5 research outputs found

    Performance drivers of green innovation under incomplete information

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    AbstractThe environmental management practices have been well studied; few studies are presented the firm's green innovation activities. This study is adopted to evaluate the green innovation for environment management, with a particular focus on managerial, process, product and technological aspects. The empirical analysis from Taiwanese printed circuit board manufacturing firm's reveals that such studies does exist and that the effect of focal firm's green innovation activities has been evaluated. This study identified the appropriate green innovation criteria for the case firms and developed the following selection method: (i) evaluate the weights of aspects, criteria and alternatives as described both by linguistic preferences; and (ii) rank alternative suppliers using a grey relational analysis with entropy weight. This study presents theoretical and empirical evidence of green innovation drivers in the domains of environmental management and has interesting implications for operations management research and practices. This knowledge may contribute to better decision-making towards implementing green innovation practices

    Comparing world regional sustainable supply chain finance using big data analytics:A bibliometric analysis

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    Purpose: Sustainable supply chain finance (SSCF) is a fascinated consideration for both academics and practitioners because the indicators are still underdeveloped in achieving SSCF. This study proposes a bibliometric data-driven analysis from the literature to illustrate a clear overall concept of SSCF that reveals hidden indicators for further improvement. Design/methodology/approach: A hybrid quantitative and qualitative approach combining data-driven analysis, fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), entropy weight method (EWM) and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (FDEMATEL) is employed to address the uncertainty in the context. Findings: The results show that blockchain, cash flow shortage, reverse factoring, risk assessment and triple bottom line (TBL) play significant roles in SSCF. A comparison of the challenges and gaps among different geographic regions is provided in both advanced local perspective and a global state-of-the-art assessment. There are 35 countries/territories being categorized into five geographic regions. Of the five regions, two, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa, show the needs for more improvement, exclusively in collaboration strategies and financial crisis. Exogenous impacts of wars, natural disasters and disease epidemics are implied as inevitable attributes for enhancing the sustainability. Originality/value: This study contributes to (1) boundary SSCF foundations by data driven, (2) identifying the critical SSCF indicators and providing the knowledge gaps and directions as references for further examination and (3) addressing the gaps and challenges in different geographic regions to provide advanced assessment from local viewpoint and to diagnose the comprehensive global state of the art of SSCF

    Sustainable supply chain management trends in world regions: A data-driven analysis

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    This study proposes a data-driven analysis that describes the overall situation and reveals the factors hindering improvement in the sustainable supply chain management field. The literature has presented a summary of the evolution of sustainable supply chain management across attributes. Prior studies have evaluated different parts of the supply chain as independent entities. An integrated systematic assessment is absent in the extant literature and makes it necessary to identify potential opportunities for research direction. A hybrid of data-driven analysis, the fuzzy Delphi method, the entropy weight method and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is adopted to address uncertainty and complexity. This study contributes to locating the boundary of fundamental knowledge to advance future research and support practical execution. Valuable direction is provided by reviewing the existing literature to identify the critical indicators that need further examination. The results show that big data, closed-loop supply chains, industry 4.0, policy, remanufacturing, and supply chain network design are the most important indicators of future trends and disputes. The challenges and gaps among different geographical regions is offered that provides both a local viewpoint and a state-of-the-art advanced sustainable supply chain management assessment

    Sustainable supply chain management towards disruption and organizational ambidexterity:A data driven analysis

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    Balancing sustainability and disruption of supply chains requires organizational ambidexterity. Sustainable supply chains prioritize efficiency and economies of scale and may not have sufficient redundancy to withstand disruptive events. There is a developing body of literature that attempts to reconcile these two aspects. This study gives a data-driven literature review of sustainable supply chain management trends toward ambidexterity and disruption. The critical review reveals temporal trends and geographic distribution of literature. A hybrid of data-driven analysis approach based on content and bibliometric analyses, fuzzy Delphi method, entropy weight method, and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is used on 273 keywords and 22 indicators obtained based on the experts’ evaluation. The most important indicators are identified as supply chain agility, supply chain coordination, supply chain finance, supply chain flexibility, supply chain resilience, and sustainability. The regions show different tendencies compared with others. Asia and Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa are the regions needs improvement, while Europe and North America show distinct apprehensions on supply chain network design. The main contribution of this review is the identification of the knowledge frontier, which then leads to a discussion of prospects for future studies and practical industry implementation

    A estrutura de capital e a performance das empresas hoteleiras portuguesas e espanholas

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    Dissertação de doutoramento, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2017Esta tese investiga a inter-relação entre a estrutura de capital e a performance, no sentido de apurar o efeito que o endividamento exerce sobre a performance das empresas e vice-versa. O estudo empírico incidiu sobre as empresas hoteleiras de Portugal e Espanha e teve por base informação extraída da base de dados Amadeus, relativa ao período 2007-2013. Utilizando modelos de regressão fracionária e um modelo bi-etápico, que conjuga a metodologia Data Envelopment Analysis com modelos de regressão fracionária, para avaliar potenciais fatores explicativos da estrutura de capital e da performance, respetivamente, concluiu-se que: 1) o nível de endividamento influencia positivamente a eficiência das empresas hoteleiras e vice-versa; 2) a dívida é afetada positivamente pelo crescimento, dimensão, tangibilidade e risco, e negativamente pela rendibilidade, free cash-flow e idade; 3) a poupança fiscal não associada ao endividamento só é determinante da estrutura de capital das empresas hoteleiras espanholas; 4) as empresas hoteleiras portuguesas possuem uma estrutura de capital mais endividada, comparativamente às empresas hoteleiras espanholas; 5) a performance das empresas hoteleiras portuguesas é afetada positivamente pela rendibilidade e dimensão e negativamente pela tangibilidade e risco, enquanto a das empresas hoteleiras espanholas é afetada positivamente pelo crescimento, rendibilidade e free cash-flow e negativamente pela dimensão, idade e tangibilidade; 6) algumas variáveis também exercem um efeito indireto quer sobre a estrutura de capital quer sobre a performance, efeito este verificado através de variáveis de interação. Os resultados alcançados revelam que o comportamento financeiro das empresas hoteleiras é mais ajustado aos fundamentos da teoria da pecking order, embora, não excluam completamente a abordagem da teoria trade-off. Em termos da relação eficiência/endividamento, os resultados embora positivos, não sustentam de forma robusta a hipótese eficiência-risco de Berger e Bonaccorsi di Patti (2006)