1,370 research outputs found

    Preference-Based Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a popular choice for solving sequential anytime problems. However, it depends on a numeric feedback signal, which can be difficult to define. Real-time MCTS is a variant which may only rarely encounter states with an explicit, extrinsic reward. To deal with such cases, the experimenter has to supply an additional numeric feedback signal in the form of a heuristic, which intrinsically guides the agent. Recent work has shown evidence that in different areas the underlying structure is ordinal and not numerical. Hence erroneous and biased heuristics are inevitable, especially in such domains. In this paper, we propose a MCTS variant which only depends on qualitative feedback, and therefore opens up new applications for MCTS. We also find indications that translating absolute into ordinal feedback may be beneficial. Using a puzzle domain, we show that our preference-based MCTS variant, wich only receives qualitative feedback, is able to reach a performance level comparable to a regular MCTS baseline, which obtains quantitative feedback.Comment: To be publishe

    Proteomic analysis identifies key differences in the cardiac interactomes of dystrophin and micro-dystrophin

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    ΔR4-R23/ΔCT micro-dystrophin (μDys) is a miniaturized version of dystrophin currently evaluated in a Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene therapy trial to treat skeletal and cardiac muscle disease. In pre-clinical studies, μDys efficiently rescues cardiac histopathology, but only partially normalizes cardiac function. To gain insights into factors that may impact the cardiac therapeutic efficacy of μDys, we compared by mass spectrometry the composition of purified dystrophin and μDys protein complexes in the mouse heart. We report that compared to dystrophin, μDys has altered associations with α1- and β2-syntrophins, as well as cavins, a group of caveolae-associated signaling proteins. In particular, we found that membrane localization of cavins −1 and − 4 in cardiomyocytes requires dystrophin and is profoundly disrupted in the heart of mdx^{5cv} mice,a model of DMD. Following cardiac stress/damage, membrane-associated cavin-4 recruits the signaling molecule ERK to caveolae, which activates key cardio-protective responses. Evaluation of ERK signaling revealed a profound inhibition, below physiological baseline, in the mdx^{5cv} mouse heart. Expression of μDys in mdx^{5cv} mice prevented the development of cardiac histopathology but did not rescue membrane localization of cavins nor did it normalize ERK signaling. Our study provides the first comparative analysis of purified protein complexes assembled in vivo by full-length dystrophin and a therapeutic micro-dystrophin construct. This has revealed disruptions in cavins and ERK signaling that may contribute to DMD cardiomyopathy. This new knowledge is important for ongoing efforts to prevent and treat heart disease in DMD patients

    Dynamical R-parity Breaking at the LHC

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    In a class of extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with (B-L)/left-right symmetry that explains the neutrino masses, breaking R-parity symmetry is an essential and dynamical requirement for successful gauge symmetry breaking. Two consequences of these models are: (i) a new kind of R-parity breaking interaction that protects proton stability but adds new contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay and (ii) an upper bound on the extra gauge and parity symmetry breaking scale which is within the large hadron collider (LHC) energy range. We point out that an important prediction of such theories is a potentially large mixing between the right-handed charged lepton (ece^c) and the superpartner of the right-handed gauge boson (W~R+\widetilde W_R^+), which leads to a brand new class of R-parity violating interactions of type μc~νμcec\widetilde{\mu^c}^\dagger\nu_\mu^c e^c and \widetilde{d^c}^\dagger\u^c e^c. We analyze the relevant constraints on the sparticle mass spectrum and the LHC signatures for the case with smuon/stau NLSP and gravitino LSP. We note the "smoking gun" signals for such models to be lepton flavor/number violating processes: ppμ±μ±e+ejjpp\to \mu^\pm\mu^\pm e^+e^-jj (or τ±τ±e+ejj\tau^\pm\tau^\pm e^+e^-jj) and ppμ±e±bbˉjjpp\to\mu^\pm e^\pm b \bar{b} jj (or τ±e±bbˉjj\tau^\pm e^\pm b \bar{b} jj) without significant missing energy. The predicted multi-lepton final states and the flavor structure make the model be distinguishable even in the early running of the LHC.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, reference adde

    Identification of a wide spectrum of ciliary gene mutations in nonsyndromic biliary atresia patients implicates ciliary dysfunction as a novel disease mechanism

