3,736 research outputs found

    A new fragment of the early printed long accidence grammar

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    Including Limited Partners in the Diversity Jurisdiction Analysis

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    Beyond the token status: Women in business consultancies in Germany

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    This article documents and analyzes the extent and structure of gender-related differences in employment conditions in the business consulting sector in Germany. Using a structural and actor-oriented approach, I tested the hypothesis that the (limited) career paths of women are attributable to the interaction of structural aspects of the sector and company-specific personnel policies. Analysis of the empirical material (e.g., interviews with executives in 40 consulting firms) points to the filter effects of structural factors (location, company size, consulting field, hierarchy level) as well as to certain components of corporate culture (performance assessment criteria, the role of informal networks, the ideology of extensive employee availability). Consequently, the main problem for women is not getting into business consulting, but coping with the substantial social costs of a long-term career in this field. -- Der Beitrag dokumentiert und analysiert Ausmaß und Struktur geschlechtsbezogener Unterschiede der BeschĂ€ftigungsbedingungen in der Branche Unternehmensberatung in Deutschland. Ausgehend von struktur- und akteursorientierten AnsĂ€tzen wird die These ĂŒberprĂŒft, dass die (begrenzten) Karrierewege von Frauen dem Zusammenspiel von strukturellen Merkmalen der Branche mit unternehmensspezifischen Personalpolitiken geschuldet sind. Die Auswertung der empirischen Materialien (u.a. Interviews mit FĂŒhrungskrĂ€ften in 40 Beratungsunternehmen) verweist auf die Filtereffekte von strukturellen Faktoren (Standort, UnternehmensgrĂ¶ĂŸe, Beratungsfeld, Hierarchie-Ebene), aber auch von Komponenten der Unternehmenskultur (Kriterien der Leistungsbeurteilung, Rolle informeller Netzwerke, Ideologie umfassender VerfĂŒgbarkeit). Somit erweist sich nicht der Zugang zur Branche als problematisch fĂŒr Frauen, sondern die sozialen Kosten einer lĂ€ngerfristigen Karriere in diesem Feld.

    Redistributing the cake? Ethnicisation processes in the Berlin food sector

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    The dynamics of the ethnical structurization of labour markets is an important research issue in the US since the early 1970s. The concepts developed in these debates especially that of enclave economies cannot be easily transferred into the European or German context. The reasons are major differences in the national production regimes as well as in migration systems and history. This paper sketches a framework for research that views economic activities of ethnic groups as integral parts of the overall economy and its dynamics. The latter is actually characterized by profound trends of restructuring. It is one of our central arguments that these developments show contradictory elements concerning social, cultural and spatial aspects. These highly contingent constellations open specific structures of economic opportunities for migrants/ethnic minorities; however, they are also associated with risks. On the basis of this conceptual framework, a detailed internationally comparative study is envisaged with the aim to analyse actual processes in the food industry of capital cities in Europe. First empirical indicators are given for one of the cities of the sample: Berlin. -- ArbeitsmĂ€rkte sind durch eine Vielzahl von Merkmalen strukturiert. Ein zunehmend wichtiges Merkmal fĂŒr die Organisation von ArbeitsmĂ€rkten ist - so wird hier angenommen - 'EthnizitĂ€t'. In den USA wurden die Ethnisierung von ArbeitsmĂ€rkten und die 'ethnischen Enklaven' seit vielen Jahren analysiert. Auf Europa und insbesondere Deutschland sind diese AnsĂ€tze nicht umstandslos ĂŒbertragbar aufgrund der stĂ€rkeren institutionellen Regulierung der nationalen Produktionsregimes und der spezifischen Migrationssysteme und -traditionen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine Konzeption skizziert, die die Entwicklung der ethnischen Ökonomie als integralen Bestandteil der wirtschaftlichen Dynamik begreift, die aktuell durch nachhaltige Restrukturierungsprozesse geprĂ€gt ist. Die sozialen, kulturellen und rĂ€umlichen Dimensionen dieser Prozesse sind - so die These - jeweils durch gleichzeitige, aber widersprĂŒchliche Tendenzen gekennzeichnet. Inwieweit Migranten/ethnische MinoritĂ€ten die in dieser WidersprĂŒchlichkeit auch angelegten ökonomischen Chancen zu ihren eigenen machen können, soll in einer international vergleichenden Studie im NahrungsgĂŒter- Sektor von europĂ€ischen GroßstĂ€dten erkundet werden. Erste fragmentierte empirische Befunde zur Situation und Entwicklung in Berlin sprechen fĂŒr die PlausibilitĂ€t des konzeptionellen Ansatzes.

