Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
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    31675 research outputs found


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    Arboretum predstavlja ţivu zbirku razliĉitog drveća i grmlja koji ima obrazovnu, uzgojnu i dekorativnu svrhu. Osnovna namjena arboretuma je uzgajanje autohtonih i alohtonih vrsta drveća kako bi se prikupio i razmijenio razliĉit biljni materijal i time oĉuvala biološka raznolikost pojedinog podruĉja. U Hrvatskoj postoje tri arboretuma, a dva su od njih nastala na podruĉju plemićkog dvora i ljetnikovca. Uz arboretum Trsteno, koji je ujedno i najstariji arboretum na svijetu, u Hrvatskoj se nalaze arboretumi Opeka i Lisiĉine. Uz autohtone vrste, razliĉite egzotiĉne vrste unesene u arboretum povećavaju bioraznolikost i obogaćuju hortikulturu arboretuma. Unatoĉ tome, pojedina podruĉja arboretuma su zapuštena ĉime se narušava mogući razvitak arboretuma.Arboretum represents a living collection of different trees and shrubs that has educational, breeding and decorative purpose. The basic purpose of the arboretum is to cultivate native and alohton tree species in order to gather and exchange different plant material to preserve the biodiversity of individual areas. There are three arboretums in Croatia, and two of them were made in the area of the noble court and the summer palace. Along with the Arboretum Trsteno, which is also the oldest arboretum in the world, there are Arboretum of Opeka and Lisinĉina in Croatia. With autochthonous species, various exotic species introduced into the arboretum increase the biodiversity and enrichment of the arboretum horticulture. Nonetheless, some arboretum areas are neglected, which disturbs the possible development of arboretum

    Web application for logging contacts for self-isolation purposes

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    Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je napraviti web aplikaciju koja omogućuje jednostavan pregled popisa zaraženih kontakata prijavljenog korisnika i prikazom nedavnih kontakata pojedinih osoba. Aplikacija omogućuje bilo kojoj osobi s odgovarajućim pristupnim podacima da se prijavi i dobije uvid i cijeli popis koji se nalazi u bazi podataka koja se nalazi na udaljenom poslužitelju. Svi korisnici imaju mogućnost dodavanja osoba na popis te pretraživanje popisa po određenim kriterijima. Uz to, korisnici s većim privilegijama imaju mogućnost mijenjanja podataka osoba na popisu, u slučaju da postoje krivo unešeni podaci, te brisanje pojedinaca s popisa. Web aplikacija je dostupna u svakom trenutku svakoj osobi dokle god je poslužitelj spojen s Internetom. Teorijski dio sadrži opis načina izrade stranice pomoću korištenja Bootstrap-a i Javascript-a i način uspostavljanja Apache poslužitelja i spajanje na bazu podataka pomoću PHP-a.The main goal of this undergraduate paper was to create a web application that enables a simple view of the list of infected contacts of logged in user with a display of recent contacts of individuals. The application allows anyone with the valid access credentials to log in and see the entire list contained in a database located on a remote server. All users have the option of adding people to the list and searching the list according to certain criteria. In addition, users with higher privileges have the possibility to change the data of people on the list, in case there is false data, and to delete individuals from the list. The web application is available at any time to anyone as long as the server is connected to the Internet. The theoretical part contains a description of how Bootstrap and Javascript are used and how to establish an Apache server and connect to a database using PHP


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    Vrapčarice (Passerine) je red ptica najbrojniji vrstama. Dijeli se na dva podreda - Oscine (Pjevice) i Suboscine (Ne-pjevice). Vrapčarice su monofiletička skupina ptica. Prve pjevice su se pojavile na južnoj Zemljinoj hemisferi u ranom tercijaru. Na sjevernoj hemisferi su pronađeni samo fosilni ostaci ne-pjevica (Suboscina) tog geološkog razdoblja. Vokalno učenje je imalo veliku ulogu u evoluciji i specijaciji vrapčarica. Bitnu ulogu u evoluciji vrsta ovog reda imale su različite morfološke prilagodbe u pogledu veličine tijela jer su za razliku od drugih ptica one gradile manja gnijezda .Passerine is the most diverse order of Aves. It is divided in two suborders: Oscine and Suboscine. Passerine is monophyletic order. The first passerine lived in the southern hemisphere in the early tertiary. In the northern hemisphere, only the fossil remains of a non-passerine (Suboscine) were found in that geological period. Vocal learning had a big role in the evolution and specification of Passerine. An important role in the development of this order was also the morphology of the bodies that needed a small nest


