299 research outputs found

    From Microalgae Growth Promotion to the Production of Secondary Metabolites

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    Funding Information: F.Q.-N. and P.R.B. acknowledge receiving a Ph.D. fellowship (2022.10633.BD; 2021.07927.BD514, respectively) funded by FCT/MCTES. Funding Information: This research was conducted in the scope of the project “PhycoµBiome: Understanding and harnessing the power of the microalgae microbiome aiming the maximization of marine microalgae productivity” funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES, Portugal), grant number PTDC/BAA-BIO/1262/2020. The research was performed with the support of iNOVA4Health (UIDB/04462/2020 and UIDP/04462/2020) and the Associate Laboratory LS4FUTURE (LA/P/0087/2020) also funded by the FCT/MCTES. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Marine bacteria are a significant source of bioactive compounds for various biotechnological applications. Among these, actinomycetes have been found to produce a wide range of secondary metabolites of interest. Saccharopolyspora is one of the genera of actinomycetes that has been recognized as a potential source of these compounds. This study reports the characterization and genomic analysis of Saccharopolyspora sp. NFXS83, a marine bacterium isolated from seawater from the Sado estuary in Portugal. The NFXS83 strain produced multiple functional and stable extracellular enzymes under high-salt conditions, showed the ability to synthesize auxins such as indole-3-acetic acid, and produced diffusible secondary metabolites capable of inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, when Phaeodactylum tricornutum was co-cultivated with strain NFXS83 a significant increase in microalgae cell count, cell size, auto-fluorescence, and fucoxanthin content was observed. Detailed analysis revealed the presence of clusters involved in the production of various secondary metabolites, including extracellular enzymes, antimicrobial compounds, terpenes, and carotenoids in the genome of strain NFXS83. Ultimately, these findings indicate that Saccharopolyspora sp. NFXS83 has a significant potential for a wide range of marine biotechnological applications.publishersversionpublishe

    2D to 3D crossover of the magnetic properties in ordered arrays of iron oxide nanocrystals

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    The magnetic 2D to 3D crossover behavior of well-ordered arrays of monodomain gamma-Fe2O3 spherical nanoparticles with different thicknesses has been investigated by magnetometry and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. Using the structural information of the arrays obtained from grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering and scanning electron microscopy together with the experimentally determined values for the saturation magnetization and magnetic anisotropy of the nanoparticles, we show that MC simulations can reproduce the thickness-dependent magnetic behavior. The magnetic dipolar particle interactions induce a ferromagnetic coupling that increases in strength with decreasing thickness of the array. The 2D to 3D transition in the magnetic properties is mainly driven by a change in the orientation of the magnetic vortex states with increasing thickness, becoming more isotropic as the thickness of the array increases. Magnetic anisotropy prevents long-range ferromagnetic order from being established at low temperature and the nanoparticle magnetic moments instead freeze along directions defined by the distribution of easy magnetization directions

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation

    Horizon 2019 : bibliothèques en prospective

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    Colloque organisé du 19 au 21 novembre 2009 à l\u27enssib avec pour but d\u27imaginer l\u27avenir proche des bibliothèques dans le monde occidental. Le colloque s\u27organise en trois temps : "Enjeux et défis", "Quelles missions pour les bibliothèques" et "Hypothèses et scénarios"

    Prevalence and risk factors for Giardia duodenalis infection among children: A case study in Portugal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Giardia duodenalis </it>is a widespread parasite of mammalian species, including humans. The prevalence of this parasite in children residing in Portugal is currently unknown. This study intended to estimate <it>G. duodenalis </it>infection prevalence and identify possible associated risk factors in a healthy paediatric population living in the District of the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Between February 2002 and October 2008, 844 children were randomly selected at healthcare centres while attending the national vaccination program. A stool sample and a questionnaire with socio-demographic data were collected from each child. <it>Giardia </it>infection was diagnosed by direct examination of stools and antigen detection by ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The population studied revealed a gender distribution of 52.8% male and 47.2% female. Age distribution was 47.4% between 0-5 years and 52.6% between 6-15 years.</p> <p>The prevalence of <it>Giardia </it>infection was 1.9% (16/844) when estimated by direct examination and increased to 6.8% (57/844) when ELISA results were added. The prevalence was higher among children aged 0-5 years (7.8%), than among older children (5.8%), and was similar among genders (6.9% in boys and 6.5% in girls). The following population-variables were shown to be associated risk factors for <it>G. duodenalis </it>infection: mother's educational level (odds ratio (OR)= 4.49; confidence interval (CI): 1.20-16.84), father's educational level (OR = 12.26; CI: 4.08-36.82), presence of <it>Helicobacter pylori </it>infection (OR = 1.82; CI: 1.05-3.15), living in houses with own drainage system (OR = 0.10; CI: 0.02-0.64) and reported household pet contact, especially with dogs (OR = 0.53; CI: 0.31-0.93).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of giardiasis in asymptomatic children residing in the region of Lisbon is high. Several risk factors were associated with <it>Giardia </it>prevalence and highlight the importance of parents' education and sanitation conditions in the children's well being. The association between <it>G. duodenalis </it>and <it>H. pylori </it>seems an important issue deserving further investigation in order to promote prevention or treatment strategies.</p

    Spatial and temporal variations of aridity shape dung beetle assemblages towards the Sahara desert

