198 research outputs found

    Een onderzoek naar de vraag in hoeverre de anonieme tip in het Nederlands strafprocesrecht wordt gebruikt en hoe zich dat verhoudt met het in artikel 6 EVRM vastgelegde recht op een eerlijk proces

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    In het kader van de bestrijding van de georganiseerde criminaliteit is het vergaren en verzamelen van informatie in de loop der tijd steeds belangrijker geworden. Gezien het feit dat criminelen in dezelfde loop der tijd zich steeds meer hebben georganiseerd en meer en meer mogelijkheden hebben gekregen om zich beter te wapenen tegen politie en justitie, is het voor de politie tegelijkertijd echter ook steeds lastiger geworden om informatie te verkrijgen. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat er steeds vaker aan de burger gevraagd wordt om te helpen bij het opsporen van strafbare feiten. De burger is gelukkig vaak best genegen om politie en justitie te helpen maar uit angst voor represailles wil de burger niet altijd met naam en toenaam bekend worden. Het bieden van anonimiteit aan de burger zorgt ervoor dat de informatie ondanks die angst toch wordt gegeven. Het aanpakken van (met name) de zwaardere vormen van criminaliteit is in de tegenwoordige tijd welhaast onmogelijk zonder gebruikmaking van anonieme tips. Het is derhalve een zeer waardevol middel om greep te blijven houden op de criminaliteit. Het gebruik van anonieme tips is daardoor zowel noodzakelijk als wenselijk te noemen. Het mag echter niet ten koste gaan van het recht op een eerlijk proces zoals vastgelegd in artikel 6 EVRM

    Cytotoxic isolates of Helicobacter pylori from Peptic Ulcer Diseases decrease K(+)-dependent ATPase Activity in HeLa cells

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    BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori is a Gram negative bacterium that plays a central role in the etiology of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases. However, not all H. pylori positive cases develop advanced disease. This discriminatory behavior has been attributed to the difference in virulence of the bacteria. Among all virulence factors, cytotoxin released by H. pylori is the most important factor. In this work, we studied variation in H. pylori isolates from Indian dyspeptic patients on the basis of cytotoxin production and associated changes in K(+)-dependent ATPase (one of its targets) enzyme activity in HeLa cells. METHODS: The patients were retrospectively grouped on the basis of endoscopic and histopathological observation as having gastritis or peptic ulcer. The HeLa cells were incubated with the broth culture filtrates (BCFs) of H. pylori isolates from patients of both groups and observed for the cytopathic effects: morphological changes and viability. In addition, the K(+)-dependent ATPase activity was measured in HeLa cells extracts. RESULTS: The cytotoxin production was observed in 3/7 (gastritis) and 4/4 (peptic ulcer) H. pylori isolates. The BCFs of cytotoxin producing H. pylori strains reduced the ATPase activity of HeLa cells to 40% of that measured with non-cytotoxin producing H. pylori strains (1.33 μmole Pi/mg protein and 3.36 μmole Pi/mg protein, respectively, p < 0.05). The decreased activity of ATPase enzyme or the release of cytotoxin also correlated with the increased pathogenicity indices of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the isolation of cytotoxic H. pylori is more common in severe form of acid peptic diseases (peptic ulcer) than in gastritis patients from India. Also the cytotoxin released by H. pylori impairs the ion-transporting ATPase and is a measure of cytotoxicity

    The Versatility of the Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating Cytotoxin VacA in Signal Transduction and Molecular Crosstalk

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    By modulating important properties of eukaryotic cells, many bacterial protein toxins highjack host signalling pathways to create a suitable niche for the pathogen to colonize and persist. Helicobacter pylori VacA is paradigm of pore-forming toxins which contributes to the pathogenesis of peptic ulceration. Several cellular receptors have been described for VacA, which exert different effects on epithelial and immune cells. The crystal structure of VacA p55 subunit might be important for elucidating details of receptor interaction and pore formation. Here we discuss the multiple signalling activities of this important toxin and the molecular crosstalk between VacA and other virulence factors

