2,538 research outputs found

    A Neural Model of First-order and Second-order Motion Perception and Magnocellular Dynamics

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    A neural model of motion perception simulates psychophysical data. concerning first-order and second-order motion stimuli, including the reversal of perceived motion direction with distance from the stimulus (I display), and data about directional judgments as a function of relative spatial phase or spatial and temporal frequency. Many other second-order motion percepts that have been ascribed to a second non-Fourier processing stream can also be explained in the model by interactions between ON and OFF cells within a single, neurobiologically interpreted magnocellular processing stream. Yet other percepts may be traced to interactions between form and motion processing streams, rather than to processing within multiple motion processing strea.ms. The model hereby explains why monkeys with lesions of the parvocellular layers, but not the magnocellular layers, of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) are capable of detecting the correct direction of second-order motion, why most cells in area MT are sensitive to both first-order and second-order motion, and why after APB injection selectively blocks retinal ON bipolar cells, cortical cells are sensitive only to the motion of a moving bright bar's trailing edge. Magnoccllular LGN cells show relatively transient responses while parvoccllular LGN cells show relatively sustained responses. Correspondingly, the model bases its directional estimates on the outputs of model ON and OFF transient cells that are organized in opponent circuits wherein antagonistic rebounds occur in response to stimmulus offset. Center-surround interactions convert these ON and OFF outpr1ts into responses of lightening and darkening cells that are sensitive both to direct inputs and to rebound responses in their receptive field centers and surrounds. The total pattern of activity increments and decrements is used by subsequent processing stages (spatially short-range filters, competitive interactions, spatially long-range filters, and directional grouping cells) to dntermine the perceived direction of motion

    A Socio Religious Analysis of Suicides and its Impact on Economic Development

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    The aim of this paper is to gaining deeper insight into the reasons and consequences of condemned suicidal act from the socio-religious point of view and its impact on the economic development of a society. The condemned act of suicide and problems relating to it, keeping in view the available facts and figures is analysed in view of social and religious beliefs in the known religions of the world. Suicide is a serious public social problem. It is one of the important problems. Different reports on the causes and consequences of suicide have presented an extremely grim picture. It has threatened the life itself. The people resorted to suicides in huge numbers since last decade. Accordingly, the problem of suicide and other related matters may be viewed in terms of the role performance failure of the social & religious systems concerned and the social entities in their environment. Analogously, the problem may be interpreted in terms of the mal-functions of relationships based role on the reciprocity of expectations amongst the interacting social systems.Suicidal, Economics, Socio-religious, Beliefs, Rituals, problems, Reasons, Consequences, Role-Performance, Interaction.

    A Study to Determine the Risk of Diabetes among the Adults of Various Temperaments using IDRS

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    Background: The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide and is expected to reach 4% by 2030. The risk of diabetes increases with the presence of more and more risk factors. Being categorized among Amraz-e-baridah, diabetes was more expected to affect Amzaja-e-barida (balghami and saudavi). The IDRS is a simple, feasible and low cost tool for studying the diabetes risk.Aims of the study: To assess the risk score of diabetes among the subjects of different temperaments using IDRS.A cross sectional study was conducted on adult subjects (n=358) of both gender and four temperaments at department of Tashreeh wa Munafeul Aza, faculty of unani medicine, AMU, Aligarh during April 2017 ā€“ April 2018. A semi- structured interview was scheduled consisting of socio-demographic characteristics. The temperament assessment questionnaire based on Ajnas-e-Ashrah was used to assess the mizaj-e-Shakhsi and IDRS pro forma was used to determine the diabetes risk score of the subjects. Data was entered and analyzed in SPSS.Results: More than half of the selected subjects (54.24%) were found to be at Moderate risk of developing diabetes in near future while around one tenth of the total subjects (13.40%) were at high risk. A good percentage (22.34%) was found to be at No risk. 80.96% Balghami subjects selected for this study were found to be at risk of having diabetes.Conclusion: The subjects having more of Barudat and Ratubat in their Amzaja were found to be at greater risk of developing Diabetes hence this screening is of utmost importance and can be proved beneficial for timely interventions

    Filozofija antifilozofije u islamu

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    In this article, I will examine Aristotleā€™s protreptic argument for the necessity of philosophy as it was deployed by Al-Kindi. I will show how a Muslim critic of philosophy, primarily one who is aligned with the theological outlook of Ibn Hanbal, can reasonably reject the protreptic argument as Al-Kindi presents it. The argument can, however, be reworked in a way to circumvent common criticisms of it presented by HanbalÄ«-style opponents of philosophy. Indeed, I will argue that, once the argument is properly clarified with reference to what constitutes ā€˜philosophyā€™, its soundness is incontrovertible. In closing, I will briefly discuss why Muslim critics of philosophy need not see the protreptic argument as threatening, as the inevitability of philosophy does not necessitate a commitment to all sorts of philosophical positions, however problematic these may be for Islamic doctrine.U ovom ću članku razmotriti Aristotelov protreptički argument za nužnost filozofije kako ga je postavio Al-Kindi. Pokazat ću kako muslimanski kritičar filozofije, prvenstveno onaj koji je usklađen s teoloÅ”kim stajaliÅ”tima Ibn Hanbala, može s razlogom odbaciti protreptički argument kako ga predstavlja Al-Kindi. Međutim, argument se može preraditi na način da se zaobiđu uobičajene kritike koje iznose protivnici filozofije u stilu HanbalÄ«ja. Dapače, tvrdit ću da je njegova ispravnost neupitna jednom kad se argument pravilno razjasni s obzirom na to kako se treba shvatiti \u27filozofiju\u27. Na kraju ću ukratko raspravljati o tome zaÅ”to muslimanski kritičari filozofije ne moraju smatrati protreptički argument problematičnim, budući da neizbježnost filozofije ne zahtijeva privrženost svim vrstama filozofskih pozicija, koliko god one bile problematične za islamsku doktrinu
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