30 research outputs found

    Aspectos históricos, demográficos, morfológicos e genéticos de populações de Butia eriospatha (Martius ex. Drude) Beccari (Arecaceae) em paisagens contrastantes no planalto serrano de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Florianópolis, 2017.O Butia eriospatha (Martius ex. Drude) Beccari (butiá-da-serra) é uma espécie de palmeira em perigo de extinção, inserida em um dos biomas mais ameaçados do planeta, o bioma Mata Atlântica, mais especificamente na região do Planalto Serrano do Sul do Brasil. Apesar de o B. eriospatha ser descrito como uma espécie que ocorre naturalmente em campos abertos, evidências apontam para a ocorrência de indivíduos em altas densidades também dentro de florestas com araucárias (Araucaria angustifolia). Tendo em vista o cenário atual de fragmentação dos ecossistemas no Planalto Serrano de Santa Catarina e da ameaça à diversidade genética do B. eriospatha, bem como as possibilidades de uso dessa espécie, emergem algumas questões: a) como era a paisagem de ocorrência do B. eriospatha no passado: floresta ou campo?; b) Existem diferenças significativas entre populações de B. eriospatha que ocorrem em distintos ambientes, sobretudo quanto aos aspectos demográficos, morfológicos (frutos) e genéticos?; c) Quais as principais implicações dessas diferenças, caso existam? Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi de estudar desde componentes da diversidade genética até as mudanças na paisagem ao longo do tempo de duas populações de B. eriospatha, amostradas no município de Curitibanos-SC, sendo uma de campo aberto e outra de floresta com araucárias e, por fim, compará-las. Imagens aéreas da região, produzidas no ano de 1957 e 2012, foram utilizadas para a caracterização da transformação da paisagem de ocorrência das populações. Foi instalada uma parcela permanente de aproximadamente cinco hectares em cada população, onde todos os indivíduos de B. eriospatha presentes foram localizados por meio de um sistema de coordenadas x e y, classificados quanto ao estado reprodutivo e mensurados quanto ao DAP e altura. O padrão de distribuição espacial das duas populações também foi avaliado. Foram amostrados de 31 a 40 frutos por planta de 30 matrizes da população de floresta e 32 da população de campo para que fossem caracterizados quanto à características morfológicas. Além disso, a partir das frequências alélicas obtidas com a utilização de nove marcadores microssatélites, as populações foram caracterizadas, quanto à diversidade genética, sistema reprodutivo e estrutura genética espacial. Foram observadas populações de B. eriospatha sob a cobertura de floresta com araucárias no passado (1957) e no presente (2012-2016), comprovando-se não se tratar de uma espécie exclusiva do ambiente de campo. Demonstrou-se a redução e a fragmentação das áreas de habitat de B. eriospatha na região de Curitibanos-SC, sendo que boa parte dessas áreas foram substituídas por plantios com espécies florestais exóticas. Devido à ausência de regeneração, ambas as populações apresentam riscos iminentes de extinção. As condições do ambiente mostraram-se determinantes no potencial reprodutivo dos indivíduos de B. eriospatha. A população de campo apresentou um padrão de distribuição espacial predominantemente agregado, enquanto que a população de floresta apresentou um padrão predominantemente aleatório. As populações de campo e de floresta apresentaram diferenças para todos os descritores morfológicos avaliados, além de grande variabilidade fenotípica, demostrando ter grande potencial para a conservação e seleção para produtividade e qualidade de frutos. Com exceção do comprimento dos frutos e peso dos pirênios, a população de campo apresentou os maiores valores para as demais características avaliadas nos frutos. As duas populações apresentaram índices similares e moderados de diversidade genética. Apesar da pequena distância entre as duas populações, evidenciou-se uma estruturação genética significativa. Ambas as populações apresentaram sistema de cruzamento alogâmico, com a possibilidade de cruzamentos endogâmicos na população de floresta. Observou-se estrutura familiar em ambas as populações em curtas distâncias. Na população de floresta a coancestria entre indivíduos adultos é anulada quando somente os indivíduos reprodutivos da população são considerados, já na população de campo, a estrutura familiar se mantém. Este trabalho evidencia a importância de se considerar as populações de B. eriospatha que ocorrem em ambiente de floresta, além das populações de campo, em planos de conservação, estratégias de melhoramento genético para produtividade e qualidade de frutos, bem como em estudos complementares sobre a autoecologia da espécie.Abstract : Butia eriospatha (Martius ex. Drude) Beccari (butiá-da-serra) is an endangered palm species at risk of extinction occurring in one of the most threatened biomes in the planet - the Atlantic Rain Forest Biome ? more specifically in the South Brazilian Plateau region. Despite the descriptions stating that B. eriospatha naturally occurs on the open grasslands, there are evidences showing that this species can also occur in highly density beneath the canopy of trees in the Araucaria Forest (Araucaria angustifolia). Considering the current scenario of ecosystem fragmentation in the Santa Catarina?s Plateau, the threat to the genetic diversity of B. eriospatha, as well as the potential uses of this species, some questions are asked. For instance: i) how was the landscape where B. eriospatha occurred in the past, forest or grassland? ; ii) are there significantly demographic, morphological (fruits) or genetic differences between B. eriospatha populations occurring in distinct environments? ; iii) which are the most important implications of these differences when they are present? In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the situation of two B. eriospatha populations sampled in the city of Curitibanos-SC (one in forest environment and the other in grassland environment), ranging from population genetics to changes in the landscape over time. Aerial images, produced in the years of 1957 and 2012, were used to characterize the landscape shifts for each population. In addition, five hectares permanent plots were established for each population, where all B. eriospatha individuals were classified according to their reproductive status and had their DBH and height measured. The position of the individuals were marked with an X and Y coordinate system. I also evaluated the spatial distribution pattern of the two populations. To determine the morphological characteristics of the B. eriospatha fruits, I sampled from 31 to 40 fruits per plant from 30 mother-trees in the forest population and from 32 mother-trees in the grassland population. Furthermore, using nine microsatellites (SSR markers), I studied the genetic diversity, mating system and spatial genetic structure (SGS) of both B. eriospatha populations. I identified B. eriospatha populations beneath the canopy in the past (1957) and in the present (2012-2016), proving that B. eriospatha is not an exclusively grassland species. I also demonstrated the existence of fragmentation and reduction of the B. eriospatha habitat in the studied region, wherein a great amount of land was replaced with exotic forest plantations. Due to the absence of regeneration, both populations showed imminent risks of extinction. The environment conditions were determinant on the reproduction potential of B. eriospatha individuals. The grassland population exhibited a predominantly aggregated pattern of spatial distribution, while the forest population showed a predominantly random distribution. The two populations were significantly different for every fruit morphological descriptor used, with a great phenotypical variability. These findings illustrate the remarkable potential of both B. eriospatha populations for conservation as well as for breeding for fruit productivity and fruit quality. The grassland population presented the highest values for all fruit descriptors except for pyrenes weight and fruit length. The populations showed similar and moderated genetic diversity indexes. Despite the small distance between both populations, significant genetic differentiation was identified. Both populations presented allogamy, with possible endogamic crossings in the forest population. Family structure were found for both populations over short distances. When just the reproductive individuals were evaluated, the coancestry was not different from zero in the forest population. This study indicates the importance to consider B. eriospatha populations that occur in forest environment in conservation plans, breeding programs as well as in future complementary studies, besides grassland populations

