131 research outputs found

    L’utilisation de ressources alternatives Ă  l’eau potable rĂ©vĂ©latrice d’un nouveau rapport Ă  l’eau en ville. Analyse des controverses autour de la conservation du rĂ©seau d’eau non potable Paris.

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    Cet article cherche Ă  comprendre pourquoi et comment se pose aujourd’hui la question de la rĂ©habilitation du rĂ©seau d’eau non potable parisien. La confĂ©rence de consensus ainsi que les Ă©tudes et sĂ©minaires qui ont suivi ont Ă©tĂ© l’occasion de discuter de l’utilisation de cette ressource, ainsi que d’autres ressources alternatives telle que l’eau de pluie, pour des usages urbains existants ou potentiels. A travers l’analyse de ces dĂ©bats et des enjeux sous-tendus, nous dĂ©fendons la thĂšse que l'utilisation de l’eau non potable passe par une « dĂ©marche patrimoniale » apparemment paradoxale puisque signifiant non pas la conservation du patrimoine de rĂ©seau d’eau non potable existant mais l’invention de nouveaux usages dont la faisabilitĂ© et l’acceptabilitĂ© par l’ensemble des acteurs concernĂ©es doit ĂȘtre vĂ©rifiĂ©e, d’une mise en compatibilitĂ© avec une rĂ©glementation aujourd’hui inadĂ©quate et la reconfiguration en consĂ©quence dudit rĂ©seau. Dans la mĂ©tropole parisienne, la rĂ©habilitation du double rĂ©seau conduit ainsi Ă  poser la question bien plus gĂ©nĂ©rale du rapport Ă  l’eau des acteurs de l’eau et de l’assainissement (Eau de Paris, le SIAAP) mais aussi des usagers, qu’ils s’agissent des grands consommateurs (les services municipaux) ou du « grand public » parisien. Son maintien pose de maniĂšre assez abrupte la question de savoir quels usages existants doivent ĂȘtre encouragĂ©s, quels nouveaux usages sont envisageables mais aussi quelles ressources (eau d’exhaure, eau brute, eau de pluie) peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour le rĂ©seau d’eau non potable ou parallĂšlement Ă  celui-ci. Nous Ă©tudions donc dans une premiĂšre partie le basculement opĂ©rĂ© lors de la confĂ©rence de consensus vers une patrimonialisation du RENP. Comment l’élaboration et la mise en Ɠuvre de cette procĂ©dure dite de confĂ©rence de consensus a-t-elle permis de remettre en dĂ©bat, et d’invalider l’expertise existante ? Que signifie cette performance opĂ©rĂ©e au terme de la confĂ©rence en termes de gestion future du rĂ©seau ?La deuxiĂšme partie de l’article est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’identification et l’analyse des potentialitĂ©s offertes par le RENP, tant en ce qui concerne les usages (deux usages sont approfondis : la rĂ©gulation du climat urbain et l’arrosage des espaces verts) qu’en ce qui concerne les diffĂ©rents types de ressources. Cette analyse des potentialitĂ©s est doublĂ©e dans la troisiĂšme partie d’une Ă©tude de l’acceptabilitĂ© sociale et politique d’un approvisionnement protĂ©iforme en eau non potable (eau brute de riviĂšre, eau d’exhaure et eau de pluie). Il s’agit de comprendre, dans une perspective exploratoire, d’une part les reprĂ©sentations que le grand public se fait de cet approvisionnement lorsqu’on lui suggĂšre cette possibilitĂ©, d’autre part la maniĂšre dont les grands producteurs et les grands consommateurs ressentent les opportunitĂ©s et les contraintes d’une telle solution.La quatriĂšme et derniĂšre partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  une analyse de la lĂ©gislation et de la rĂ©glementation relative aux ressources alternatives Ă  l’eau potable. Elle permet d’identifier les grandes logiques Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans la façon dont le droit se saisit de ces objets et de suggĂ©rer des pistes de rĂ©forme

    Characterisation of the antibiotic profile of Lysobacter capsici AZ78, an effective biological control agent of plant pathogenic microorganisms

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    Determining the mode of action of microbial biocontrol agents plays a key role in their development and registration as commercial biopesticides. The biocontrol rhizobacterium Lysobacter capsici AZ78 (AZ78) is able to inhibit a vast array of plant pathogenic oomycetes and Gram-positive bacteria due to the release of antimicrobial secondary metabolites. A combination of MALDI-qTOF-MSI and UHPLC-HRMS/M was applied to finely dissect the AZ78 metabolome and identify the main secondary metabolites involved in the inhibition of plant pathogenic microorganisms. Under nutritionally limited conditions, MALDI-qTOF-MSI revealed that AZ78 is able to release a relevant number of antimicrobial secondary metabolites belonging to the families of 2,5-diketopiperazines, cyclic lipodepsipeptides, macrolactones and macrolides. In vitro tests confirmed the presence of secondary metabolites toxic against Pythium ultimum and Rhodococcus fascians in AZ78 cell-free extracts. Subsequently, UHPLC-HRMS/MS was used to confirm the results achieved with MALDI-qTOF-MSI and investigate for further putative antimicrobial secondary metabolites known to be produced by Lysobacter spp. This technique confirmed the presence of several 2,5-diketopiperazines in AZ78 cell-free extracts and provided the first evidence of the production of the cyclic depsipeptide WAP-8294A2 in a member of L. capsici species. Moreover, UHPLC-HRMS/MS confirmed the presence of dihydromaltophilin/Heat Stable Antifungal Factor (HSAF) in AZ78 cell-free extracts. Due to the production of HSAF by AZ78, cell-free supernatants were effective in controlling Plasmopara viticola on grapevine leaf disks after exposure to high temperatures. Overall, our work determined the main secondary metabolites involved in the biocontrol activity of AZ78 against plant pathogenic oomycetes and Gram-positive bacteria. These results might be useful for the future development of this bacterial strain as the active ingredient of a microbial biopesticide that might contribute to a reduction in the chemical input in agricultur

    Uniform electron gases

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    We show that the traditional concept of the uniform electron gas (UEG) --- a homogeneous system of finite density, consisting of an infinite number of electrons in an infinite volume --- is inadequate to model the UEGs that arise in finite systems. We argue that, in general, a UEG is characterized by at least two parameters, \textit{viz.} the usual one-electron density parameter ρ\rho and a new two-electron parameter η\eta. We outline a systematic strategy to determine a new density functional E(ρ,η)E(\rho,\eta) across the spectrum of possible ρ\rho and η\eta values.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 5 table

    Le développent d'un guide méthodologique pour l'évaluation des performances des ouvrages de maßtrise à la source des eaux pluviales

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    Novatech 2019, LYON, FRANCE, 01-/07/2019 - 05/07/2019Evaluating the performance of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) in a field context presents a number of methodological problems. For this reason, as a part of three French research projects focused on this type of evaluation, Matriochkas, Micromegas and Roulepur, a working group on methodological harmonisation was established in order to facilitate the inter-comparison of results between the projects and propose a methodological guideline for practitioners carrying out such evaluations. The guideline proposes an approach where performance is evaluated with respect to a service function that the SuDS aims to achieve, itself identified from local issues. Its first section presents the various service functions which may be assigned to these devices. Next, performance indicators are defined for a selection of the identified service functions, common within the French context and studied as a part of the three projects. Three categories of indicators are identified: hydrologic indicators (relative to water flows), pollutant indicators and socio-technical indicators. Examples of instrumentation and of the application of the proposed indicators drawn from the experience of the three projects are also presented.L'Ă©valuation in situ des performances des ouvrages de maĂźtrise Ă  la source des eaux pluviales pose un grand nombre de questions d'ordre mĂ©thodologique. Ainsi, dans le cadre de trois projets de recherche français dĂ©diĂ©s Ă  ce type d'Ă©valuation, Matriochkas, Micromegas et RoulĂ©pur, un groupe de travail sur l'harmonisation des mĂ©thodes a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ© afin de faciliter l'inter-comparaison des rĂ©sultats issus des projets, mais aussi de rĂ©diger un guide mĂ©thodologique Ă  destination des acteurs opĂ©rationnels pouvant ĂȘtre amenĂ©s Ă  faire ce type d'Ă©tude. Ce guide propose une dĂ©marche oĂč la performance est Ă©valuĂ©e pour chaque fonction de service visĂ©e pour l'ouvrage, en rĂ©ponse Ă  des enjeux locaux. La premiĂšre partie du guide dĂ©taille les fonctions de service pouvant ĂȘtre attendues de ce type d'ouvrage. Ensuite, des indicateurs de performance sont dĂ©clinĂ©s pour une sĂ©lection de fonctions de service couramment rencontrĂ©es dans le contexte français et qui ont pu ĂȘtre abordĂ©es au cours des projets. Ces indicateurs se regroupent en trois catĂ©gories: les indicateurs hydrologiques (relatifs aux flux d'eau), les indicateurs pollutifs (relatifs aux polluants) et les indicateurs sociotechniques. Le guide s'appuie sur des exemples issus des trois projets pour prĂ©senter des cas pratiques de dispositifs mĂ©trologiques et d'application des indicateurs proposĂ©s

    Carbohydrate-active enzymes from the zygomycete fungus Rhizopus oryzae: a highly specialized approach to carbohydrate degradation depicted at genome level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Rhizopus oryzae </it>is a zygomycete filamentous fungus, well-known as a saprobe ubiquitous in soil and as a pathogenic/spoilage fungus, causing Rhizopus rot and mucomycoses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Carbohydrate Active enzyme (CAZy) annotation of the <it>R. oryzae </it>identified, in contrast to other filamentous fungi, a low number of glycoside hydrolases (GHs) and a high number of glycosyl transferases (GTs) and carbohydrate esterases (CEs). A detailed analysis of CAZy families, supported by growth data, demonstrates highly specialized plant and fungal cell wall degrading abilities distinct from ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. The specific genomic and growth features for degradation of easily digestible plant cell wall mono- and polysaccharides (starch, galactomannan, unbranched pectin, hexose sugars), chitin, chitosan, ÎČ-1,3-glucan and fungal cell wall fractions suggest specific adaptations of <it>R. oryzae </it>to its environment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CAZy analyses of the genome of the zygomycete fungus <it>R. oryzae </it>and comparison to ascomycetes and basidiomycete species revealed how evolution has shaped its genetic content with respect to carbohydrate degradation, after divergence from the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.</p

    Performance of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter End-cap Module 0

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    The construction and beam test results of the ATLAS electromagnetic end-cap calorimeter pre-production module 0 are presented. The stochastic term of the energy resolution is between 10% GeV^1/2 and 12.5% GeV^1/2 over the full pseudorapidity range. Position and angular resolutions are found to be in agreement with simulation. A global constant term of 0.6% is obtained in the pseudorapidity range 2.5 < eta < 3.2 (inner wheel)

    Performance of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter end-cap module 0

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    The construction and beam test results of the ATLAS electromagnetic end-cap calorimeter pre-production module 0 are presented. The stochastic term of the energy resolution is between 10% GeV^1/2 and 12.5% GeV^1/2 over the full pseudorapidity range. Position and angular resolutions are found to be in agreement with simulation. A global constant term of 0.6% is obtained in the pseudorapidity range 2.5 eta 3.2 (inner wheel)

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice
