2,380 research outputs found

    Solar: Chris Meigh-Andrews' Sunbeam.

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    An essay about the ideas and concepts behind Sunbeam, a site-specific projection event by Chris Meigh-Andrew

    The computer as an irrational cabinet.

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    This thesis and its accompanying project are concerned with the use of digital technology in the representation of material culture. The thesis aims to find ways of using such technology that are appropriate to our present needs and to its potential. The computer is a technology which we understand, interact with and relate to through metaphor. I propose that many of the metaphors through which we understand it invoke the idea of an enclosed space. The use of such a trope might seem suitable when using computers for representing museum collections, or material culture in general, since it invokes the enclosed space of the museum. I examine how this idea of enclosure is manifested in computer developments such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence. I also look at how these developments are congruent with perspectival modes of visual representation privileged in the modern era. I argue that such metaphors and forms of representation, whether manifested in visual arts, the museum, or computer applications are problematic, bound up as they are with modern western ideas of mastery and transcendence, which are presently being subjected to critiques from various quarters. Throughout the modern era there have been forms of representation which have contested the dominant visual mode of modernity. These include the art of the Baroque in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and, in this century, the work of the Surrealists. In contrast to the rational, orthogonal space of modernity, both these deal with complex and fragmented representations of spaces and time. Such developments have been discussed as forms of representation appropriate to contemporary concerns about knowledge They also have a corollary in computing developments, such as multimedia and hypermedia, Yet, I argue, those working in multimedia have in the main failed to exploit the potential of such developments to enable new ways of representing knowledge. I propose looking to both the Baroque and Surrealism to find possible models and strategies for use in multimedia in the representation of material culture. In relation to this I describe practical work done in conjunction with this thesis which uses these models as the basis of a piece of multimedia software for the representation of material culture

    Gelling of cryogenic oxidizers Final report, 5 May 1965 - 4 Sep. 1966

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    Freeze dry methods for preparation of ultrafine, particle size lithium fluoride for cryogenic oxidizer

    OPINI PELAJAR KELAS XI TENTANG BERITA MENURUNNYA TINGKAT KELULUSAN UJIAN NASIONAL SMA/MA SEDERAJAT 2010 DI MEDIA MASSA (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Tentang Opini Pelajar Kelas XI Di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat Tentang Berita Menurunnya Tingkat Kelulusan Ujian Nasional SMA/MA Dan Sederajat 2010 Di Media Massa).

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya masalah menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional SMA/MA sederajat yang berkembang pada pemberitaan di media massa sejak awal April 2010. Berawal dari hasil Ujian Nasional yang menurunnya sebanyak 4% dari tahun sebelumnya yakni dari 93,74% menjadi 89,88. Kementrian Pendidikan Indonesia (Kemdiknas), menurut Nuh (Menteri Pendidikan), juga merilis beberapa provinsi di kawasan Timur Indonesia masih menjadi yang terbanyak ketidaklulusan siswa SMA dan MA. Provinsi tersebut diantaranya Gorontalo (53 persen), Nusa Tenggara Timur (52,8 persen), dan Maluku Utara (41 persen), Sulawesi Tenggara/Sultra (35 persen), Kalimantan Timur/Kaltim (30 persen) dan Kalimantan Tengah/Kalteng (39 persen). Penelitian ini menggunakan teori jarum hipodermik, dimana teori dalam ini memiliki asumsi bahwa media sangat ampuh dalam mengkomunikasikan pesan yang dikehendaki oleh komunikator. Masalah menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional SMA/MA sederajat dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang dapat disuntikkan langsung kepada pikiran masyarakat, dalam hal ini lebih dikhususkan kepada pelajar kelas XI. Deskripsi opini yang diinginkan mempunyai 3 arah, yaitu opini positif, opini negatif dan opini netral. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengambil populasi pelajar kelas XI di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dua sumber yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Sedangkan metode analisis yang dipakai dengan membuat tabel frekuensi untuk memudahkan dalam interpretasi data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah diketahui bahwa pelajar kelas XI di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat mempunyai opini yang netral tentang berita menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional SMA/MA sederajat di media massa. Opini tersebut diperoleh berdasarkan jawaban responden dari pernyataan dalam bentuk kuisioner yang meliputi pernyataan seputar berita menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional SMA/MA sederajat di media massa. Stasiun televisi TV One turut membentuk arah opini pelajar kelas XI karena stasiun televisi TV One adalah stasiun yang lebih dalam meng-ekspose masalah menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional tahun 2010 secara lebih mendalam. xii xiii Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pelajar kelas XI di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat memiliki arah opini netral tentang berita menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional SMA/MA sederajat di media massa karena pelajar menganggap bahwa masalah menurunnya tingkat kelulusan Ujian Nasional yang berkembang di media massa, baik untuk dijadikan pelajaran berharga yang dapat memacu semangat pelajar untuk belajar dari kegagalan yang terjadi sebelumnya dan bisa lebih maksimal mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi Ujian Nasional tahun 2011 mendatang