    Avaliação Preliminar da Fauna Silvestre Terrestre do Vale do Rio Caiapó, Goiás: implicações para a conservação da biodiversidade regional

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    Esse trabalho apresenta a listagem preliminar da fauna terrestre da bacia do rio Caiapó, no Estado de Goiás. Após a combinação de dados dos programas ambientais faunísticos das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas (PCHs) de Piranhas e Mosquitão os resultados foram 4 classes, 37 ordens, 130 famílias, 361 gêneros, e 485 espécies. Os dados também foram comparados com outras localidades do Cerrado e a bacia foi avaliada com os projetos de áreas de proteção ambiental

    Sinais e sintomas, diagnóstico e tratamento atual da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico no paciente pediátrico: uma revisão sistemática

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    Objetivo: O objetivo desta revisão bibliográfica foi relatar o conhecimento atual sobre os principais sinais e sintomas, métodos utilizados no diagnóstico e os possíveis planos terapêuticos de bebês e crianças com doença do refluxo gastroesofágico. Metodologia: As buscas foram realizadas por meio de pesquisas nas bases de dados PubMed Central (PMC) e Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS). Foram utilizados quatro descritores em combinação com o termo booleano “AND”: Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Gastroesophageal Reflux e Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease . A estratégia de busca utilizada na base de dados PMC foi: Pediatrics AND Gastroenterology AND Gastroesophageal Reflux  and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease AND Pediatrics e no BVS foi Pediatrics AND Gastroesophageal Reflux . Desta busca foram encontrados 157 artigos, posteriormente submetidos aos critérios de seleção. Após a associação dos descritores utilizados nas bases pesquisadas foram encontrados um total de 157 artigos, sendo utilizado 12 artigo para compor a produção desse trabalho.  Resultados: As apresentações clínicas da DRGE viriam de acordo com a idade do paciente, sendo que os sintomas mais comuns no primeiro ano de vida incluem regurgitação, vômitos, recusa alimentar, tosse e irritabilidade, sendo que o diagnóstico é clínico, sendo considerado uso de ferramentas adicionais apenas em casos duvidosos ou com suspeita de complicações.   Conclusão: Conclui-se que é fundamental a caracterização da DRGE objetivando garantir um controle sintomático e evitar a progressão para possíveis complicações, tais medidas podem ser realizadas através de um tratamento não farmacológico, farmacológico e até mesmo cirúrgico.&nbsp

    Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants

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    Summary Background Comparable global data on health and nutrition of school-aged children and adolescents are scarce. We aimed to estimate age trajectories and time trends in mean height and mean body-mass index (BMI), which measures weight gain beyond what is expected from height gain, for school-aged children and adolescents. Methods For this pooled analysis, we used a database of cardiometabolic risk factors collated by the Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Collaboration. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends from 1985 to 2019 in mean height and mean BMI in 1-year age groups for ages 5–19 years. The model allowed for non-linear changes over time in mean height and mean BMI and for non-linear changes with age of children and adolescents, including periods of rapid growth during adolescence. Findings We pooled data from 2181 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight in 65 million participants in 200 countries and territories. In 2019, we estimated a difference of 20 cm or higher in mean height of 19-year-old adolescents between countries with the tallest populations (the Netherlands, Montenegro, Estonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina for boys; and the Netherlands, Montenegro, Denmark, and Iceland for girls) and those with the shortest populations (Timor-Leste, Laos, Solomon Islands, and Papua New Guinea for boys; and Guatemala, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Timor-Leste for girls). In the same year, the difference between the highest mean BMI (in Pacific island countries, Kuwait, Bahrain, The Bahamas, Chile, the USA, and New Zealand for both boys and girls and in South Africa for girls) and lowest mean BMI (in India, Bangladesh, Timor-Leste, Ethiopia, and Chad for boys and girls; and in Japan and Romania for girls) was approximately 9–10 kg/m2. In some countries, children aged 5 years started with healthier height or BMI than the global median and, in some cases, as healthy as the best performing countries, but they became progressively less healthy compared with their comparators as they grew older by not growing as tall (eg, boys in Austria and Barbados, and girls in Belgium and Puerto Rico) or gaining too much weight for their height (eg, girls and boys in Kuwait, Bahrain, Fiji, Jamaica, and Mexico; and girls in South Africa and New Zealand). In other countries, growing children overtook the height of their comparators (eg, Latvia, Czech Republic, Morocco, and Iran) or curbed their weight gain (eg, Italy, France, and Croatia) in late childhood and adolescence. When changes in both height and BMI were considered, girls in South Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and some central Asian countries (eg, Armenia and Azerbaijan), and boys in central and western Europe (eg, Portugal, Denmark, Poland, and Montenegro) had the healthiest changes in anthropometric status over the past 3·5 decades because, compared with children and adolescents in other countries, they had a much larger gain in height than they did in BMI. The unhealthiest changes—gaining too little height, too much weight for their height compared with children in other countries, or both—occurred in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, New Zealand, and the USA for boys and girls; in Malaysia and some Pacific island nations for boys; and in Mexico for girls. Interpretation The height and BMI trajectories over age and time of school-aged children and adolescents are highly variable across countries, which indicates heterogeneous nutritional quality and lifelong health advantages and risks

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants.

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. METHODS: We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30-79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. FINDINGS: The number of people aged 30-79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306-359) million women and 317 (292-344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584-668) million women and 652 (604-698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55-62) of women and 49% (46-52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43-51) of women and 38% (35-41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20-27) for women and 18% (16-21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. INTERPRETATION: Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings. FUNDING: WHO

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants

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    Background Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30-79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. Findings The number of people aged 30-79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306-359) million women and 317 (292-344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584-668) million women and 652 (604-698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55-62) of women and 49% (46-52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43-51) of women and 38% (35-41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20-27) for women and 18% (16-21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. Interpretation Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings. Copyright (C) 2021 World Health Organization; licensee Elsevier

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants

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    Background Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30–79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. Findings The number of people aged 30–79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306–359) million women and 317 (292–344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584–668) million women and 652 (604–698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55–62) of women and 49% (46–52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43–51) of women and 38% (35–41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20–27) for women and 18% (16–21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. Interpretation Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings

    Diversidade Ictiofaunística e Compartimentação do Rio Caiapó, Goiás, por Usinas Hidrelétricas

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    Esse trabalho descreve as espécies de peixes da bacia do rio Caiapó, em uma listagem preliminar, tendo como base levantamentos relacionados com programas ambientais de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. Os resultados indicam 86 espécies de 62 gêneros, 24 famílias, 4 ordens e 1 classe. São avaliadas as perspectivas de compartimentação dessa bacia com a instalação de até 14 empreendimentos hidrelétricos e seu impacto direto sobre a diversidade, fluxos migratórios e perda da diversidade genética das populações