10 research outputs found

    Ageing promotes early T follicular helper cell differentiation by modulating expression of RBPJ.

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    Ageing profoundly changes our immune system and is thought to be a driving factor in the morbidity and mortality associated with infectious disease in older people. We have previously shown that the impaired immunity to vaccination that occurs in aged individuals is partly attributed to the effect of age on T follicular helper (Tfh) cell formation. In this study, we examined how age intrinsically affects Tfh cell formation in both mice and humans. We show increased formation of Tfh precursors (pre-Tfh) but no associated increase in germinal centre (GC)-Tfh cells in aged mice, suggesting age-driven promotion of only early Tfh cell differentiation. Mechanistically, we show that ageing alters TCR signalling which drives expression of the Notch-associated transcription factor, RBPJ. Genetic or chemical modulation of RBPJ or Notch rescues this age-associated early Tfh cell differentiation, and increased intrinsic Notch activity recapitulates this phenomenon in younger mice. Our data offer mechanistic insight into the age-induced changes in T-cell activation that affects the differentiation and ultimately the function of effector T cells

    Fifteen years of research on oral–facial–digital syndromes: from 1 to 16 causal genes

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    Oral–facial–digital syndromes (OFDS) gather rare genetic disorders characterised by facial, oral and digital abnormalities associated with a wide range of additional features (polycystic kidney disease, cerebral malformations and several others) to delineate a growing list of OFDS subtypes. The most frequent, OFD type I, is caused by a heterozygous mutation in the OFD1 gene encoding a centrosomal protein. The wide clinical heterogeneity of OFDS suggests the involvement of other ciliary genes. For 15 years, we have aimed to identify the molecular bases of OFDS. This effort has been greatly helped by the recent development of whole-exome sequencing (WES). Here, we present all our published and unpublished results for WES in 24 cases with OFDS. We identified causal variants in five new genes (C2CD3, TMEM107, INTU, KIAA0753 and IFT57) and related the clinical spectrum of four genes in other ciliopathies (C5orf42, TMEM138, TMEM231 and WDPCP) to OFDS. Mutations were also detected in two genes previously implicated in OFDS. Functional studies revealed the involvement of centriole elongation, transition zone and intraflagellar transport defects in OFDS, thus characterising three ciliary protein modules: the complex KIAA0753-FOPNL-OFD1, a regulator of centriole elongation; the Meckel-Gruber syndrome module, a major component of the transition zone; and the CPLANE complex necessary for IFT-A assembly. OFDS now appear to be a distinct subgroup of ciliopathies with wide heterogeneity, which makes the initial classification obsolete. A clinical classification restricted to the three frequent/well-delineated subtypes could be proposed, and for patients who do not fit one of these three main subtypes, a further classification could be based on the genotype

    Follicular helper T cells and regulatory T cells, a surprising partnership in the humoral response

