1,930 research outputs found

    The role of the exit in the initial screening of investment opportunities: The case of business angel syndicate gatekeepers

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    The exit process has been largely ignored in business angel research.. The practitioner community identifies the difficulty in achieving exits as the most pressing problem for investors. This has been attributed to the failure of investors to adopt an exit-centric approach to investing. The validity of this claim is examined via a study of the investment approach of 21 ‘gatekeepers’ (managers) of angel groups in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Most gatekeepers say that they do consider the exit when they invest. However, this is contradicted by a verbal protocol analysis which indicates that the exit is not a significant consideration in their initial screening process. The small number of exits achieved by the groups is consistent with the general lack of an exit-centric approach to investing. Only three groups exhibit evidence of a strong exit-centric approach to investing. The lack of exits may have a negative impact on the level of future angel investment activity

    Preliminary study of the human activities and perception on the groundwater conservation in lowlands of Semarang

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    This paper aims at investigating the human activities and perception of the residents in lowland areas of Semarang city regarding the groundwater conservation. As the first step, classifying and rating land use in the study area is conducted as the interpretation of human activities. A map of human perception using the adapted Protocol Perception Monitoring is then configured to evaluate the deviation between the expected and observed behavior of the community in an integrated ecosystem. The result of preliminary study shows that about 68% areas in lowland have score 8 (built-up area, irrigated field crops), 25% has score 7 (industries and reservoirs), 1% has score 5 (plantation), 3% has score 2 (non-irrigated field crops) and about 3% has score 1 (forest, park and open areas). It means that more than 90% lowland areas in Semarang city have been intervened by the human activities. Based on the result of the perception mapping, it is found that there is a high deviation (about 40-90%) between expected and observed behavior in critical areas, including the understanding of area situation, utilization of groundwater and water resources (wells/PDAM) as well as the community comprehension of government regulation on groundwater conservation

    Polarization of coalitions in an agent-based model of political discourse

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    Political discourse is the verbal interaction between political actors in a policy domain. This article explains the formation of polarized advocacy or discourse coalitions in this complex phenomenon by presenting a dynamic, stochastic, and discrete agent-based model based on graph theory and local optimization. In a series of thought experiments, actors compute their utility of contributing a specific statement to the discourse by following ideological criteria, preferential attachment, agenda-setting strategies, governmental coherence, or other mechanisms. The evolving macro-level discourse is represented as a dynamic network and evaluated against arguments from the literature on the policy process. A simple combination of four theoretical mechanisms is already able to produce artificial policy debates with theoretically plausible properties. Any sufficiently realistic configuration must entail innovative and path-dependent elements as well as a blend of exogenous preferences and endogenous opinion formation mechanisms

    Exploitation of conserved eukaryotic host cell farnesylation machinery by an F-box effector of Legionella pneumophila

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    Farnesylation involves covalent linkage of eukaryotic proteins to a lipid moiety to anchor them into membranes, which is essential for the biological function of Ras and other proteins. A large cadre of bacterial effectors is injected into host cells by intravacuolar pathogens through elaborate type III–VII translocation machineries, and many of these effectors are incorporated into the pathogen-containing vacuolar membrane by unknown mechanisms. The Dot/Icm type IV secretion system of Legionella pneumophila injects into host cells the F-box effector Ankyrin B (AnkB), which functions as platforms for the docking of polyubiquitinated proteins to the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) to enable intravacuolar proliferation in macrophages and amoeba. We show that farnesylation of AnkB is indispensable for its anchoring to the cytosolic face of the LCV membrane, for its biological function within macrophages and Dictyostelium discoideum, and for intrapulmonary proliferation in mice. Remarkably, the protein farnesyltransferase, RCE-1 (Ras-converting enzyme-1), and isoprenyl cysteine carboxyl methyltransferase host farnesylation enzymes are recruited to the LCV in a Dot/Icm-dependent manner and are essential for the biological function of AnkB. In conclusion, this study shows novel localized recruitment of the host farnesylation machinery and its anchoring of an F-box effector to the LCV membrane, and this is essential for biological function in vitro and in vivo

