208 research outputs found

    El inicio del desarrollo de la tradición del adúltero confeso en el Islam. Un análisis de Isnād y Matn

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    This article applies isnād and matn criticism to traditions relating to the punishment of the self-confessed adulterer in Islam. Above all, it attempts to trace the relevant traditions to their earliest source, who, in the autthor’s view, is Ibn Shihāb al-Zuhrī. The article goes on to discuss the possible contents of this original source, which was apparentlly void of references to the personal name of the adulterer and provisions for his sanity and iḥṣān. The role of ‘Abd al-Razzāq al-Ṣan‘ānī in the elaboration of the matn comes under scrutiny. Later regional and personal variants of the original ḥadīṯ are analyzed in some detail. In its concluding section the article studies the provision for a fourfold confession by the adulterer. The author cites sources attesting to a controversy between ‘Abd al-Razzāq and Abū Dāwūd al-Ṭayālisī concerning the number of confessions needeed for the infliction of rajm.Este artículo aplica la crítica del isnād y el matn a las tradiciones relacionadas con el castigo del adúltero confeso en el Islam. Ante todo, intenta seguir la pista de las tradiciones relevantes hasta su fuente más temprana que es, en opinión del autor, Ibn Šhihāb al-Zuhrī. A continuación, el artículo trata de averiguar los posibles contenidos de esta primera versión, que aparentemente carecía de referencias al nombre personal del adúltero o de alguna comprobación en cuanto a su estado mental e iḥṣān. Se examina el papel de ‘Abd al-Razzāq al-Ṣan‘ānī en la elaboración del matn y se analizan en detalle algunas versiones posteriores, tanto regionales como personales, del ḥadīṯ original. En su parte final, el artículo estudia el requisito de la necesidad de una confesión cuádruple por parte del adúltero. El autor aporta fuentes que dan fe de una controversia entre ‘Abd al-Razzāq y Abū Dāwūd al-Ṭayālisī sobre el número de confesiones necesarias para la imposición de raŷm

    El origen del isnād y la revuelta de al-Mujtār b. Abī ‘Ubayd en Kūfa (66-7/685-7)

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    During the past century of oriental studies, the question of when and where Muslim traditions (ḥadīth, pl. aḥādīth) came to be propped up with validating lines of transmission (isnād, pl. asānīd) has attracted a considerable amount of scholarly attention, for its bearing on the key issue of the historicity of ḥadīth. In this essay, I review the existing theories about the origin of the isnād, which alternate between the lifetime of the Prophet’s Companions and the end of the second century AH/c. 816 CE. Based on a hitherto largely overlooked tradition and two general methodological premises, I associate the inception of corroborative attribution to past authorities in legal and theological ḥadīth with the aftermath of al-Mukhtār b. Abī ʿUbayd al-Thaqafī’s revolt in Kūfa (66-7/685-7). Over the course of the second/eighth century, the isnād institution spread out across the major centers of learning in the caliphate and entered the field of historical reports. Such geographical and typological unevenness of the isnād’s evolution gave rise to conflicting theories about its chronology.Durante el último siglo de estudios orientales, la cuestión de cuándo y dónde llegaron a consolidarse las tradiciones proféticas (ḥadīṯ, pl. aḥādīṯ) con líneas válidas de transmisión (isnād, pl. asānīd) ha atraído la atención de un considerable número de investigadores que se dedicaron a la cuestión fundamental de la historicidad del ḥadīṯ. En este trabajo, revisaré las teorías existentes sobre los orígenes del isnād, orígenes que se datan o bien en la vida de los Compañeros del Profeta, o bien a finales del siglo II de la hégira, es decir 816 d.C. Basándome en una hasta ahora olvidada tradición y en dos premisas de tipo metodológico, asociaré el comienzo de la atribución de autoridad en hadices legales y teológicos con las postrimerías de la revuelta de al-Mujtār b. Abī ‘Ubayd al-Ṯaqafī en Kūfa (66-7/685-7). En el curso del siglo II/VIII, la institución del isnād se expandió por los mayors centros de enseñanza en el califato y entró en la disciplina de la historia. Esta falta de igualdad geográfica y tipológica de la evolución del isnād dio lugar a esas teorías conflictivas respecto a su cronología

    Time Data Sequential Processor /TDSP/

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    Time Data Sequential Processor /TDSP/ computer program provides preflight predictions for lunar trajectories from injection to impact, and for planetary escape trajectories for up to 100 hours from launch. One of the major options TDSP performs is the determination of tracking station view periods

    Le langage enfantin: Acquisition du serbe et du français par un enfant serbe

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    At head of title: Milivoïe Pavlovitch."Bibliographie": p. 181-189.Mode of access: Internet

    Identification of conditions for nanostructured burnishing and subsurface shear instability

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    Numerical as well as physical modeling of nanostructuring burnishing has been carried out to find out the process parameter limiting levels, which serve both to provide appropriate surface quality and positive deformation-induced structural modification of the subsurface layers as well as to avoid shear instability in the subsurface layers of burnished metal. The effects of load, burnishing speed, tool tip material, tool pass number and tribological transfer on the burnished surface roughness have been elucidated by the example of quenched and tempered steel 20X (EN 20Cr4). It was shown that overloading results in quasi-viscous flow of the subsurface material, deterioration of the surface and ruining the positive effect of nanostructuring burnishing

