17 research outputs found

    Comparative analytical study of Ashuddha Karaveera and Shuddha Karaveera

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    Karaveera (Cerebra thevetia Linn.) is reported under Upavisha Dravya in classical ayurvedic pharmacopeias. It is observed that Shodhana (purification procedures) of the mool should be carried out before its internal administration. There are different Shodhana methods mentioned in Ayurveda. In this study Godugdha was used as media. The impact of Shodhana was evaluated by physico analytical study. It clearly proves physico analytical changes during Shodhana. Ashuddha Karaveera was taken on white clean cloth and they dumped in Pottali with Godugdha. Pottali was tied to middle of wooden rod dipped in Godugdha in stainless steel vessel and mild heat given to pottali in Dolayantra. Shuddha Karaveera was obtained and then washed with luke warm water and dried. Ashuddha Karaveera contains toxin in it which was removed after Shodhana process. So that foreign matter, loss on drying was less in Shuddha Karaveera and due to Shodhana process with Godugdha total ash, acid insoluble ash was more than that of Ashuddha Karaveera

    Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Mustakadi Pramathya and Mustakadi Kwatha

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    Introduction: A range of smaller preparation is explained in classics other than five basic Kashaya Kalpanas. They are categorized considering the similarities in their method of preparation under ‘Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.’ ‘Kwathan’ is similar in Kwatha Kalpana and for preparation of Pramathya, which is Upakalpana of Kwatha. Mustakadi Kwatha is not mentioned in classics but Mustakadi Pramathya is mentioned in classics which is used in Raktatisara. Objective: Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Mustakadi Pramathya and Mustakadi Kwatha. Materials & Methods: Mustaka and Indrayava are taken from GMP approved Pharmacy for both preparation i.e. Pramathya and Kwatha. Only difference is, Pramathya is prepared by using Kalka of drugs and Kwatha is preparation by Yavakuta Churna of drugs. Water was added in same quantity. Method of preparation followed was same for both i.e. Kwathana. Discussion: Kalka is Guru than Yavakuta Churna as water is added for Kalka preparation and also partical size of drugs is also reduced in Kalka Kalpana. pH, specific gravity, viscocity, total solids of Mustakadi Pramathya is more than that of Mustakadi Kwatha. Mustakadi Pramathya should be used in Madhyama Doshavastha, it is Guru in nature than Kwatha Kalpana

    Comparative Pharmaceutico - Analytical Study of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya and its Ghanavati w.s.r. to evaluate its shelf life

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    In this present era of utilization of active principles as a medicine the basic formulations of Bhaishajya Kalpana remain a main source for modern research. The basic formulations are described as Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpanas. Out of these Kashaya Kalpanas, Kwatha Kalpana is an important formulation which is having more potency after Swarasa and Kalka Kalpana. Kashaya has very short shelf life (Saveeryatavadhi). These Kashayas cannot be preserved for longer period. These have to be prepared fresh every day and also the method of preparation is time consuming. Rasakriya (Ghana) is a type of formulation where in the active components can be stored for more days i.e. 3 years (D&C act 161B, w.e.f. 1st April 10). Converting this Kashaya in to Ghana form and then into Ghanavati form may increase the shelf life of the formulation. Along with this it will give a proper shape and dose for the easy administration of medicament. Hence the present research was planned to convert Kushthaghna Mahakashaya Kwatha into Kushthaghna Mahakashaya Ghanavati using standard operating procedure to potentiate active principle in it, and to evaluate shelf life of Kushthaghna Mahakashaya Ghanavati

    To study the efficacy of Makarasana as an Agnivardhana Karma

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    Generally in young age, keeps on doing Mithya Aahara and Vihara which leads to Agnidusthi and which become cause of various diseases. As they work restless, their sedentary habits and stress full lifestyle. They are ought to do Vishamashan, Krodha etc., due to their lifestyle. This type of lifestyle leads to Agnidushti and which becomes cause of various diseases. 80 volunteers of age group 20-40 years were selected for the study. They underwent for clinical study on the basis of number of Lakshanas present. These were taken as subjective parameter and which were Samanya and Vishesh Lakshanas. Those were Arochaka, Vidagdha Udgara, Vishtambha, Aadhmana, Anga-Marda, Atijrumbha, Shirshula, Guru Gatrata, Utklesh. Jarana Kala and Abhyavaharan Shakti were objective parameters, as these two are important to assess Agni of a person. For Jarana Kala gradation was done on the basis of hours of time taken to show Laghuta and Kshuda Bodha, because these are Jeerna Aahara Lakshanas. For Abhyavaran Shakti gradation was done on the basis of quantity of food. To assess Agnivardhana, specific diet chart was prepared by considering their daily requirement of calorie. Volunteers were advised to do three Avartana of Makarasana in the morning; Significant changes were seen in Abhyavaharana Shakti in both groups. 56.7% relief in group A and 72% relief were seen. There were significant changes seen in Jaran Kala in both groups. 54.9% relief in Group A and 74% relief in Group B