    UDP-glucose 4, 6-dehydratase Activity Plays an Important Role in Maintaining Cell Wall Integrity and Virulence of Candida albicans

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    Candida albicans, a human fungal pathogen, undergoes morphogenetic changes that are associated with virulence. We report here that GAL102 in C. albicans encodes a homolog of dTDP-glucose 4,6-dehydratase, an enzyme that affects cell wall properties as well as virulence of many pathogenic bacteria. We found that GAL102 deletion leads to greater sensitivity to antifungal drugs and cell wall destabilizing agents like Calcofluor white and Congo red. The mutant also formed biofilms consisting mainly of hyphal cells that show less turgor. The NMR analysis of cell wall mannans of gal102 deletion strain revealed that a major constituent of mannan is missing and the phosphomannan component known to affect virulence is greatly reduced. We also observed that there was a substantial reduction in the expression of genes involved in biofilm formation but increase in the expression of genes encoding glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in the mutant. These, along with altered mannosylation of cell wall proteins together might be responsible for multiple phenotypes displayed by the mutant. Finally, the mutant was unable to grow in the presence of resident peritoneal macrophages and elicited a weak pro-inflammatory cytokine response in vitro. Similarly, this mutant elicited a poor serum pro-inflammatory cytokine response as judged by IFNγ and TNFα levels and showed reduced virulence in a mouse model of systemic candidiasis. Importantly, an Ala substitution for a conserved Lys residue in the active site motif YXXXK, that abrogates the enzyme activity also showed reduced virulence and increased filamentation similar to the gal102 deletion strain. Since inactivating the enzyme encoded by GAL102 makes the cells sensitive to antifungal drugs and reduces its virulence, it can serve as a potential drug target in combination therapies for C. albicans and related pathogens

    Helicobacter pylori Counteracts the Apoptotic Action of Its VacA Toxin by Injecting the CagA Protein into Gastric Epithelial Cells

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    Infection with Helicobacter pylori is responsible for gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers but is also a high risk factor for the development of gastric adenocarcinoma and lymphoma. The most pathogenic H. pylori strains (i.e., the so-called type I strains) associate the CagA virulence protein with an active VacA cytotoxin but the rationale for this association is unknown. CagA, directly injected by the bacterium into colonized epithelium via a type IV secretion system, leads to cellular morphological, anti-apoptotic and proinflammatory effects responsible in the long-term (years or decades) for ulcer and cancer. VacA, via pinocytosis and intracellular trafficking, induces epithelial cell apoptosis and vacuolation. Using human gastric epithelial cells in culture transfected with cDNA encoding for either the wild-type 38 kDa C-terminal signaling domain of CagA or its non-tyrosine-phosphorylatable mutant form, we found that, depending on tyrosine-phosphorylation by host kinases, CagA inhibited VacA-induced apoptosis by two complementary mechanisms. Tyrosine-phosphorylated CagA prevented pinocytosed VacA to reach its target intracellular compartments. Unphosphorylated CagA triggered an anti-apoptotic activity blocking VacA-induced apoptosis at the mitochondrial level without affecting the intracellular trafficking of the toxin. Assaying the level of apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells infected with wild-type CagA+/VacA+ H. pylori or isogenic mutants lacking of either CagA or VacA, we confirmed the results obtained in cells transfected with the CagA C-ter constructions showing that CagA antagonizes VacA-induced apoptosis. VacA toxin plays a role during H. pylori stomach colonization. However, once bacteria have colonized the gastric niche, the apoptotic action of VacA might be detrimental for the survival of H. pylori adherent to the mucosa. CagA association with VacA is thus a novel, highly ingenious microbial strategy to locally protect its ecological niche against a bacterial virulence factor, with however detrimental consequences for the human host

    Non-invasive diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori infection

