51 research outputs found

    The Mouse Gastrointestinal Bacteria Catalogue enables translation between the mouse and human gut microbiotas via functional mapping.

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    Funder: Royal SocietyHuman health and disease have increasingly been shown to be impacted by the gut microbiota, and mouse models are essential for investigating these effects. However, the compositions of human and mouse gut microbiotas are distinct, limiting translation of microbiota research between these hosts. To address this, we constructed the Mouse Gastrointestinal Bacteria Catalogue (MGBC), a repository of 26,640 high-quality mouse microbiota-derived bacterial genomes. This catalog enables species-level analyses for mapping functions of interest and identifying functionally equivalent taxa between the microbiotas of humans and mice. We have complemented this with a publicly deposited collection of 223 bacterial isolates, including 62 previously uncultured species, to facilitate experimental investigation of individual commensal bacteria functions in vitro and in vivo. Together, these resources provide the ability to identify and test functionally equivalent members of the host-specific gut microbiotas of humans and mice and support the informed use of mouse models in human microbiota research.Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by Wellcome Trust and Royal Society [206245/Z/17/Z]. Rosetrees Trust [A2194]. Wellcome Trust [098051]

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of Eladi Keram for the treatment of acne vulgaris: a randomised controlled pilot study

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    Introduction: Acne is a multifactorial and common skin disease which can significantly affect the quality of life of sufferers. In this study, a topical herbal preparation traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine was evaluated as a treatment for individuals with acne on their shoulders and backs. Methods: Study participants were randomly assigned either to treatment (Eladi Keram) or vehicle control (coconut oil) groups under double blind conditions and instructed on its daily home application. Standardised lesion counting and acne grading were conducted in accordance with US Food and Drug Administration guidelines and with reference to the Leeds Acne Grading Technique. Participants were assessed for severity of the condition at commencement and on day 28 of treatment. Results: The treatment group showed improvements of 42% (p < 0.005) on the Investigators Global Assessment scale, a 60% (p < 0.05) reduction in inflammatory lesions, a 59% (p < 0.05) reduction in non-inflammatory lesions, and a 59% (p < 0.005) reduction in combined lesion count. The control group showed no statistically significant changes for these criteria. Conclusion: This study is the first reported clinical evaluation of Eladi Keram as a treatment for acne and findings suggest that it could be effective in reducing inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions, warranting further investigation by means of a larger scale clinical trial

    The 2018 Global Research Expedition on Altitude-related Chronic Health (REACH) to Cerro de Pasco, Peru: An Experimental Overview

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    In 2016, the international research team - Global Research Expedition onAltitude-related Chronic Health (REACH) - was established and executed a high altituderesearch expedition to Nepal. The team consists of ~45 students, principal investigatorsand physicians with the common objective of conducting experiments focused on highaltitude adaptation in lowlanders, and highlanders with lifelong exposure to high altitude.In 2018, Global REACH traveled to Peru where we performed a series of experiments inthe Andean highlanders. The experimental objectives, organization and characteristics,and key cohort data from Global REACH's latest research expedition are outlined herein.Herein, fifteen major studies are described that aimed to elucidate the physiologicaldifferences in high altitude acclimatization between lowlanders (n=30) and Andean bornhighlanders with (n=22) and without (n=45) Excessive Erythrocytosis (EE). Afterbaseline testing in Kelowna, BC, Canada (344m), Global REACH travelled to Lima, Peru(~80 m), and then ascended by automobile to Cerro de Pasco, Peru (~4300m) whereexperiments were conducted over 25 days. The core studies focused on elucidating themechanism(s) governing cerebral and peripheral vascular function, cardiopulmonaryregulation, exercise performance, and autonomic control. Despite encountering seriouslogistical challenges, each of the proposed studies were completed at both sea level andhigh altitude amounting to ~780 study sessions and >3000 hrs of experimental testing.Participant demographics and data related to acid-base balance and exercise capacityare presented. The collective findings will contribute to our understanding of howlowlanders and Andean highlanders have adapted under high altitude stress

    The Influence of Manga on the Graphic Novel

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    This material has been published in The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel edited by Jan Baetens, Hugo Frey, Stephen E. Tabachnick. This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University PressProviding a range of cogent examples, this chapter describes the influences of the Manga genre of comics strip on the Graphic Novel genre, over the last 35 years, considering the functions of domestication, foreignisation and transmedia on readers, markets and forms