    Study of Aushadh Sevan Kala in Kaphaja Kasa Vyadhi using Nagaradi Yoga w.s.r. to Grasantar Kala

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    The present study entitled ‘Study of Aushadha Sevana Kala in Kaphaj Kasa Vyadhi using Nagaradi Yoga with special reference to ‘Grasantar Kala’. Here Clinical study regarding “Kaphaj Kasa” Vyadhi was carried with the help of “Nagaradi Yoga” administered in Grasantar Kala in Group A and at Adhobhakta Kala in Group B 32 patients in each group have been studied with treatment and follow up after each 3 days upto 15 days. Clinical assessment of the patients was done by using criteria regarding Kasa included parameter like no. of Kasa Vega, Kapha Nishtivana, Aruchi, Agnimandya, Chhardi, Utklesha, Gaurava and Peenas. Assessment was done on the basis of scoring pattern designed for them. Asyamadhurya, Kaphapurna Deha, Praliptata, Sashakta Vaishamya and Lomharsha was not observed in any of the patients in this study in any of the group. As data was not available on the above said symptoms, statistical analysis of the symptoms is not needful. When drug was administered at Grasantara Kala more percentage of improvement is observed regarding almost all parameters showed in observation and results. So, it can be statistically concluded that drug administered in Grasantara Bheshaj Kala i.e. 95.84% shows maximum result in Kaphaja Kasa Vyadhi than Adhobhakta Kala i.e. 82.51%

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    Study of Medico-Legal Cases of negligence admitted and judgement delivered under Consumer Forum in Sangli District

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    In Kautilya Arthashastra it has been mentioned that doctor (Vaidya) should be punished for his negligence and now in our era we learn about this act under Medicolegal Ethics in Forensic Science and Medical Jurisprudence. In our country percentage of illiterate people is on higher side due to which they are cheated. Hence these people are unaware of rights and services provided by them by law. The aim of this study was to understand the concept of consumer protection act and its relation with medical sciences and correlation with ancient literature. And also to evaluate false or malpractices and to study the difference between civil and criminal negligence and also to find out preventive measures for it. The study of medicolegal cases was done from the cases registered in Sangli Consumer District Forum, Sangli district. Medicolegal cases between January 2001 to December 2010 were collected from Sangli district consumer forum. Total 12 medicolegal cases were sort out. Each case was studied in detail. The study shows that percentage of medicolegal cases in government hospitals and institutes is more than private hospitals. All medicolegal cases were found in allopathy system of medicine

    Replacement Of Castellated Beam By Tapered Castellation

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    Castellated beam is defined as the beam in which increasing width of beam without increasing the self-weight of beam. Now a day castellated beam is a new technique. A castellated beam is fabricated from a standard steel I-shape by cutting the web on a half hexagonal line down the center of the beam. The two halves are moved across by one spacing and then rejoined by welding. This process increases the width of the beam and hence the major axis bending strength and stiffness without adding additional materials. Due to the opening in the web, castellated beams are more susceptible to lateral-torsional buckling. The main benefit of using a castellated beam is to increase its buckling resistance about the major axis. However, because of the openings in the web, castellated beam have complicated sectional properties, which make it extremely difficult to predict their buckling resistance analytically. In the Castellation process the fabrication of a section with improved section properties from virgin rolled section that is improving moment of inertia, improving depth. There by increase in moment of resistance and controlled on deflection

    Calcific myonecrosis: A late complication of trauma-A rare case report

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    Introduction: Calcific myonecrosis is a rare post-traumatic complication which is characterized by replacement of the muscles of one or more compartments with central liquefaction necrosis along with a peripheral remote calcification. Case History: We report a case of calcific myonecrosis in a 70 year old male patient manifesting 20 years after trauma. The patient presented with slow growing, painless mass along the lateral aspect of left leg. Radiological examination and excisional biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. Discussion: Calcific myonecrosis is a rare and late complication of compartment syndrome or neurovascular injury and it affects predominantly the anterior compartment of leg. It typically manifests as a fusiform area of peripheral calcification and central liquefaction necrosis. Conclusion: Calcific myonecrosis is a rare post-traumatic complication. Accurate diagnosis is necessary to rule out malignant conditions which mimic similar clinical findings