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    BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection has been implicated in a number of malignancies and non-malignant conditions including peptic ulcers, non-ulcer dyspepsia, recurrent peptic ulcer bleeding, unexplained iron deficiency anaemia, idiopathic thrombocytopaenia purpura, and colorectal adenomas. The confirmatory diagnosis of H pylori is by endoscopic biopsy, followed by histopathological examination using haemotoxylin and eosin (H & E) stain or special stains such as Giemsa stain and Warthin-Starry stain. Special stains are more accurate than H & E stain. There is significant uncertainty about the diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive tests for diagnosis of H pylori. OBJECTIVES: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of urea breath test, serology, and stool antigen test, used alone or in combination, for diagnosis of H pylori infection in symptomatic and asymptomatic people, so that eradication therapy for H pylori can be started. SEARCH METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, the Science Citation Index and the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment Database on 4 March 2016. We screened references in the included studies to identify additional studies. We also conducted citation searches of relevant studies, most recently on 4 December 2016. We did not restrict studies by language or publication status, or whether data were collected prospectively or retrospectively. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included diagnostic accuracy studies that evaluated at least one of the index tests (urea breath test using isotopes such as13C or14C, serology and stool antigen test) against the reference standard (histopathological examination using H & E stain, special stains or immunohistochemical stain) in people suspected of having H pylori infection. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently screened the references to identify relevant studies and independently extracted data. We assessed the methodological quality of studies using the QUADAS-2 tool. We performed meta-analysis by using the hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic (HSROC) model to estimate and compare SROC curves. Where appropriate, we used bivariate or univariate logistic regression models to estimate summary sensitivities and specificities. MAIN RESULTS: We included 101 studies involving 11,003 participants, of which 5839 participants (53.1%) had H pylori infection. The prevalence of H pylori infection in the studies ranged from 15.2% to 94.7%, with a median prevalence of 53.7% (interquartile range 42.0% to 66.5%). Most of the studies (57%) included participants with dyspepsia and 53 studies excluded participants who recently had proton pump inhibitors or antibiotics.There was at least an unclear risk of bias or unclear applicability concern for each study.Of the 101 studies, 15 compared the accuracy of two index tests and two studies compared the accuracy of three index tests. Thirty-four studies (4242 participants) evaluated serology; 29 studies (2988 participants) evaluated stool antigen test; 34 studies (3139 participants) evaluated urea breath test-13C; 21 studies (1810 participants) evaluated urea breath test-14C; and two studies (127 participants) evaluated urea breath test but did not report the isotope used. The thresholds used to define test positivity and the staining techniques used for histopathological examination (reference standard) varied between studies. Due to sparse data for each threshold reported, it was not possible to identify the best threshold for each test.Using data from 99 studies in an indirect test comparison, there was statistical evidence of a difference in diagnostic accuracy between urea breath test-13C, urea breath test-14C, serology and stool antigen test (P = 0.024). The diagnostic odds ratios for urea breath test-13C, urea breath test-14C, serology, and stool antigen test were 153 (95% confidence interval (CI) 73.7 to 316), 105 (95% CI 74.0 to 150), 47.4 (95% CI 25.5 to 88.1) and 45.1 (95% CI 24.2 to 84.1). The sensitivity (95% CI) estimated at a fixed specificity of 0.90 (median from studies across the four tests), was 0.94 (95% CI 0.89 to 0.97) for urea breath test-13C, 0.92 (95% CI 0.89 to 0.94) for urea breath test-14C, 0.84 (95% CI 0.74 to 0.91) for serology, and 0.83 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.90) for stool antigen test. This implies that on average, given a specificity of 0.90 and prevalence of 53.7% (median specificity and prevalence in the studies), out of 1000 people tested for H pylori infection, there will be 46 false positives (people without H pylori infection who will be diagnosed as having H pylori infection). In this hypothetical cohort, urea breath test-13C, urea breath test-14C, serology, and stool antigen test will give 30 (95% CI 15 to 58), 42 (95% CI 30 to 58), 86 (95% CI 50 to 140), and 89 (95% CI 52 to 146) false negatives respectively (people with H pylori infection for whom the diagnosis of H pylori will be missed).Direct comparisons were based on few head-to-head studies. The ratios of diagnostic odds ratios (DORs) were 0.68 (95% CI 0.12 to 3.70; P = 0.56) for urea breath test-13C versus serology (seven studies), and 0.88 (95% CI 0.14 to 5.56; P = 0.84) for urea breath test-13C versus stool antigen test (seven studies). The 95% CIs of these estimates overlap with those of the ratios of DORs from the indirect comparison. Data were limited or unavailable for meta-analysis of other direct comparisons. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: In people without a history of gastrectomy and those who have not recently had antibiotics or proton ,pump inhibitors, urea breath tests had high diagnostic accuracy while serology and stool antigen tests were less accurate for diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection.This is based on an indirect test comparison (with potential for bias due to confounding), as evidence from direct comparisons was limited or unavailable. The thresholds used for these tests were highly variable and we were unable to identify specific thresholds that might be useful in clinical practice.We need further comparative studies of high methodological quality to obtain more reliable evidence of relative accuracy between the tests. Such studies should be conducted prospectively in a representative spectrum of participants and clearly reported to ensure low risk of bias. Most importantly, studies should prespecify and clearly report thresholds used, and should avoid inappropriate exclusions

