304 research outputs found

    Through the Looking Glass: \u3cem\u3eDer Spiegel’s\u3c/em\u3e Presentation of America’s Image in the Iraq War

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    Der Spiegel, the weekly German news magazine, offered extensive coverage of the beginnings of the Iraq War. The magazine blended historical fact and cinematic and historical comparisons to present its decidedly negative view of the conflict. The twofold purpose of this thesis is to illuminate the German attitudes towards the war and the American culture from which it sprang and to explore some of the comparisons and metaphors and the visuals used to communicate this viewpoint. The intent is to examine the gap between the abstract position the magazine expresses and the wider scope of meaning created by the metaphors and visuals. Chapter I concentrates on the magazine\u27s presentation of a perceived history of failures on the part of the American CIA and the manner in which this is combined with allusions to the Rambo image. Through the use of the Rambo figure and other references to film characters (James Bond), the magazine suggests that both U.S. leaders such as George W. Bush and the population at large are victims of their own cinematic myths and vastly overestimate their own capacity to determine the world\u27s fate. Sharply contrasting portraits of two CIA agents who were casualties of the war, Alabama born Michael Spann and German born Helge Philipp Boes, cast the American as an inept blunderer and the German as an idealistic and sensitive defender of Western freedoms. Chapter II concerns the way in which historical comparisons are used to illuminate the conflict. The magazine suggests that the U.S. is an empire in decline. The very heterogeneous selection of examples offered in defense of this argument (e.g. the Roman, British, and Soviet empires) all spring from material that would be familiar to German readers. They offer cursory and arguably superficial analogies to explain today\u27s complex situation. Part II of the chapter explores the use of images from 20th century history, particularly World War II, to explain events. Very often the comparisons seem overblown and particularly inappropriate (e.g. Stalingrad and the Battle of Baghdad; the bombing of Dresden and the bombing of Baghdad). Rhetorically the magazine sometimes distances itself from these questionable analogies by attributing them to others (anonymous observers ). Such comparisons speak to a specifically German historical sensibility and the deep emotions these events evoke in German readers rather than to the explanatory power of the examples

    Hormonal contraceptive use increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in active, young women [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableMany studies have shown that the estrogen in oral hormonal contraceptives (HC) increases serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 25(OH)D concentrations in women. As a hormone that regulates gene transcription estrogen is known to increase Vitamin-D binding protein concentrations, and therefore 25(OH)D concentrations in the blood. Furthermore, Vitamin D is a major regulator of bone metabolism and its status within the blood influences circulating levels of bone turnover markers. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of HC use on serum 25OHD concentrations and biochemical markers of bone turnover in active young females. Thirty-nine young (age 18-33 years), active (≥5 h of aerobic exercise per week) women participated (HC users, n=16; Non-users, n=23). Of the HC users, 9 were taking monophasic HC; 7 were taking triphasic HC. Fasting serum samples were taken during the early follicular phase (d2-5 of the menstrual cycle) and were analyzed for 25OHD and biochemical bone markers [bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), N-telopeptide of collagen cross-links (NTx), parathyroid hormone (PTH) and osteocalcin (OC)] using radioimmuno assay and ELISA, respectively. Serum 25OHD was significantly greater (p=.007) and BAP significantly lower (p=.002) in HC users compared with nonusers. No differences were found between groups for NTx, PTH or osteocalcin. Serum concentrations of BAP and Vitamin D were negatively correlated (r= -.453; p=.004). We conclude that HC use is associated with increased serum 25OHD concentrations and lower circulating BAP in young active females

    Parents' perceived obstacles to pediatric clinical trial participation: Findings from the clinical trials transformation initiative.

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    Enrollment of children into pediatric clinical trials remains challenging. More effective strategies to improve recruitment of children into trials are needed. This study used in-depth qualitative interviews with parents who were approached to enroll their children in a clinical trial in order to gain an understanding of the barriers to pediatric clinical trial participation. Twenty-four parents whose children had been offered the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial were interviewed: 19 whose children had participated in at least 1 clinical trial and 5 who had declined participation in any trial. Each study aspect, from the initial explanation of the study to the end of the study, can affect the willingness of parents to consent to the proposed study and future studies. Establishing trust, appropriate timing, a transparent discussion of risks and benefits oriented to the layperson, and providing motivation for children to participate were key factors that impacted parents' decisions. In order for clinical trial accrual to be successful, parents' priorities and considerations must be a central focus, beginning with initial trial design. The recommendations from the parents who participated in this study can be used to support budget allocations that ensure adequate training of study staff and improved staffing on nights and weekends. Studies of parent responses in outpatient settings and additional inpatient settings will provide valuable information on the consent process from the child's and parent's perspectives. Further studies are needed to explore whether implementation of such strategies will result in improved recruitment for pediatric clinical trials

