108 research outputs found

    Updated Interpretation of Magnetic Anomalies and Seafloor Spreading Stages in the South China Sea : Implications for the Tertiary Tectonics of Southeast Asia

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    International audienceWe present the interpretation of a new set of closely spaced marine magnetic profiles that complements previous data in the northeastern and southwestern parts of the South China Sea (Nan Hai). This interpretation shows that seafloor spreading was asymmetric and confirms that it included at least one ridge jump. Discontinuities in the seafloor fabric, characterized by large differences in basement depth and roughness, appear to be related to variations in spreading rate. Between anomalies 11 and 7 (32 to 27 Ma), spreading at an intermediate, average full rate of ~50 mm/yr created relatively smooth basement, now thickly blanketed by sediments. The ridge then jumped to the south and created rough basement, now much shallower and covered with thinner sediments than in the north. This episode lasted from anomaly 6b to anomaly 5c (27 to ~16 Ma) and the average spreading rate was slower, ~35 mm/yr. After 27 Ma, spreading appears to have developed first in the eastern part of the basin and to have propagated towards the southwest in two major steps, at the time of anomalies 6b-7, and at the time of anomaly 6. Each step correlates with a variation of the ridge orientation, from nearly E-W to NE-SW, and with a variation in the spreading rate. Spreading appears to have stopped synchronously along the ridge, at about 15.5 Ma. From computed fits of magnetic isochrons we calculate 10 poles of finite rotation between the times of magnetic anomalies 11 and 5c. The poles permit reconstruction of the Oligo-Miocene movements of Southeast Asian blocks north and south of the South China Sea. Using such reconstructions, we test quantitatively a simple scenario for the opening of the sea in which seafloor spreading results from the extrusion of Indochina relative to South China, in response to the penetration of India into Asia. This alone yields between 500 and 600 km of left-lateral motion on the Red River-Ailao Shan shear zone, with crustal shortening in the San Jiang region and crustal extension in Tonkin. The offset derived from the fit of magnetic isochrons on the South China Sea floor is compatible with the offset of geological markers north and south of the Red River Zone. The first phases of extension of the continental margins of the basin are probably related to motion on the Wang Chao and Three Pagodas Faults, in addition to the Red River Fault. That Indochina rotated at least 12° relative to South China implies that large-scale "domino" models are inadequate to describe the Cenozoic tectonics of Southeast Asia. The cessation of spreading after 16 Ma appears to be roughly synchronous with the final increments of left-lateral shear and normal uplift in the Ailao Shan (18 Ma), as well as with incipient collisions between the Australian and the Eurasian plates. Hence no other causes than the activation of new fault zones within the India-Asia collision zone, north and east of the Red River Fault, and perhaps increased resistance to extrusion a long the SE edge of Sundaland, appear to be required to terminate seafloor spreading in the largest marginal basin of the western Pacific and to change the sense of motion on the largest strike-slip fault of SE Asia

    Conducting Large-Scale Mixed-Method Research on Harm and Abuse Prevention with Children under 12: Learning from a UK feasibility study

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    This paper reports on a feasibility study for an evaluation of a UK primary school-based prevention programme that addresses multiple forms of abuse and neglect, identifying research design and ethical issues and exploring research practice. For this feasibility study, 194 children aged 6–11 years completed a baseline survey and 113 did so following the intervention. Eight focus groups were undertaken with 52 children and nine interviews with school staff. We highlight key considerations for conducting large-scale mixed-method research on sensitive topics with younger children, a focus that is largely absent from the extant research methods literature. The feasibility study showed that younger children can contribute their views on sensitive topics in ways that are measurable, replicable and reliable, contesting ideas that certain topics are too sensitive to explore with younger children

    Introducing cattle grazing to a noxious weed-dominated rangeland shifts plant communities

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    Invasive weed species in California's rangelands can reduce herbaceous diversity, forage quality and wildlife habitat. Small-scale studies (5 acres or fewer) have shown reductions of medusahead and yellow starthistle using prescribed grazing on rangelands, but little is published on the effects of pasture-scale (greater than 80 acres) prescribed grazing on weed control and plant community responses. We report the results of a 6-year collaborative study of manager-applied prescribed grazing implemented on rangeland that had not been grazed for 4 years. Grazing reduced medusahead but did not alter yellow starthistle cover. Medusahead reductions were only seen in years that did not have significant late spring rainfall, suggesting that it is able to recover from heavy grazing if soil moisture is present. Later season grazing appears to have the potential to suppress medusahead in all years. In practice, however, such grazing is constrained by livestock drinking water availability and forage quality, which were limited even in years with late spring rainfall. Thus, we expect that grazing treatments under real-world constraints would reduce medusahead only in years with little late spring rainfall. After 10 years of grazing exclusion, the ungrazed plant communities began to shift, replacing medusahead with species that have little value, such as ripgut and red brome

