18 research outputs found

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    Patients’ experiences of physical activity on prescription with access to counsellors in routine care: a qualitative study in Sweden

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    Abstract Background Physical activity on prescription (PAP) has been implemented in several countries, including Sweden, to support patients who might benefit from increased physical activity. This study explores the experiences of recipients of PAP in routine health care in Sweden that offers the recipients support from physical activity counsellors. The aim was to explore influences on engagement in physical activity by PAP recipients’ from a long-term perspective. Methods We conducted individual semi-structured interviews using a topic guide with a purposively selected sample of 13 adult PAP recipients 1.5 to 2.5 years after PAP. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed through inductive and deductive content analysis. The questions were informed by Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B), which was also used as a framework to analyse the data by means of categorizing the factors (influences on the behaviour). Results Ten factors (i.e. sub-categories) that influenced the participants’ engagement in physical activity were identified. PAP recipients’ capability to engage in physical activity was associated with adapting the PAP to the individual’s physical capacity and taking into account the individual’s previous experiences of physical activity. PAP recipients’ opportunity to engage in physical activity was related to receiving a prescription, receiving professional counselling and follow-up from a physical activity counsellor, collaboration between prescriber and counsellor, having access to appropriate activities, having a balanced life situation and having support from someone who encouraged continued physical activity. PAP recipients’ motivation to engage in physical activity was associated with the desire to improve his or her health condition and finding activities that encouraged continuation. Conclusions PAP recipients’ engagement in physical activity was influenced by their capability, opportunity and motivation to undertake this behaviour. Numerous extraneous factors influence capability and motivation. Physical activity counsellors were found to be important for sustained activity because they use an individual approach to counselling and flexible follow-up adapted to each individual’s need of support

    Physical Activity on Prescription with Counsellor Support : A 4-Year Registry-Based Study in Routine Health Care in Sweden

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    Background: Public health gains from physical activity on prescription (PAP) depend on uptake in routine care. We performed an evaluation of the implementation, in a Swedish county council, of counsellors who give personalized support to PAP recipients aimed at facilitating PAP delivery. The aim was to compare characteristics between PAP recipients and the health care population as well as between PAP recipients who used and did not use counsellor support. We also investigated professional belonging and health care setting of health care professionals who prescribed PAP.  Methods: All patients’ ≥18 years who received PAP during 2009–2012 in primary and secondary care in the County Council of Kronoberg were included (n = 4879). Data were retrieved from electronic medical records. Main outcome measures were patient and professional characteristics.  Results: A third of the PAP recipients had diseases in ≥5 diagnostic groups and more than half had ≥11 office visits the year before receiving PAP. Counsellor support was used by one-third and PAP recipients who used counsellor support had more multiple diagnoses and office visits compared with non-users. Physicians issued 44% of prescriptions and primary care was the predominant setting. The amount of PAP did not change over time, but the proportion of physicians’ prescriptions decreased while the proportion of nurses’ prescriptions increased.  Conclusions: PAP recipients had high morbidity and were frequent health care attenders, indicating that PAP was predominantly used for secondary or tertiary prevention. PAP rates did not increase as intended after the implementation of counsellor support. View Full-Tex

    En kartlegging av klinisk vurderingskompetanse hos helsepersonell i sykehjem: en pilotstudie

