transmedia on readers, markets and forms

    Liv Hausken: Medieestetikk: Studier i estetisk medieanalyse

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    Isogeometric Structural Analysis of Wind Turbine Blades

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    Isogeometric analysis, IGA, seeks to bridge the gap between engineering design and computational analysis by using spline functions as finite element bases in the analysis framework. The general concept can be applied to all fields of engineering mechanics, and has proven to perform with great accuracy and efficiency. In computer-aided design, CAD, NURBS has become the standard technique for representing exact geographical shapes like circles, spheres and cones, as well as free form curves and surfaces, which are fundamentals in geometry modelling. In the finite element method, FEM, the geometry model is typically represented by small finite element in a mesh, which is analyzed several sub-problems. The basis functions used in the analysis is typically based on simple Lagrange polynomials, whereas the design framework utilizes smooth spline functions. For awkward shaped structures, this conflict accounts for more than 80\% of the overall design-analysis time. By utilizing the same NURBS basis functions in analysis, the meshing procedure is omitted and the exact geometry model created in CAD can be subject for analysis. The use of wind turbines for electricity generation is increasingly common, and offshore wind turbines has become an attractive solution in the industry. Due to the large areas available and cost related to offshore installation, there has been a continuous upscaling of wind turbines. This has created a need for the DTU 10MW reference wind turbine, which has the scope of acting as benchmark for new wind turbine designs. In this thesis, one of the DTU 10MW RWT blades will be modelled subject for structural IGA. The mathematical formulation of NURBS is presented, where important features to its development is pointed out. In finite element analysis, mesh refinement is used to converge and validate the solution by resolving the model with successivly finer and finer mesh. Theory behind a unique method for refining the NURBS model with respect to IGA is presented as a solution to FEM mesh refinement. Data is retrieved from the repository accompanying the reference wind turbine, and the commercial NURBS-based software Rhino is used as a tool for modelling of the NURBS model. A procedure is obtained to import a coarsen multipatch model to the IGA research code in Matlab. In this thesis, a NURBS-based Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation is utilized for structural analysis of the blade model in IGA. Important features about the rotation-free shell formulation is pointed out, where two methods for multi patch coupling is used. Two different methods for multipatch coupling is investigated, where the first is coupling by penalty method for unmatching patches and the second is bending strip method. Furthermore, classical lamination plate theory is used to obtain the laminate stiffness matrix in the analysis. The origin of the material parameters for the plies in the reference wind turbine blade is presented through the micromechanics equations, together with composite lamination theory. Regional layup for the blade is presented, and a procedure for defining the regions is added to the code. Also, a stiffness function is adapted to compute the stiffness of the evaluated points in the analysis, where classical laminate theory is used to model the composite laminate material of the structure under consideration. The stiffness function adapted in the IGA code is compared to a benchmark of a multistack and multidirectional laminate. Furthermore, the two coupling methods are compared for a simplified analysis, which in addition to controlling the unmatching patches challenge, also shows one of the advantages of IGA, where a modified geometry does not need a new meshing procedure. Finally, a corresponding FEM analysis in Abaqus with two different load cases is compared to the full IGA model in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The displacement pattern in general and tip deflection particularly for the two analyzes, shows that the IGA model performs with great accuracy and efficiency. With significantly fewer degrees of freedom, the tip displacement in IGA deviates with only 0.34\% from the reference solution