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    Une réponse vaccinale efficace se traduit par la production durable d'anticorps (Ac) de haute affinité pour l'antigène caractéristique d'un pathogène ou d'une toxine contre lesquels nous voulons nous protéger. Pour produire ces Ac, les lymphocyte B (LB) doivent subir des évènements de maturation qui impliquent l'aide d'une population de lymphocytes T (LT), les LT folliculaires auxiliaires (Tfh). Le soutien fourni par les Tfh permet en effet la mise en place de centres germinatifs nécessaires à la différenciation des LB en plasmocytes à longue durée de vie (PC) sécréteurs d'Ac de haute affinité. Mes travaux de thèses se sont focalisés sur la coopération de deux populations de LT, les Tfh et les LT régulateurs (Treg), dans la mise en place de la réponse Ac et favorisant sa pérennité. Nous avons mis en évidence un mécanisme par lequel les Treg, généralement considérés comme des régulateurs négatifs de la réponse immune, favorisent le développement de Tfh. Grâce à un modèle murin de déplétion transitoire des Treg (seulement dans les trois premiers jours après l'immunisation) nous avons observé un impact des Treg sur les capacités intrinsèques des cellules dendritiques (DC) à induire la différenciation des Tfh. En effet, en capturant l'interleukine 2 (IL-2), les Treg en prive les DC et particulièrement les DC conventionnelles de type 2 (cDC2) qui sont les cellules présentatrices de l'antigène responsables la différenciation des LT naïfs en Tfh. Or, la signalisation de l'IL-2 dans la cDC2 conduit à l'augmentation de l'expression du récepteur à chimiokine CCR7. Les gradients de chimiokines déterminent le positionnement des cellules dans l'organe lymphoïde secondaire (OLII). CXCL13 dont le récepteur est CXCR5, permet la localisation dans les follicules B de l'OLII et CCL21 dont le récepteur est CCR7, la localisation dans la zone T de l'OLII. L'augmentation de l'expression de CCR7 à la surface des cDC2 cantonne ainsi ces cellules dans la zone T alors que pour induire efficacement la différenciation des Tfh, elles doivent se positionner à la frontière entre la zone T et les follicules B. L'absence de cette signalisation grâce aux Treg permet alors aux cDC2 de se localiser de manière optimale pour induire la différenciation des Tfh. Mes travaux se sont aussi intéressés à la durabilité de la réponse Ac, en se focalisant sur les cellules de la moelle osseuse (MO), niche pour les PC qui y sécrètent leurs Ac de manière constitutive sur le long terme. Nous avons mis en évidence la présence de Tfh mémoires (mTfh) dans la MO chez l'humain comme chez la souris. Via des analyses de cytométrie en flux et transcriptomique en single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) de cellules T de la MO, nous montrons que la représentation de ces cellules augmentent au moins jusqu'à 200 jours après l'immunisation. Nous avons aussi observé l'expression de Sostdc1 (pour Sclerostin Domain Containing 1) par les mTfh de la MO. Les populations de Tfh SOSTDC1+ dans les OLII n'aident pas les LB mais favorisent le développement de Treg en bloquant la voie Wnt-bêta-caténine. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus vont également dans ce sens. L'outil Nichenet permet de prédire des interactions ligands/récepteurs à partir de données de scRNAseq. Cet outil prédit de nombreuses interactions entre les Treg et les mTfh dans la MO, elles induisent dans les Treg, l'expression de nombreux gènes participant à leur survie. Nous pouvons alors avancer l'hypothèse selon laquelle les mTfh de la MO assurent l'équilibre de la niche plasmocytaire en y favorisant la survie des Treg qui de leur côté, favorisent la survie des PC. Ils pourraient aussi contrôler directement la survie et l'expansion des PC. Mes travaux ont donc mis en lumière un partenariat entre les Tfh et les Treg pour assurer une réponse humorale efficace et durable.An effective vaccine response results in the long-lasting production of antibodies (Ab) of high affinity for the characteristic antigen of a pathogen or a toxin against those who want to protect us. To produce these Abs, B lymphocytes must undergo maturation events that involve the help of a population of T lymphocytes, the follicular helper T cells (Tfh). The support provided by the Tfh indeed allows the establishment of germinal centers necessary for the differentiation of the B cells into long-lived plasma cells (PC) secreting high affinity Ac. My thesis work focused on the cooperation of two LT populations, Tfh and regulatory T cells (Treg), in the establishment of the Ab response and promoting its sustainability. We have demonstrated a mechanism by which Treg, generally considered negative regulators of the immune response, will drive the development of Tfh. Using a mouse model of transient Treg depletion (only in the first three days after immunization), we observed an impact of Treg on the integrated capacities of dendritic cells (DC) to induce Tfh differentiation. Indeed, by capturing interleukin 2 (IL-2), Treg deprive DC of it and particularly conventional type 2 DC (cDC2) which are the antigen-presenting cells responsible for the differentiation of naive LT into Tfh . IL-2 signaling in cDC2 leads to increased expression of the chemokine receptor CCR7. Chemokine gradients determine the positioning of cells in the secondary lymphoid organ (SLO). CXCL13, whose receptor is CXCR5, allows localization in the B follicles of the SLO and CCL21, whose receptor is CCR7, localization in the T zone of the SLO. The increase in the expression of CCR7 on the surface of the cDC2 thus cantons these cells in the T zone whereas to effectively induce the differentiation of Tfh, they must position themselves at the T:B border. the absence of this signaling thanks to the Treg then allows the cDC2 to localize in an optimal manner to induce the differentiation of the Tfh. My work has also focused on the durability of the Ac response, focusing on the cells of the bone marrow (BM), a niche for PC which secrete their Ab there constitutively over the long term. We have demonstrated the presence of memory Tfh (mTfh) in BM in humans as well as in mice. Through flow cytometry and transcriptomic analyzes in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) of BM T cells, we show that the representation of these cells increases at least until 200 days after immunization. We also observed the expression of Sostdc1 (Sclerostin Domain Containing 1) by BM mTfh. Tfh SOSTDC1+ populations in SLO do not help B cells but promote Treg development by blocking the Wnt-bêta-catenin pathway. Our results also point in this direction. The Nichenet tool makes it possible to predict ligand/receptor interactions from scRNAseq data. This tool predicts many interactions between Tregs and mTfhs in BM, they induce in Tregs the expression of many genes involved in their survival. We can then put forward the hypothesis that the mTfh of the BM ensure the balance of the plasma cell niche by favoring the survival of the Treg which, in turn, favor the survival of the PC. They could also directly control the survival and expansion of PC.My work has therefore highlighted a partnership between Tfh and Treg to ensure an effective and lasting humoral response