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    Bakgrunn: Helsepersonellets kliniske vurderingskompetanse er avgjørende for helsehjelpen som gis til eldre pasienter. Derfor er det viktig at personalets kunnskap tilfredsstiller de kravene som virksomhetene stiller. Tverrfaglig klinisk vurderingskompetanse er i liten grad kartlagt i norske kommuner. Hensikt: Å kartlegge klinisk vurderingskompetanse blant helsepersonell fra skjermede avdelinger på et sykehjem og identifisere eventuelle behov for økt kompetanse i kliniske situasjoner. Vi ønsket også å utforske kartleggingsverktøyet for forbedringsområder. Metode: Spørreskjemaet inneholdt 19 kliniske spørsmål med ulik fasit for hver yrkesgruppe, og ti demografiske spørsmål. Datasamlingen foregikk i oktober 2018. Dataene er behandlet statistisk i SPSS med parametriske analyser, Spearmans rho og Cronbachs alfa. Resultat: Antallet inkluderte deltakere var 56. Gjennomsnittlig hadde sykepleierne (n = 15) 59 prosent rette svar, helsefagarbeiderne (n = 31) hadde 53 prosent rette svar, mens assistentene (n = 10) oppnådde 41 prosent rette svar. Antallet rette svar ble kun påvirket av yrkesbakgrunn (p-verdi 0,018), der assistentenes nivå var signifikant lavere sammenliknet med sykepleierne (p-verdi 0,013). Helsepersonellet hadde samlet flest rette svar ved tydelige symptomer på ny sykdom, og flest gale svar ved diffuse, komplekse tilstander og i to øyeblikkelige hjelp-situasjoner. Hele 62 prosent rapporterte om et behov for høyere klinisk vurderingskompetanse. Konklusjon: Helsepersonellet viste varierende grad av klinisk vurderingskompetanse, der sykepleierne hadde det høyeste kompetansenivået. Studien belyser viktigheten av godt og avklart samspill er mellom yrkesgruppene. Resultatet indikerer et behov for kompetanseheving på alvorlige, ofte komplekse kliniske situasjoner for alle yrkesgrupper. Spørreskjemaet bør videreutvikles for å minimere ulik tolkning av svaralternativene. Vi anbefaler å teste ut åpne tekstsvar på hvilke kliniske vurderinger som ligger til grunn for valg av respons. Fremtidige kompetansemålinger med samme verktøy bør utføres i større utvalg

    Physical activity on prescription in routine health care : 1-year follow-up of patients with and without counsellor support

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    The effectiveness of counsellor support in addition to physical activity on prescription (PAP) from health care professionals has rarely been evaluated. This observational follow-up study investigated differences in physical activity levels and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) one year after PAP regarding patients’ use of counsellor support in addition to PAP in routine care. The study was conducted in a Swedish health care region in which all patients receiving PAP from health care professionals were offered counsellor support. Data were collected from medical records and questionnaires (baseline and follow-up). Of the 400 study participants, 37% used counsellor support. The group of counsellor users attained a higher level of physical activity one year after receiving PAP compared to the group of non-users (p < 0.001). The level of physical activity was measured by a validated index (score 3–19) calculated from weekly everyday activity and exercise training. Comparison of the change in scores between baseline and follow-up showed a significant difference between the two groups, (p < 0.001). The median difference in the PAP + C group was 2.0 (interquartile range, 7.0) and 0.0. among non-users (interquartile range, 4.0). Significant differences in HRQoL were due to positive improvements among counsellor users, with the main improvement in general health. The conclusion is that patients using counsellor support after receiving PAP from health care professionals had higher physical activity and better HRQoL one year after compared with patients who did not use this support

    Factors associated with increased physical activity among patients prescribed physical activity in Swedish routine health care including an offer of counselor support : a 1-year follow-up

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    Background The study addresses knowledge gaps in research regarding influences of routine health care delivery of physical activity on prescription (PAP). The aim was to investigate if patient and health care characteristics are associated with increased physical activity 1 year after prescription among patients offered counselor support in addition to health care professionals prescription. The study was conducted in primary and secondary care in a Swedish health care region. Methods All PAP recipients during 1 year were invited (N = 1503) to participate in this observational prospective study. Data were collected from medical records and questionnaires (baseline and follow-up). Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analysis were used. The outcome variable was increased physical activity after 1 year. Study variables were patient and health care characteristics. Results Three hundred and fifty-five patients with complete follow-up data were included. The mean age was 62 years (SD = 14; range, 18-90) and 68% were females. Almost half (47%) had increased physical activity 1 year after PAP. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that increased physical activity at follow-up was positively associated with lower baseline activity, counselor use, and positive perception of support. Counselor users with low baseline activity had higher odds ratio for increased physical activity at follow-up than non-users (OR = 7.2, 95% CI = 2.2-23.5 vs. OR = 3.2, 95% CI = 1.4-7.5). Positive perception of support was associated with increased physical activity among counselor users but not among non-users. Conclusions An increase in physical activity after PAP was related to low baseline activity, positive perception of support, and use of counselor support after PAP. Qualified counseling support linked to PAP seems to be important for achieving increased physical activity among patients with lower baseline activity.Funding Agencies|Department of Research and Development, Region Kronoberg [4896]</p