50 research outputs found

    A Life Course Investigation of the Differences in Psychological Distress of Mothers by Family Structure Trajectories

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationships between family structure, employment patterns, and mental health among mothers using the life course perspective. The Single Parent Family Data Set conducted in London, Ontario, Canada by Avison et al. (2008) is used for this research. The sample consists of 349 single mothers and 430 married mothers. The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) is used as a measure of psychological distress. This thesis reveals significant differences in levels of psychological distress by family structure trajectory. In addition, the employment patterns of single mothers are more likely to be characterized by discontinuity and financial strain, compared to stably partnered mothers. Finally, multivariate analysis reveals that employment patterns, socioeconomic characteristics, and work-family demand variables explain family structure trajectory differences in psychological distress

    Transmisión de Klebsiella pneumoniae resistente a carbapenemes en hospitales de EE.UU.

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    Antecedentes. La Klebsiella pneumoniae resistente a los carbapenemes (CRKp) es el Enterobacterales resistente a los carbapenemes más prevalente en los Estados Unidos. Se evaluó la agrupación de CRKp en pacientes de hospitales estadounidenses. Métodos. De abril de 2016 a agosto de 2017, 350 pacientes con grupo clonal 258 CRKp se inscribieron en el Consortium on Resistance Against Carbapenems in Klebsiella and other Enterobacteriaceae, un estudio de cohortes prospectivo y multicéntrico. Se construyó un árbol de máxima verosimilitud utilizando RAxML. Los conglomerados estáticos compartían ≤21 polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) y un ancestro común más reciente. Los conglomerados dinámicos incorporaron la distancia SNP, el tiempo de cultivo y las tasas de acumulación y transmisión SNP utilizando el programa R TransCluster. Resultados. La mayoría de los pacientes ingresaron desde su domicilio (n=150, 43%) o desde centros de cuidados de larga duración (n=115, 33%). La orina (n=149, 43%) fue el lugar de aislamiento más común. En total, se identificaron 55 conglomerados estáticos y 47 dinámicos en 210 de 350 (60%) y 194 de 350 (55%) pacientes, respectivamente. Aproximadamente la mitad de los clusters estáticos eran idénticos a los dinámicos. Los conglomerados estáticos consistían en 33 (60%) conglomerados intrasistema y 22 (40%) conglomerados intersistema. Los conglomerados dinámicos estaban formados por 32 (68%) conglomerados intrasistema y 15 (32%) conglomerados intersistema y presentaban menos diferencias de SNP que los conglomerados estáticos (8 frente a 9; P=.045; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: -4 a 0). Los conglomerados dinámicos intersistema contenían más pacientes que los conglomerados dinámicos intrasistema (mediana [intervalo intercuartílico], 4 [2, 7] frente a 2 [2, 2]; P=,007; IC del 95%: -3 a 0). Conclusiones. Se identificó una amplia transmisión intrasistémica e intersistémica de CRKp en pacientes estadounidenses hospitalizados. El uso de diferentes métodos para evaluar la similitud genética sólo dio lugar a diferencias menores en la interpretación.Background. Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKp) is the most prevalent carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales in the United States. We evaluated CRKp clustering in patients in US hospitals. Methods. From April 2016 to August 2017, 350 patients with clonal group 258 CRKp were enrolled in the Consortium on Resistance Against Carbapenems in Klebsiella and other Enterobacteriaceae, a prospective, multicenter, cohort study. A maximum likelihood tree was constructed using RAxML. Static clusters shared ≤21 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and a most recent common ancestor. Dynamic clusters incorporated SNP distance, culture timing, and rates of SNP accumulation and transmission using the R program TransCluster. Results. Most patients were admitted from home (n=150, 43%) or long-term care facilities (n=115, 33%). Urine (n=149, 43%) was the most common isolation site. Overall, 55 static and 47 dynamics clusters were identified involving 210 of 350 (60%) and 194 of 350 (55%) patients, respectively. Approximately half of static clusters were identical to dynamic clusters. Static clusters consisted of 33 (60%) intrasystem and 22 (40%) intersystem clusters. Dynamic clusters consisted of 32 (68%) intrasystem and 15 (32%) intersystem clusters and had fewer SNP differences than static clusters (8 vs 9; P=.045; 95% confidence interval [CI]: −4 to 0). Dynamic intersystem clusters contained more patients than dynamic intrasystem clusters (median [interquartile range], 4 [2, 7] vs 2 [2, 2]; P=.007; 95% CI: −3 to 0). Conclusions. Widespread intrasystem and intersystem transmission of CRKp was identified in hospitalized US patients. Use of different methods for assessing genetic similarity resulted in only minor differences in interpretation

