25 research outputs found

    European Broad-Scale Seabed Habitat Maps Support Implementation of Ecosystem-Based Management

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    We have analyzed the development of “Broad-Scale Seabed Habitat Maps” (BSHM) and their potential use in a European context with regard to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) implementation, MPA designation and network assessment as well as other applications of BSHMs. The analyses are anchored in BSHMs developed by a series of interlinked EU projects (e.g. UKSeaMap, BALANCE, MESH, Mesh Atlantic, EUSeaMap 2012, and EUSeaMap 2016) and all maps are based on environmental data. Some EU Member States have used BSHMs as part of their MSFD Initial Assessments published in 2012. However, we conclude that BSHMs are a prerequisite for another key MSFD activity, i.e. mapping of potentially cumulative effects of multiple human stressors. Further, BSHMs seem to play a growing role with regard to evidence-based assessments of MPAs. With the upcoming second round of MSFD Initial Assessments due in 2018, including assessment of potentially cumulative pressures, there seems to be an increasing need for more BSHMs nationally, regionally and on a European scale

    Comparative Studies on the Effects of Various Combined-Chemotherapy in the Experimental Tuberculosis

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。海の実験的前眼部結核症を対象として, 30週間にわたつてSM-PAS, INH-SI, INH-PZA, INH-PASの2者併用療法を施行し順序を交替して投与したのと, 終始一貫, SM-INH週2日-PAS毎日の3者併用療法を施行し, その効果を比較検討したことに就いては既に報告したが, 本篇においては各臓器の定量培養により検出された結核菌に就いて, SM, PAS及びINHに対する耐性検査を行なつた。其の結果2者併用療法を交替させた群では耐性の発現は軽度であつた。しかしSM-PAS⟶INH-PASと言う風にPASを終始使用した例では, 主剤を交替しても比較的耐性の発現は高度であつた。3者併用(S_2I_2P毎)を行なつた群ではその中間の成績であつた。併しINHに対する耐性獲得はすべての治療群に殆んど認める事が出来なかつた


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