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    Background: Biliary atresia (BA) is the most common obstructive cholangiopathy in neonates, often progressing to end-stage cirrhosis. BA pathogenesis is believed to be multifactorial, but the genetic contribution, especially for nonsyndromic BA (common form: > 85%) remains poorly defined. Methods: We conducted whole exome sequencing on 89 nonsyndromic BA trios to identify rare variants contributing to BA etiology. Functional evaluation using patients’ liver biopsies, human cell and zebrafish models were performed. Clinical impact on respiratory system was assessed with clinical evaluation, nasal nitric oxide (nNO), high speed video analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Findings: We detected rare, deleterious de novo or biallelic variants in liver-expressed ciliary genes in 31.5% (28/89) of the BA patients. Burden test revealed 2.6-fold (odds ratio (OR) [95% confidence intervals (CI)]= 2.58 [1.15–6.07], adjusted p = 0.034) over-representation of rare, deleterious mutations in liver-expressed ciliary gene set in patients compared to controls. Functional analyses further demonstrated absence of cilia in the BA livers with KIF3B and TTC17 mutations, and knockdown of PCNT, KIF3B and TTC17 in human control fibroblasts and cholangiocytes resulted in reduced number of cilia. Additionally, CRISPR/Cas9-engineered zebrafish knockouts of KIF3B, PCNT and TTC17 displayed reduced biliary flow. Abnormally low level of nNO was detected in 80% (8/10) of BA patients carrying deleterious ciliary mutations, implicating the intrinsic ciliary defects. Interpretation: Our findings support strong genetic susceptibility for nonsyndromic BA. Ciliary gene mutations leading to cholangiocyte cilia malformation and dysfunction could be a key biological mechanism in BA pathogenesis. Funding: The study is supported by General Research Fund, HMRF Commissioned Paediatric Research at HKCH and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Enhanced New Staff Start-up Fund

    Membrane estrogen receptor-α levels predict estrogen-induced ERK1/2 activation in MCF-7 cells

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    INTRODUCTION: We examined the participation of a membrane form of estrogen receptor (mER)-α in the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (extracellular signal-regulated kinase [ERK]1 and ERK2) related to cell growth responses in MCF-7 cells. METHODS: We immunopanned and subsequently separated MCF-7 cells (using fluorescence-activated cell sorting) into mER-α-enriched (mER(high)) and mER-α-depleted (mER(low)) populations. We then measured the expression levels of mER-α on the surface of these separated cell populations by immunocytochemical analysis and by a quantitative 96-well plate immunoassay that distinguished between mER-α and intracellular ER-α. Western analysis was used to determine colocalized estrogen receptor (ER)-α and caveolins in membrane subfractions. The levels of activated ERK1 and ERK2 were determined using a fixed cell-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay developed in our laboratory. RESULTS: Immunocytochemical studies revealed punctate ER-α antibody staining of the surface of nonpermeabilized mER(high )cells, whereas the majority of mER(low )cells exhibited little or no staining. Western analysis demonstrated that mER(high )cells expressed caveolin-1 and caveolin-2, and that ER-α was contained in the same gradient-separated membrane fractions. The quantitative immunoassay for ER-α detected a significant difference in mER-α levels between mER(high )and mER(low )cells when cells were grown at a sufficiently low cell density, but equivalent levels of total ER-α (membrane plus intracellular receptors). These two separated cell subpopulations also exhibited different kinetics of ERK1/2 activation with 1 pmol/l 17β-estradiol (E(2)), as well as different patterns of E(2 )dose-dependent responsiveness. The maximal kinase activation was achieved after 10 min versus 6 min in mER(high )versus mER(low )cells, respectively. After a decline in the level of phosphorylated ERKs, a reactivation was seen at 60 min in mER(high )cells but not in mER(low )cells. Both 1A and 2B protein phosphatases participated in dephosphorylation of ERKs, as demonstrated by efficient reversal of ERK1/2 inactivation with okadaic acid and cyclosporin A. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the levels of mER-α play a role in the temporal coordination of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events for the ERKs in breast cancer cells, and that these signaling differences can be correlated to previously demonstrated differences in E(2)-induced cell proliferation outcomes in these cell types