    Les lymphocytes T folliculaires auxiliaires et les lymphocytes T régulateurs, un partenariat surprenant dans la réponse humorale

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    An effective vaccine response results in the long-lasting production of antibodies (Ab) of high affinity for the characteristic antigen of a pathogen or a toxin against those who want to protect us. To produce these Abs, B lymphocytes must undergo maturation events that involve the help of a population of T lymphocytes, the follicular helper T cells (Tfh). The support provided by the Tfh indeed allows the establishment of germinal centers necessary for the differentiation of the B cells into long-lived plasma cells (PC) secreting high affinity Ac. My thesis work focused on the cooperation of two LT populations, Tfh and regulatory T cells (Treg), in the establishment of the Ab response and promoting its sustainability. We have demonstrated a mechanism by which Treg, generally considered negative regulators of the immune response, will drive the development of Tfh. Using a mouse model of transient Treg depletion (only in the first three days after immunization), we observed an impact of Treg on the integrated capacities of dendritic cells (DC) to induce Tfh differentiation. Indeed, by capturing interleukin 2 (IL-2), Treg deprive DC of it and particularly conventional type 2 DC (cDC2) which are the antigen-presenting cells responsible for the differentiation of naive LT into Tfh . IL-2 signaling in cDC2 leads to increased expression of the chemokine receptor CCR7. Chemokine gradients determine the positioning of cells in the secondary lymphoid organ (SLO). CXCL13, whose receptor is CXCR5, allows localization in the B follicles of the SLO and CCL21, whose receptor is CCR7, localization in the T zone of the SLO. The increase in the expression of CCR7 on the surface of the cDC2 thus cantons these cells in the T zone whereas to effectively induce the differentiation of Tfh, they must position themselves at the T:B border. the absence of this signaling thanks to the Treg then allows the cDC2 to localize in an optimal manner to induce the differentiation of the Tfh. My work has also focused on the durability of the Ac response, focusing on the cells of the bone marrow (BM), a niche for PC which secrete their Ab there constitutively over the long term. We have demonstrated the presence of memory Tfh (mTfh) in BM in humans as well as in mice. Through flow cytometry and transcriptomic analyzes in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) of BM T cells, we show that the representation of these cells increases at least until 200 days after immunization. We also observed the expression of Sostdc1 (Sclerostin Domain Containing 1) by BM mTfh. Tfh SOSTDC1+ populations in SLO do not help B cells but promote Treg development by blocking the Wnt-bêta-catenin pathway. Our results also point in this direction. The Nichenet tool makes it possible to predict ligand/receptor interactions from scRNAseq data. This tool predicts many interactions between Tregs and mTfhs in BM, they induce in Tregs the expression of many genes involved in their survival. We can then put forward the hypothesis that the mTfh of the BM ensure the balance of the plasma cell niche by favoring the survival of the Treg which, in turn, favor the survival of the PC. They could also directly control the survival and expansion of PC.My work has therefore highlighted a partnership between Tfh and Treg to ensure an effective and lasting humoral response.Une réponse vaccinale efficace se traduit par la production durable d'anticorps (Ac) de haute affinité pour l'antigène caractéristique d'un pathogène ou d'une toxine contre lesquels nous voulons nous protéger. Pour produire ces Ac, les lymphocyte B (LB) doivent subir des évènements de maturation qui impliquent l'aide d'une population de lymphocytes T (LT), les LT folliculaires auxiliaires (Tfh). Le soutien fourni par les Tfh permet en effet la mise en place de centres germinatifs nécessaires à la différenciation des LB en plasmocytes à longue durée de vie (PC) sécréteurs d'Ac de haute affinité. Mes travaux de thèses se sont focalisés sur la coopération de deux populations de LT, les Tfh et les LT régulateurs (Treg), dans la mise en place de la réponse Ac et favorisant sa pérennité. Nous avons mis en évidence un mécanisme par lequel les Treg, généralement considérés comme des régulateurs négatifs de la réponse immune, favorisent le développement de Tfh. Grâce à un modèle murin de déplétion transitoire des Treg (seulement dans les trois premiers jours après l'immunisation) nous avons observé un impact des Treg sur les capacités intrinsèques des cellules dendritiques (DC) à induire la différenciation des Tfh. En effet, en capturant l'interleukine 2 (IL-2), les Treg en prive les DC et particulièrement les DC conventionnelles de type 2 (cDC2) qui sont les cellules présentatrices de l'antigène responsables la différenciation des LT naïfs en Tfh. Or, la signalisation de l'IL-2 dans la cDC2 conduit à l'augmentation de l'expression du récepteur à chimiokine CCR7. Les gradients de chimiokines déterminent le positionnement des cellules dans l'organe lymphoïde secondaire (OLII). CXCL13 dont le récepteur est CXCR5, permet la localisation dans les follicules B de l'OLII et CCL21 dont le récepteur est CCR7, la localisation dans la zone T de l'OLII. L'augmentation de l'expression de CCR7 à la surface des cDC2 cantonne ainsi ces cellules dans la zone T alors que pour induire efficacement la différenciation des Tfh, elles doivent se positionner à la frontière entre la zone T et les follicules B. L'absence de cette signalisation grâce aux Treg permet alors aux cDC2 de se localiser de manière optimale pour induire la différenciation des Tfh. Mes travaux se sont aussi intéressés à la durabilité de la réponse Ac, en se focalisant sur les cellules de la moelle osseuse (MO), niche pour les PC qui y sécrètent leurs Ac de manière constitutive sur le long terme. Nous avons mis en évidence la présence de Tfh mémoires (mTfh) dans la MO chez l'humain comme chez la souris. Via des analyses de cytométrie en flux et transcriptomique en single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) de cellules T de la MO, nous montrons que la représentation de ces cellules augmentent au moins jusqu'à 200 jours après l'immunisation. Nous avons aussi observé l'expression de Sostdc1 (pour Sclerostin Domain Containing 1) par les mTfh de la MO. Les populations de Tfh SOSTDC1+ dans les OLII n'aident pas les LB mais favorisent le développement de Treg en bloquant la voie Wnt-bêta-caténine. Les résultats que nous avons obtenus vont également dans ce sens. L'outil Nichenet permet de prédire des interactions ligands/récepteurs à partir de données de scRNAseq. Cet outil prédit de nombreuses interactions entre les Treg et les mTfh dans la MO, elles induisent dans les Treg, l'expression de nombreux gènes participant à leur survie. Nous pouvons alors avancer l'hypothèse selon laquelle les mTfh de la MO assurent l'équilibre de la niche plasmocytaire en y favorisant la survie des Treg qui de leur côté, favorisent la survie des PC. Ils pourraient aussi contrôler directement la survie et l'expansion des PC. Mes travaux ont donc mis en lumière un partenariat entre les Tfh et les Treg pour assurer une réponse humorale efficace et durable

