32 research outputs found

    Entre o risco e o bordado: trajetória e memórias de mulheres e/imigrantes madeirenses (São Paulo, décadas de 1950-1960)

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    Since the late 20th century researchers have demonstrated that the ratio between men and women in Portuguese migration flows to Brazil did not follow a single model and that, when we observe it by regions of the country, it had specific characteristics. While male Portuguese emigrants from the Mainland have outnumbered female ones, in the case of the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira there was a gender balance. Taking into consideration the historiographical context, this paper intends to contribute to our knowledge about the presence of the immigrants from the archipelago of Madeira. Based on a broader Oral History project on the Madeiran immigrants who arrived in São Paulo during the 1950s and the 1960s and who are still associated to the Casa Ilha da Madeira, our goal is to hear the voices of female immigrants from Madeira by highlighting their experiences, the roles they played in the migratory process and their initiatives as keepers of memory.Keywords: Madeiran immigration, women, memory.Desde o final do século XX, pesquisadores mostraram que, no caso dos deslocamentos portugueses para o Brasil, não houve um único padrão e que a proporção entre homens e mulheres apresentava especificidades quando observada regionalmente. Se a emigração de Portugal continental contou com uma presença masculina superior à feminina, aquela dos arquipélagos dos Açores e da Madeira apresentou um maior equilíbrio entre os gêneros. Considerando esse contexto historiográfico, este trabalho pretende ser uma contribuição ao conhecimento da presença das imigrantes da Ilha da Madeira. Portanto, baseando-nos em um projeto de história oral sobre os imigrantes oriundos do arquipélago português da Madeira chegados a São Paulo nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 e que mantêm vínculos com a associação Casa Ilha da Madeira de São Paulo, busca-se dar ênfase às vozes das mulheres imigrantes madeirenses rastreando suas experiências, seus papéis no processo migratório e suas ações como guardiãs da memória.Palavras-chave: imigração madeirense, mulheres, memória

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe

    From the vineyards to the coffee plantations : Socio-economic and statistical study on emigration from the Madeira archipelago to Sao Paulo at the end of the 19th century

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    Au XIXe siècle, l’émigration vers l’Amérique de millions d’Européens, attirés par d’alléchantes offres de travail, fut sans précédent. Les Portugais, habitués à s’expatrier depuis le XVe siècle, en firent partie. Originaires de la métropole, des Açores et de Madère, ils traversèrent l’Atlantique pour se rendre notamment vers le Brésil, pays avec lequel ils partageaient une histoire, un langage, des coutumes. Suite à l’abolition de l’esclavage, les autorités brésiliennes firent en effet appel à de la main-d’œuvre étrangère, nécessaire à l’exploitation des plantations de café, alors en plein essor, comme à São Paulo. Nous étudierons donc les profils de ces émigrants madériens, souvent perçus comme des Portugais du continent ou des Açoréens, ainsi que leurs mouvements migratoires vers São Paulo à la fin du XIXe siècle. Dans la première partie, nous détaillerons le contexte géographique et socio-économique de l’archipel afin de comprendre le quotidien des habitants et la raison de leur départ, malgré une politique gouvernementale pour éviter l’exil des Madériens. Dans la deuxième partie, nous irons au Brésil pour développer le contexte d’abolition de l’esclavage et la difficile mise en place de la politique d’immigration nationale et locale. La troisième partie analyse le profil de ces émigrants madériens. Pour cela, nous avons construit une base de données à partir de cinq sources différentes - jusqu’à présent peu utilisées conjointement - afin d’obtenir le maximum de données sur ces insulaires embarqués entre 1886 et 1899 afin d’établir leur rôle dans la construction de la société brésilienne et l’histoire de l’émigration portugaise.European emigration towards America, along with the opportunities it offered, reached an unprecedented scale during the 19th Century. Portugueses used to emigrate since the 15th century was part of this flow. In particular, European Portuguese emigrants from Continental Portugal, the Azores and Madeira crossed the Atlantic to Brazil, a country that shared their history, language and customs. The abolition of slavery in Brazil generated the need for foreign labor to work in coffee plantations, which were booming at the time, particularly in Sao Paulo. We will be studying Madeiran emigrants, often confused with continental Portuguese or Azoreans, and their emigration to Sao Paulo at the end of the 19th Century. In the first part, we will be presenting the archipelago to understand the daily life of the insulars and the reasons for their departure, despite governmental efforts to implement an effective legislation and its determination to prevent the scattering of its population. In the second part, we will cross the Atlantic in order to understand the context of the abolition of slavery in Brazil and the difficult implementation of the politics of immigration at the national and local level, which resulted in an influx of immigrants. Amongst these emigrants are Madeirans, whose profile will be analysed in the third part. We have compiled a database from five different sources, which are rarely used together and which will allow us not only to obtain the maximum data on these insulars who left between 1886 and 1899, but, as well, to examine their role in the establishment of Brazilian society and give them a status in the history of Portuguese emigration

    L’émigration de l’archipel de Madère vers São Paulo à la fin du XIXe siècle : Étude socio-économique et statistique

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    Ce texte, résumé d’une thèse de doctorat en histoire soutenue en avril 2013, s’interroge sur le profil des émigrants de l’archipel portugais de Madère et sur leur mouvement migratoire vers São Paulo à la fin du xixe siècle. L’émigration portugaise vers le Brésil ne constitue pas un sujet d’étude nouveau. Toutefois, l’originalité de ce travail vient de l’approche complète qui allie histoire, géographie et démographie et se situe dans un double contexte : celui de l’archipel de départ comme de ..

