50 research outputs found

    A haven? : asylum seekers perspective on the outdoor environment at an accommodation

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    Under de senaste Ă„ren har vi sett en strid flyktingström komma till Sverige. MĂ€nniskor placeras i stora boenden som i vissa fall Ă€r utdömda för annan verksamhet. Fokus har legat pĂ„ att fĂ„ in mĂ„nga personer pĂ„ liten yta och fĂ„ allt det praktiska att fungera. Utemiljöns utformning har det inte funnits kunskap, tid eller pengar till. PĂ„ mĂ„nga orter finns det en grupp mĂ€nniskor som arrangerar sig ideellt vid dessa boenden. De-ras engagemang kan tas till vara pĂ„, Ă€ven med utformningen av utemiljön. Förutom vinsten med en finare miljö kan flyktingar sysselsĂ€ttas och trĂ€na svenska pĂ„ ett lĂ€ttsamt sĂ€tt. Syftet med denna rapport har varit att ta reda pĂ„ hur de boende vill att deras utemiljö ska se ut och sammanstĂ€lla faktorer att tĂ€nka pĂ„ vid utformningen av utemiljön pĂ„ flyktingförlĂ€ggningar och asylboenden i Sverige. Kunskap har jag inhĂ€mtat genom litteratur och rapporter som grĂ€n-sar till detta omrĂ„de, samt med intervjuer och enkĂ€ter till de boende pĂ„ en flyktingförlĂ€ggning i VĂ€stsverige. Jag har fördjupat mig i invandrares vistelse i natur, gemensamma ytor, ohĂ€lsa hos flyktingar och problem med skadegörelse. Detta har mynnat ut i en enkel ritning pĂ„ hur man kan förbĂ€ttra just denna trĂ€dgĂ„rd och synpunkter pĂ„ hur en bra utemiljö pĂ„ ett boende kan utformas. Vid en ev. restaurering har jag tagit hĂ€nsyn till att det ska vara billigt och ske med relativt enkla medel.Over the last few years we have seen a steady stream of refugees coming to Sweden. People are housed in large accommodation which, in some cases, are even condemned for other activities. The focus has been on getting lots of people into a small space and to get all the basics/practical things working. There has been neither the time, knowledge or money to focus on how to design the outdoor environment. In many places there are groups of native inhabitants who organize as volunteers at these places. Their commitment could be taken advantage of to design a better outdoor environment. Besides gaining and creating a finer environment, refugees would have access to some employment and receive language training in Swedish in an easy way. The purpose of this report has been to find out how the residents would like their outdoor environment to be, and to outline things to consider in the design of the outdoor environment of refugee camps and asylum accommodations in Sweden. I have acquired knowledge through literature and reports about these issues, as well as interviews and surveys with residents at a refugee camp in western Sweden. I have focused on immigrants’ visits and views on nature, communal areas, illness among refugees and problems with vandalism. This has resulted in a simple drawing on how to improve this particular garden and views on how a good outdoor environment could be made in such accommodation. For a restoration, I have taken into account that it should be cheap and done with relatively simple means

    Religion and Her Older Sister: Interpretation of Magic in Tillich's Work with Respect to Recent Discourses in Psychology

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    Streib H. Religion and Her Older Sister: Interpretation of Magic in Tillich's Work with Respect to Recent Discourses in Psychology. In: Grau K, Haigis P, Nord I, eds. Religion und Magie bei Paul Tillich. Tillich-Preview. Vol 2010. MĂŒnster: Lit Verlag; 2010: 5-24

    'Ein' Interview - 'FĂŒnf' Interpretationsskizzen: Illustrationen unterschiedlicher Auswertungsstile im Rahmen einer exemplarischen Forschungswerkstatt

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    Der Beitrag berichtet ĂŒber eine 'exemplarische Forschungswerkstatt', bei der die Illustration unterschiedlicher Auswertungsstile durch sie prĂ€gende Forscher im Vordergrund stand. Das Fallbeispiel betrifft den Zusammenhang von biographischen Erfahrungen und Studienwahl. Dabei ging es um das EinĂŒben pĂ€dagogischen Verstehens und um die Illustration der jeweiligen Interpretationsmethoden. Im Anschluss an allgemeine Hinweise zu Zielen und methodischen Schritten der Auswertungsstrategien folgt jeweils eine Zusammenfassung der inhaltlichen Aspekte, die fĂŒr die jeweilige Interpretation zentral sind. Die vorgestellten AnsĂ€tze sind die Lebensweltorientierte Rekonstruktion, Grounded Theory mit ComputerunterstĂŒtzung, die Kasuistische Interpretation, die Objektive Hermeneutik sowie die Biographieanalyse. Eine vergleichende Bilanzierung der verschiedenen Interpretationsskizzen zeigt Überschneidungen und Differenzen in den Resultaten. Dabei geht es darum, wie die Interpreten die biographische Perspektive und den Zusammenhang von Biographie und Studienwahl rekonstruieren. (ICE2

