4,597 research outputs found

    Can black holes and naked singularities be detected in accelerators?

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    We study the conditions for the existence of black holes that can be produced in colliders at TeV-scale if the space-time is higher dimensional. On employing the microcanonical picture, we find that their life-times strongly depend on the details of the model. If the extra dimensions are compact (ADD model), microcanonical deviations from thermality are in general significant near the fundamental TeV mass and tiny black holes decay more slowly than predicted by the canonical expression, but still fast enough to disappear almost instantaneously. However, with one warped extra dimension (RS model), microcanonical corrections are much larger and tiny black holes appear to be (meta)stable. Further, if the total charge is not zero, we argue that naked singularities do not occur provided the electromagnetic field is strictly confined on an infinitely thin brane. However, they might be produced in colliders if the effective thickness of the brane is of the order of the fundamental length scale (~1/TeV).Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX 3, 1 figure and 1 table, important changes and addition

    Lorentz invariance without trans-Planckian physics?

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    We explore the possibility that, in a quantum field theory with Planck scale cutoff Lambda=Mp, observable quantities for low-energy processes respect the Lorentz symmetry. In particular, we compute the one-loop radiative correction Pi to the self-energy of a scalar field with lambda phi^4 interaction, using a modified (non-invariant) propagator which vanishes in the trans-Planckian regime, as expected in the "classicalization" scenario. We then show that, by imposing the result does not depend on Lambda (in the limit Lambda to Mp), an explicit (albeit not unique) expression for Pi can be derived, which is similar to the one simply obtained with the standard Feynman propagator and a cutoff Lambda=Mp.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, section about fluctuating cutoff added, final version to appear in PL

    On brane-world black holes and short scale physics

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    There is evidence that trans-Planckian physics does not affect the Hawking radiation in four dimensions and, consequently, deviations from the linear dispersion relation (for massless particles) at very high energies cannot be revealed using four-dimensional black holes. We study this issue in the context of models with extra spatial dimensions and show that small black holes that could be produced in accelerators might also provide a chance of testing the high energy regime where non-linear dispersion relations are generally expected.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    A general class of braneworld wormholes

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    The brane cosmology scenario is based on the idea that our Universe is a 3-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk. In this work, a general class of braneworld wormholes is explored with R≠0R\neq 0, where RR is the four dimensional Ricci scalar, and specific solutions are further analyzed. A fundamental ingredient of traversable wormholes is the violation of the null energy condition (NEC). However, it is the effective total stress energy tensor that violates the latter, and in this work, the stress energy tensor confined on the brane, threading the wormhole, is imposed to satisfy the NEC. It is also shown that in addition to the local high-energy bulk effects, nonlocal corrections from the Weyl curvature in the bulk may induce a NEC violating signature on the brane. Thus, braneworld gravity seems to provide a natural scenario for the existence of traversable wormholes.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex4. V2: comments and references added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electromagnetic waves around dilatonic stars and naked singularities

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    We study the propagation of classical electromagnetic waves on the simplest four-dimensional spherically symmetric metric with a dilaton background field. Solutions to the relevant equations are obtained perturbatively in a parameter which measures the strength of the dilaton field (hence parameterizes the departure from Schwarzschild geometry). The loss of energy from outgoing modes is estimated as a back-scattering process against the dilaton background, which would affect the luminosity of stars with a dilaton field. The radiation emitted by a freely falling point-like source on such a background is also studied by analytical and numerical methods.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur
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