18 research outputs found

    Dances From The Melodrama Of Carl Milhan

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    Banks of the Blue Moselle

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    When the glow worm gilds the Elfin flow\u27r,That clings round the ruined shrine, Where first we met, when first we lov\u27d, And I confess\u27d me thine, \u27Tis there I\u27ll fly to meet thee still, At sound of vesper bell. In the starry light, of a summer night, In the starry light, of a summer night, In the starry light, of a summer night, On the banks of the blue Moselle, On the banks of the blue Moselle, In the starry light of a summer night, On the banks of the blue Moselle. If the cares of life should shade thy brow, Yes yes in our native bow\u27rs My Lute and heart might best accords, To tell of happier hours. \u27Yes there I\u27ll sooth thy grief to rest,Each sigh of sorrow quell

    Bring Me My Harp

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    Bring me my harp, that I may wake Old chords of byegone hours: My fairy bark upon the lake, The banks of golden flow\u27rs; The cheerful fire that burnt so bright Upon my father\u27s hearth, Affection\u27s look of starry light Which beam\u27d upon my birth. Affection\u27s look of starry light Which beam\u27d upon my birth. Aid me my harp, that I may sing The strain she lov\u27d to hear, Altho\u27 from out this heart it wring At ev\u27ry note a tear; Those tears so sweet, oh, do not chide Nor offer joys relief, For know to calm sad mem\u27ry\u27s tide, There is no joy like grief. For know to calm sad mem\u27ry\u27s tide, There is no joy like grief

    Of Europe

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    The Gothic in Victorian Poetry

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    From Romantic Gothic to Victorian Medievalism: 1817 and 1877

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    "The Cambridge History of the Gothic was conceived in 2015, when Linda Bree, then Editorial Director at Cambridge University Press, first suggested the idea to us

    The bloom is on the rye.

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    A & S Nordheimer, King Street, Toronto. [dealer stamp]Ballad [form/genre]Andantino espo. Non troppo lento [tempo]B flat major [key]Piano and voice [instrumentation