2,324 research outputs found

    Construction of a circular warburg apparatus for 32 manometers

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    The construction of a circular Warburg apparatus for 32 manometers is described

    Bestuurlijke boetes: extra werk voor de rechtspraak?

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    Laboratory observations of permeability enhancement by fluid pressure oscillation of in situ fractured rock

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    We report on laboratory experiments designed to investigate the influence of pore pressure oscillations on the effective permeability of fractured rock. Berea sandstone samples were fractured in situ under triaxial stresses of tens of megapascals, and deionized water was forced through the incipient fracture under conditions of steady and oscillating pore pressure. We find that short-term pore pressure oscillations induce long-term transient increases in effective permeability of the fractured samples. The magnitude of the effective permeability enhancements scales with the amplitude of pore pressure oscillations, and changes persist well after the stress perturbation. The maximum value of effective permeability enhancement is 5 × 10^(−16) m^2 with a background permeability of 1 × 10^(−15) m^2; that is, the maximum enhanced permeability is 1.5 × 10^(−15) m^2. We evaluate poroelastic effects and show that hydraulic storage release does not explain our observations. Effective permeability recovery following dynamic oscillations occurs as the inverse square root of time. The recovery indicates that a reversible mechanism, such as clogging/unclogging of fractures, as opposed to an irreversible one, like microfracturing, is responsible for the transient effective permeability increase. Our work suggests the feasibility of dynamically controlling the effective permeability of fractured systems. The result has consequences for models of earthquake triggering and permeability enhancement in fault zones due to dynamic shaking from near and distant earthquakes

    Random Walkers with Shrinking Steps in d-Dimensions and Their Long Term Memory

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    We study, in d-dimensions, the random walker with geometrically shrinking step sizes at each hop. We emphasize the integrated quantities such as expectation values, cumulants and moments rather than a direct study of the probability distribution. We develop a 1/d expansion technique and study various correlations of the first step to the position as ti me goes to infinity. We also show and substantiate with a study of the cumulants that to order 1/d the system admits a continuum counterpart equation which can be obtained with a generalization of the ordinary technique to obtain the continuum limit. We also advocate that this continuum counterpart equation, which is nothing but the ordinary diffusion equation with a diffusion constant decaying exponentially in continuous time, captures all the qualitative aspects of t he discrete system and is often a good starting point for quantitative approximations

    Skin test reagents in the diagnosis of atopic disease.

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    The overall aim of this study was to oplimmize the diagnostic value and safety of the intracutaneous(ICT) and skin prick test (SPT) and to apply the optimized skin test for the determination of the age-dependency and prevalence of skin sensitization to different allergens in a Dutch patient population. ... Zie: Summery