    Premature ventricular contractions originating from the left ventricular septum: Results of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation in twenty patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>RFCA has been established as an effective and curative therapy for severely symptomatic PVC from the outflow tract in structurally normal hearts. However, it is unknown whether PVCs originating from the left ventricular septum, are effectively eliminated by RFCA. This study aimed to investigate electrophysiologic characteristics and effects of Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) for patients with symptomatic premature ventricular contraction (PVC) originating from the left ventricular septum without including fascicular PVCs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Characteristics of body surface electrocardiogram (ECG) and electrophysiologic recordings endocardiogram in a successful RFCA target were analyzed in 20 patients with symptomatic PVCs originating from the left ventricular septum. RFCA was performed using pace mapping and activation mapping.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The QRS morphology of PVCs originating from the left ventricular septum is similar to that seen in fascicular tachycardia. Most of the PVCs originated from the left septum appears in the form of ventricular parasystole. The incidence of ventricular parasystole was 70%. Sustained ventricular tachycardia was not inducible by electrical stimulation and isoproterenol infusion in all 20 patients, ablation at the site recording the earliest Purkinje potential was not effective in all 20 patients, and Purkinje potentials were not identified at successful sites during point mapping. Sixteen patients were successful with RFCA using pace mapping and activation mapping, 3 failed, and 1 recurrent.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although the ECG characteristics of the PVCs arising from the left ventricular septum are similar to that seen in fascicular tachycardia, the electrophysiologic characteristics are different between the two types of PVCs. The distinguishing characteristic of the PVCs is that Purkinje potentials were not present at the site of successful ablation, suggesting a myocardial as opposed to fascicular substrate. RFCA is an effective curative therapy for symptomatic PVCs originating from the left ventricular septum (not from the left anterior and posterior fascicle).</p

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics

    HIV-Specific T-Cells Accumulate in the Liver in HCV/HIV Co-Infection

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)-related liver disease progresses more rapidly in individuals co-infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV), although the underlying immunologic mechanisms are unknown. We examined whether HIV-specific T-cells are identified in the liver of HCV/HIV co-infected individuals and promote liver inflammation through bystander immune responses. METHODS: Ex-vivo intra-hepatic lymphocytes from HCV mono-infected and HCV/HIV co-infected individuals were assessed for immune responses to HIV and HCV antigens by polychromatic flow cytometry. RESULTS: HCV/HIV liver biopsies had similar frequencies of lymphocytes but lower percentages of CD4+ T-cells compared to HCV biopsies. In co-infection, intra-hepatic HIV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells producing IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha were detected and were comparable in frequency to those that were HCV-specific. In co-infected individuals, viral-specific CD8+ T-cells produced more of the fibrogenic cytokine, TNF-alpha. In both mono- and co-infected individuals, intra-hepatic HCV-specific T-cells were poorly functional compared to HIV-specific T-cells. In co-infection, HAART was not associated with a reconstitution of intra-hepatic CD4+ T-cells and was associated with reduction in both HIV and HCV-specific intra-hepatic cytokine responses. CONCLUSION: The accumulation of functional HIV-specific T-cells in the liver during HCV/HIV co-infection may represent a bystander role for HIV in inducing faster progression of liver disease

    Therapeutic potential of cladribine in combination with STAT3 inhibitor against multiple myeloma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cladribine or 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CDA) is a well-known purine nucleoside analog with particular activity against lymphoproliferative disorders, such as hairy cell leukemia (HCL). Its benefits in multiple myeloma (MM) remain unclear. Here we report the inhibitory effects of cladribine on MM cell lines (U266, RPMI8226, MM1.S), and its therapeutic potential in combination with a specific inhibitor of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>MTS-based proliferation assays were used to determine cell viability in response to cladribine. Cell cycle progression was examined by flow cytometry analysis. Cells undergoing apoptosis were evaluated with Annexin V staining and a specific ELISA to quantitatively measure cytoplasmic histone-associated DNA fragments. Western blot analyses were performed to determine the protein expression levels and activation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Cladribine inhibited cell proliferation of MM cells in a dose-dependent manner, although the three MM cell lines exhibited a remarkably different responsiveness to cladribine. The IC50 of cladribine for U266, RPMI8226, or MM1.S cells was approximately 2.43, 0.75, or 0.18 μmol/L, respectively. Treatment with cladribine resulted in a significant G1 arrest in U266 and RPMI8226 cells, but only a minor increase in the G1 phase for MM1.S cells. Apoptosis assays with Annexin V-FITC/PI double staining indicated that cladribine induced apoptosis of U266 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Similar results were obtained with an apoptotic-ELISA showing that cladribine dramatically promoted MM1.S and RPMA8226 cells undergoing apoptosis. On the molecular level, cladribine induced PARP cleavage and activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3. Meanwhile, treatment with cladribine led to a remarkable reduction of the phosphorylated STAT3 (P-STAT3), but had little effect on STAT3 protein levels. The combinations of cladribine and a specific STAT3 inhibitor as compared to either agent alone significantly induced apoptosis in all three MM cell lines.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Cladribine exhibited inhibitory effects on MM cells <it>in vitro</it>. MM1.S is the only cell line showing significant response to the clinically achievable concentrations of cladribine-induced apoptosis and inactivation of STAT3. Our data suggest that MM patients with the features of MM1.S cells may particularly benefit from cladribine monotherapy, whereas cladribine in combination with STAT3 inhibitor exerts a broader therapeutic potential against MM.</p