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    Assemblage responses to environmental gradients are key to understand the general principles behind the assembly and functioning of communities. The spatially and temporally uneven distribution of water availability in drylands creates strong aridity gradients. While the effects of spatial variations of aridity are relatively well known, the influence of the highly-unpredictable seasonal and inter-annual precipitations on dryland communities has been seldom addressed. Aims: Here, we study the seasonal and inter-annual responses of dung beetle. Dung beetle abundance and species richness showed large seasonal variations, but remained relatively similar between years. Indeed, aridity and its interaction with season and year were the strongest correlates of variations in species richness and composition. Increasing aridity resulted in decreasing species richness and an ordered replacement of species, namely the substitution of the Mediterranean fauna by desert assemblages dominated by saprophagous and generalist species both in space towards the Sahara and in the dry season.Indradatta deCastro-Arrazola was funded by an FPI grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BES-2012-054353). This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project SCARPO (grant CGL2011-29317)

    The coffee leaf rust pathogen Hemileia vastatrix: one and a half centuries around the tropics

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    Pathogen profileTaxonomy and History: Hemileia vastatrix Berk. and Broome (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales) was described in 1869 in eastern Africa and Ceylon as the agent of coffee leaf rust and has spread to all coffee cultivation areas worldwide. Major disease outbreaks in Asia, Africa and America caused and continue to cause severe yield losses, making this the most important disease of Arabica coffee, a cash crop for many tropical and subtropical countries. Life cycle and Disease symptoms: Hemileia vastatrix is a hemicyclic fungus with the urediniosporic life cycle as its most important (if not only) source of inoculum. Chlorotic spots are the first macroscopic symptoms, preceding the differentiation of suprastomatal, bouquet-shaped, orange-coloured uredinia. The disease can cause yield losses of up to 35% and have a polyetic epidemiological impact on subsequent years. Disease control: Although the use of fungicides is one of the preferred immediate control measures, the use of resistant cultivars is considered to be the most effective and durable disease control strategy. The discovery of ‘H ıbrido de Timor’ provided sources of resistance that have been used in several breeding programmes and that have been proven to be effective and durable, as some have been in use for more than 30 years. Genetic diversity and Molecular pathogenicity: Although exhibiting limited genetic polymorphism, the very large genome of H. vastatrix (c. 797 Mbp) conceals great pathological diversity, with more than 50 physiological races. Gene expression studies have revealed a very precocious activation of signalling pathways and production of putative effectors, suggesting that the plant–fungus dialogue starts as early as at the germ tube stage, and have provided clues for the identification of avr genesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    CoNIC Challenge: Pushing the Frontiers of Nuclear Detection, Segmentation, Classification and Counting

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    Nuclear detection, segmentation and morphometric profiling are essential in helping us further understand the relationship between histology and patient outcome. To drive innovation in this area, we setup a community-wide challenge using the largest available dataset of its kind to assess nuclear segmentation and cellular composition. Our challenge, named CoNIC, stimulated the development of reproducible algorithms for cellular recognition with real-time result inspection on public leaderboards. We conducted an extensive post-challenge analysis based on the top-performing models using 1,658 whole-slide images of colon tissue. With around 700 million detected nuclei per model, associated features were used for dysplasia grading and survival analysis, where we demonstrated that the challenge's improvement over the previous state-of-the-art led to significant boosts in downstream performance. Our findings also suggest that eosinophils and neutrophils play an important role in the tumour microevironment. We release challenge models and WSI-level results to foster the development of further methods for biomarker discovery

    How cigarette smoking may increase the risk of anxiety symptoms and anxiety disorders : a critical review of biological pathways

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    Multiple studies have demonstrated an association between cigarette smoking and increased anxiety symptoms or disorders, with early life exposures potentially predisposing to enhanced anxiety responses in later life. Explanatory models support a potential role for neurotransmitter systems, inflammation, oxidative and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotrophins and neurogenesis, and epigenetic effects, in anxiety pathogenesis. All of these pathways are affected by exposure to cigarette smoke components, including nicotine and free radicals. This review critically examines and summarizes the literature exploring the role of these systems in increased anxiety and how exposure to cigarette smoke may contribute to this pathology at a biological level. Further, this review explores the effects of cigarette smoke on normal neurodevelopment and anxiety control, suggesting how exposure in early life (prenatal, infancy, and adolescence) may predispose to higher anxiety in later life. A large heterogenous literature was reviewed that detailed the association between cigarette smoking and anxiety symptoms and disorders with structural brain changes, inflammation, and cell-mediated immune markers, markers of oxidative and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial function, neurotransmitter systems, neurotrophins and neurogenesis. Some preliminary data were found for potential epigenetic effects. The literature provides some support for a potential interaction between cigarette smoking, anxiety symptoms and disorders, and the above pathways; however, limitations exist particularly in delineating causative effects. The literature also provides insight into potential effects of cigarette smoke, in particular nicotine, on neurodevelopment. The potential treatment implications of these findings are discussed in regards to future therapeutic targets for anxiety. The aforementioned pathways may help mediate increased anxiety seen in people who smoke. Further research into the specific actions of nicotine and other cigarette components on these pathways, and how these pathways interact, may provide insights that lead to new treatment for anxiety and a greater understanding of anxiety pathogenesis