    An Aesthetic Factor Priority List of the Female Breast in Scandinavian Subjects

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    Background: There is little consensus about the relative determinative value of each individual factor in female breast aesthetics. When performing breast surgery with an aesthetic goal, certain factors will be more important than others. The purpose of this study was to make an aesthetic factor rank list to determine the relative contributions to overall breast aesthetics. Method: Volunteers were scanned using the 3-dimensional Vectra system. Ten Scandinavian plastic surgeons rated 37 subjects, using a validated scoring system with 49 scoring items. The correlation between specific aesthetic factors and overall breast aesthetic scores of the subjects were calculated using Pearson's r, Spearman's rho, and Kendall's tau. Results: A very strong correlation was found between overall breast aesthetic score and lower pole shape (0.876, P <0.0001). This was also true for upper pole shape (0.826, P <0.0001) and breast height (0.821, P <0.0001). A strong correlation was found between overall breast aesthetic score and nipple position (0.733, P <0.0001), breast size (0.644, P <0.0001), and breast width (0.632, P <0.0001). Factors that were only moderately correlated with aesthetic score were intermammary distance (0.496, P = 0.002), nipple size and projection (0.588, P <0.0001), areolar diameter (0.484, P <0.0001), and areolar shape (0.403, P <0.0001). Perceived symmetry was a weak factor (0.363, P = 0.027). Conclusions: Aesthetic factors of the female breast can be ranked in a priority list. Shape of the lower pole and upper pole and breast height are primary factors of female breast aesthetics. These should be prioritized in any aesthetic breast surgery. Vertical dimensional factors seem to be more determinative than horizontal factors.Peer reviewe

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    Common germline polymorphisms associated with breast cancer-specific survival

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    Abstract Introduction Previous studies have identified common germline variants nominally associated with breast cancer survival. These associations have not been widely replicated in further studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association of previously reported SNPs with breast cancer-specific survival using data from a pooled analysis of eight breast cancer survival genome-wide association studies (GWAS) from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium. Methods A literature review was conducted of all previously published associations between common germline variants and three survival outcomes: breast cancer-specific survival, overall survival and disease-free survival. All associations that reached the nominal significance level of P value <0.05 were included. Single nucleotide polymorphisms that had been previously reported as nominally associated with at least one survival outcome were evaluated in the pooled analysis of over 37,000 breast cancer cases for association with breast cancer-specific survival. Previous associations were evaluated using a one-sided test based on the reported direction of effect. Results Fifty-six variants from 45 previous publications were evaluated in the meta-analysis. Fifty-four of these were evaluated in the full set of 37,954 breast cancer cases with 2,900 events and the two additional variants were evaluated in a reduced sample size of 30,000 samples in order to ensure independence from the previously published studies. Five variants reached nominal significance (P <0.05) in the pooled GWAS data compared to 2.8 expected under the null hypothesis. Seven additional variants were associated (P <0.05) with ER-positive disease. Conclusions Although no variants reached genome-wide significance (P <5 x 10−8), these results suggest that there is some evidence of association between candidate common germline variants and breast cancer prognosis. Larger studies from multinational collaborations are necessary to increase the power to detect associations, between common variants and prognosis, at more stringent significance levels

    Upplevelser och hanteringsstrategier hos ungdomar med IBD. : en litteraturstudie

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    The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent’s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects. Adolescents with IBD have been shown to use the same coping strategies that healthy adolescents are using, that is, confrontational, evasive, independent and optimistic coping. The avoidance coping is more prevalent in adolescents with IBD, as the use of such strategies is specific for IBD because of illness symptoms. There is a need for more research directed at young people with IBD, since previous research is based mostly on adults' experiences of illness.                      

    Chapter 3. Communicating the Covid-19 pandemic : A comparison of  government communication in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden

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    In this chapter, we utilise a framing analysis to compare Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish government communication during the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. The results show that the perceptions of the seriousness of the crisis and the expected challenges facing Scandinavian societies were shared by all three governments, but they framed their communications slightly differently. Though based on common perceptions of an extraordinary threat to society and efforts to demonstrate national solidarity, a key component of the differences between the three Scandinavian prime ministers’ framing of the crisis was related to the issue of political control: One prime minister had come to office with the intention of assuming full political control in crisis situations, another framed management of the crisis in accordance with the delegation of power, and the third sought balance between expert agencies and political control through transparency and openness

    Europeiska unionen, suverÀniteten och undantaget - En normativ och konstruktiv utvÀrdering

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    I denna poltitiskteoretiska uppsats exponeras konflikten mellan EU:s arbete med att upprÀtthÄlla EU:s regelverk: Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundlÀggande rÀttigheterna samt Köpenhamnskriterierna och den enskilda medlemsstatens suverÀnitet, med fokus pÄ mÀnskliga rÀttigheter. Detta genom teoribildning om undantag, suverÀnitet och sanktioner. Genom suverÀnitet skapas undantag, vilket identifieras genom medlemsstater som avviker frÄn EU:s regelverk. Unionen agerar mot avvikelserna genom sanktioner. Vi ser att de sanktioner som EU utfÀrdar inte Àr tillrÀckliga dÄ avvikelser frÄn unionens regelverk fortsÀtter att ske. Vi anser att anvÀndandet av sanktioner möjliggör ökade incitament för medlemsstaterna att följa EU:s regelverk samt bör de intrÀdeskrav som unionen stÀller pÄ ett medlemsland uppfyllas innan intrÀdet sker. Vi menar ocksÄ att en minskad nationell suverÀnitet, avseende mÀnskliga rÀttigheter inom unionen, Àr efterstrÀvansvÀrd dÄ en centrering av makt till EU:s institutioner bÀttre kan förhindra att rÀttigheter i unionen ÄsidosÀtts