2,561 research outputs found

    Flows at the Edge of an Active Region: Observation and Interpretation

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    Upflows observed at the edges of active regions have been proposed as the source of the slow solar wind. In the particular case of Active Region (AR) 10942, where such an upflow has been already observed, we want to evaluate the part of this upflow that actually remains confined in the magnetic loops that connect AR10942 to AR10943. Both active regions were visible simultaneously on the solar disk and were observed by STEREO/SECCHI EUVI. Using Hinode/EIS spectra, we determine the Doppler shifts and densities in AR10943 and AR10942, in order to evaluate the mass flows. We also perform magnetic field extrapolations to assess the connectivity between AR10942 and AR10943. AR10943 displays a persistent downflow in Fe XII. Magnetic extrapolations including both ARs show that this downflow can be connected to the upflow in AR10942. We estimate that the mass flow received by AR10943 areas connected to AR10942 represents about 18% of the mass flow from AR10942. We conclude that the upflows observed on the edge of active regions represent either large-scale loops with mass flowing along them (accounting for about one-fifth of the total mass flow in this example) or open magnetic field structures where the slow solar wind originates.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophys.

    A New Institutional Approach of Resource Use Conflicts: The Case of Poitou-Charentes

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    New Institutional Economics, based on the Coasean comparative approach, offers a highly useful framework for research on environmental problems. We propose a tentative analytic framework for environmental problems and we try its heuristic power by first applying it to the Poitou-Charentes region, which encounters problems of negative externalities concerning its water resource. We can thus identify the characteristics of this environmental issue through the lens of the transaction costs theory. Finally, we draw conclusions about the relative efficiency of the various governance institutions potentially available to deal with the problems of externalities in the area in question.Environmental problems, the Poitou-Charentes region, New Institutional Economics, Transaction Costs

    Herbrand's theorem and non-Euclidean geometry

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    We use Herbrand's theorem to give a new proof that Euclid's parallel axiom is not derivable from the other axioms of first-order Euclidean geometry. Previous proofs involve constructing models of non-Euclidean geometry. This proof uses a very old and basic theorem of logic together with some simple properties of ruler-and-compass constructions to give a short, simple, and intuitively appealing proof.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Gradient Vector Fields of Discrete Morse Functions and Watershed-cuts

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    In this paper, we study a class of discrete Morse functions, coming from Discrete Morse Theory, that are equivalent to a class of simplicial stacks, coming from Mathematical Morphology. We show that, as in Discrete Morse Theory, we can see the gradient vector field of a simplicial stack (seen as a discrete Morse function) as the only relevant information we should consider. Last, but not the least, we also show that the Minimum Spanning Forest of the dual graph of a simplicial stack is induced by the gradient vector field of the initial function. This result allows computing a watershed-cut from a gradient vector field

    Unsupervised discovery of Interpretable Visual Concepts

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    Providing interpretability of deep-learning models to non-experts, while fundamental for a responsible real-world usage, is challenging. Attribution maps from xAI techniques, such as Integrated Gradients, are a typical example of a visualization technique containing a high level of information, but with difficult interpretation. In this paper, we propose two methods, Maximum Activation Groups Extraction (MAGE) and Multiscale Interpretable Visualization (Ms-IV), to explain the model's decision, enhancing global interpretability. MAGE finds, for a given CNN, combinations of features which, globally, form a semantic meaning, that we call concepts. We group these similar feature patterns by clustering in ``concepts'', that we visualize through Ms-IV. This last method is inspired by Occlusion and Sensitivity analysis (incorporating causality), and uses a novel metric, called Class-aware Order Correlation (CaOC), to globally evaluate the most important image regions according to the model's decision space. We compare our approach to xAI methods such as LIME and Integrated Gradients. Experimental results evince the Ms-IV higher localization and faithfulness values. Finally, qualitative evaluation of combined MAGE and Ms-IV demonstrate humans' ability to agree, based on the visualization, on the decision of clusters' concepts; and, to detect, among a given set of networks, the existence of bias

    L’instituteur comme pouvoir spirituel au village

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    La notion de pouvoir spirituel et, plus particulièrement, l’aspiration à l’émergence d’un pouvoir spirituel laïc sont des éléments caractéristiques de l’histoire intellectuelle et religieuse du XIXe siècle français. Paul Bénichou, dans Le Sacre de l’écrivain (1985), dont le sous-titre porte Essai sur l’avènement d’un pouvoir spirituel laïque dans la France moderne, a consacré des pages très éclairantes à cette « quête d’un sacerdoce laïque » dont il situe la véritable naissance dans la philos..

    Commentaire sur la Supparaka Jataka Supparaka jataka bhashya

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    Commentaire sur le récit du périple maritime de Supparaka et de ses compagnons à la recherche de joyaux et de métaux précieux. L'action se situe antérieurement au 6ème siècle avant notre ère, ce récit fait partie des 547 jataka relatifs au différentes vies antérieures du futur Bouddha. L'analyse est effectuée sous l'angle de la trifonctionnalité des sociétés indo-européennes telle que l'a décrite Georges Dumezil, ainsi que du point de vue de la géographie minéralogique, avec mise en perspective de certaines problématiques de l'époque actuelle
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