Linnéuniversitetets forskningsdatabas
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    38033 research outputs found

    Study motivation - Can it be predicted by physical activity, age, and biological sex?

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    Syftet med studien var att undersöka om elevernas upplevda studiemotivation kunde prediceras utifrån fysisk aktivitet, ålder eller kön. Metoden för denna kvantitativa studie var att deltagarna ombads besvara ett kortare frågeformulär kopplat till deras upplevda studiemotivation och fysiska aktivitetsvanor. I enkäten svarade deltagarna även på frågor som rörde ålder och kön. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades med en multipel regressionsanalys, med fysisk aktivitet, kön och ålder som oberoende variabler, och studiemotivation som beroende variabel. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att den oberoende variabeln kön signifikant kunde förutsäga nivån av upplevd studiemotivation. Resultatet att kön signifikant kunde predicera nivån av upplevd studiemotivation var i linje med tidigare studier, men resultatet att fysisk aktivitet inte kunde predicera studiemotivation var oförenligt med tidigare studier. Resultatet att ålder inte kunde predicera studiemotivation var omdebatterat bland tidigare studier.The purpose of this study was to investigate if students' perceived study motivation could be predicted by physical activity, age, or gender. The method for this quantitative study was that the participants were asked to answer a shorter questionnaire linked to their perceived study motivation and physical activity habits. In the questionnaire, the participants also answered questions related to age and gender. The data was analyzed using a multiple regression analysis with physical activity, gender, and age as independent variables, and study motivation as the dependent variable. The results of the survey showed that the independent variable gender could significantly predict the level of perceived study motivation. The result that gender significantly could predict the level of perceived study motivation was in line with previous studies, but the result that physical activity could not predict study motivation was inconsistent with earlier studies. Meanwhile, the result that age could not predict study motivation was debated among earlier studies.

    Stress in relation to sense of coherence and personality traits : A quantitative survey study among university student

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    Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur upplevd stress korrelerade med känsla av sammanhang och personlighetsdrag och vidare att även undersöka om känsla av sammanhang och personlighetsdrag kunde predicera upplevelsen av stress hos universitetsstudenter, i Sverige. Metod: Studien använde ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt och genomfördes utifrån ett bekvämlighetsurval och med en digital enkät (n=111). Mätinstrumenten i enkäten bestod avPSS-10, för att mäta upplevd stress, SOC-13 för att mäta känsla av sammanhang och TIPI, för att mäta personlighetsdrag. Korrelationsanalys genomfördes för att undersöka korrelationen mellan variablerna och multipel regressionsanalys genomfördes för att undersöka om känsla av sammanhang och personlighetsdrag kunde predicera stress. Resultat: Korrelationsanalysen visade att upplevd stress korrelerade negativt med känsla avsammanhang (r=-0.77, p<.001) samt personlighetsdragen samvetsgrann (r=-0.32, p<.001) och emotionell stabilitet (r=-0.62, p<.001). Multipla regressionsanalysen visade att känsla avsammanhang och emotionell stabilitet predicerade nivåerna av upplevd stress (R2=0,68,p<.001). Slutsats: Statistisk signifikant samband fanns mellan upplevd stress, känsla av sammanhang och personlighetsdrag. Framtida longitudinella studier skulle kunna utföras för att vidareundersöka relationen dem emellan.Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how perceived stress correlated with sense of coherence and personality traits and further to examine whether sense of coherence and personality traits could predict the experience of stress in university students, in Sweden. Method: The study used a quantitative approach and was conducted based on a convenience sample and with a digital survey (n=111). The measuring instruments in the survey consisted of PSS-10, to measure perceived stress, SOC-13 to measure sense of coherence and TIPI, to measure personality traits. Correlations analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between the variables and multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine whether sense of coherence and personality traits could predict stress. Result: The correlation analysis showed that perceived stress correlated negatively with KASAM (r=-0.77, p<.001) and the personality traits conscientiousness (r=-0.32, p<.001) and emotional stability (r=-0.62, p<.001). The multiple regression analysis showed that sense ofcoherence and emotional stability predicted the levels of perceived stress (R2=0,68, p<.001). Conclusion: Statistically significant relationship where found between perceived stress, sense of coherence and personality traits. Future longitudinal studies may be conducted to further examine the relationship between them.Ne