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    Genotoksikologija objašnjava utjecaj kemijskih i fizikalnih faktora na genetski materijal koji uzrokuju nasljedne promjene (mutacije) u strukturnom integritetu genoma (mutagenost). Provedbom odgovarajućih in silico (računalnih), in vitro (na staničnim kulturama ili bakterijama) ili in vivo (na živim organizmima) metoda dobivaju se podaci o genotoksičnom karakteru testiranog kemijskog spoja. In silico tehnike istraživanja genotoksičnosti kemikalija imaju primjenu u preliminarnim istraživanjima spojeva, dok se in vivo i in vitro metode koriste u svrhu dobivanja realnih rezultata o toksičnom karakteru kemikalije. U skupinu in silico tehnika pripadaju računalni softveri čije se predviđanje mutagenosti temelji na već provedenim istraživanjima čiji su rezultati pohranjeni u bazama podataka. In vitro i in vivo metode koriste različite metodologije koje omogućuju ispitivanje utjecaja kemijskih spojeva na DNA od kojih su najčešće Amesov test, MLA, MN i SCGE test.Genetic toxicology evaluates the impact of chemical and physical agents on genetic material which cause hereditary changes (mutations) in structural integrity of the genome (mutagenicity). Use of suitable in silico (computational), in vitro (cell cultures or bacteria) or in vivo (living organisms) assays gives data on the genotoxicity of tested chemical or physical agent. In silico methods of investigation are used in preliminary investigations of the mutagenicity of tested chemical, while in vivo and in vitro techniques give realistic results on the genotoxic character of tested chemical. Group of in silico methods consists of softwares whose prediction of mutagenicity is based on existing data bases. In vitro and in vivo methods use various methodologies which allow testing of the chemicals impact on the DNA. The most used in vivo and in vitro methods are Ames, MN, MLA and SCGE assay

    The effect of selenium on the ascorbate-glutathione cycle genes expression in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Selen je mikronutrijent esencijalan za ljude i životinje, dok kod biljaka u malim koncentracijama djeluje u obrani protiv nepovoljnih ekoloških abiotičkih i biotičkih čimbenika. Pri većim koncentracijama selen može imati prooksidacijsko djelovanje i uzrokovati pojavu oksidacijskog stresa u stanicama. Važnu ulogu u smanjenju negativnih posljedica uzrokovanih oksidacijskim stresom ima askorbat-glutationski ciklusi te enzimi monodehidroaskorbat-reduktaza (MDHAR) i dehidroaskorbat-reduktaza (DHAR) koji čine njegov važan dio. U ovom istraživanju ispitivao se utjecaj tretmana različitih koncentracija i oblika selena (selenat i selenit) na razinu ekspresije gena mdhar i dhar u korijenu i izdanku pšenice (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Kraljica). Tretman selenom je značajno utjecao na ekspresiju gena mdhar i dhar pri čemu je razina ekspresije ovisila o kemijskom obliku i koncentraciji primijenjenog selna te o samom biljnom organu. Kako bi se detaljnije razjasnio mehanizam djelovanja selena na antioksidacijski odgovor u biljaka, potrebno je ispitati i ostale komponente antioksidacijskog sustava.Selenium is a micronutrient essential for humans and animals, while in plants low concentrations of selenium help in protection against adverse ecological abiotic and biotic factors. At higher concentrations, selenium can have prooxidative activity and induce oxidative stress in cells. An important role in reducing the negative effects caused by oxidative stress has ascorbate-glutathione cycle and enzymes monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) that make its important part. In this study, the effect of various concentrations of selenium (selenate and selenium) on the expression of mdhar and dhar genes in the roots and shoots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Kraljica) was studied. Treatment with selenium had a significant effect on the expression of mdhar and dhar genes, where the level of expression depended on the chemical form and concentration of the applied selenium and on the type of plant organ itself. In order to further clarify the mechanism of selenium on the antioxidant response in plants, other components of the antioxidant system need to be investigated

