7 research outputs found

    Polacy w Illinos. Zarys historii

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    This article presents an outline history of the Polish community in Illinois from the 19th century to the present day. It describes and characterises the various waves of immigration of Poles to this state, during which the Polish community consolidated, Polish organisations were established (Polish Roman Catholic Union, Polish National Alliance, Polish Women’s Alliance) and their integration with the American society unfolded. The main physical and spiritual centres of support were the parishes. The article also presents the activity of the Polish community in Illinois in modern times, its reactions to events in Poland in the 20th century and its current perception of Polish culture.Artykuł stanowi przekrój dziejów Polonii w Illinois począwszy od XIX wieku po czasy współczesne. Opisuje i charakteryzuje poszczególne fale imigracji Polaków do tego stanu, w ramach których konsolidowała się polonijna społeczność, powstawały polskie organizacje (Zjednoczenie Polskie Rzymsko-katolickie, Związek Narodowy Polski, Związek Polek) i postępowała integracja ze społeczeństwem amerykańskim. Głównym fizycznym centrum i duchowym punktem podparcia były parafie. W artykule przedstawiono również aktywność Polonii w Illinois w czasach współczesnych, jej reakcje na wydarzenia w Polsce w XX wieku i obecne postrzeganie kultury polskiej

    American Polonia in World War II

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    Two page excerpt from an article from the journal "Polish American Studies". The article entitled "American Polonia in World War II: Toward a Social History" by John Radzilowski quotes Maryann Wojciechowski as she describes her mother's experiences as a political prisoner during the Nazi occupation

    Thaddeus V. Gromada, editor. Oskar Halecki, 1891-1973: Eulogies and Reflections

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    Book review of Thaddeus V. Gromada, editor. Oskar Halecki, 1891-1973: Eulogies and Reflections. Preface by Jerzy Wyrozumski, Tatra Eagle Press, 2013. 80 pp. $7.99, paper

    The Sarmatian Review, Vol. 18, No. 3

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    Contents: "SR INDEX"; Roumiana Deltcheva, "The Difficult Topos In-Between: the East Central European Culural Context as a Post-Coloniality"; Alex Kurczaba, "East Central Europe and Multiculturalism in the American Academy; Colin Cleary, "Poems."; Krzysztof Koehler, "Poems, tr. by W. Martin"; "BOOKS"; John Radzilowski, "General Anders and theSoldiers of the Second Polish Corps (review)"; Jan Twardowski, "Princess (a poem)"; K.K.Baczyński, "Where to? (a poem) Tr. by Alex Kurczaba"; "SR Translation of Documents Series"; Angela Brintlinger and Krzysztof Koehler, "Syllabi of Central and Eastern European courses"; "ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTES"; "About the Authors

    A Bibliography on Polish Americans, 2006–2010

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    Selected Bibliography

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