1,830 research outputs found

    Invertebrate animals of the Lake District

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    The communities of running water in Cumbria

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    For conservations of nature to be effective. there must be an understanding of what is present to be conserved. Thus in order to conserve the communites of the Cumbrian rivers, there must first be surveys to determine the spp present and their relative numbers. This has been carried out for many years, by a number of workers. It has been shown that the communities present are influenced by the substratum, the flow, the chemicals present, water temp and predation. Findings of the work on the River Lune were given at a seminar on the rivers of north-west Europe, held at Amiens in November, 1975. The proceedings of the seminar are to appear in special numbers of Bulletin francais de Pisciculure

    Faunistic studies

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    An update on the work undertaken by the authors, Macan and Hynes, over the past year. Macan provides details of additional work undertaken since his publication of faunistic work on adult animals, including details on additional field data, further developments of the conclusions intially drawn and further comparisons with fauna of the highlands of Scotland. Two histograms are provided showing succession of Corixidae in two separate waterbodies. Habitat conditions are also discussed for this species and a number of locations are mentioned including, Blelham Tarn, Derwentwater and Rusland Moss. An update on stonefly work undertaken by Hynes is provided, specifically stomach contents of nymphs and habitat preference. Details are also given of aquatic insects being breed by the staff for research

    The production of freshwater fish for food

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    It has been estimated that in England and Wales fresh water covers some 340 square miles of which about one quarter is inhabited mainly by salmon and trout; in Scotland the lakes cover an area of 340 square miles. The principal object of this publication is to make available in handy form some of the methods, especially those involving the use of manures, by which crops of fish from water can be increased. The cultivation of water which this implies may be compared directly to the cultivation of farm land: the conditions for growth are made as favourable as possible, the seed is sown in the form of young fish, and after one or perhaps two growing seasons the crop is harvested. There are however many waters about the country where marketable fish are already available and can be removed without prejudice to, and indeed to the advantage of, sporting fisheries. In such cases it is necessary only to remove the fish and to rely on the natural processes of reproduction of those which are left to repopulate the water. Farming waters in the true sense is the concern of the greater part of this publication; the removal of crops of otherwise unwanted fish is considered in the last two sections on perch trapping and eel fisheries

    Prevalencija senzibilizacije na Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus među industrijskim radnicima

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    Skin tests with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus were carried out by the standard prick method in six groups of industrial workers: meat processing workers (n=107), brewery workers (n-96), animal food workers (n-40), swine farmers (n=32), paper-mill workers (n-132) and wool-textile workers (n-111). The control group consisted of 158 subjects who were tested during the preemployment examinations and had not worked in industrial plants before. Skin reactions were read after 20 minutes by measuring the largest urtica diameter in millimeters. A diameter >3 mm was considered to be a sign of a positive skin reaction. In relation to the control group a significant (P<0.01) higher prevalence of positive skin reaction to D. pteronyssinus was found among the meat processing workers (41 vs. 13%), animal food workers (30 vs. 13%), swine farmers (34 vs. 13%) and wool-textile workers (32 vs. 13%). Results of the standard prick test were not significant for the brewery workers (21 vs. 13%) and the paper-mill workers (21 vs. 13% in controls). Our results demonstrate the need for applying specific individual health measures if working conditions favour the growth and reproduction of house dust mites.Ispitana je prevaleneija senzibilizacije na Dermatophagoides ptamnyssinus u skupinama radnika zaposlenih u različitim industrijama. Kožno testiranje prick metodom učinjeno je na standardni način alergenskim pripravkom imunoloÅ”kog zavoda u Zagrebu (0,2%). Ispitivanje je provedeno u Å”est skupina radnika: iz mesne industrije - obrade peradi (n-107), proizvodnje piva (n=96), tvornice stočne hrane (n=40), svinjogojske farme (n=32) (prerade papira (n-132) i iz tekstilne industrije (n=111). Kontrolna skupina sastojala se od 158 ispitanika koji su testirani tijekom prethodnih pregleda i koji nisu do tada radili u industrijskim pogonima. U odnosu prema kontrolnoj skupini dobivene su značajne razlike (P<0,01) u prevalenciji pozitivnih kožnih reakcija na Dermatophagoicles pteronyssinus u mesnoj industriji (41:13%), tvornici stočne hrane (30:13%), svinjogojskoj farmi (34:13%) i u tekstilnoj industriji (32:13%). Kožne reakcije nisu bile značajne u proizvodnji piva (21:13%) i u preradi papira (21:13%). Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su značajno veću prevalenciju senzibilizacije na ovu grinju u mesnoj i tekstilnoj industriji u odnosu na opću populaciju. Rezultati pokazuju značenje praÅ”inskih grinja u etiologiji zdravstvenih tegoba, u prvom redu diÅ”nog sustava zaposlenih, i upućuju na potrebu provođenja specifičnih individualnih zdravstvenih mjera u zaposlenih, kao i u njihovom radnom okoliÅ”u

    Ankylos Dental Implant System - for Which Cases are Implants Suitable?

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    Oseointegrirajući dentalni usadak možemo definirati kao napravu izrađenu od biokompatibilnoga materijala (titana) koja se postavlja u maksilu ili mandibulu, a uloga mu je osigurati sidriÅ”te za restorativnu stomatologiju. Usadcima se mogu rijeÅ”iti različiti klinički slučajevi, od potpune ili djelomične bezubosti do nadomjestka jednoga zuba. Danas se osobita pozornost daje estetskom, fonetskom i higijenskom aspektu takve terapije, a ne samo restauracije pacijentove mastikatorne funkcije. U kojim slučajevima možemo upotrijebiti usadak ovisi o mnogim čimbenicima. Prikazati ćemo nekoliko slučajeva potpune bezubosti, djelomične bezubosti (manjka distalnih zuba jednostrano i obostrano), manjka jednoga zuba te traumatski gubitak dijela čeljusti.The target for every prosthodontic treatment - due to tooth decay or tooth loss was and is, to construct and simulate the natural dentition as close as possible. Decreasing the number of teeth means increasing difficulties to achieve such a target. It is often impossible to achieve perfect function with dentures over a long period because of permanent soft tissue and bone changes. By then, the denture does not fit any more and has lost its retention. Tooth implants can be the favourable solution in most of these cases. Ankylos implants are manufactured from biologically neutral pure Titanium and they have a rogh surface. The special design ensures excellent anchorage even immediately after implantation ( primary stability) and the protection of the jaw bone under chewing pressure. For which cases are implants suitable? This depends very much on the situation. We will show you a few examples when it is suitabel to use on implant as a solution to conventional prostheses. If a single tooth is to be replaced; if teeth are missing on the end of the arch in either the upper or lower jaw; if there are large gaps between the few remaining teeth, and if there are no more teeth remaining

    WoS, WoK, CC, WoSCCā€¦?!?

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