    A emigração da Madeira para São Paulo no final do século XIX: estudo socioeconômico e estatístico

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    Este texto é o resumo de uma tese de doutorado em história defendida em abril de 2013. Essa tese se debruça sobre o perfil dos emigrantes do arquipélago português da Madeira e sobre seu movimento migratório para São Paulo no final do século XX. A emigração portuguesa para o Brasil não é um tema novo de estudo. No entanto, a originalidade desse trabalho está na abordagem completa que alia história, geografia e demografia e situa-se em um duplo contexto: o do arquipélago de partida, assim como ..

    Retrato de mulheres migrantes: o perfil socioeconômico e as trajetórias das imigrantes madeirenses no Estado de São Paulo, 1886-1899

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    Durante décadas, nos estudos sobre os deslocamentos humanos, a narrativa histórica esteve baseada na mobilidade do homem, com o papel e o eventual protagonismo das mulheres sendo pouco considerados. Em muitas oportunidades, a historiografia que trata dos fluxos migratórios dos portugueses para o Brasil não escapou a tal realidade. Considerado esse contexto historiográfico, este artigo pretende ser uma contribuição ao conhecimento da presença das imigrantes portuguesas provenientes do arquipélago da Madeira no Estado de São Paulo no final do século XIX. Como a ser demonstrado, as madeirenses foram parte significativa dos fluxos em termos numéricos, diferentemente da realidade portuguesa continental nesse quesito, e contribuíram ativamente para o fenômeno. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento apresentaremos os dados quantitativos recolhidos durante as pesquisas de doutorado relativos à participação das mulheres madeirenses no fluxo migratório em direção a São Paulo entre 1886 e 1899 para, em seguida, apresentarmos algumas histórias de vidas

    Par-delà l’horizon : émigration encadrée des insulaires de Madère au XIXe siècle

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    Cet article entend montrer l’influence croissante des empires britanniques et américains sur l’archipel de Madère ainsi que la permanence des liens dans l’Atlantique lusophone en comparant l’émigration des Madériens vers les Antilles, les États-Unis, Hawaï et le Brésil à partir du milieu du XIXe siècle. Il s’appuie sur des matériaux de recherche originaux pour ce qui a trait au Brésil et compile l’historiographie existante sur les autres domaines d’émigration madérienne. Situé à une position charnière sur les routes maritimes de l’Atlantique, l’archipel portugais de Madère maintient depuis le début de sa colonisation des liens étroits tant avec le monde lusophone qu’avec le monde extérieur. Ces liens s’expliquent notamment par des flux migratoires constants répondant au contexte interne défavorable, aux opportunités extérieures comme à une culture de la mobilité présente chez ce peuple insulaire. Au XIXe siècle, l’émigration s’intensifie à mesure que les différentes puissances coloniales et impériales interdisent l’esclavage et qu’un besoin grandissant de main d’œuvre se fait sentir de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique, notamment dans les régions dominées par l’économie de plantation (sucre et café).This article aims to trace the growing influence of the British and American Empires in the archipelago of Madeira, as well as the enduring ties with the Portuguese Atlantic World, by comparing the flows of Madeiran migrants to Guiana, North America, Hawaii, and Brazil in the mid-19th century. It is based on an original research on the Brazilian part of the article, and compares the existing bibliography on the other destinations of Madeiran migrations. Located midway along the Atlantic trading route, the Portuguese island of Madeira has been closely linked both to Portuguese territories and more broadly to the world since the beginning of its colonization. These ties can be explained largely by the permanent migratory flows responding to an unfavourable internal context, to opportunities arising from aboard and to a trans-oceanic culture of mobility that was inherent to the island. In the 19th century, emigration escalated as the colonial and imperial powers abolished slavery and the need for workers increased on the other side of the Atlantic, first and foremost in regions based on a plantation economy (sugar and coffee).Der Artikel zeigt den wachsenden Einfluss des Britischen Weltreichs und Amerikas auf das Archipel von Madeira, sowie den Fortbestand von Verbindungen innerhalb des portugiesischsprachigen Atlantik, indem er die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts einsetzende Emigration von Bewohnern Madeiras auf die Antillen und in die USA sowie nach Hawaii und Brasilien vergleicht. Er stützt sich dabei auf eigene Recherchen über die Emigration der Madeirer nach Brasilien und stellt vorhandene Forschungen über die anderen Zielorten der madeirischen Auswanderung zusammen. Das portugiesische Archipel Madeira hatte durch seine geostrategisch wichtige Lage an der transatlantischen Handelsroute schon seit Beginn seiner Besiedlung enge Verbindungen mit der portugiesischsprachigen und der restlichen Welt. Diese Verbindungen erklären sich vor allem durch die ständigen Migrationsströme infolge ungünstiger innerer Lebensbedingungen, durch äußere Umstände sowie durch eine Kultur der Mobilität der Madeirer als Inselvolk. Im 19. Jahrhundert verstärkten sich die Migrationsströme, nachdem die verschiedenen Imperial- und Kolonialmächte nach und nach die Sklaverei verboten hatten und sich der zunehmende Bedarf an Arbeitsplätzen auf der anderen Seite des Atlantiks bemerkbar machte – vor allem in den Regionen, in denen die Plantagenwirtschaft (Zucker und Kaffee) vorherrschte