4,182 research outputs found

    A Demand System Analysis of Food for Poor and Non Poor Households. The Case of Argentina

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide some microeconomics tools to discuss and evaluate public policies that imply transfers of income from the public sector to the poor and their impact on their food demand and calories and nutrient intakes. This study is concerned with the differences in subsistence expenditures, own-price elasticities and income elasticities for two households groups segmented by income: those people below the poverty guideline and those above it. The attention of our research is focused on a demand system for all food groups included in a National Consumption Survey and examines the household food consumption behavior by partitioning the sample. A complete system of demand equations, the Linear Expenditure System (LES), has been used due to its relative empirical expediency. Some additional econometric techniques to correct the bias in the parameter estimates were also applied because of the large number of zero observations in the data. Preliminary estimations following the procedure suggested in the Park et al. (1996) paper, gave some results that they were not as good as we expected and we finally use an alternative one based on Shonkwiler and Yen (1999).Food Demand System, Censored Sample, Own-Price and Income Elasticities, Poverty Status, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Quality Warranties and Food Products in Argentina. What Do Consumers Believe In?

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    Consumers increasingly demand multiple-quality attributes in food products and value reliable means to identify them. For producers, the effective communication of their products quality is a marketing strategy. Therefore, another market of information associated with the new food markets emerges. This market is closely linked to the institutional environment and the level of trust in different information sources. In this article the emphasis will be put on how the different quality signals provided by the firms in their products affect the consumers´ behaviour. The objective is to investigate domestic consumers' perceptions and beliefs about food quality information in Argentina to identify the mechanisms that fully guarantee this quality. The results indicate that domestic consumers´ perceptions about high quality products are more related to brand names than seals and certifications in labels. This has consequences upon the competitiveness of domestic food market. Quality certification and seller´s reputation are quality warranties restringed only to certain domestic market niches. The households´situation and occupational status seem to be more complex variables that resume the interaction between attitudes, information-processing and actions.food quality, quality warranties, consumers, Argentina, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, D12, L15,

    Food demand elasticities in Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. Econometric estimation from household surveys

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    This paper presents the methodology and estimation of food demand elasticities for Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia using household survey data. The paper reviews the theoretical and empirical approach behind the applied food demand estimation. The empirical approach consists in the estimation of a censored corrected LinQuad incomplete demand system using microdata from national household surveys. The empirical implementation and results are consistent with the state of the art in applied demand estimations using censored cross sectional data.Fil: Lema, Daniel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Economía y Sociología; Argentina.Fil: Brescia, Víctor. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Economía y Sociología; Argentina.Fil: Berges, Miriam. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Casellas, Karina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina

    Testing the bivariate distribution of daily equity returns using copulas. An application to the Spanish stock market

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    In this paper we deal with the identification of dependencies between time series of equity returns. Marginal distribution functions are assumed to be known, and a bivariate chi-square test of fit is applied in a fully parametric copula approach. Several families of copulas are fitted and compared with Spanish stock market data. The results show that the t-copula generally outperforms other dependence structures, and highlight the difficulty in adjusting a significant number of bivariate data series.bivariate chi-square statistic, risk management., copulas, daily equity returns

    Península nicolazziana

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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Yeong-Hyun KIM ; John Rennie SHORT, Cities and economie

    Barcelona com a ciutat turística

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    L'article presenta una anàlisi de les forces històriques, polítiques, econòmiques i socials que han afectat l'evolució de l'estructura urbana de Barcelona des dels temps medievals fins als anys 1970. Aquest article argumenta que les característiques urbanes de Barcelona i el seu atractiu com a destí turístic no són merament el resultat d'una gran transformació urbana recent o de la recuperació de l'arquitectura Modernista, sinó fruit d'una evolució històrica llarga i tumultuosa de la ciutat. La història urbana de Barcelona il·lustra així com el paisatge urbà d'una ciutat amb gran atractiu turístic és per una banda, resultat de la planificació urbanística, però també d'esdeveniments socials, econòmics i polítics que sovint produeixin resultats inesperats.El artículo presenta un análisis de las fuerzas históricas, políticas, económicas y sociales que han afectado la evolución de la estructura urbana de Barcelona desde los tiempos medievales hasta los años 1970. Este artículo argumenta que las características urbanas de Barcelona y su atractivo como destino turístico no son meramente el resultado de una gran transformación urbana reciente o de la recuperación de la arquitectura Modernista, sino fruto de una evolución histórica larga y tumultuosa de la ciudad. La historia urbana de Barcelona ilustra, de esta manera, cómo el paisaje urbano de una ciudad con gran atractivo turístico es, por un lado, el resultado de la planificación urbanística, pero también de sucesos sociales, económicos y políticos que a menudo producen resultados inesperados

    La crisis, la geografía económica y Julie Graham : alternativas de desarrollo local a partir de la crítica feminista

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    El presente artículo reflexiona sobre interpretaciones académicas consolidadas y estrategias dominantes en desarrollo local, contraponiéndolas al potencial que ofrece el concepto de desarrollo local fundamentado en principios éticos y políticos. El artículo se organiza a través de un doble objetivo. Por un lado se desea rendir tributo al trabajo de Julie Graham, profesora de geografía económica de la Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherts que murió repentinamente en el 2010. Por otro lado, tomando como pretexto el legado de Graham, se amplia y desarrolla su línea de pensamiento con las aportaciones de enfoques feministas, posestructuralistas y neo-marxistas, con el fin de avanzar en la exploración de claves interpretativas que permitan crear una nueva narrativa sobre desarrollo. Se concluye que las alternativas a la presente crisis pueden encontrarse en las potencialidades que ofrecen las economías locales si éstas están enraizadas en el territorio y se fundamentan en cuestiones éticas y de justicia social y medioambiental.This article reflects on academic interpretations consolidated and well established local development strategies, weighed against the potential that offers the concept of local development based on ethical and political principles. The article is organized through a dual purpose. On one hand it wishes to pay tribute to the work of Julie Graham, professor of economic geography at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst who passed away suddenly in 2010. On the other hand, on the pretext of Graham's legacy,it extends and develops its thinking with the contributions of feminist, poststructuralist and neo-Marxist approaches, to advance towards interpretative approaches for building a new development narrative. It concludes that alternatives to the present crisis can be found in the potential offered by local economies if these are rooted in the territory and based on ethical questions and social and environmental justice.Cet article porte sur les interprétations académiques consolidées et les stratégies dominantes du développement local, confrontant celles-ci avec le potentiel du concept de développement local fondé sur des principes éthiques et politiques. L'article s'organise autour d'un double objectif. D'une part, il tient à rendre hommage au travail de Julie Graham, professeur de géographie économique à l'Université du Massachusetts à Amherst, décédée subitement en 2010. D'autre part, sous le prétexte d'éclairer l'héritage de Graham, l'article prolonge et développe la réflexion de cet auteur à travers certaines contributions féministes, post-estructuralistes et néo-marxistes pour ainsi faire progresser l'exploration de clés interprétatives dans le but de construire un nouveau récit du développement. Il conclut que les alternatives à la crise actuelle se situent dans le potentiel présent au niveau des économies locales, à condition que ces dernières soient enracinées dans le territoire et fondées sur l'idéal de justice et d'éthique sociale et environnementale


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    Presentació. Innovació i dinàmiques territorial

    KIM, Yeong-Hyun ; SHORT, John Rennie. Cities and economies

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