1,371 research outputs found

    Capital Structure and Market Power: Evidence from Jordanian Banks

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    This paper provides new insights into the way in which the capital structure and market power and capital structure and profitability are related. We used sample data of fourteen banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the period from 2005 to 2008.We examine the dependent variable, which are expressed by total debt deflated by total assets, while the independent variables are Tobin Q, Growth, Profitability, Size, Ownership, Risk and Tangibility ratio. The OLS estimation results indicate that, at lower and higher ranges of Tobin’s Q, banks employ higher debt, and reduce their debt at intermediate range. This is due to the complex interaction of market conditions, agency costs, and bankruptcy costs. We also show the saucer-shaped relation between capital structure and profitability because of the interplay of agency costs, costs of external financing and interest tax-shield. We find that size tangibility variables have a positive influence both on capital structure and on the other hand on growth, while risk and ownership variables have a negative influence on capital structure.aknowledge, competitiveness, firm performance, knowledge-based theory

    Capital structure and value firm: an empirical analysis of abnormal returns

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    This study investigates whether capital structure is value relevant for the equity investor. In this sense, the paper links empirical corporate finance issues with investment analysis. This study also integrates the Miller-Modigliani (MM) framework (1958) into an investment approach by estimating abnormal returns on leverage portfolios in the time-series for different risk classes. For most risk classes, abnormal returns decline in firm leverage. Descriptive statistics, simple and multiple regressions are used to test the hold indicator significance. The results reflect that the designed measures are the negative relationship between returns and leverage could also be due to the market’s pricing of the firm’s ability to raise funds if need be. Further avenues for research in this area include examining the stock return performance of companies based on the changes in leverage of the firms relative to their risk classes. It would be particularly noteworthy to examine the rate at which the information content of said changes is incorporated in the share prices of companies as well as in their long run returns This study encompasses all non-financial firms across the five sectors that cover all the various classes of risk. This study investigates neither the determinants of multiple capital structure choices nor changes in capital structures over time. Our main goal is to explore the effect of capital structure on cumulative abnormal returns. This study also examine a firm’s cumulative average abnormal returns by measuring leverage at the firm level and at the average level for the firm’s industry. And also examine other factors, such as size, price earnings, market-to-book and betas.capital structure, agency cost, firm value.

    The Historical Background of the Relationship Between Foreign Nationals and Crime: A Case Study of Irish Criminality in the UK

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    Historically, immigrants from different parts of the world were welcomed to Britain and at times even seduced into coming to live and work here. However, when their population increased, or other issues of the time were connected to their presence in the country, political and public concerns began to emerge in relation to demographics, health, the economy and crime.2 This paper will explore the temporal aspects of connecting foreign nationals to different non-immigration criminal offences by tracking the historical role of immigration policy and political debates in immigrant criminality in order to understand the background to this issue, which has predominated on the political discourses and immigration policy changes. The historical journey this article takes will shed some light on the economic and social restrictions placed on foreign nationals’ activities, and the role of public sentiment and media coverage in connecting foreign nationals to non-immigration criminal offences with a special focus on the criminality of the Irish in the UK

    teachers' reported accounts on teaching grammar at kresna institute in pare

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out the instructions, strategies, and media used by teachers who teach in the Planet English program at the Kresna Institute. This study used a qualitative research approach and methods and data collection techniques used through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique used Creswell’s method which included collecting the data, reading and understanding all of the data, preparing and organizing the data, coding the data, and interpreting the findings. The participants in this study were two teachers who teach the Planet English Program at the Kresna Institute. There were several criteria to become a participant in this research. Among others, namely: a. teachers have extensive teaching experience, at least 3 years. b. the teacher has a good understanding of the material. c. teachers have good teaching skills. The information was obtained from the administrative staff at the Kresna Institute. The findings of this study indicated that 1) The instructions used were the delivery of learning objectives, providing motivation, and good communication or interaction. The instructions. The instructions were used to increase students' interest in learning. There were several things that the teacher does before the learning process begins. These were the delivery of learning objectives, providing motivation, and good communication or interaction. 2) The strategies used were the tutorial program, mapping and stepping, and weekly exams. 3) The media used were whiteboard and three-color markers. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that teaching grammar requires instructions, strategies, and media that are efficient and attract students' interest in learning. This is evidenced by Planet English graduates who have good grammar mastery. The researcher hopes that future researchers can use this research as a data source for further research on teaching English. The researcher suggests that future researchers examine from the student’s point of view about learning English, especially grammar.Keywords: Teaching grammar, instruction, strategy, medi