    Stöld-detektion för smarta bikupor : Utveckling av bluetooth-baserad lösning

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    Beekeeping is an ancient activity that has been practised for thousands of years. Bees and other pollinators are important to food security. Sources indicate that bee-hive theft is on the rise in Sweden. In this report, different alternatives to beehive theft detection are explored. Possible solutions are found by looking at theft detec-tion in general and for beehives in particular. This work describes the different types of theft that beehives are subjected to. Suggested solutions for theft detection are based on activities that might be related to the different types of theft. One of the solutions is implemented and tested. An anti-theft system for cars inspires the solution, and it is partially chosen because it seems novel to the field of beehive theft detection. In the implemented solution, one external unit is keeping track of all the hives using regular check-ins via Bluetooth. Absent check-ins could indicate that a hive is missing. Through testing, it is shown that there is room for improvement inthe implementation, both when it comes to energy consumption and when it detects theft. Deployment costs could be low for situations with a large enough number of beehives at the same place, if the hives are assumed to be smart, this solution only requires one external unit to be added, whereas other solutions might require extra sensors in every hive. For a smaller number of hives, it should be more cost-effectiveto add some sensor that can detect that the hive is manipulated

    Differentierad undervisning för högre måluppfyllelse : Följeforskning av processledarutbildning med Lektionsdesign

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    A Current Overview of the Use of Learning Analytics Dashboards

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    The promise of Learning Analytics Dashboards in education is to collect, analyze, and visualize data with the ultimate ambition of improving students’ learning. Our overview of the latest systematic reviews on the topic shows a number of research trends: learning analytics research is growing rapidly; it brings to the front inequality and inclusiveness measures; it reveals an unclear path to data ownership and privacy; it provides predictions which are not clearly translated into pedagogical actions; and the possibility of self-regulated learning and game-based learning are not capitalized upon. However, as learning analytics research progresses, greater opportunities lie ahead, and a better integration between information science and learning sciences can bring added value of learning analytics dashboards in education

    Efficacy and safety of lisdexamfetamine for the treatment of children and adolescents : A literature study

