3,667 research outputs found

    Towards the Design of Heuristics by Means of Self-Assembly

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    The current investigations on hyper-heuristics design have sprung up in two different flavours: heuristics that choose heuristics and heuristics that generate heuristics. In the latter, the goal is to develop a problem-domain independent strategy to automatically generate a good performing heuristic for the problem at hand. This can be done, for example, by automatically selecting and combining different low-level heuristics into a problem specific and effective strategy. Hyper-heuristics raise the level of generality on automated problem solving by attempting to select and/or generate tailored heuristics for the problem at hand. Some approaches like genetic programming have been proposed for this. In this paper, we explore an elegant nature-inspired alternative based on self-assembly construction processes, in which structures emerge out of local interactions between autonomous components. This idea arises from previous works in which computational models of self-assembly were subject to evolutionary design in order to perform the automatic construction of user-defined structures. Then, the aim of this paper is to present a novel methodology for the automated design of heuristics by means of self-assembly

    Reinforcement Learning-assisted Evolutionary Algorithm: A Survey and Research Opportunities

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EA), a class of stochastic search methods based on the principles of natural evolution, have received widespread acclaim for their exceptional performance in various real-world optimization problems. While researchers worldwide have proposed a wide variety of EAs, certain limitations remain, such as slow convergence speed and poor generalization capabilities. Consequently, numerous scholars actively explore improvements to algorithmic structures, operators, search patterns, etc., to enhance their optimization performance. Reinforcement learning (RL) integrated as a component in the EA framework has demonstrated superior performance in recent years. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on integrating reinforcement learning into the evolutionary algorithm, referred to as reinforcement learning-assisted evolutionary algorithm (RL-EA). We begin with the conceptual outlines of reinforcement learning and the evolutionary algorithm. We then provide a taxonomy of RL-EA. Subsequently, we discuss the RL-EA integration method, the RL-assisted strategy adopted by RL-EA, and its applications according to the existing literature. The RL-assisted procedure is divided according to the implemented functions including solution generation, learnable objective function, algorithm/operator/sub-population selection, parameter adaptation, and other strategies. Finally, we analyze potential directions for future research. This survey serves as a rich resource for researchers interested in RL-EA as it overviews the current state-of-the-art and highlights the associated challenges. By leveraging this survey, readers can swiftly gain insights into RL-EA to develop efficient algorithms, thereby fostering further advancements in this emerging field.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figure

    Proceedings of the 2nd Computer Science Student Workshop: Microsoft Istanbul, Turkey, April 9, 2011

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    Big data clustering using grid computing and ant-based algorithm

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    Big data has the power to dramatically change the way institutes and organizations use their data. Transforming the massive amounts of data into knowledge will leverage the organizations performance to the maximum.Scientific and business organizations would benefit from utilizing big data. However, there are many challenges in dealing with big data such as storage, transfer, management and manipulation of big data.Many techniques are required to explore the hidden pattern inside the big data which have limitations in terms of hardware and software implementation. This paper presents a framework for big data clustering which utilizes grid technology and ant-based algorithm

    Markov Chain Selection Hyper-heuristic for the Optimisation of Constrained Magic Squares

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    UKCI 2015: UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, University of Exeter, UK, 7-9 September 2015A square matrix of size n Ă— n, containing each of the numbers (1, . . . , n2) in which every row, column and both diagonals has the same total is referred to as a magic square. The problem can be formulated as an optimisation problem where the task is to minimise the deviation from the magic square constraints and is tackled here by using hyper-heuristics. Hyper-heuristics have recently attracted the attention of the artificial intelligence, operations research, engineering and computer science communities where the aim is to design and develop high level strategies as general solvers which are applicable to a range of different problem domains. There are two main types of hyper-heuristics in the literature: methodologies to select and to generate heuristics and both types of approaches search the space of heuristics rather than solutions. In this study, we describe a Markov chain selection hyper-heuristic as an effective solution methodology for optimising constrained magic squares. The empirical results show that the proposed hyper-heuristic is able to outperform the current state-of-the-art method

    Bio-inspired computation: where we stand and what's next

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    In recent years, the research community has witnessed an explosion of literature dealing with the adaptation of behavioral patterns and social phenomena observed in nature towards efficiently solving complex computational tasks. This trend has been especially dramatic in what relates to optimization problems, mainly due to the unprecedented complexity of problem instances, arising from a diverse spectrum of domains such as transportation, logistics, energy, climate, social networks, health and industry 4.0, among many others. Notwithstanding this upsurge of activity, research in this vibrant topic should be steered towards certain areas that, despite their eventual value and impact on the field of bio-inspired computation, still remain insufficiently explored to date. The main purpose of this paper is to outline the state of the art and to identify open challenges concerning the most relevant areas within bio-inspired optimization. An analysis and discussion are also carried out over the general trajectory followed in recent years by the community working in this field, thereby highlighting the need for reaching a consensus and joining forces towards achieving valuable insights into the understanding of this family of optimization techniques
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