480 research outputs found

    Detecting influential transcription factors using linear models

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    Transkriptsioonifaktorite tuvastamine on aktuaalne probleem molekulaarbioloogias. Tänapäeval võimaldavad erinevad tehnoloogilised saavutused jälgida rakus toimuvaid protsesse, kuigi nende analüüs ei ole triviaalne ülesanne, mis vajab erinevate teaduste kaasamist. Töös kirjeldatakse lineaarsete mudelite kasutamise võimalusi oluliste transkriptsioonifaktorite tuvastamiseks mikrokiibi andmetest. Lineaarse mudeli parameetreid võib käsitleda kui transkriptsioonifaktorite olulisust määravaid näitajaid. Töös on vaadeldud erinevad lineaarregressiooni meetodid koos nende iseärasuste põhjaliku kirjeldusega ning on analüüsitud nende sobivus bioloogiliseks rakenduseks.With the recent development of the high throughput DNA microarray technology, it became possible to measure the levels of gene activity on a large scale. The data collected from a microarray usually requires sophisticated analysis involving biological knowledge and the application of statistical techniques. In this work the problem of inferring ‘influential’ transcription factors from microarray data using linear models is addressed. Linear models are easy to understand and are able to produce interpretable solutions. The state-of-the-art methods for solving linear regression problems and their applicability to biological data are described in the paper

    Some Issues of the Quality Control System Development for Telecommunications Services

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    Разработка Web-портала

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    Traditionally, a portal denotes a gate, a door, or entrance. In the context of th

    Cultural and Chronological Complexes of the Beryozovaya Griva I Settlement in the Lower Kama Region

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    The article analyzes the materials of one of the multilayer settlement monuments of the Primeval period, located in the Lower Kama region – Beryozovaya Griva I settlement. The materials of the settlement trace back several stages of its functioning. The earliest stage belongs to the Late Neolithic. The ceramic complex of the early stage by its formal-typological features belongs to the Kama Neolithic culture. In the Late Chalcolithic the site was developed by the bearers of Garin culture. The functioning of the site in the Late Bronze Age was associated with the bearers of Srubnaya and Lugovoy cultures ceramics, as well as ceramics of the Atabayevo stage of the Maklasheyevka culture. The final functioning of the Beryozovaya Griva I settlement should probably be associated with the presence of the population of the Ananyino cultural and historical areal in the Lower Kama region. Thus, the functioning of the Beryozovaya Griva I settlement, probably with some interruptions, continued from the middle of the V millennium BC up to the I millennium BC

    Research model robot-hexapod under static and dynamic loads

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    In the paper the stress-strain state of hexapod robot is considered in order to clarify its dynamical characteristics. Full-size model of hexapod robot is built in the SolidWorks program complex. The state of the robot was analyzed in an extremely dangerous location at static loading. Dynamic analysis was conducted to clarify oscillation of the support unit in the robot’s construction. The results of the survey show that such robot design cannot be used in the environments with the vibrating background below 5 Hz

    Reflective array with controlled focusing for radiotomographic application

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    It's considered the principle possibility of creation the managed reflectors for formulation of given field distribution in the focus area. Reflectors change the reflect ratio in dependence of the external control. The proposed theoretical modeling of such controlled focused device which provides focuse to a specific point in a given distribution of the reflectors. On the basis of numerical simulation it's considered the application of this approach for the solution of the problem of radiotomography

    Radiotomographic system construction on the basis of multi-elemental reflective array

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    The authors propose a solution of the problem of radiovision using the reflective array, each element of which can change the reflection coefficient under the action of external control voltage. The focusing abilities of flat reflection array of monochromatic radiation were studied to solve the problem of radiovision. The array element based on waveguide with a controlled reflection coefficient was developed. The phase shift switching is 180°

    Remote ultra-wideband tomography of nonlinear electronic components

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    The efficiency of using ultra-wideband (UWB) signals for nonlinear radar is investigated. In the case at hand, it is necessary to see, based on scattered field disturbances, whether nonlinear inclusions are present in the field of view. The solution suggested is to compare the shapes of UWB signals reflected from the probe area under two conditions: an additional generator irradiating the probe area by intense monochromatic radiation is switched on and off. If a nonlinear electronic component is present in the probe area, the reflected UWB signals differ in shape. Thus, the difference in the shapes of the signals indicates the presence of a component with a nonlinear characteristic

    Wave tomography

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