    Power, control and organisational learning

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    A review of managerial literature highlights the crucial importance of shared culture and common schemes of interpretation in organisational learning. The interpretative and sensemaking approaches of organisational learning insert themselves deeply in the process of the construction of social uniformity and cognitive homogeneity. Individual learning, culture, beliefs and rationality - the shared mental models - are the targets of confirmation processes. Thus, this specific kind of organisational learning cannot be considered as normatively neutral, but as a political process. A case study of a bank illustrates that organisational learning can be based on a structured social construction of cognitive homogeneity which generates an increase of control and enhances power of the management by reinforcing the legitimacy of decisions. However, this case study also shows that learning and non-learning are the two faces of the same process or, in other words, that organisational learning can produce unawareness and unintentional nonlearning by too much cultural uniformity. -- Eine Durchsicht der Managementliteratur verdeutlicht die zentrale Bedeutung gemeinsamer Kultur und geteilter Deutungsmuster fĂŒr das Organisationslernen. Die interpretativen und deutungsbezogenen AnsĂ€tze des Organisationslernens basieren auf tiefgreifenden Prozessen zur Konstruktion sozialer Einheitlichkeit und kognitiver HomogenitĂ€t. Die Absicherungsprozesse beziehen sich auf das individuelle Lernen, Kultur, Werthaltungen und RationalitĂ€t - die gemeinsamen mentalen Modelle. Insofern kann diese Form des Organisationslernens nicht als wertneutral angesehen werden; es handelt sich vielmehr um einen politischen Prozeß. An einer Fallstudie in einer Bank wird illustriert, daß Organisationslernen auf einer sozial konstruierten kognitiven HomogenitĂ€t aufgebaut werden kann. Dabei wird Management-Kontrolle erweitert und ihre Macht verstĂ€rkt, indem die LegitimitĂ€t ihrer Entscheidungen abgesichert wird. Allerdings dokumentiert die Fallstudie auch, daß Lernen und Nicht-Lernen zwei Seiten des gleichen Prozesses sind, anders gewendet: Organisationslernen kann zur Ausblendung von Wahrnehmung beitragen und - unbeabsichtigt - Nicht-Lernen generieren, wenn zuvor ein zu hohes Maß an kultureller HomogenitĂ€t etabliert worden ist.

    The reform and implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact

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    Fiscal rules are instrumental for restraining deficit and spending biases in euro area Member States that could threaten the smooth functioning of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Ideally, fiscal rules should combine characteristics such as sufficient flexibility to allow for appropriate policy choices with the necessary simplicity and enforceability to actually discipline government behaviour. The Maastricht Treaty and the Stability and Growth Pact established such a rules-based framework for fiscal polices in EMU. However, the implementation of the Pact was less than fully satisfactory. One year ago, the Pact was reviewed and a reformed version adopted which emphasises more flexible rules and procedures, including more explicit room for judgement and discretion than in its original form. While its proponents argued that these revisions would strengthen commitment and implementation of the rules, others emphasised the risk of weakening the EU fiscal framework. A year on from the SGP reform, this paper takes stock of how the EU fiscal rules have evolved and how they have been implemented from the Maastricht Treaty to the present day, including initial experiences with the implementation of the reformed Pact. The first indications are of a smoother and consistent implementation, but with consolidation requirements that are rather lenient while fiscal targets and projections point to only slow and back-loaded progress towards sound public finances in many countries. The assessment of the implementation of the revised rules is therefore mixed. It is of the essence that the provisions of the revised SGP be rigorously implemented in order to ensure fiscal sustainability. JEL Classification: E61, E62, H6.Stability and Growth Pact, Fiscal policy, Fiscal rules, EMU.

    Aroma-active secondary oxidation products of butter

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    Butter contains vitamins, minerals and unsaturated lipids, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs). However the oxidative stability and consequently the shelf-life of milk products are inversely correlated with their PUFA and CLA content. The objective of this study is the evaluation of the oxidative stability and sensory quality of PUFA/CLA-enriched butter versus conventional butter, with both types of butter being produced at ALP. For this purpose, new chemical and sensory-based methods will be developed, as well holistic complementary methods. This paper focuses on a preliminary study achieved using conventional butter, subjected to a long storage and to oxygen and light exposure, to develop a gas chromatography olfactometry (GC-O) method able to detect the aroma-active compounds originated from oxidation. This will be one of the methods used for the evaluation of the oxidative stability of PUFA/CLA-enriched butter
