90 research outputs found

    In Response: Yes We Can

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    The Content of Several Measures of Social Desirability

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    The question of whether to remove socially desirable responding (SDR) variance from self-report personality inventories, or to treat it as a facet of personality, has been the center of a debate spanning the last 25 years (Furnham, 1986). Recently, this controversy again came to the forefront of the literature via an exchange between a group of researchers (Block, 1990; Edwards, 1990; Nicholson & Hogan, 1990; Walsh, 1990). The essence of this debate is whether the correlation between a SDR scale and a personality scale indicated that the personality scale is contaminated by SDR bias, or if it merely indicates that there is content overlap between the two types of scales

    Taking Development Seriously: Critique of the 2008 \u3ci\u3eJME\u3c/i\u3e Special Issue on Moral Functioning

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    This essay comments on articles that composed a Journal of Moral Education Special Issue (September, 2008, 37[3]). The issue was intended to honor the 50th anniversary of Lawrence Kohlberg’s doctoral dissertation and his subsequent impact on the field of moral development and education. The articles were characterized by the issue editor (Don Collins Reed) as providing a “look forward” from Kohlberg’s work toward a more comprehensive or integrated model of moral functioning. Prominent were culturally pluralist and biologically based themes, such as cultural learning; expert skill; culturally shaped and neurobiologically based predispositions or intuitions; and moral self-relevance or centrality. Inadequately represented, however, was Kohlberg’s (and Piaget’s) key concept of development as the construction of a deeper or more adequate understanding not reducible to particular socialization practices or cultural contexts. Also neglected were related cognitive-developmental themes, along with supportive evidence. Robert Coles’s account of a sudden rescue is used as a heuristic to depict Piaget’s/Kohlberg’s approach to the development of moral functioning. We conclude that, insofar as the Special Issue does not take development seriously, it moves us not forward but, instead, back to the problems of moral relativism and moral paralysis that Kohlberg sought to redress from the start of his work more than 50 years ago

    Identifying practices to promote character development in university residential settings: The case of Colegios Mayores

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    In recent years, several initiatives have attempted to integrate character education in universities. However, it is difficult at the university level to find initiatives aimed at generating communities in which their climate or culture contribute to character development, a relatively common approach at the school level in the character education movement. University residential centers may be an ideal setting for generating such communities. However, studies, guides, or programs along these lines are scarce or non existent. A case worthy of study is that of Colegios Mayores, university residential communities in Spain with a centuries-old tradition that aim to contribute to the integral development of students. However, the literature on the educational dimension of this institution is also scarce and outdated. Contributing to outline its educational dimension, this study reports the results of a survey of directors of Colegios Mayores. The aims of this study are to: 1) explore whether the community of Colegios Mayores agrees in considering six practices as characteristic of this institution; 2) explore the level of implementation of each one of them; and 3) explore if the way in which the community members are involved in these practices responds to the social learning model of Communities of Practice proposed by Etienne Wenger. The questionnaire was answered by 19 directors, representing 15.2% of the population (N=125). Based on the results, it is reasonable to affirm that most directors of Colegios Mayores: 1) consider that the six practices proposed are characteristic of this institution; 2) already implement these practices in their centers; and 3) consider that the Communities of Practice model reflects the way in which the collegial community engages in these practices.En los últimos años, diversas iniciativas es­tán intentando integrar la educación del carác­ter en el ámbito universitario. Sin embargo, es difícil encontrar a nivel universitario inicia­tivas dirigidas a generar comunidades en las que el clima o la cultura contribuyan al desa­rrollo del carácter, un enfoque relativamente frecuente a nivel escolar en el movimiento de educación del carácter. Los centros residencia­les universitarios pueden ser un ámbito idóneo para generar este tipo de comunidades. No obs­tante, los estudios, guías, o programas orien­tados en esta línea son escasos o inexistentes. Un caso digno de estudio es el de los Colegios Mayores, comunidades universitarias residen­ciales en España de tradición multisecular que pretenden contribuir al desarrollo integral de los estudiantes universitarios. Sin embar­go, la literatura que desarrolla la dimensión educativa de esta institución también es esca­sa y está desactualizada. Con el propósito de contribuir a perfilar su dimensión educativa, esta investigación aplica un cuestionario a di­rectores de Colegios Mayores para: 1) explorar si la comunidad de Colegios Mayores está de acuerdo en considerar seis prácticas como pro­pias de esta institución; 2) conocer el nivel de implementación de cada una de ellas; y 3) ex­plorar si el modo en que la comunidad colegia se involucra en estas prácticas responde al mo­delo de Comunidades de Práctica propuesto por Etienne Wenger. El cuestionario fue res­pondido por 19 directores, representando al 15.2 % de la población (N=125). Partiendo de los resultados, es razonable afirmar que la ma­yoría de los directores de Colegios Mayores: 1) considera que las seis prácticas propuestas son propias de esta institución; 2) ya implementa estas prácticas en sus centros; y 3) considera que el modelo de Comunidades de Práctica re­fleja el modo en que la comunidad colegial se involucra en estas prácticas

    Barbarians at the British Museum: Anglo-Saxon Art, Race and Religion

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    A critical historiographical overview of art historical approaches to early medieval material culture, with a focus on the British Museum collections and their connections to religion

    Educar la persona moral en su totalidad

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    La cuestión de la formación moral de nuestros jóvenes, no es ciertamente un asunto nuevo. Se ha debatido, intentado, defendido y criticado durante milenios. A medida que nos acercamos a un nuevo milenio de desacuerdo sobre la posibilidad y el modo de influir sobre la moralidad de nuestros jóvenes, quizá merezca la pena examinar algunos de los problemas a los que nos hemos enfrentado en el pasado y sugerir una perspectiva que ofrezca el potencial para superar tales problemas1. Esta comunicación supone justamente un intento en tal sentido

    L'educació moral dels estudiants de secundària

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    Educar la persona moral en su totalidad

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    La cuestión de la formación moral de nuestros jóvenes, no es ciertamente un asunto nuevo. Se ha debatido, intentado, defendido y criticado durante milenios. A medida que nos acercamos a un nuevo milenio de desacuerdo sobre la posibilidad y el modo de influir sobre la moralidad de nuestros jóvenes, quizá merezca la pena examinar algunos de los problemas a los que nos hemos enfrentado en el pasado y sugerir una perspectiva que ofrezca el potencial para superar tales problemas1. Esta comunicación supone justamente un intento en tal sentido