    Implementation of a Shared Medical Appointment as a Holistic Approach to CHF Management

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    Risicoanalyse Ruwwaterkwaliteit Pompstation Borgharen: Deel 1: Hydrologisch model

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    In dit rapport is de opzet en calibratie van een grondwatermodel van de omgeving van pompstation Borgharen beschreven. Het uiteindelijke doel van de modellering is om inzicht te geven in de toekomstige ruwwaterkwaliteit van Pompstation Borgharen en de daarmee verbonden risico' s. Realisering van deze doelstelling vereist dat de grondwaterstroming in het intrekgebied van de winplaats adequaat wordt gesimuleerd. De risicoanalyse van de ruwwaterkwaliteit is beschreven in: "Risicoanalyse ruwwaterkwaliteit Pompstation Borgharen, Deel 2, Beschrijving reactiviteit ondergrond en chemische waterkwaliteit". Pompstation Borgharen is gelegen in Zuid Limburg, in het Maasdal, op enkele kilometers afstand van Maastricht. De ondergrond van het gebied rond het pompstation bestaat uit een kalksteenformatie van tenminste 150 meter dik, met daarboven op veellocaties een laag met groene zanden en kleien. Deze laag heeft een maximale dikte van 15 meter in de omgeving van het pompstation en is in noordelijke en oostelijke richting steeds beter ontwikkeld. In westelijke richting is deze laag soms geheel afwezig. Op deze zanden, of soms direct op de kalksteen ligt een grindpakket van 10 tot 20 meter dik. De deklaag bestaat uit rivierklei en is meestal enkele meters dik. De calibratieperiode loopt van 1997 t/m 2004 en is zo gekozen omdat het een recente periode betreft, die de beste representativiteit voor de toekomst heeft en ook representatief is voor gemiddelde hydrologische omstandigheden in het gebied. Grondwateraanvulling is berekend op basis van landgebruik, bodemtype en grondwatertrap. Initiële schattingen van hydraulische bodemconstanten zijn berekend op basis van boorbeschrijvingen en daaraan gekoppelde k-waarden. De calibratie is uitgevoerd met een genetisch algoritme, waarbij twee doelstellingen zijn geoptimaliseerd d.m. v. de geautomatiseerde aanpassing van 254 calibratieparameters. De eerste doelstelling van deze parameteroptimalisatie betreft het minimaliseren van het verschil tussen berekende en waargenomen stijghoogten. De tweede doelstelling betreft het minimaliseren van de afwijking van de uiteindelijke ten opzichte van de initiële waarden van modelparameters. Na de calibratie van het model komen de verschillen tussen de berekende en waargenomen stijghoogten overeen met wat in de praktijk verwacht mag worden van een grondwatermodel in het betreffende gebied, waar grote verschillen in stijghoogte over relatief kleine afstanden voorkomen. Het gemiddelde absolute verschil bedraagt ca. 1.15 m., het gemiddelde verschil - 22 cm. Op grond van deze resultaten mag verwacht worden dat het stromingspatroon goed kan worden gesimuleerd en dat het model daarom effectief gebruikt zal kunnen worden bij de risicoanalyse van de ruwwaterkwaliteit