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    Inledning: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) är en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning som sannolikt beror på en annorlunda struktur och funktion av det centrala nervsystemet och en annorlunda utveckling av hjärnan. Tecken på ADHD kan vara svårigheter med uppmärksamhet och koncentration, överaktivitet och impulsivitet. Prevalensen för ADHD kan variera beroende på geografiskt område, i Nordamerika är prevalensen 3 - 7 % av alla barn i skolåldern och i Europa ca 1 - 3 %. Centralstimulerande läkemedel är den vanligaste läkemedelsgruppen vid farmakologisk behandling av ADHD-symptom. Lisdexamfetamin (LDX) är en prodrug till amfetaminderivatet dextroamfetamin, som blockerar återupptag samt ökar utsöndringen av dopamin och noradrenalin. LDX finns i Sverige under namnet Elvanse. Syfte: Nuvarande studie syftade till att undersöka effekt och säkerhet av lisdexamfetamin (Elvanse) för behandling av barn och tonåringar. Metod: Arbetet var en litteraturstudie där fem vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut i den vetenskapliga databasen pubMed. Kriterier för artiklarna var att de skulle vara randomiserade kontrollerade studier som genomgått peer review. Artiklarna skulle behandla intag av lisdexamfetamin till barn och målet var att hitta studier med så unga deltagare som möjligt. Studier med vuxna uteslöts och likaså studier vars syfte var att jämföra LDX mot ett annat läkemedel. Resultat: Primärt utfall var en skillnad på grad av symptom enligt skalan ADHD-RS-IV i fyra av studierna och samtliga visade en förbättring jämfört med placebo. Flera olika skalor användes för sekundärt utfall och även dessa visade en förbättring vid intag av LDX jämfört med placebo. En av studierna var en post hoc-analys som visade en förbättring av emotionell labilitet hos deltagarna med intag av LDX. Inga nya allvarliga händelser upptäcktes. De vanligaste biverkningarna var liknande de typiska för amfetamin; minskad aptit, insomnia, övre buksmärtor, huvudvärk, irritabilitet och viktnedgång. Slutsats: Farmakologisk behandling med lisdexamfetamin vid ADHD visar minskning av ADHD-symptom mätt i flera olika skalor, främst använd är ADHD-RS-IV. Undersökningen inom ramen för examensarbetet visar att LDX är säkert att använda och tolereras utav barn. I den yngsta målgruppen observerades en mindre effekt på ADHD-symptom jämfört med äldre barn, dock påträffades endast en artikel för åldersgruppen 4 - 5 år. Fler studier krävs för ordentlig slutsats av effekt i just den åldersgruppen men inga nya allvarliga händelser observeradesIntroduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder. ADHD likely depends on a different structure and function of the central nervous system and a dissimilar brain development. The condition is often characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. The core symptoms are associated with impairments in academic, social, and intrapersonal functioning. ADHD and intelligence do not correlate. Comorbidity is more frequent among people with ADHD; the most common among children are learning disabilities and problems with conduction and defiance. Among adults, more comorbid severe mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and attempted or completed suicide occur. Different types of abuse are more common among adolescents and adults with ADHD. Studies show that ADHD is hereditary, but exactly how is not clarified. It is probably a combination of several genetic and environmental factors that cause symptoms of ADHD to be expressed. The prevalence of ADHD can vary depending on the geographical area. In North America, the prevalence is 3 – 7 % of all school-age children, and in Europe, about 1 – 3 %. Stimulants are the most common type of drug for pharmacological treatment of ADHD symptoms. Lisdexamfetamine (LDX) is a long-acting prodrug stimulant. It requires enzymatic hydrolysis to yield the therapeutically active metabolite D-amfetamine, which blocks reuptake and increases the secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine. LDX is available in Sweden under the name Elvanse. Aim: This literature study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of LDX (Elvanse) in children and adolescents. Methods: Five scientific articles were selected from the scientific database PubMed. Inclusion criteria were that the articles should be randomized controlled trials undergone peer review, and the study population should include children. Key exclusion criteria were studies on adults and studies that compared LDX to other drugs and not placebo. Results: The primary outcome was a change of symptoms according to ADHD-RS-IV scores in four studies. These studies all showed an improvement compared to placebo. Several scales were used for secondary outcomes, and these also showed an improvement in symptoms when taking LDX compared to placebo. One of the studies was a post hoc analysis that showed improved emotional lability in those taking LDX. No new treatment-related adverse events were detected, and the effect was similar to the effect of methylphenidate, a drug for ADHD symptoms that has been on the market for a longer time. The most common side effects were comparable to those typical of amphetamines: decreased appetite, insomnia, upper abdominal pain, headache, irritability, and weight loss. The studies investigate short-term treatment. Conclusion: Lisdexamfetamine shows a reduction of ADHD symptoms measured in several different scales, primarily ADHD-RS-IV. It is safe to use and is tolerated in children. Among the very youngest (4 – 5 years), the effect was less noticeable than for older children, but only one article was found for that age group. More studies are required to conclude efficacy in that particular age group properly, but no new adverse events were observed

    Social workers power in advance assessments in child welfare cases : A qualitative study on social workers experiences of their power towards guardians

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    The study is about how social workers perceive their power to be partly expressed and partly handled in the meeting with guardians in advance assessments in child welfare cases. The data collection was done through eight semi-structured interviews, which were done with a question guide. The question guide was designed so that we could answer our study´s questions. The analysis was done using a qualitative content analysis. As a theoretical framework we used Foucault's theory regarding power. The results of the study showed that the power expresses itself by sending summons to guardians. But also through the law and the guardian's fear of social workers' knowledge, as well as due to the guardian's ignorance regarding advance assessments. The results of the study also showed that social workers manage power by helping the guardian create trust in the social worker, motivating the guardian. Social workers also manage power by explaining the situation, listening, changing the focus and being clear through, for example, threats about their power to open a childcare investigation

    Relationship between semiotic representations and student performance in the context of refraction

