15 research outputs found

    Wearable Technology In Obstetrical Emergency Simulation: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Medical student involvement in clinical care of obstetrical emergencies is limited. Wearable technology, namely Google Glass, has been used to enhance the simulation experience for trainees at our institution. We present a pilot study that examines the utility of this technology in medical students’ education through remotely-conducted exercises in obstetric emergencies. Materials & Methods: A total of thirteen medical students accepted the opportunity to participate in an obstetric emergencies training exercise with remote monitoring. Students wore the Google Glass device while participating in two simulated obstetrical emergencies: shoulder dystocia and vaginal breech delivery. A remote instructor monitored the students’ performance and gave verbal instructions during the simulation. Students then filled out a questionnaire grading the effectiveness of the exercise. Results: Of all participating students, 55% reported Glass extremely valuable for their education. None reported it as not being valuable. 15% reported that Glass distracted them in their simulation activity. 100% of participants reported it being more than “successful in its potential to improve emergency obstetric care. 55% reported that Glass or a similar device is “extremely likely” to be incorporated into medicine. None reported that it is unlikely to be used in the future of medicine. Conclusions: Wearable technology has the potential to provide improved learner experience. This technology can be successfully used to provide student exposure to simulated emergencies. Further studies evaluating the participation of students and other learners in simulated obstetrical emergencies are needed to determine how effective wearable technology can become in medical education and ultimately patient care as well

    A community-based approach to trials of aerobic exercise in aging and Alzheimer’s disease

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    The benefits of exercise for aging have received considerable attention in both the popular and academic press. The putative benefits of exercise for maximizing cognitive function and supporting brain health have great potential for combating Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aerobic exercise offers a low-cost, low-risk intervention that is widely available and may have disease modifying effects. Demonstrating aerobic exercise alters the AD process would have enormous public health implications. The purpose of this paper is to a report the protocol of a current, community-based pilot study of aerobic exercise for AD to guide future investigation. This manuscript provides 1) an overview of possible benefits of exercise in those with dementia, 2) a rationale and recommendations for implementation of a community-based approach, 3) recommendation for implementation of similar study protocols, 4) unique challenges in conducting an exercise trial in AD

    How can the MHC mediate social odor via the microbiota community? A deep dive into mechanisms

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    Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have long been linked to odor signaling and recently researchers’ attention has focused on MHC structuring of microbial communities and how this may in turn impact odor. However, understanding of the mechanisms through which the MHC could affect the microbiota to produce a chemical signal that is both reliable and strong enough to ensure unambiguous transmission of behaviorally important information remains poor. This is largely because empirical studies are rare, predictions are unclear, and the underlying immunological mechanisms governing MHC-microbiota interactions are often neglected. Here we review the immunological processes involving MHC class II (MHC-II) that could affect the commensal community. Focusing on immunological and medical research, we provide background knowledge for non-immunologists by describing key players within the vertebrate immune system relating to MHC-II molecules (which present extracellular-derived peptides, and thus interact with extracellular commensal microbes). We then systematically review the literature investigating MHC-odor-microbiota interactions in animals and identify areas for future research. These insights will help to design studies that are able to explore the role of MHC-II and the microbiota in the behavior of wild populations in their natural environment and consequently propel this research area forward

    Proprioception: clinical relevance and neurophysiology

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