    Ageing of T-dependent B cell responses

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    International audienceThe human immune system is in continuous interaction with environmental factors (pathogens, exercise, stress, pollutants, diet, vaccines, and therapeutics) that condition its efficiency by promoting or moderating multiple immune mechanisms. While the deleterious impact of external factors can be avoided or limited, the immune system itself grows weaker with age. Immune cells persist in the elderly, and the observed decline of cellular immunity is related to cellular senescence. Immunosenescence, which affects both T and B cells, erodes lymphocyte-dependent responses to vaccines and pathogens. Germinal centers (GCs), the organized lymphoid structures where B cells engage in affinity maturation, are regulated by follicular helper (Tfh) and follicular regulatory (Tfr) T cells, the major T cell components of GCs. This review discusses how age-related changes affect Tfh and Tfr cells as key components of B cell immunity, and how they ultimately shape the response of the ageing immune system to vaccines and infectious challenges

    Evidence for tmTNF reverse signaling in vivo: Implications for an arginase-1-mediated therapeutic effect of TNF inhibitors during inflammation

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    International audienceIn order to ascertain the significance of transmembrane tumor necrosis factor (tmTNF) reverse signaling in vivo, we generated a triple transgenic mouse model (3TG, TNFR1-/-, TNFR2-/-, and tmTNFKI/KI) in which all canonical tumor necrosis factor (TNF) signaling was abolished. In bone-marrow-derived macrophages harvested from these mice, various anti-TNF biologics induced the expression of genes characteristic of alternative macrophages and also inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines mainly through the upregulation of arginase-1. Injections of TNF inhibitors during arthritis increased pro-resolutive markers in bone marrow precursors and joint cells leading to a decrease in arthritis score. These results demonstrate that the binding of anti-TNF biologics to tmTNF results in decreased arthritis severity. Collectively, our data provide evidence for the significance of tmTNF reverse signaling in the modulation of arthritis. They suggest a complementary interpretation of anti-TNF biologics effects in the treatment of inflammatory diseases and pave the way to studies focused on new arginase-1-dependent therapeutic targets

    Linking RNA Dysfunction and Neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Gangliosides in the Brain: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Applications

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