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    iABSTRAKPELAKSANAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/CSR) PADA PERUSAHAAN INDUSTRI KELAPA SAWIT(Studi pada PT Beurata Subur Persada, Nagan Raya)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(vi, 67), pp., bibl., app.(Dr. Teuku Muttaqin Mansur, M.H)Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan peraturan pelaksananya melalui Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 47 Tahun 2012 Tentang Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Perseroan Terbatas menyatakan bahwa setiap perusahaan di Indonesia wajib melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility). Hal ini bertujuan guna meningkatkan kualitas dan kehidupan yang bermanfaat, baik bagi perusahaan itu sendiri, komunitas setempat maupun masyarakat pada umumnya. PT Beurata Subur Persada adalah sebuah perusahaan industri yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan buah kelapa sawit dan merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang wajib melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Namun pada kenyataannya, PT Beurata Subur Persada yang berlokasi di gampong Babah Dua Kabupaten Nagan Raya ini belum melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan secara maksimal dan merata, baik kepada masyarakat maupun lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan pelaksanaantanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibilit) PT Beurata Subur Persada kepada masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar. Kemudian untuk mengetahui dampak pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan PT Beurata Subur Persada terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar.Data dalam penulisan skripsi ini diperoleh melalui data sekunder dan data primer.Data sekunder diperoleh dari penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research), yaitu dilakukan dengan cara mempelajari peraturan perundang-undangan, teori-teori dan buku yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Sedangkan data primer diperoleh dari penelitian lapangan (Field Research), yaitu dilakukan dengan cara mewawancarairesponden dan informan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa, PT Beurata Subur Persada belum melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan secara maksimal dan merata, hal ini terbukti dari minimnya progam dan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan yang dilaksanakan, serta masih adanya lingkungan yang kurang mendapat perhatian dari pihak perusahaan. Jika kita klasifikasikan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan ke dalam empat bidang seperti, bantuan sosial, penyerapan tenaga kerja, transfer pengetahuan dan teknologi serta peran lingkungan, maka hanya dari bidang penyerapan tenaga kerja yang secara maksimal telah dilaksanakan oleh PT Beurata Subur Persada. Sedangkan pada bidang-bidang lainnya masih sangat minim dilakukan dan kurang mendapat perhatian, sehingga hal ini dapat berdampak bagi masyarakat maupun lingkungan sekitar. Sudah seharusnya PT Beurata Subur Persada membentuk divisi khusus yang menangani dan mengawasi setiap kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, meningkatkan intensitas komunikasi dengan masyarakat dan aparatur gampong, serta adanya sanksi yang tegas terhadap perusahaan jika tidak melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (Corporate Social Responsibility).MUHAMMAD FARIS AL-BADRI201

    Citizens\u27 Acceptance of eGovernment Services: An Empirical Study of Medina City

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    Many governments over the world have adopted information communication technologies (ICT) and associated benefits to facilitate improved and more efficient services to citizens. One famous channel of these revolutions is the use of internet facilities to offer online public services to stakeholders (particularly citizens). This channel has been increasing rapidly in recent times with the introduction of electronic government (e-government). However, the success of these initiatives, including e-government, will depend largely on user (citizen) access of e-services, availability of web sites, and high level of security and protection of citizens’ privacy. This paper aims to examine the Saudi citizens\u27 perspective of e-government systems in Medina city in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia

    Effect of Number of Wire Mesh Layers and Depth Ratio on Ultimate Shear Force for Monopanel Beam Specimens

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    نظام المونوبنل هو نوع من البناء الجديد الذي يتكون من طبقتين رقيقتين من الفيروسمنت تتخللهما طبقة سميكة من مواد خفيفة الوزن ذات مقاومة وكثافة قليلتين على سبيل المثال رغوة البوليسترين والتي استخدمت في هذا البحث أو أي مادة عازلة أخرى .  في هذا البحث ربطت هاتين الطبقتين مع بعضهما بواسطة عوارض مشبكه جملونيا مصنوعة من قضبان فولاذية  بقطر 3.2 ملم على هيئة قضبان طولية عدد 2 تربطهما أخرى تميل بزاوية مقدارها 60 درجة مع القضبان الطولية ، هذه القضبان المائلة تعمل كروابط بين قشرتي الفيروسمنت الرقيقة وتمنعهما من الانبعاج الموضعي وتقوم بمقاومة قوى الانثناء والقص و الانضغاط المسلط عليها. لقد تناول هذا البحث دراسة سلوك و سعة التحمل للأعتاب المصنعة في المختبر بموجب نظام المونوبنل.  ومن خلال التجارب العملية لستة مجاميع من  نماذج أعتاب المونوبنل تمت دراسة تأثر أحمال الفشل باختلاف عمق الأعتاب و عدد طبقات المشبكان في فلاف النماذج ( طبقة واحدة أو طبقتين ) حيث تمت دراسة هذه المتغيرات على السلوك والحمل الأقصى للنماذج كذلك تم مقارنة  النتائج العملية مع النتائج النظرية التي تم استحصالها باستخدام علاقات قوى القص لمدونة أل ACI 318M-08.A monopanel is the system building witch consists of two thin ferrocement block as a faces and  between them a bushy layer of low strength, density and cost as a core made from lightweight material for example from polystyrene foam as using in this investigation  or any material as an insulation . The simple structural idealization of a monopanel system is that the core provides transverse trusses between the faces that prevent flexural ,shear force and compression. Transverse trusses made of steel bars having a diameter of 3.2 mm, which make available as tie reinforcement to prevent the thin ferrocement skins from local buckling, have been used in the present work. These transfer system consist of two longitudinal bars connected by inclined steel bar forming trusses shape making an angle equals to 60o with the longitudinal bars. The main object of this research is to present an experimental investigation on the behavior and load carrying capacity of monopanel beams. The experimental work includes testing six groups of  monopanel beams, and has been investigated the effect of a different depths of monopanel beams and number of layer of wire mesh of skin faces (one or two layers )  on the behavior and the ultimate load capacity. Also comparison of these results with the ACI code 318M-08 formulations have been made