    Investigating the carbon isotope composition and leaf wax n-alkane concentration of C3 and C4 plants in Stiffkey saltmarsh, Norfolk, UK

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    The carbon isotope composition of terrestrial plants records valuable ecophysiological and palaeoecological information. However, interspecies variability in 13C/12C, at both the bulk and compound-specific (CS) level, requires further exploration across a range of ecosystem types. Here, we present bulk and n-alkane δ13C values, and n-alkane concentrations, from seven plants (C3 and C4) growing in a temperate UK saltmarsh. Inter- and intra-species variation in n-alkane δ13C values among C3 plants ranged from 8‰ (n-C31) to 10‰ (n-C27) across the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons, exceeding variability in bulk tissue (7‰). In contrast, the C4 monocot showed < 2‰ seasonal shifts in bulk and CS values. As a result of the variability in our CS data, we calculate that n-alkane based C3/C4 reconstructions in temperate saltmarshes have a maximum uncertainty of ∼11%. For dicots and succulents, seasonal bulk and CS δ13C trends diverged, while for C3 and C4 monocots, bulk and CS values followed similar temporal patterns. Fractionation between bulk and n-alkane carbon isotope values varied from −4 to −10‰ for C3 plants, and reached −13‰ for the C4 monocot. We explain discrepancies between bulk and n-alkane δ13C values by referring to possible interspecies variation in salinity adaptation, which may influence the partitioning of pyruvate, shifting the isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers. These findings open new avenues for empirical studies to further understand the metabolic processes fractionating carbon during the synthesis of n-alkanes, enhancing interpretation of the biomarker signal from the geological record

    Transcriptomes and expression profiling of deep-sea corals from the Red Sea provide insight into the biology of azooxanthellate corals

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    Despite the importance of deep-sea corals, our current understanding of their ecology and evolutionis limited due to difficulties in sampling and studying deep-sea environments. Moreover, a recent reevaluation of habitat limitations has been suggested after characterization of deep-sea corals in the Red Sea, where they live at temperatures of above 20 °C at low oxygen concentrations. To gain further insight into the biology of deep-sea corals, we produced reference transcriptomes and studied gene expression of three deep-sea coral species from the Red Sea, i.e. Dendrophyllia sp., Eguchipsammia fistula, and Rhizotrochus typus. Our analyses suggest that deep-sea coral employ mitochondrial hypometabolism and anaerobic glycolysis to manage low oxygen conditions present in the Red Sea. Notably, we found expression of genes related to surface cilia motion that presumably enhance small particle transport rates in the oligotrophic deep-sea environment. This is the first study to characterize transcriptomes and in situ gene expression for deep-sea corals. Our work offers several mechanisms by which deep-sea corals might cope with the distinct environmental conditions present in the Red Sea. As such, our data provides direction for future research and further insight to organismal response of deep sea coral to environmental change and ocean warming.Tis work was supported by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), baseline funds to CRV and Center Competitive Funding (CCF) Program FCC/1/1973-18-01

    Biological indices to characterize community responses to drying in streams with contrasting flow permanence regimes

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    Many river networks include temporary reaches that stop flowing and may dry during unpredictable droughts (near-perennial) or more frequently (intermittent). A few biological indices have been developed to assess invertebrate community responses to hydrological variability, including the instream conditions associated with drought, but their performance in temporary streams remains poorly known. We evaluated the ability of two such indices, the Lotic-invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation (LIFE) and the Drought Effect of Habitat Loss on Invertebrates (DEHLI), to predict responses to flow cessation and drying in temporary streams with contrasting flow permanence regimes. We used a 26-year dataset comprising spring-season invertebrate community samples and daily discharge measurements from 46 sites in a cool, wet temperate region, to examine relationships between hydrological variables and changes in index scores. We also identified taxon-specific thresholds at which occurrence changed with increasing drying and flowing durations. Both indices effectively characterized responses to increasing no-flow durations. DEHLI also reflected community changes following flow resumptions, identified differences in responses among flow permanence groups, and was particularly able to predict community responses at near-perennial sites. DEHLI scores at near-perennial sites took on average three years after a drying event to return to values typical of perennial sites, whereas responses to increasing flow duration were more erratic at intermittent sites. Lotic specialists declined whereas lentic and semi-aquatic taxa increased in occurrence with no-flow duration after summers with <50 days without flow, due to changes in the availability of preferred habitat types. Community responses to drying events were less predictable among intermittent than near-perennial sites, likely because differences in habitat conditions and connectivity may lead intermittent communities to harbour contrasting pools of species with strategies that promote persistence during and/or recolonization after drying. We identify DEHLI as an index that can characterize community responses to drying in temporary streams with contrasting flow permanence regimes. We also recommend the development of new indices that include lentic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial as well as lotic taxa, to more comprehensively describe and predict community responses to changing instream conditions

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Atomic spectrometry update – a review of advances in environmental analysis

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