    Effect of gravity and microgravity on intracranial pressure

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    KEY POINTS: Astronauts have recently been discovered to have impaired vision, with a presentation that resembles syndromes of elevated intracranial pressure on Earth. Gravity has a profound effect on fluid distribution and pressure within the human circulation. In contrast to prevailing theory, we observed that microgravity reduces central venous and intracranial pressure. This being said, intracranial pressure is not reduced to the levels observed in the 90 deg seated upright posture on Earth. Thus, over 24 h in zero gravity, pressure in the brain is slightly above that observed on Earth, which may explain remodelling of the eye in astronauts. ABSTRACT: Astronauts have recently been discovered to have impaired vision, with a presentation that resembles syndromes of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). This syndrome is considered the most mission-critical medical problem identified in the past decade of manned spaceflight. We recruited five men and three women who had an Ommaya reservoir inserted for the delivery of prophylactic CNS chemotherapy, but were free of their malignant disease for at least 1 year. ICP was assessed by placing a fluid-filled 25 gauge butterfly needle into the Ommaya reservoir. Subjects were studied in the upright and supine position, during acute zero gravity (parabolic flight) and prolonged simulated microgravity (6 deg head-down tilt bedrest). ICP was lower when seated in the 90 deg upright posture compared to lying supine (seated, 4 ± 1 vs. supine, 15 ± 2 mmHg). Whilst lying in the supine posture, central venous pressure (supine, 7 ± 3 vs. microgravity, 4 ± 2 mmHg) and ICP (supine, 17 ± 2 vs. microgravity, 13 ± 2 mmHg) were reduced in acute zero gravity, although not to the levels observed in the 90 deg seated upright posture on Earth. Prolonged periods of simulated microgravity did not cause progressive elevations in ICP (supine, 15 ± 2 vs. 24 h head-down tilt, 15 ± 4 mmHg). Complete removal of gravity does not pathologically elevate ICP but does prevent the normal lowering of ICP when upright. These findings suggest the human brain is protected by the daily circadian cycles in regional ICPs, without which pathology may occur

    Effect of gravity and microgravity on intracranial pressure

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    Da bi međuljudski privatni i poslovni odnosi bili uspješni, komunikacija je ključan faktor. Ona je, po definiciji, razmjena informacija, ideja i osjećaja verbalnim i neverbalnim sredstvima, a proizlazi iz komunikacijskih potreba sudionika. Za učinkovitost elementa komunikacije bitna je vještina govora i pisanja, a upravo se zbog toga učinkovitost komunikacije izjednačuje s verbalnim sposobnostima pojedinca. Osobna funkcija komunikacije te međusobna funkcija najvažnije su kada je u pitanju poslovna komunikacija, a njene osnovne komponente su poznavanje jezika, interakcijske vještine, te kulturno znanje. Pošiljatelj poruke nastoji biti uvjerljiv, a to će postići primjenom stručnog znanja posjedujući ekspertnu i referentnu moć. Kao što znamo, u velikoj većini slučajeva najvažniji je način na koji pričamo o određenoj temi, a nužno je znati način na koji zaintrigirati sudionika razgovora. Dogovoreni književni standard u govoru i pisanju prije svega nas osposobljava da se u istom kulturološko-nacionalnom krugu bolje razumijemo, da naša poruka bude jasna i učinkovitija, a kroz sve to da zadovoljava općeprihvaćene norme lijepoga. Takav način komunikacije štedi vrijeme, utječe na potencijalne korisnike usluga, klijente, stranke i sl.For succesful interpersonal and business relationship, communication is a key factor. It's defined as an exchange of information, ideas and feelings by verbal and non-verbal means, and arises from the communication needs of the participants. Personal function and mutual function are the most important when it comes to business comunication, and that's why communication efficiency can be the same as an individual's verbal ability. Basic components are cultural knowledge and language skills. The sender of the message tries to be convincing, and this could be achieved through the application of expertise, possessing expert and referential power. In most of the cases, the most important thing is how we talk about particular topic, and it's essential to know how to intrigue a participant in a conversation. The same standard in writing and speech, the same cultural circle can make us understand each other better, and this will make our message clear and effective, as it should be. This way of communication saves time, affects on potential service users, clients, parties, etc