    Expression of genes involved in lignin synthesis in the barley stem

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    Kao komponenta stanične stijenke lignin igra važnu ulogu u pružanju mehaničke potpore i transporta vode u biljkama. Sinteza lignina uključuje nekoliko putova. U ovom radu analizirali smo ekspresiju gena uključenih u sintezu lignina: fenilalanin amonijak-liazu (PAL), 4-kumarat: koenzim A ligazu (4CL) i reduktazu cinamoil-koenzima A (CCR) kao i celuloza sintetazu (CesA). Analize su provedene na tri kultivara ječma (Hordeum vulgare L.) u fazi nalijevanja zrna koristeći lančanu reakciju polimeraze u realnom vremenu (qPCR). Rezultati su pokazali da se ekspresija PAL, 4CL, CCR i CesA razlikuje u odnosu na referentni gen (ADP-ribozilacijski faktor 1-sličan protein, ADP). Najveća ekspresija zabilježena je u kultivaru Osvit, zatim slijedi kultivar Titan pa Predator koji je ujedno imao i najnižu ekspresiju svih gena.As a part of the plant cell wall lignin plays an important roles providing mechanical support and water transport. Lignin synthesis includes several pathways. We analysed expression of genes involved in lignin synthesis: phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (4CL) and cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) as well as cellulose synthase (CesA). Analyses were performed on three spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars at grain filling stage by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Results showed that expression of PAL, 4CL, CCR and CesA differed in comparison to the reference gene (ADP-ribosylation factor 1-like protein, ADP). The highest expression was observed in cultivar Osvit, followed by Titan and Predator which had the lowest expression of all genes

    Diversity and representation of diatoms in the phytoplankton of Lake Sakadaš (Nature Park Kopački rit)

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    Tijekom 2015. godine provedeno je istraživanje sezonskih sukcesija planktonskih dijatomeja u Sakadaškom jezeru (Park prirode Kopački rit). Utvrđena je velika raznolikost dijatomeja (116 svojti), posebno u ranoproljetnom i zimskom razdoblju u uvjetima nižih temperatura vode i smanjenog intenziteta svjetlosti koji pogoduju njihovom razvoju. Analize su pokazale jak sezonski utjecaj i važnost hidroloških prilika u oblikovanju sastava zajednica i brojnosti pojedinih vrsta dijatomeja. U jezeru su, uz primarno bentoske vrste dijatomeja, najzastupljenije centrice (Aulacoseira granulata, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Cyclostephanos dubius, Aulacoseira pusilla) zbog boljeg prilagođavanja promjenjivim uvjetima u vodenom stupcu, posebice u vrijeme plavljenja. Uz sastav i zastupljenost vrsta, veliki sadržaj hranjivih tvari u vodi, visoke koncentracije klorofila i niske vrijednosti prozirnosti, posebice u ljetnim mjesecima, ukazuju na eutrofno stanje jezera.The seasonal succession of planktonic diatoms was studied in Lake Sakadaš (Nature Park Kopački rit) in 2015. A large diversity of diatoms (116 taxa) has been identified, especially in the early spring and winter, under the conditions of lower water temperatures and reduced light intensity that favour their development. The analyses showed a strong seasonal influence and the importance of hydrological conditions in shaping the composition of communities and the abundance of individual diatom species. A greater presence of centric species (Aulacoseira granulata, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Cyclostephanos dubius, Aulacoseira pusilla) was found, which, due to their morphological and functional characteristics, were better adapted to changing conditions in the water column, especially during flooding. Also, a significant portion of primarily benthic diatom species has been identified in lake phytoplankton. Besides species composition and abundance, the high nutrient content and chlorophyll concentrations as well as low water transparency, especially in summer, indicate the eutrophic state of the lake

