10,702 research outputs found

    Lifetime of Magnetically Trapped Antihydrogen in ALPHA

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    How long antihydrogen atoms linger in the ALPHA magnetic trap is an important characteristic of the ALPHA apparatus. The initial trapping experiments in 2010 [1] were conducted with 38 detected antiatoms confined for 172 ms and in 2011 [2] with seven for 1000 s. Long confinement times are necessary to perform detailed frequency scans during spectroscopic measurements. An analysis carried out, using machine learning methods, on more than 1000 antiatoms confined for several hours in the ALPHA-2 magnetic trap, yields a preliminary lower limit to the lifetime of 66 hours. Hence this observation suggests that the measured confinement time of antihydrogen is extended by more than two orders of magnitude. [1] Andresen, G. B. et al. (ALPHA collaboration), Nature 468, 673-676 (2010) [2] Andresen, G. B. et al. (ALPHA collaboration), Nature Phys. 7, 558-564 (2011

    Towards a human trust model for mobile ad-hoc networks

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    Third Circuit Task Force Report on Selection of Class Counsel

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    Foreword: Symposium on Forensic Expert Testimony, \u3ci\u3eDaubert\u3c/i\u3e, and Rule 702

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    On October 27, 2017, the Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules held a Symposium to obtain input and guidance on critical matters involving the admissibility of expert testimony. The Symposium consisted of presentations and discussions by brilliant scientists, outstanding federal judges, academics with deep expertise in both evidence and science, and stellar practitioners from private and public practice. The transcript of the Symposium and the accompanying articles establish an important agenda for the Advisory Committee to tackle over the next few years

    Expanding (or Just Fixing) the Residual Exception to the Hearsay Rule

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    The Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules (“the Committee”) has been considering whether to amend Federal Rule of Evidence 807 (known as the residual exception to the hearsay rule) to improve the way the Rule functions—and also to allow the admission of more hearsay if it is reliable. At the conference sponsored by the Committee in October, 2016—transcribed in this Fordham Law Review issue—the Committee submitted a working draft of an amendment that was vetted by the experts at the conference and reviewed favorably by most. This Article analyzes the arguments in favor of and against the reform of the residual exception and will set forth and explain the Advisory Committee’s approach to a possible amendment

    Symposium on Forensic Expert Testimony, \u3ci\u3eDaubert\u3c/i\u3e, and Rule 702

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    The Phillip D. Reed Lecture Series: Conference on Possible Amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence 404(b), 807, and 801(D)(1)(a)

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    PROFESSOR CAPRA: Thank you, Judge. So let’s start today with some basic details. There will be a transcript of these proceedings, and it will be published in the Fordham Law Review. I’d like to thank the Fordham Law Review for taking this on and agreeing to do it

    Reachability Analysis of Time Basic Petri Nets: a Time Coverage Approach

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    We introduce a technique for reachability analysis of Time-Basic (TB) Petri nets, a powerful formalism for real- time systems where time constraints are expressed as intervals, representing possible transition firing times, whose bounds are functions of marking's time description. The technique consists of building a symbolic reachability graph relying on a sort of time coverage, and overcomes the limitations of the only available analyzer for TB nets, based in turn on a time-bounded inspection of a (possibly infinite) reachability-tree. The graph construction algorithm has been automated by a tool-set, briefly described in the paper together with its main functionality and analysis capability. A running example is used throughout the paper to sketch the symbolic graph construction. A use case describing a small real system - that the running example is an excerpt from - has been employed to benchmark the technique and the tool-set. The main outcome of this test are also presented in the paper. Ongoing work, in the perspective of integrating with a model-checking engine, is shortly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to conference for publicatio
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