    The genome of the green anole lizard and a comparative analysis with birds and mammals

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    The evolution of the amniotic egg was one of the great evolutionary innovations in the history of life, freeing vertebrates from an obligatory connection to water and thus permitting the conquest of terrestrial environments. Among amniotes, genome sequences are available for mammals and birds, but not for non-avian reptiles. Here we report the genome sequence of the North American green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis. We find that A. carolinensis microchromosomes are highly syntenic with chicken microchromosomes, yet do not exhibit the high GC and low repeat content that are characteristic of avian microchromosomes. Also, A. carolinensis mobile elements are very young and diverse—more so than in any other sequenced amniote genome. The GC content of this lizard genome is also unusual in its homogeneity, unlike the regionally variable GC content found in mammals and birds. We describe and assign sequence to the previously unknown A. carolinensis X chromosome. Comparative gene analysis shows that amniote egg proteins have evolved significantly more rapidly than other proteins. An anole phylogeny resolves basal branches to illuminate the history of their repeated adaptive radiations.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant DEB-0920892)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant DEB-0844624)National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.

    A pair production telescope for medium-energy gamma-ray polarimetry

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    We describe the science motivation and development of a pair production telescope for medium-energy (∼5–200 MeV) gamma-ray polarimetry. Our instrument concept, the Advanced Energetic Pair Telescope (AdEPT), takes advantage of the Three-Dimensional Track Imager, a low-density gaseous time projection chamber, to achieve angular resolution within a factor of two of the pair production kinematics limit (∼0.6° at 70 MeV), continuum sensitivity comparable with the Fermi-LAT front detector (<3 × 10−6 MeV cm−2 s−1 at 70 MeV), and minimum detectable polarization less than 10% for a 10 mCrab source in 106 s.submittedVersionFil: Hunter, Stanley D. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Bloser, Peter F. University of New Hampshire. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. Space Science Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Depaola, Gerardo Osvaldo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Dion, Michael P. Department of Energy. Office of Science. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: DeNolfo, Georgia A. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Hanu, Andrei. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Iparraguirre, Lorenzo Marcos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Legere, Jason. University of New Hampshire. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. Space Science Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Longo, Francesco. Università Degli Studi de Trieste. Dipartimento di fisica; Italia.Fil: McConnell, Mark L. University of New Hampshire. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. Space Science Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Nowicki, Suzanne F. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Nowicki, Suzanne F. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Department of Physics; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Ryan, James M. University of New Hampshire. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space. Space Science Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Son, Seunghee. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Son, Seunghee. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Department of Physics; Estados Unidos de América.Fil: Stecker, Floyd W. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados Unidos de América.Física de Partículas y Campo

    The Staphylococcus aureus Response to Unsaturated Long Chain Free Fatty Acids: Survival Mechanisms and Virulence Implications

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important human commensal and opportunistic pathogen responsible for a wide range of infections. Long chain unsaturated free fatty acids represent a barrier to colonisation and infection by S. aureus and act as an antimicrobial component of the innate immune system where they are found on epithelial surfaces and in abscesses. Despite many contradictory reports, the precise anti-staphylococcal mode of action of free fatty acids remains undetermined. In this study, transcriptional (microarrays and qRT-PCR) and translational (proteomics) analyses were applied to ascertain the response of S. aureus to a range of free fatty acids. An increase in expression of the σB and CtsR stress response regulons was observed. This included increased expression of genes associated with staphyloxanthin synthesis, which has been linked to membrane stabilisation. Similarly, up-regulation of genes involved in capsule formation was recorded as were significant changes in the expression of genes associated with peptidoglycan synthesis and regulation. Overall, alterations were recorded predominantly in pathways involved in cellular energetics. In addition, sensitivity to linoleic acid of a range of defined (sigB, arcA, sasF, sarA, agr, crtM) and transposon-derived mutants (vraE, SAR2632) was determined. Taken together, these data indicate a common mode of action for long chain unsaturated fatty acids that involves disruption of the cell membrane, leading to interference with energy production within the bacterial cell. Contrary to data reported for other strains, the clinically important EMRSA-16 strain MRSA252 used in this study showed an increase in expression of the important virulence regulator RNAIII following all of the treatment conditions tested. An adaptive response by S. aureus of reducing cell surface hydrophobicity was also observed. Two fatty acid sensitive mutants created during this study were also shown to diplay altered pathogenesis as assessed by a murine arthritis model. Differences in the prevalence and clinical importance of S. aureus strains might partly be explained by their responses to antimicrobial fatty acids

    Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements : the SAPFLUXNET database

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    Plant transpiration links physiological responses of vegetation to water supply and demand with hydrological, energy, and carbon budgets at the land-atmosphere interface. However, despite being the main land evaporative flux at the global scale, transpiration and its response to environmental drivers are currently not well constrained by observations. Here we introduce the first global compilation of whole-plant transpiration data from sap flow measurements (SAPFLUXNET, https://sapfluxnet.creaf.cat/, last access: 8 June 2021). We harmonized and quality-controlled individual datasets supplied by contributors worldwide in a semi-automatic data workflow implemented in the R programming language. Datasets include sub-daily time series of sap flow and hydrometeorological drivers for one or more growing seasons, as well as metadata on the stand characteristics, plant attributes, and technical details of the measurements. SAPFLUXNET contains 202 globally distributed datasets with sap flow time series for 2714 plants, mostly trees, of 174 species. SAPFLUXNET has a broad bioclimatic coverage, with woodland/shrubland and temperate forest biomes especially well represented (80 % of the datasets). The measurements cover a wide variety of stand structural characteristics and plant sizes. The datasets encompass the period between 1995 and 2018, with 50 % of the datasets being at least 3 years long. Accompanying radiation and vapour pressure deficit data are available for most of the datasets, while on-site soil water content is available for 56 % of the datasets. Many datasets contain data for species that make up 90 % or more of the total stand basal area, allowing the estimation of stand transpiration in diverse ecological settings. SAPFLUXNET adds to existing plant trait datasets, ecosystem flux networks, and remote sensing products to help increase our understanding of plant water use, plant responses to drought, and ecohydrological processes. SAPFLUXNET version 0.1.5 is freely available from the Zenodo repository (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3971689; Poyatos et al., 2020a). The "sapfluxnetr" R package - designed to access, visualize, and process SAPFLUXNET data - is available from CRAN.Peer reviewe

    Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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    The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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    The FLUXNET2015 dataset provides ecosystem-scale data on CO2, water, and energy exchange between the biosphere and the atmosphere, and other meteorological and biological measurements, from 212 sites around the globe (over 1500 site-years, up to and including year 2014). These sites, independently managed and operated, voluntarily contributed their data to create global datasets. Data were quality controlled and processed using uniform methods, to improve consistency and intercomparability across sites. The dataset is already being used in a number of applications, including ecophysiology studies, remote sensing studies, and development of ecosystem and Earth system models. FLUXNET2015 includes derived-data products, such as gap-filled time series, ecosystem respiration and photosynthetic uptake estimates, estimation of uncertainties, and metadata about the measurements, presented for the first time in this paper. In addition, 206 of these sites are for the first time distributed under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license. This paper details this enhanced dataset and the processing methods, now made available as open-source codes, making the dataset more accessible, transparent, and reproducible.Peer reviewe

    Impacts of the Attachment and Child Health (ATTACH<sup>TM</sup>) Parenting Program on Mothers and Their Children at Risk of Maltreatment: Phase 2 Results

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    Early adversity (e.g., family violence, parental depression, low income) places children at risk for maltreatment and negatively impacts developmental outcomes. Optimal parental reflective function (RF), defined as the parent’s ability to think about and identify thoughts, feelings, and mental states in themselves and in their children, is linked to secure attachment and may protect against suboptimal outcomes. We present the results of Phase 2 randomized control trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental studies (QES) of the Attachment and Child Health (ATTACHTM) parental RF intervention for families with children at risk for maltreatment. Phase 2 parents experiencing adversity, along with their children aged 0–5 years (n = 45), received the 10–12-week ATTACHTM intervention. Building on completed Phase 1 pilot data, Phase 2 examined outcomes of long-standing interest, including parental RF and child development, as well as new outcomes, including parental perceived social support and executive function, and children’s behavior, sleep, and executive function. RCTs and QES revealed significant improvements in parents’ RF, perception of social support, and executive function, children’s development (i.e., communication, problem-solving, personal–social, and fine motor skills), and a decrease in children’s sleep and behavioral problems (i.e., anxiety/depression, attention problems, aggressive behavior, and externalizing problems), post-intervention. ATTACH™ positively impacts parental RF to prevent negative impacts on children at risk of maltreatment