    Brucella and Osteoarticular Cell Activation: Partners in Crime

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    Osteoarticular brucellosis is the most common presentation of human active disease although its prevalence varies widely. The three most common forms of osteoarticular involvement are sacroiliitis, spondylitis, and peripheral arthritis. The molecular mechanisms implicated in bone damage have been recently elucidated. B. abortus induces bone damage through diverse mechanisms in which TNF-α and the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL)-the natural modulator of bone homeostasis are involved. These processes are driven by inflammatory cells, like monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, Th17 CD4+ T, and B cells. In addition, Brucella abortus has a direct effect on osteoarticular cells and tilts homeostatic bone remodeling. These bacteria inhibit bone matrix deposition by osteoblasts (the only bone cells involved in bone deposition), and modify the phenotype of these cells to produce matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cytokine secretion, contributing to bone matrix degradation. B. abortus also affects osteoclasts (cells naturally involved in bone resorption) by inducing an increase in osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activation; thus, increasing mineral and organic bone matrix resorption, contributing to bone damage. Given that the pathology induced by Brucella species involved joint tissue, experiments conducted on synoviocytes revealed that besides inducing the activation of these cells to secrete chemokines, proinflammatory cytokines and MMPS, the infection also inhibits synoviocyte apoptosis. Brucella is an intracellular bacterium that replicates preferentially in the endoplasmic reticulum of macrophages. The analysis of B. abortus-infected synoviocytes indicated that bacteria also replicate in their reticulum suggesting that they could use this cell type for intracellular replication during the osteoarticular localization of the disease. Finally, the molecular mechanisms of osteoarticular brucellosis discovered recently shed light on how the interaction between B. abortus and immune and osteoarticular cells may play an important role in producing damage in joint and bone.Fil: Giambartolomei, Guillermo Hernan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo; ArgentinaFil: Arriola Benitez, Paula Constanza. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo; ArgentinaFil: Delpino, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Inmunología, Genética y Metabolismo; Argentin

    Random walk with barriers: Diffusion restricted by permeable membranes

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    Restrictions to molecular motion by barriers (membranes) are ubiquitous in biological tissues, porous media and composite materials. A major challenge is to characterize the microstructure of a material or an organism nondestructively using a bulk transport measurement. Here we demonstrate how the long-range structural correlations introduced by permeable membranes give rise to distinct features of transport. We consider Brownian motion restricted by randomly placed and oriented permeable membranes and focus on the disorder-averaged diffusion propagator using a scattering approach. The renormalization group solution reveals a scaling behavior of the diffusion coefficient for large times, with a characteristically slow inverse square root time dependence. The predicted time dependence of the diffusion coefficient agrees well with Monte Carlo simulations in two dimensions. Our results can be used to identify permeable membranes as restrictions to transport in disordered materials and in biological tissues, and to quantify their permeability and surface area.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; origin of dispersion clarified, refs adde

    25 years of epidermal stem cell research.

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    This is a chronicle of concepts in the field of epidermal stem cell biology and a historic look at their development over time. The past 25 years have seen the evolution of epidermal stem cell science, from first fundamental studies to a sophisticated science. The study of epithelial stem cell biology was aided by the ability to visualize the distribution of stem cells and their progeny through lineage analysis studies. The excellent progress we have made in understanding epidermal stem cell biology is discussed in this article. The challenges we still face in understanding epidermal stem cells include defining molecular markers for stem and progenitor sub-populations, determining the locations and contributions of the different stem cell niches, and mapping regulatory pathways of epidermal stem cell proliferation and differentiation. However, our rapidly evolving understanding of epidermal stem cells has many potential uses that promise to translate into improved patient therapy

    Getting “Just Deserts” or Seeing the “Silver Lining”: The Relation between Judgments of Immanent and Ultimate Justice

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    People can perceive misfortunes as caused by previous bad deeds (immanent justice reasoning) or resulting in ultimate compensation (ultimate justice reasoning). Across two studies, we investigated the relation between these types of justice reasoning and identified the processes (perceptions of deservingness) that underlie them for both others (Study 1) and the self (Study 2). Study 1 demonstrated that observers engaged in more ultimate (vs. immanent) justice reasoning for a "good" victim and greater immanent (vs. ultimate) justice reasoning for a "bad" victim. In Study 2, participants' construals of their bad breaks varied as a function of their self-worth, with greater ultimate (immanent) justice reasoning for participants with higher (lower) self-esteem. Across both studies, perceived deservingness of bad breaks or perceived deservingness of ultimate compensation mediated immanent and ultimate justice reasoning respectively. © 2014 Harvey and Callan

    You Reap What You Plant: Social Networks in the Arab World – The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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    The aim of this paper is threefold. First, to describe the general evolution of bonding and bridging social capital in Jordan. Second, to explore the role of state policies in affecting the various forms of social capital. Finally, to analyze how poverty and economic reform influence the extent and nature of social capital. Social networks, a crucial element of social capital, and cleavages are strongly affected by political and economic dislocations. The former include wars and civil wars, while the latter include state policies and economic conditions. Thus wasta, an old but still significant form of social capital in the Arab World, becomes helpful in good times but destructive in bad times. Successful economic reform requires a good understanding of the nature of social relations and of the ways in which social networks themselves are used by members during good times and bad times for both survival and advancement