    How to Implement and Maintain an Exceptional Evening Out Program For Children with Disabilities and their Caregivers

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    Families of children with disabilities report a need for opportunities to attend to leisure interests and other responsibilities free from their children. Therefore the Exceptional Evening Out Program was developed and implemented at a local YMCA. The purpose of this program was to provide parents/caregivers with an evening out while simultaneously providing the children with disabilities an opportunity to practice and reinforce key developmental skills. The pilot Exceptional Evening Out Programs occurred monthly over 6 months and were staffed with volunteer occupational and physical therapy students as well as YMCA staff members. Activities were set up that focused on gross motor, fine motor, social, and sensory skill development. A manual was created to provide information on planning, implementing and sustaining the program in the current community as well as other communities that may desire to start such a program

    Trigger Warnings : Balancing challenging material with overwhelming students

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    Students with trauma histories are requesting explicit alerts called trigger warnings that required course material may be upsetting to them. This workshop provides a conceptual discussion of what constitutes student trauma history; a summary of a qualitative research project with faculty who teach student trauma survivors; and practical suggestions for balancing healthy classroom culture with the demands of content. Relevant for all chairpersons

    Vörösmarty kĂ©t nĂ©vnapi köszöntƑje Ă©s a Laura‐versek

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    Vörösmarty az 1840‐es Ă©vek elejĂ©n kĂ©t nĂ©vnapi köszöntƑverset (NĂ©vnapi köszöntĂ©s, NĂ©vnapra) Ă­rt kĂ©sƑbbi felesĂ©gĂ©hez, CsajĂĄghy LaurĂĄhoz. MindkĂ©t költemĂ©nynek fennmaradt a tisztĂĄzott, fehĂ©r papĂ­rra mĂĄsolt, a szerzƑ ĂĄltal alĂĄĂ­rt, a szƱkebb barĂĄti körben tartott nĂ©vnapi ĂŒnneplĂ©s alkalmĂĄval ĂĄtadott pĂ©ldĂĄnya is. A kĂ©t mƱ termé‐ szetesen megjelent nyomtatott formĂĄban, az Ă©letmƱ szerelmi költĂ©szetĂ©nek, a Lau‐ ra‐verseknek a rĂ©szĂ©vĂ© vĂĄlt. A verscsoporton belĂŒl azonban mĂĄr kevĂ©s figyelmet kaptak, hiszen az alkalmi, lĂ©nyegĂ©ben ĂŒnneplĂ©sre szĂĄnt költemĂ©nyek alacsony mƱfaji‐irodalmi Ă©rtĂ©kƱnek szĂĄmĂ­tanak az 1840‐es Ă©vekben, kĂŒlönösen Vörösmarty Ă©letmƱvĂ©n belĂŒl. A tanulmĂĄny a kĂ©t köszöntƑvers magĂĄn‐ Ă©s irodalmi hasznĂĄlatá‐ ra irĂĄnyulĂł, a nyelvi‐tartalmi eltĂ©rĂ©sekben, nĂ©vhasznĂĄlatban mutatkozĂł kĂŒlönbsé‐ gek feltĂĄrĂĄsa utĂĄn megprĂłbĂĄlja Ășjragondolni a Laura‐versek egy rĂ©szĂ©nek keletke‐ zĂ©störtĂ©netĂ©t, illetve a Vörösmarty‐életrajz hĂĄzassĂĄg elƑtti Ă©veihez ad Ășj adalé‐ kokat. In the early 1840s Vörösmarty wrote two greeting poems, NĂ©vnapi köszöntĂ©s [Name‐day Greeting] and NĂ©vnapra [For a Name‐day], for the name‐day of his future wife Laura CsajĂĄghy. Both poems have come down for us in fair copies on white paper, signed by the author. He gave them to Laura when her name‐day was cel‐ ebrated in a small circle of friends. Both poems were published, too, and have been considered ever since as ’Laura poems’, in the love poems segment of the oeuvre. But inside that group they get less attention since topical, celebratory po‐ ems are regarded as inferior genres in the 1840s, and especially in the oeuvre of Vörösmarty. The paper attempts to re‐think the formation history of some of the Laura poems, examining the differences detected in names, in language and con‐ tent, in the private and public usage of the two greeting poems. It also adds data to Vörösmarty’s biography in the pre‐marriage years

    Introduction to the Institute for Body, Mind and Spirituality

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