2,100 research outputs found

    Las mujeres del Grial : la cruzada cristiana contra el arquetipo femenino

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    This article works as a riddle, offering several interpretations not only about what the Graal is, but also to whom it serves. Some specialists on Arthurian matters describe the image of a woman touching the Graal. Could it be that the Graal was a originally pre-christian object? Why is it that this symbolic image of masculine theological, sexual, military and political discourse is guarded by women? To answer these questions, the paper discusses Celtic narratives to explain the extermination of Catarism and Occitan culture (where women had a defining role), touching on the Mediterrarean and Indo-iranian origins of the myth. The riddle can only be solved weaving the above mentioned concepts with the symbolic and archetypal dimension of human existence. The narrative shows the thorough task of the Roman Creed to exclude systematically any traces of the feminine in the configuration of explicative models about the spiritual, emotional and social aspects of the individual

    Long-term use of motion-based video games in care home settings

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    Recent research suggests that motion-based video games have the potential to provide both mental and physical stimulation for older adults in residential care. However, little research has explored the practical challenges and opportunities that arise from integrating these games within existing schedules of activities in these contexts. In our work, we report on a qualitative enquiry that was conducted over a three month period at two long-term care facilities. Findings suggest that older adults enjoyed playing video games, and that games can be a valuable means of re-introducing challenge in late life, but that the impact of age-related changes and impairment can influence people’s ability to engage with games in a group setting. We outline core challenges in the design for care context and discuss implications of our work regarding the suitability of games as a self-directed leisure activity

    Breve confrontación do galego co inglés: achegas históricas e fonéticas

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    [Resumo] O inglés, que pasa por ser a lingua franca internacional na actualidade, padeceu na Idade Media unha relación de sometemento a respecto do francés, como acontece na actualidade na Galiza entre o galego e o español; outrosí, o seu sistema fonético e fonolóxico presenta notorias diferenzas (mais tamén algunha relativa similutude) co noso idioma. E pensamos que ambos os aspectos, o histórico e o fonético, poden ser aproveitados nas salas de ensino, co que, na nosa opinión, o alumnado resultaría beneficiado.[Abstract] English, which is recognised as the world´s most widely used, most important language and the international lingua franca, was subordinated to French across the Middle Ages, just the same as it happens in Galicia today between Galician and Spanish. In the same way its phonetic and phonological system shows great differences and also some similarities with our language. We consider that both, the phonetic and the historical aspect, could be developed and used in the classrooms so that the students would profit from that

    Profesionalización del wrestling en España

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    RIOT Wrestling, asociación dedicada a la producción de eventos de lucha libre y a la formación de luchadores centrada en la ciudad de Barcelona, me plantea el reto de realizar una estrategia de Marketing con el objetivo – a largo plazo – de profesionalizar la lucha libre en España. En este documento trataré de analizar la situación de la lucha libre en nuestro país y plantear una estrategia de Marketing realista, que pueda ser puesta en marcha de forma sencilla por parte de la asociación.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Conocer el pasado y protegerlo a través de dos yacimientos locales : les Maleses i Reixac

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    Durant divuit anys s'ha portat a terme a l'IB de Montcada i Reixac, una experiència didàctica que ha permés a diverses promocions de noies i nois la realització d'un treball de camp dins l'àmbit de la disciplina arqueològica. Les tasques de conservació empreses sobre el jaciment ibèric de Les Maleses, i el treball de localització d'una sèrie d'hàbitats a l'entorn de l'església romànica de Reixac, totes dues activitats sota la direcció i supervisió de dues arqueòlogues han configurat una experiència fructífera i engrescadora que tingué com a conseqüència la fundació del Museu de Montcada, fa catorze anys.Durante dieciocho años se ha realizado en el IB de Montcada i Reixac, una experiencia didáctica que ha permitido a diversas promociones de chicas y chicos llevar a término un trabajo de campo en el ámbito de la disciplina arqueológica. Los trabajos de conservación emprendidos en el yacimiento ibérico de Les Maleses, y el trabajo de localización de una serie de hábitats alrededor de la iglesia románica de Reixac, las dos actividades bajo la dirección y supervisión de dos arqueólogas han configurado una experiencia fructífera y motivadora que tuvo como consecuencia la fundación del Museo de Montcada, hace catorce años.During the last 18 years a teaching experience developed at the secondary school of Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) has allowed to aseveral generation of girls and boys to take part in archeological fieldwork. The reaturation works at the Iberic site of Las Malesas and the surveying of the settlement remains around the Romanesque church of Reixac - both activities supervised by archaeologists - has led to a stimulating and fruitful experience that had, as a consequence, the foundation of the local museum.

    Smart cities: event everywhere

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    The research attempts to provide a big picture from the literature through a Systematic Literature Review about the smart city and the existing standards topics for interchanging data through Smart City Apps. Additionally a prototype was created to analyze one of the standards found in the SL