    Предрассудки, разрушающие право

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    The review considers the article “Axioms that destroy the law,” dedicated to the decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the case of the legality of the refusal of the Russian authorities to register marriage between three same-sex couples. The author of the peer-reviewed article justifies his criticism of this decision with new axiomatics, that is, some postulates taken without proof, from which, in his opinion, the ECHR proceeds. The proposed review shows that such axiomatics in the Ruling of the Court are not observed either in an open — direct, textually expressed — form, or in a hidden, indirectly meaning extracted from the decision. On the contrary, the Court proves its original premises by inviting the Russian authorities to substantiate the harm that, in their opinion, might arise if a legal institute of same-sex unions were introduced in the country, and also calls for finding a fair balance between the public interests and the interests of the applicants. At the same time, the Court does not insist on the decision of the authorities unpopular in the country’s public opinion on the recognition of same-sex marriages in Russia. The review proposes finding common grounds for compromises between supporters and opponents of same-sex unions: as such, the author offers well-known legal axioms of equality, respect for human dignity. He also justifies that real harm to legal principles in the country is caused by existing public prejudices, and not by new axioms, which, moreover, have not been found in the decision of the ECHR yet.Рассматривается статья М. А. Краснова «Аксиомы, разрушающие право», посвященная решению Европейского суда по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) по делу о правомерности отказа российских властей в регистрации брачных отношений трем однополым парам. М. А. Краснов обосновывает свою критику данного решения новой аксиоматикой, т. е. некоторыми принимаемыми без доказательства постулатами, из которых, по его мнению, исходит ЕСПЧ. В данной статье показывается, что такой аксиоматики в постановлении суда не наблюдается ни в открытом — прямом, текстуально выраженном — виде, ни в скрытом, косвенно извлекаемом из решения значении. Напротив, Суд доказывает свои исходные посылки приглашением властей России обосновать вред, который может, по их мнению, возникнуть в случае введения в стране юридического института однополых союзов, а также призывает найти справедливый баланс между общественными интересами и интересами заявителей. При этом Суд не настаивает на непопулярном в общественном мнении страны решении о признании однополых браков в России. В статье предлагается отыскать общие основания для поиска компромиссов сторонников и противников однополых союзов: в качестве таковых предлагаются известные правовые аксиомы равноправия, уважения человеческого достоинства и обосновывается, что реальный вред правовым началам в стране наносится имеющимися общественными предрассудками, а не новыми аксиомами, которые к тому же еще и не удалось отыскать в решении ЕСПЧ

    Modelling the effects of benthic fauna on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in the Baltic Sea

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    Even though the effects of benthic fauna on aquatic biogeochemistry have been long recognized, few studies have addressed the combined effects of animal bioturbation and metabolism on ecosystem-level carbon and nutrient dynamics. Here we merge a model of benthic fauna (BMM) into a physical-biogeochemical ecosystem model (BALTSEM) to study the long-term and large-scale effects of benthic fauna on nutrient and carbon cycling in the Baltic Sea. We include both the direct effects of faunal growth and metabolism and the indirect effects of its bioturbating activities on biogeochemical fluxes of and transformations between organic and inorganic forms of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and oxygen (0). Analyses of simulation results from the Baltic Proper and Gulf of Riga indicate that benthic fauna makes up a small portion of seafloor active organic stocks (on average 1%-4 % in 2000-2020) but contributes considerably to benthic-pelagic fluxes of inorganic C (23%-31%), N (42%-51%) and P (25 %-34 %) through its metabolism. Results also suggest that the relative contribution of fauna to the mineralization of sediment organic matter increases with increasing nutrient loads. Further, through enhanced sediment oxygenation, bioturbation decreases benthic denitrification and increases P retention, the latter having far-reaching consequences throughout the ecosystem. Reduced benthic-pelagic P fluxes lead to a reduction in N fixation and primary production, lower organic matter sedimentation fluxes, and thereby generally lower benthic stocks and fluxes of C, N and P. This chain of effects through the ecosystem overrides the local effects of faunal respiration, excretion and bioturbation. Due to large uncertainties related to the parameterization of benthic processes, we consider this modelling study a first step towards disentangling the complex ecosystem-scale effects of benthic fauna on biogeochemical cycling.Peer reviewe

    Activity of comets: Gas Transport in the Near-Surface Porous Layers of a Cometary Nucleus

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    The gas transport through non-volatile random porous media is investigated numerically. We extend our previous research of the transport of molecules inside the uppermost layer of a cometary surface (Skorov and Rickmann, 1995; Skorov et al. 2001). We assess the validity of the simplified capillary model and its assumptions to simulate the gas flux trough the porous dust mantle as it has been applied in cometary physics. A new microphysical computational model for molecular transport in random porous media formed by packed spheres is presented. The main transport characteristics such as the mean free path distribution and the permeability are calculated for a wide range of model parameters and compared with those obtained by more idealized models. The focus in this comparison is on limitations inherent in the capillary model. Finally a practical way is suggested to adjust the algebraic Clausing formula taking into consideration the nonlinear dependence of permeability on layer porosity. The retrieved dependence allows us to accurately calculate the permeability of layers whose thickness and porosity vary in the range of values expected for the near-surface regions of a cometary nucleus.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure