Fondazione Edmund Mach

Archivio istituzionale della ricerca - Fondazione Edmund Mach
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    12068 research outputs found

    Gut microbiota variations in wild yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) are associated with sex and habitat disturbance

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    Although male and female mammals differ in biological traits and functional needs, the contribution of this sexual dimorphism to variations in gut bacteria and fungi (gut microbiota) in relation to habitat type has not been fully examined. To understand whether the combination of sex and habitat affects gut microbiota variation, we analyzed 40 fecal samples of wild yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) living in contrasting habitat types (intact, well-protected vs. fragmented, less protected forests) in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Sex determination was performed using the marker genes SRY (Sex-determining Region Y) and DDX3X-DDX3Y (DEAD-Box Helicase 3). Samples were attributed to 34 individuals (19 females and 15 males) belonging to five social groups. Combining the results of sex determination with two amplicon sequencing datasets on bacterial (V1-V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene) and fungal (ITS2) gut communities, we found that overall, baboon females had a significantly higher gut bacterial richness compared to males. Beta diversity estimates indicated that bacterial composition was significantly different between males and females, and this was true for individuals from both well- and less protected forests. Our results highlight the combined role of sex and habitat type in shaping variation in gut microbial communities in wild non-human primates

    Agronomia e difesa fitosanitaria contro l’afide lanigero del melo

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    La recrudescenza degli attacchi di E. lanigerum e le restrizioni nella disponibilità di insetticidi (uscita dal mercato di spirotetramat e incertezze sul futuro di pirimicarb) impongono una ridefinizione delle strategie aficide del melo che devono partire dalla corretta gestione agronomica e devono ottimizzare i prodotti disponibili in termini di timing applicativi e numero di intervent

    Stable isotope ratio analysis: an emerging tool to trace the origin of falsified medicines

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    Falsified medicines pose a serious threat to global public health. Over the past few decades, the number of public health issues and seizures of falsified medicines has dramatically increased across the world. The development of new analytical techniques for the identification and traceability of these products hold great promise for innovation to help curtail the high number of deaths caused by the lack of adequate treatments and in combating the criminals responsible for manufacturing these products. This review presents the main approaches, based on stable isotope ratios of the bio-elements, mainly Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry and Site-specific Natural Isotopic Fractionation by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, that can contribute to identifying the origin of these products, both in terms of geographical origin and raw materials employed as well as for the batch controls by the producer

    Landscape of microalgae omics and metabolic engineering research for strain improvement: an overview

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    The unique metabolic capabilities and fast growth rates of microalgae render them promising candidates for various industrial applications, such as biofuel production, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and wastewater treatment. Metabolic engineering is a powerful approach used to enhance the sustainable production of high-value compounds in microalgae, improve their stress tolerance, growth characteristics and suitability for large-scale cultivation. This review provides a snapshot of the current state of knowledge on omics and metabolic engineering research to further enhance our understanding on microalgal metabolism and enable the development of optimized strains with improved productivity and functionality. More specifically, it focuses on the recent breakthroughs in microalgal omics, driven by advancements in genomics technologies, such as improved sequencing platforms and bioinformatics tools, that have enabled the functional characterization of key genes, identification of metabolic pathways, and elucidation of microalgae cell physiology. Conventional and state-of-the-art genetic engineering approaches used in the last decades to manipulate the metabolic pathways of microalgae in a targeted manner, are highlighted in the scope of microalgal optimization. In this review, the different applications of genetic engineering and their impact on microalgae industry are also discussed. Integrating pan-omics data in future research is crucial for predicting novel functional interactions and identifying aspects of metabolic flux, towards enhancing algal strain-engineering technique

    Innovative tools for nitrogen fertilization traceability in organic farming products: a cauliflower case study

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    Different research works have been carried out over the years to investigate new and reliable systems to test the authenticity of products obtained using organic cultivation methods. Based on a previously proposed integrated approach for discriminating organic from conventional products through the acquisition of isotopic data and other chemical and biochemical parameters, we herein report the results of an open-field cultivation case study for cauliflower crop. Experiments were carried out on soil, leaves, and corymb samples of cauliflowers grown using six different nitrogen fertilization treatments (organic, conventional, and mixed at different % of mineral fertilizers). The results of this study have shown that a multivariate analysis of isotopic data (13C/12C; 15N/14N, 34S/32S, 2H/1H, and 18O/16O isotopic ratios) combined with other parameters (fresh weight, total soluble solids, total acidity, cut resistance, CIE L*, a*, b* color indices, head height, head diameter, ascorbic acid content, total polyphenols, and ORAC units) performed using the linear discriminant analysis method gives researchers the possibility to discriminate organic products from conventional ones. Our study highlighted that the different isotopic signatures impressed on the cauliflowers by the different nitrogenous sources combined with the qualitative pattern of the crop, significantly affected by the different treatments, could effectively be jointly used to trace the organic origin of the cro

    FSC forest certification effects on biodiversity: A global review and meta-analysis

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    FSC is a worldwide recognized forest certification scheme, that aims to promote the environmentally responsible management and conservation of the world's forests. Despite its broad application, there is little evidence of its effect on biodiversity. To address this important knowledge gap, here we conducted a systematic review and a hierarchical meta-analysis of the effects of FSC on biodiversity worldwide. Our review yielded 57 studies spanning 2004–2022. Most studies were in the Americas and Europe (31 % and 28 %, respectively), and largely focused on vascular plants (41 %). Half (51 %) of the studies aimed to determine the effect of FSC certification on biodiversity. There were 15 studies with sufficient information for meta-analysis, resulting in 231 effect sizes for mammal, bird, and vascular plant abundance and 10 for vascular plant richness. Overall, there is a neutral effect of certification on taxa abundance, with only a positive effect on mammal assemblages. Responses varied considerably between mammals' traits. Threatened species, individuals with reduced body weight, and omnivorous species benefit from management under the FSC scheme. Vascular plant richness exhibited significantly higher values in FSC-certified areas. Moreover, the abundance of vascular plants also differs among traits, with shrubs and adult trees benefiting from FSC certification. Our systematic review and meta-analysis revealed strong variation in biodiversity responses to FSC, and major geographic and taxonomic knowledge gaps. The overall neutral effect and the divergent responses of taxa and species traits suggest that taxa/species-specific management and improvement of FSC criteria are require

    Effect of postharvest treatments on physiological disorders of ‘Galant’: a new scab resistant apple cultivar

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    The present work focuses on the promising scab resistant apple cultivar ‘Galant’ (Lumaga A 913) which shows great interest as a suitable cultivar for organic production but little is known about its postharvest storage. Experiments performed by the Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) from 2015 to 2017 show a complex of different physiological disorders affecting this apple: superficial scald, flesh browning, browning of the skin and underlying flesh (soft scald and soggy breakdown). Here, we present the results of different postharvest treatments applied in order to avoid fruit injury, including initial low oxygen stress conditions (ILOS) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) application. Superficial scald symptoms commonly appeared on less mature fruits but the production of α-farnesene and its volatile oxidation products which are involved in the process are inhibited by using ILOS technology which kept the disorder under 4% disease incidence in comparison with controlled atmosphere (CA) with 35% after 180 d storage and 15 d shelf life. On the other hand, both ILOS and CA storage do not affect the incidence of internal browning and the incidence rates were always >60% after 14 d shelf-life. Based on the flesh browning disorders, the storability of ‘Galant’ was always limited to <180 d. The incidence of superficial scald and flesh browning were similar in both 1-MCP treated and untreated apple

    Prove di efficacia di alcuni insetticidi su Scaphoideus titanus in sperimentazione di semicampo

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    La sperimentazione è stata condotta negli anni 2022 e 2023 in serra su piante di vite in vaso con diversi insetticidi comunemente utilizzati nella gestione integrata e biologica della vite. L’attività residuale vs Scaphoideus titanus è stata valutata tramite l’inserimento degli insetti in manicotti di rete applicati a piante di vite trattate. In ogni manicotto-replica sono stati inseriti 5 insetti (stadi giovanili o adulti) in tre momenti successivi: il giorno del trattamento a vegetazione asciutta, dopo 3 e dopo 7 giorni per valutare la persistenza d’azione. I controlli di mortalità sono stati eseguiti dopo 1, 3 e 7 giorni dall’inserimento. I risultati indicano che i prodotti utilizzabili nelle strategie di controllo integrato, come Closer, Epik SL, Kaimo Sorbie, Trebon e Sivanto hanno una buona efficacia e persistenza nei confronti di S. titanus. Biopiren Plus, ammesso nella gestione biologica, ha dimostrato una buona attività abbattente dopo il trattamento ma bassa persistenza. Asset Five, Surround WP e Naturalis, non hanno mostrato significativa attività insetticida o di disturboThe trials were conducted in 2022 and 2023 in a greenhouse on potted vine plants, with various insecticides commonly used in IPM and organic management. The evaluation vs Scaphoideus titanus took place by inserting the insects into mesh sleeves applied to treated vine plants. 5 insects (young or adult stages) were inserted into each sleeve at three successive times: on the day of treatment with dry vegetation, after 3 and after 7 days to evaluate the persistence of action. Mortality assessments were performed 1, 3 and 7 days after insertion. Results indicate that products used in integrated control, such as Closer, Epik SL, Kaimo Sorbie, Trebon and Sivanto have good efficacy and persistence against S. titanus. Biopiren Plus, admitted into organic management, demonstrated good knockdown activity after treatment but low persistence. Asset Five, Surround WP and Naturalis, did not show significant activit

    Seasonal "Windows of opportunity" in Alpine headwaters: implication for diatom assemblages

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    In the European Alps, around 80% of glacier volume is predicted to vanish within the end of this century because of global warming. The progressing glacier retreat is affecting the Alpine hydrological dynamics as well as the distribution and biodiversity of glacier-fed streams. Within this scenario of vanishing glaciers, mountain permafrost is becoming increasingly significant since the thawing of its subsurface ice occurs at a slower rate in comparison to surface glacier ice. The most common evidence of mountain permafrost are the rock glaciers, i.e., creeping rocky landforms made of rock fragments that host subsurface ice. Springs and streams emerging from intact (containing ice) and relict (not containing ice) rock glaciers are increasingly considered as a climate-resistant source of cold water, as well as ecological refugia for cold-stenothermic aquatic organisms. Nonetheless, the knowledge of benthic biodiversity and dynamics in relation to the seasonal changes of habitat and water chemical setting is still patchy and incomplete. Ecological Windows of Opportunity (WOs) are defined as seasonal periods of mild environmental conditions supporting the development of benthic primary producers, especially diatoms, in Alpine glacial streams. The primary WO occurs in autumn when glacier ablation is reduced, and glacier-fed streams have stable channels and less turbid waters. Differently, the spring WO more strongly depends on stochastic meteorological factors and is more irregularly paralleled by benthic growth. Although WOs have been conceptually modelled based on field surveys of primary producers in glacial streams of the European Alps, much scarcer field evidence is available for headwaters of different origin. In particular, the seasonal development of diatom biomass and diversity in Alpine headwaters fed by rock-glaciers and in non-glacial reference streams (i.e., not influenced by permafrost and glaciers) in the present context of Alpine deglaciation is poorly known. Here we present the first results of a two-year investigation on seasonal development of diatom biomass and diversity in headwater streams of different origin in two deglaciating catchments of the Italian Central- Eastern Alps. The study has been conducted within the Euregio project “Rock-me” (2022-2025, by investigating physical (temperature, turbidity) and chemical (nutrients, major ions, and trace elements) parameters of water, organic and chlorophyll-a content of epilithic biofilm, as well as density and taxonomic composition of epilithic diatoms in streams fed by glaciers and rock glaciers, and in non-glacial reference streams in both catchments. We found different patterns of seasonal WOs, outlined by higher diatom density and biofilm chlorophyll content, either in early or late summer, in headwaters of different origin in relation to differing hydrological dynamics and habitat settings. The early summer WO appears to be more pronounced in headwaters fed by glaciers or rock glaciers, as a possible effect of the climate-related hydrological dynamics in deglaciating Alpine catchments. On the other hand, non-glacial springs and streams with more stable water discharge are characterised by a more evident late summer WO. Seasonal changes of diatom biodiversity seem to be related to differing hydrological dynamics at catchment scal


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