56 research outputs found

    Omenanviljelyyn kestävyyttä paikallislajikkeista

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    Omenanviljelyyn kestävyyttä paikallislajikkeista

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    Omenaa viljellään Suomessa 670 ha:n alalla. Kasvanut viljelypinta-ala mahdollistaa omenan tarjonnan myös sesongin ulkopuolella asettaen Suomessa viljeltäville lajikkeille uusia vaatimuksia. Ilmastonmuutoksen myötä vaikeasti torjuttavien tai niiden kasvitautien, joita ei voida suoraan torjua, esiintyminen on yhä yleisempää. Tulevaisuuden omenalajikkeen tulee olla taudinkestävä samalla kun mehukkuuden ja rapeuden tulee yhdistyä hyvään varastokestävyyteen. Suomalaiset paikallislajikkeet ovat usein terveitä ja niiden talvenkesto on hyvä. Paikallislajikkeiden perimä idän ja lännen risteyskohdassa tarjoaa monipuolista jalostusmateriaalia, vaikka paikallislajikkeiden alhaiset tai vaihtelevat sadot, hedelmän koko ja rakenne saattavat olla ammattiviljelyn este. Myöskään kestävyydestä uusille kasvintuhoojille ei ole tietoa. NordApp-hankeessa yhteispohjoismaisen esijalostustutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada tietoa paikallislajikkeiden sekä pohjoisiin olosuhteisiin jalostettujen lajikkeiden ominaisuuksista ja ominaisuuksien perinnöllisestä taustasta. Varastolaikku (Neofabraea spp.) heikentää varastoitavan omenan laatua ja ilmenee usein vasta varastoinnin loppuvaiheesssa. Neofabraea-lajit aiheuttavat myös nuorten versojen näivettymistä ja versokuolio-oireita. Hankkeessa olemme kartoittaneet varastotautien esiintymistä 26 paikallislajikkeen luomuviljellyissä omenoissa ja testanneet eri lajikkeiden alttiutta varastolaikulle. Varastolaikkua esiintyi yleisesti kahtena peräkkäisenä vuotena. Eristettyjen taudinaiheuttajakantojen itiö- ja rihmastomorfologian perusteella Suomessa esiintyy ainakin kahta Neofabraea-lajia. Osassa paikallislajikkeista esiintyi vain niukasti varastolaikkua ja niiden kestävyys keinotekoiselle tartutukselle oli hyvä. Hankkeessa on myös tutkittu Suomessa menestyvien omenalajikkeiden alttiutta hedelmäpuun syövälle (Neonectria ditissima) Ruotsissa ja etsitty DNA-markkeria taudin kenttäkestävyydelle. Taudinaiheuttaja kulkeutuu saastuneen kasvimateriaalin mukana, ja on leviämässä Etelä-Suomeen. Tautia voidaan rajoittaa vain viljelyteknisesti. Meneillään olevissa tutkimuksissa testataan useiden paikallislajikkeiden ja pohjoisten lajikkeiden kestävyyttä varastolaikulle tartutuskokein. Tulosten perusteella haetaan omenan perimästä kestävyyteen liittyviä kandidaattialueita genominlaajuisen assosiaatioanalyysilla (GWAS). Lupaavien paikallislajikkeiden ja kaupallisten lajikkeiden välillä tehdään risteytyksiä. Risteytysjälkeläistöä karsitaan taimivaiheessa mm. varastokestävyyden, hedelmäpuun syövän ja eri varastotautien kestävyyden DNA-markkerien avulla. Tulosten perusteella suomalaisissa vanhoissa paikallislajikkeissa on kestävyysominaisuuksia, joita kannattaa kartoittaa tulevaisuuden omenalajikkeita varten. Saatu tieto lajikkeiden taudinkestävyydestä on hyödyllistä myös luomu- ja IPM-viljelyn lajikevalinnass

    Nordiska äpplen – projekt NordApp

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    Frukt av många olika slag odlas över hela världen, och utgör en viktig del av den totala livsmedelsförsörjningen. I varmare länder är mångfalden stor – former och färger bildar en förförande palett om man besöker en fruktmarknad, liksom doft och smak hos de frukter man väljer att bekanta sig närmare med. I de nordiska länderna sätter klimatet dessvärre stopp för merparten av dessa frukter – men vi har lyckligtvis några, främst kärn- och stenfrukter inom familjen Rosaceae. Äpple har sålunda odlats i de nordiska länderna sedan början av medeltiden, och detta är numera vår i särklass viktigaste frukt, såväl kulturellt som ekonomiskt. Vissa utländska äpplesorter fungerar ganska bra i odling även på våra breddgrader men för merparten blir den korta vegetationsperioden och de stränga vintrarna övermäktiga hinder. Offentligt finansierade växtförädlingsprogram har därför bedrivits i Finland, Norge och Sverige för att ta fram klimatanpassade sorter. På senare tid har ökad omsorg om miljö och hälsa aktualiserat ytterligare ett förädlingsmål: resistens mot olika skadegörare

    Prediction of underlying atrial fibrillation in patients with a cryptogenic stroke: results from the NOR-FIB Study

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    Background - Atrial fibrillation (AF) detection and treatment are key elements to reduce recurrence risk in cryptogenic stroke (CS) with underlying arrhythmia. The purpose of the present study was to assess the predictors of AF in CS and the utility of existing AF-predicting scores in The Nordic Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke (NOR-FIB) Study. Method - The NOR-FIB study was an international prospective observational multicenter study designed to detect and quantify AF in CS and cryptogenic transient ischaemic attack (TIA) patients monitored by the insertable cardiac monitor (ICM), and to identify AF-predicting biomarkers. The utility of the following AF-predicting scores was tested: AS5F, Brown ESUS-AF, CHA2DS2-VASc, CHASE-LESS, HATCH, HAVOC, STAF and SURF. Results - In univariate analyses increasing age, hypertension, left ventricle hypertrophy, dyslipidaemia, antiarrhythmic drugs usage, valvular heart disease, and neuroimaging findings of stroke due to intracranial vessel occlusions and previous ischemic lesions were associated with a higher likelihood of detected AF. In multivariate analysis, age was the only independent predictor of AF. All the AF-predicting scores showed significantly higher score levels for AF than non-AF patients. The STAF and the SURF scores provided the highest sensitivity and negative predictive values, while the AS5F and SURF reached an area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) > 0.7. Conclusion - Clinical risk scores may guide a personalized evaluation approach in CS patients. Increasing awareness of the usage of available AF-predicting scores may optimize the arrhythmia detection pathway in stroke units

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    Experimental Investigation on Performance Parameters Affecting the Efficiency of Water Type PV/Thermal Collectors with Modified Absorber Configurations

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    Aim The aim of the study is to modify the thermal collectors and optimally combine with PV collectors to improve their efficiency and performance and to reduce the heat-induced efficiency loss of photovoltaic (PV) modules and to ensure maximum energy conversion (combined electrical and thermal). Design & Methodology By using identical photovoltaic (PV) cells, one PV module and five PV/T modules differed in thermal structure with different diameters, amount and layout of absorber tubes, and type of absorber sheets were fabricated with lamination technique. Originality The novelty aspect of this study is that it is the first study that compares PV/T modules with five different thermal configurations and that the lamination technique was used for the first time to join the thermal part to the PV module for the PV/T module fabrication. Findings Total efficiency value of PV/T modules in outdoor conditions were attained between 60.68% and 67.14%. Conclusion Compared to the other modules, the thermal part of the PVT-3 module provides more efficient cooling in terms of cell temperature values, enabling cells in this module to convert energy at lower cell temperatures. Declaration of Ethical Standards The author(s) of this article declare that the materials and methods used in this study do not require ethical committee permission and/or legal-special permission.SOLIMPEKS SolarAuthors would like to express their gratitude to SOLIMPEKS Solar for the financial and in-kind contribution during the PhD project work. Also, this study consists of a part of the first author's doctoral dissertation [27]

    Relationship Between School Performance and Breakfast Quality in Refugee Children: Case Study of Mardin Region

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    Background: Many studies have found that the academic success of school-age children is proved to be in close relation with regular and healthy nutrition. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the relationship between breakfast quality and academic success of refugee primaryschool children. Methods: After scanning 24 schools in the city center, 384 students who were refugee Syrians from primary schools in Mardin city center were included. In addition to the demographic characteristics of the individuals, breakfast habits of these students were investigated. Results: In this study, 91.6% of the children stated that they have breakfast habits. The reasons for skipping breakfast among students of all levels can be listed as being late for school (67.8%) and not liking to have breakfast (18.8%). The breakfast quality index (BQI) score was low in both boys and girls and all age groups. According to this marked value, all age groups had poor nutrition in terms of breakfast. Although girls showed a significant difference in all age groups (P = 0.046), this difference was not significant among boys (P = 0.671). The number of students with a breakfast quality score higher than 8 was very low. It was observed that boys had the highest academic success with the lowest breakfast quality score. The breakfast quality score of girls with the best academic success ranged between 4 - 7 points. Conclusions: It was observed that academic success was linked to having breakfast habit, and students had breakfast habit performed relatively better in school compared to those who did not