39 research outputs found

    Formalismus als österreichische Staatsdoktrin? Zum Kontext musikalischer Formalästhetik innerhalb der Wissenschaft Zentraleuropas

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    Formalismus als österreichische Staatsdoktrin? Zum Kontext musikalischer Formalästhetik innerhalb der Wissenschaft Zentraleuropa

    Galizische Musikstudierende in Wien um 1900: Leipzig - Vienna - Cracow - Lviv ca. 1900. At the Crossroads of Music and Culture: Beiträge auf der Tagung Kraków 14. September 2012

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    Als führende musikausbildende Institution der Habsburgermonarchie zog das 1817 gegründete Konservatorium für Musik und darstellende Kunst der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien – 1909 verstaatlicht und umbenannt in k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst – zahlreiche Studierende aus den Kronländern der cisleithanischen Reichshälfte sowie den Ländern der ungarischen Krone an

    Developing a task-sharing psychological intervention to treat mild to moderate symptoms of perinatal depression and anxiety in South Africa: a mixed-method formative study

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    Background Symptoms of depression and anxiety are highly prevalent amongst perinatal women in low-resource settings of South Africa, but there is no access to standardised counselling support for these conditions in public health facilities. The aim of this study is to develop a task-sharing psychological counselling intervention for routine treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of perinatal depression and anxiety in South Africa, as part of the Health Systems Strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa (ASSET) study. Methods We conducted a review of manuals from seven counselling interventions for depression and anxiety in low- and middle-income countries and two local health system training programmes to gather information on delivery format and common counselling components used across task-sharing interventions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 health workers and 37 pregnant women from four Midwife Obstetric Units in Cape Town to explore perceptions and needs relating to mental health. Stakeholder engagements further informed the intervention design and appropriate service provider. A four-day pilot training with community-based health workers refined the counselling content and training material. Results The manual review identified problem-solving, psychoeducation, basic counselling skills and behavioural activation as common counselling components across interventions using a variety of delivery formats. The interviews found that participants mostly identified symptoms of depression and anxiety in behavioural terms, and lay health workers and pregnant women demonstrated their understanding through a range of local idioms. Perceived causes of symptoms related to interpersonal conflict and challenging social circumstances. Stakeholder engagements identified a three-session counselling model as most feasible for delivery as part of existing health care practices and community health workers in ward-based outreach teams as the best placed delivery agents. Pilot training of a three-session intervention with community-based health workers resulted in minor adaptations of the counselling assessment method. Conclusion Input from health workers and pregnant women is a critical component of adapting existing maternal mental health protocols to the context of routine care in South Africa, providing valuable data to align therapeutic content with contextual needs. Multisector stakeholder engagements is vital to align the intervention design to health system requirements and guidelines

    Comparing Notes: Recording and Criticism

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    This chapter charts the ways in which recording has changed the nature of music criticism. It both provides an overview of the history of recording and music criticism, from the advent of Edison’s Phonograph to the present day, and examines the issues arising from this new technology and the consequent transformation of critical thought and practice

    Wider Still and Wider: British Music Criticism since the Second World War

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    This chapter provides the first historical examination of music criticism in Britain since the Second World War. In the process, it also challenges the simplistic prevailing view of this being a period of decline from a golden age in music criticism

    Stop the Press? The Changing Media of Music Criticism

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    Developing a manualised task-sharing counselling intervention for perinatal common mental disorders in the South African context

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    Background: Symptoms of depression and anxiety are highly prevalent amongst perinatal women in low-resource settings of South Africa, but there is no access to standardised counselling support for these conditions in public health facilities. The aim of this study was to report on the development of a maternal mental health counselling intervention for routine treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety for primary healthcare in South Africa, as part of the Health Systems Strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa (ASSET) study. Methods: A four-phase study process informed the counselling intervention and training manual designed to train lay health workers. We first conducted a review of manuals from seven counselling interventions for depression and anxiety in low- and middle-income countries and two local health system training programmes to gather information on common counselling components used across maternal mental health and other evidence-based task-sharing interventions. Thereafter, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 health workers and 37 pregnant women from four Midwife Obstetric Units in Cape Town to explore mental health views and needs. In the third stage, multi-sector stakeholder engagements further informed the choice of intervention design and service provider. In the final phase, a four-day pre implementation pilot training with community-based health workers refined the counselling content and training material. Results: The manual review identified problem-solving, psychoeducation, basic counselling skills and behavioural activation as common counselling components across interventions. The interviews found that participants mostly identified symptoms of depression and anxiety in behavioural terms and lay health workers and pregnant women demonstrated their understanding through a range of contextual terms. Perceived causes of symptoms related to interpersonal conflict and challenging social circumstances. Stakeholder engagements identified a three session counselling model as most feasible for delivery as part of existing health care practices and community health workers in ward-based outreach teams as the best placed delivery agents. Pilot training of a three-session intervention with community-based health workers resulted in minor adaptations of the counselling assessment method. Conclusion: The study demonstrates how common therapeutic elements can be adapted to a local context and developed into an evidence-based manualised therapeutic programme while remaining sensitive to a health system's needs. While a problem-solving counselling approach, delivered in a structured format, was best suited for training lay health workers, input from health workers and perinatal mothers informed the manualised counselling content. The latter was a critical supplement to align the programme with contextual needs. Stakeholder engagements helped to align the intervention design to health system requirements and guidelines. Structured training practices and ongoing supervision of mental health workers are vital to develop counselling skills over time and to enhance personal support

    Galizische Musikstudierende in Wien um 1900: Leipzig - Vienna - Cracow - Lviv ca. 1900. At the Crossroads of Music and Culture: Beiträge auf der Tagung Kraków 14. September 2012

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    Als führende musikausbildende Institution der Habsburgermonarchie zog das 1817 gegründete Konservatorium für Musik und darstellende Kunst der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien – 1909 verstaatlicht und umbenannt in k. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst – zahlreiche Studierende aus den Kronländern der cisleithanischen Reichshälfte sowie den Ländern der ungarischen Krone an

    Austrian musicology after World War II / Avstrijska muzikologija po drugi svetovni vojni

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    Whereas postwar musicology in Austria was largely dominated by one figure, Erich Schenk, the present situation is quite different: besides musicological institutes at the four traditional universities and the Austrian Academy of Sciences, a number of other institutions have been established, especially within the framework of the University of Music and Performing Arts, as well as of private societies and foundations, all introducing a rich variety of research projects. Nevertheless, there is still some focus on the history of music in Austria with a growing awareness of the problems a national history of music brings along.V primerjavi s povojno muzikologijo v Avstriji, ki je bila trdno v rokah Ericha Schenka, je njen sedanji položaj precej drugačen. Poleg muzikoloških inštitutov na štirih univerzah in na Avstrijski akademiji znanosti nastajajo še nove institucije, zlasti na univerzah za glasbo in upodabljajoče umetnosti in v okviru zasebnih družb in ustanov, ki vodijo raznovrstne raziskovalne projekte. Še vedno je prisoten poudarek na raziskovanju zgodovine glasbe v Avstriji, vendar z vedno večjim zavedanjem problemov, ki jih vključuje nacionalna zgodovina glasbe