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    Social semiotic discussions about the role played by representations in effective teaching and learning in areas such as physics have led to theoretical proposals that have a strong common thread: in order to acquire an appropriate understanding of a particular object of learning, access to the disciplinary relevance aspects in the representations used calls for the attainment of representational competence across a particular critical constellation of systematically used semiotic resources (which are referred to as modes, see more on this later). However, an affirming empirical investigation into the relationship between a particular object of learning and different representational formulations, particularly with large numbers of students, is missing in the literature, especially in the context of university -level physics education. To start to address, this research shortfall the positioning for this article is that such studies need to embrace the complexities of student thinking and application of knowledge. To achieve this, both factor and network analyses were used. Even though both approaches are grounded in different frameworks, for the task at hand, both approaches are useful for analyzing clustering dynamics within the responses of a large number of participants. Both also facilitate an exploration of how such clusters may relate to the semiotic resource formulation of a representation. The data were obtained from a questionnaire given to 1368 students drawn from 12 universities across 7 countries. The questionnaire deals with the refraction of light in introductorylevel physics and involves asking students to give their best prediction of the relative visual positioning of images and objects in different semiotically constituted situations. The results of both approaches revealed no one-to-one relationship between a particular representational formulation and a particular cluster of student responses. The factor analysis used correct answer responses to reveal clusters that brought to the fore three different complexity levels in relation to representation formulation. The network analysis used all responses (correct and incorrect) to reveal three structural patterns. What is evident from the results of both analyses is that they confirm two broad conclusions that have emerged from social semiotic explorations dealing with representations in relation to attempting to optimize teaching and learning. The first, which is linked to a facilitating -awareness perspective, is that any given disciplinary visual representation can be expected to evoke a dispersed set of knowledge structures, which is referred to as their relevance structure. Thus, the network analysis results can be seen as presenting a unique starting point for studies aiming to identify such relevance structure. The second broad conclusion is that disciplinary visual representation can and often does contain more disciplinary -relevant aspects than what may be directly visible in a given representation. These are referred to as the appresent aspects that need to become part of the total awareness needed by someone to constitute an intended meaning. The results of the factor analysis can then also be seen to be a way of capturing all the disciplinary -relevant aspects (both present and appresent). Educational implications are discussed

    An Overview of Recent Product, Process, and People Metrics in Software Quality Assurance

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    Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a critical aspect of the software development life cycle, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software products. This systematic literature review provides an overview of product, process and people metrics used in SQA, as well as the relationship between different metrics. Product Metrics focus on evaluating the characteristics and attributes of the software product itself. Process Metrics centre around the software development and testing processes. PeopleMetrics focuses on evaluating the performance, skills, and collaboration of the individuals involved in the software development team. This study not only synthesizes existing knowledge on SQA measurements but also elucidates the complicated interactions between these many metrics, offering a comprehensive understanding of their interaction. Furthermore, it methodically finds and addresses discrepancies in the identification and description of various indicators, helping to standardize SQA methods. The paper also covers a range of technologies used for the quantification of the defined metrics with the goal of measurement accuracy and efficiency. The examination of these tools not only aids in the practical comprehension of metric measurement but also in the selection of appropriate instruments for certain SQA scenarios. As software systems grow in complexity and size, the findings of this study are significant resources for practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders alike, providing nuanced viewpoints on improving software quality through strong SQA techniques. Keywords: Product metrics, Process metrics, people metrics, Software quality assurance, Development cycle Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Metrics evaluation metrics Process Metrics People Metrics Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC).  

    How do you talk? : A literature study on teacher strategies when working with literature

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    Litteraturstudiens syfte är att undersöka lärares undervisningsstrategier och förhållningssätt samt hur det påverkar elevers lärande i arbetet med litteratursamtal. Frågeställningarna som studien har avser att undersöka tidigare forskning, dess resultat samt hur det påverkar lärandet hos elever i åldrarna tre till elva år. Metoden som används för att besvara syftet är att samla in befintlig forskning genom att använda artiklar som material. De tio artiklarna är hittade i databaserna ERIC, Google Scholar och OneSearch. Majoriteten av artiklarna är publicerade i USA och är analyserade genom en tematisk analysmetod. De två undervisningsstrategierna som studien fokuserar på är litteraturcirklar och högläsning med samtal. Resultaten av forskningen tyder på en samstämmighet där undervisningsstrategierna och förhållningssätten liknar varandra. Lärare arbetar exempelvis ofta med olika typer av frågor och stöttning till elever under litteratursamtalen. Detta kan påverka bland annat elevers lärande genom att deras ordförråd utvecklas. Slutsatsen av resultaten tyder på att det är viktigt att lärare gör medvetna val när det gäller bland annat frågor, hur elever påverkas av bokinnehållet och hur de stöttas i undervisningen under litteratursamtalen


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