30 research outputs found

    Diltheys Ziel eines "realistischen Systems"

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    Sehr oft wurde Diltheys Philosophie als relativistischer Historismus oder sogar als Irrationalismus kritisiert. Aber das Ziel seines philosophischen Denkens war die Begründung eines „realistischen Systems“, wie er in einer späten Vorlesung erklärte. Wir sehen in seinen Vorlesungen und Entwürfen aus seinem Nachlass, dass er immer gegen radikalen Skeptizismus und Subjektivismus in den Wissenschaften argumentierte. In verschiedenen Anläufen versuchte er zu zeigen, dass die Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften nicht bloße Konstruktionen, sondern fähig sind, die Erscheinungen der inneren sowohl als der äußeren Welt zu erkennen. Wir können seine philosophische Intention „kritischen kognitiven Realismus“ nennen. Er entfaltete sein Denken in ständiger Auseinandersetzung mit den Hauptpositionen der Wissenschafts- und Erkenntnistheorie seiner Zeit, besonders mit Kantianismus und Positivismus.

    Das Problem der Allgemeinbildung geschichtlich betrachtet

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    The development of the term encyclopaedia is the mirror of the historical growth of knowledge and change of education. In the ancient Greek period, the name of artistic and musical education encyclopaedia became the title of collections of all human knowledge and finally resulted in a crisis today. By the philosophy of Georg Simmel, we can understand the historical changes as growing separation and alienation between the cultural systems of society on the one hand, and the education of single persons of the other. In the thinking of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Friedrich Schleiermacher, and also Georg Simmel, we find important advices to enable real education also in the scientific civilisation and to overcome the situation in which knowledge and sciences became strange for the life of single human beings.Problem kształcenia ogólnego z perspektywy historycznej(Streszczenie)Przeobrażanie się terminu „encyklopedia“ stanowi odzwierciedlenie historycznego postępu wiedzy i zmian w edukacji. W Starożytnej Grecji nazwa encyklopedii malarstwa i muzyki stała się tytułem zbiorów dotyczących całej ludzkiej wiedzy, co w rezultacie przyczyniło się do współczesnego kryzysu. Zgodnie z filozofią Georga Simmela, możemy rozumieć zmiany historyczne jako postępujący rozdział pomiędzy systemami kulturowymi społeczeństwa z jednej strony i kształcenia jednostek z drugiej. W filozofii Wilhelma von Humdoldta, Friedricha Schleiermachera, jak również Georga Simmela, odnajdujemy ważne wskazówki dotyczące możliwości prawdziwego kształcenia również w cywilizacji nauki i przezwyciężenia sytuacji, w której wiedza i nauka stają się obce dla przeciętnego człowieka w kontekście jego życia

    O problema do historicismo e as ciências do espírito no século XX

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    This paper deals with the relevance of the problems raised by historicism, showing its importancenowadays in the human sciences. In order to do so, one must understand historicism in a morecomplex way. That is the only way to avoid the usual reductions to which historicism is submitted.So, it is possible to understand historicism beyond “relativism” and “positivism”, but as a pledgefor acknowledgment the diversity of traditions, which makes possible a mutual recognition withinhuman diversity.Este artigo analisa a relevância dos problemas tratados pelo historicismo, mostrando sua importância em nossos dias, dentro do escopo das ciências humanas. Para tanto, afirma que é necessário compreender o historicismo de forma mais complexa, de maneira a não reduzi-lo a qualquer uma de suas definições habituais. Assim, será possível criar as condições para o entendimento do historicismo para além do “relativismo” e do “positivismo”, mas como um apelo ao reconhecimento da multiplicidade das tradições, o que torna possível um reconhecimento dentro da diversidade humana

    Por uma hermenêutica historiograficamente orientada. Entrevista com Gunter Scholtz

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    Ainda existe uma filosofia das ciências humanas; uma filosofia que se interessa pelo denominador comum do que fazem juristas, filólogos, linguistas, antropólogos e historiadores, e que se propõe a tarefa de pensar sobre a natureza e as funções dessas formas de conhecimento. Na tradição alemã, Gunter Scholtz é hoje um dos mais significativos continuadores dessa tradição reflexiva

    Bait preferences of Australian dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in tropical and subtropical Queensland forests

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    Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) are mainly coprophagous. Globally, many species co-exist with large mammalian fauna in grasslands and savannahs. However, tropical and subtropical rainforests, where large herbivorous mammals are scarce, support numerous dung beetle species. Many rainforest dung beetles have been shown to be generalist saprophages or specialists on non-dung food resources. In Australian rainforests, observations of native dung beetles have indicated that some species are attracted to other resources such as fruit or fungi, although the extent to which this occurs is not known. To learn more about the diet breadth of Australian native rainforest dung beetles, we assessed their attraction to a range of baits, including two types of dung, four types of carrion from both vertebrates and invertebrates, three types of rotting fruit and rotting mushrooms. We primarily surveyed rainforest sites but included two dry open-forest sites for comparisons. Of the two groups of Australian native dung beetles (Onthophagini and Australian endemic genera), the latter dominated the rainforest dung beetle fauna and were attracted to a greater variety of baits compared with Onthophagini. The Onthophagini were dominant in open forest and were more likely to be attracted to a particular bait type, primarily dung. Our findings suggest that many of the species belonging to the ‘Australian endemic genera’ are generalist feeders and their ability to utilise a range of food resources contributes to their abundance and diversity in Australian rainforests

    Barbarians at the British Museum: Anglo-Saxon Art, Race and Religion

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    A critical historiographical overview of art historical approaches to early medieval material culture, with a focus on the British Museum collections and their connections to religion

    Reason as the source of appearance : Kant's critique of reason and its consequences

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    Kant's philosophy is a fundamental and influential turning point in the understanding of appearance and reality because according to him, reason produces nothing in metaphysics but an illusory world of truths. Kant's notion of phenomenon (Erscheinung) soon became interpreted as mere appearance (bloßer Schein). Therefore Schopenhauer and Nietzsche made him a witness to a fundamental critique of modern rationality. In contrast, others tried to defend the reality content of our rational knowledge