    Fine-scale movements and behaviors of coyotes (Canis latrans) during their reproductive period

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    In canids, resident breeders hold territories but require different resources than transient individuals (i.e., dispersers), which may result in differential use of space, land cover, and food by residents and transients. In the southeastern United States, coyote (Canis latrans) reproduction occurs during spring and is energetically demanding for residents, but transients do not reproduce and therefore can exhibit feeding behaviors with lower energetic rewards. Hence, how coyotes behave in their environment likely differs between resident and transient coyotes. We captured and monitored 36 coyotes in Georgia during 2018–2019 and used data from 11 resident breeders, 12 predispersing residents (i.e., offspring of resident breeders), and 11 transients to determine space use, movements, and relationships between these behaviors and landcover characteristics. Average home range size for resident breeders and predispersing offspring was 20.7 ± 2.5 km² and 50.7 ± 10.0 km², respectively. Average size of transient ranges was 241.4 ± 114.5 km². Daily distance moved was 6.3 ± 3.0 km for resident males, 5.5 ± 2.7 km for resident females, and 6.9 ± 4.2 km for transients. We estimated first-passage time values to assess the scale at which coyotes respond to their environment, and used behavioral change-point analysis to determine that coyotes exhibited three behavioral states. We found notable differences between resident and transient coyotes in regard to how landcover characteristics influenced their behavioral states. Resident coyotes tended to select for areas with denser vegetation while resting and foraging, but for areas with less dense vegetation and canopy cover when walking. Transient coyotes selected areas closer to roads and with lower canopy cover while resting, but for areas farther from roads when foraging and walking. Our findings suggest that behaviors of both resident and transient coyotes are influenced by varying landcover characteristics, which could have implications for prey

    Phosphorylation of eIF4GII and 4E-BP1 in response to nocodazole treatment: a reappraisal of translation initiation during mitosis

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    Translation mechanisms at different stages of the cell cycle have been studied for many years, resulting in the dogma that translation rates are slowed during mitosis, with cap-independent translation mechanisms favored to give expression of key regulatory proteins. However, such cell culture studies involve synchronization using harsh methods, which may in themselves stress cells and affect protein synthesis rates. One such commonly used chemical is the microtubule de-polymerization agent, nocodazole, which arrests cells in mitosis and has been used to demonstrate that translation rates are strongly reduced (down to 30% of that of asynchronous cells). Using synchronized HeLa cells released from a double thymidine block (G 1/S boundary) or the Cdk1 inhibitor, RO3306 (G 2/M boundary), we have systematically re-addressed this dogma. Using FACS analysis and pulse labeling of proteins with labeled methionine, we now show that translation rates do not slow as cells enter mitosis. This study is complemented by studies employing confocal microscopy, which show enrichment of translation initiation factors at the microtubule organizing centers, mitotic spindle, and midbody structure during the final steps of cytokinesis, suggesting that translation is maintained during mitosis. Furthermore, we show that inhibition of translation in response to extended times of exposure to nocodazole reflects increased eIF2α phosphorylation, disaggregation of polysomes, and hyperphosphorylation of selected initiation factors, including novel Cdk1-dependent N-terminal phosphorylation of eIF4GII. Our work suggests that effects on translation in nocodazole-arrested cells might be related to those of the treatment used to synchronize cells rather than cell cycle status

    Supervised Classification: Quite a Brief Overview

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    The original problem of supervised classification considers the task of automatically assigning objects to their respective classes on the basis of numerical measurements derived from these objects. Classifiers are the tools that implement the actual functional mapping from these measurements---also called features or inputs---to the so-called class label---or output. The fields of pattern recognition and machine learning study ways of constructing such classifiers. The main idea behind supervised methods is that of learning from examples: given a number of example input-output relations, to what extent can the general mapping be learned that takes any new and unseen feature vector to its correct class? This chapter provides a basic introduction to the underlying ideas of how to come to a supervised classification problem. In addition, it provides an overview of some specific classification techniques, delves into the issues of object representation and classifier evaluation, and (very) briefly covers some variations on the basic supervised classification task that may also be of interest to the practitioner