    Misconceptions and using conceptual maps as a way od evaluating

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    Utvrđivanje miskoncepcija i konceptualnog razumijevanja vezanih uz fotosintezu i stanično disanje provedeno je među 49 učenika 3. razreda Opće gimnazije u Osijeku u školskoj godini 2018./2019. Učenici postižu slabe rezultate na pisanoj provjeri znanja te su na osnovi ukupnog uspjeha svakog pojedinog učenika definirane klase uspješnosti. Jedan od mogućih načina uklanjana miskoncepcija upotreba je konceptualne mape. Analizom pisane provjere znanja i konceptualne mape evidentirana je ista miskoncepcija miješanja kloroplasta i klorofila. Rezultati konceptualne mape ne razlikuju se kod najboljih i najlošijih učenika te su uočeni slični odgovori učenika što nam ukazuje na nedostatak prakse i iskustva u korištenju mapa prilikom učenja ili procjenjivanja. Analizom ankete o navikama učenja može se zaključiti da većina učenika još uvijek smatra da je profil nastavnika ključan za uspjeh u njihovom učenju te odbijaju preuzeti odgovornost za vlastito učenje. Većina učenika za učenje koristi samo prezentacije s nastave, bez upotrebe alata za učenje, poput konceptualne mape, koji bi potaknuli konceptualno razumijevanje i postizanje više kognitivne razine znanja.Determination of misconceptions and conceptual understanding related to photosynthesis and cellular respiration was conducted among 49 3rd grade students of the General High School in Osijek in the school year 2018/2019. Results show students’ poor understanding of the concepts which corresponds with the written proficiency testing. Based on the overall success of each student, performance classes are defined. One possible way to eliminate misconception is to use a concept map. The analysis of the students’ conceptual map corresponds with their written knowledge assessment and reveals the same misconception of mixing chloroplasts and chlorophylls. Furthermore, there is no difference between more and less successful students when it comes to the results of the concept map. Similar student responses indicate a lack of practice and experience in using the maps. The analysis of the survey on the learning habits shows that most students still consider the teacher as a crucial role in their learning success. This indicates their lack of responsibility for autonomous learning. Most students use only teacher presentations for learning, and they do not use teaching aids such as a concept map that can improve their conceptual understanding and help them reach a higher cognitive level of knowledge


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    „Zelena“ kemija obuhvaća niz ideja i aktivnosti temeljenih na 12 načela s ciljem uvođenja promjena u kemijske procese radi što manjeg utjecaja na okoliš i živa bića u njemu. Uporabom blažih, tzv. „zelenih“ otapala nastoji se u što većoj mjeri smanjiti korištenje opasnih organskih otapala. Eutektička otapala predstavljaju jednu od tih alternativa. Zbog svoje slabe hlapljivosti, netoksičnosti, jednostavne priprave, niske cijene, biorazgradivosti te mogućnosti recikliranja, eutektička su se otapala pokazala kao odličan medij za brojne reakcije. Cilj ovoga rada je ispitati primjenu eutektičkih otapala na bazi kolinklorida u sintezi tiosemikarbazida i triazola. Prema dobivenim rezultatima, eutektička otapala pokazala su se pogodnima u sintezi željenih spojeva. Došlo je do sinteze čistih spojeva ili njihove smjese u različitim omjerima, ovisno o vrsti otapala. Otapala su se pokazala ekološki i ekonomski isplativa u sintezi navedenih spojeva.Green chemistry encompasses a series of ideas and activities based on 12 principles, with the aim of introducing changes to chemical processes to reduce the negative impact on the environment and living system. The use of milder, so called green solvents seeks to minimize the use of hazardous organic solvents. Eutectic solvents represent one of these alternatives. Due to their low volatility, non-toxicity, easy preparation, low cost, biodegradability and recyclability, eutectic solvents have proven to be an excellent medium for many reactions. The aim of this paper is to explore the use of choline chloridebased deep eutectic solvents in the synthesis of thiosemicarbazides and triazoles. According to the obtained results, eutectic solvents have proved to be suitable for the synthesis of the desired compounds. It resulted in the synthesis of pure compounds or their mixtures in different proportions, depending on the type of solvent. Solvents have proven to be environmentally and economically viable in the synthesis of the mentioned compounds

    Animal parental care

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    Razvitak brige za mlade pruža mladima veću šansu za preživljavanje iako zahtjeva puno energije i vremena. Postoji nekoliko tipova brige za mlade, svaki je specifičan i prilagođen pojedinoj vrsti. Kod većine ptica prevladava monogamija jer oba roditelja mogu nahraniti dvostruko više mladih nego jedan roditelj, i mužjak i ženka će povećati svoj reproduktivni uspjeh tako što će zajedno brinuti za mlade. U sisavaca ženke su još više predodređene brinuti za mlade, pa prevladava poliginija. Mladi često imaju produljeno razdoblje razvijanja unutar ženke za koje vrijeme mužjaci mogu pripomoći u brizi za mlade.Evolution of parental care provides better chance of survival even though it requires a lot of energy and time. There are several types of parental care each specific and adjusted to a particular species. The most common type among most birds is monogamy because both parents are able to feed twice as much as one parent so male and female will increase their reproductive success by providing care togther. In mammals, females are more predetermined to care for the youngs so most mammals are polygyny. The youngs often have extended time developing inside mothers so in that time males can provide any help


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    Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek is based in Croatia
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